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Higher Education and MDACT English portion


LEC: SIR Ehsan Salar

M.Phil. English linguistics


Error Finding Tenses: Exercise on Tenses (With answers and Explanations)

Directions: In these questions, read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it.
The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer, if
there is no error, the answer is (D). (Ignore errors of Punctuation, if any.)

Q1. After you will return (A)/ from Quetta (B) / I will come to meet you. (C) / No error. (D)

Q2. My father (A)/ has left (B) /for Karachi last Saturday. (C) /No error. (D)

Q3. I used to study (A) /till 10 pm and (B) /and then I go to bed. (C) /No error. (D)

Q4. Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied (A)/ for years, but only recently
has (B)/ the harmful effects of noise pollution become known(C)/. No error (D)

Q5. The judge asked the man (A)/ if the bag he had lost (B)/ contain five thousand rupees
(C)/No error (D)
Q6 He did not start new class yet

Q7. The ministry was considered several proposals (A)/ for the development of small and
medium enterprises (B)/during Budget discussions. (C)/No error (D)

Q8. Having work(A)/ in both public and private sector banks(B)/she is the most suitable
person to take over the post of the chairman.(C)/No error(D)

Q9. He started a very small business two years ago (A)/ but it grew very fast (B)/as the
country is experiencing a boom at that time. (C)/No error(D)

Q10. Keeping in mind the current market conditions (A)/ it has better for us (B)/ to invest in
the infrastructure structure. (C)/No error(D)

Q11. Since I had lived there for many years(A)/the villagers were very comfortable(B)/ talked
to me about all their problems.(C)/No error(D)

Q12. Our equipment gets (A)/ damage very often in summer (B)/ because there are too many
power cuts. (C)/No error (D)

Q13. Most children liked to rest in the afternoon (A)/ after they returned from school (B)/but
my son seems to have an inexhaustible source of energy. (C)/No error (D)

Q14. The cutting down on costs(A)/was the main reason for the firm to survive (B)/ during the
difficult period. (C)/No error (D)

Q15. I will go (A)/ for the swimming classes tomorrow (B)/ if I have recovered from fever.
(C)/No error. (D)

Q16. The principal announced (A)/ in the school assembly that the school fees (B)/ will be
hiked from the beginning of the next academic session. (C)/No error(D)

Q17. The terrorist did not(A)/confessed his crime even till the very end (B)/of his trail and
said he was innocent.(C)/No error (D)

Q18. If the industrial sector continues to grow(A)/ at the same rate for the next few
months(B)/ I think it has a high growth rate this year.(C)/No error (D)

Q19. Results find that boys (A)/ played not only more than girls(B)/ but also performed
better in many fields.(C)/No error (D)
Q20. Celebrating his ten long years in the film industry (A)/the actor announce that he would
be doing a new show (B)/on television which would be done completely free of cost.(C)/No
error (D)

Q21. Had I known (A)/ the weather forecast earlier (B)/I would not make plans to go out. (C)/
No error (D)

Q22. If you to talk to her on this sensitive matter(A)/ it is probable(B)/ that she will not listen
to you at all.(C)/ No error (D)

Q23. On many occasions (A)/we did helped the poor (B)/ people by way of giving them food
to eat and clothes to put on. (C)/ No error (D)

Q24. The new year party continued (A)/till midnight as more and more(B)/ guests join in the
fun and frolic.(C)/ No error (D)

Q25. The market continues to be positive (A)/ and we expected the trend (B)/ to continue in
the next quarter also. (C)/No error (D)

Q26. Big landlords in the villages(A)/ who were till now paid for electricity(B)/ at subsidized
rates will soon have to pay the government at full rates.(C)/ No error

Q27. The new vaccination will help (A)/ in prevent the disease (B)/ to spread to other parts of
the body. (C)/No error (D)

Q28. A sharp rise in the prices of petrol (A)/ has lead to an increase (B)/ in the prices of all
the commodities. (C)/No error (D)

Q29. Dressed in a beautiful blue gown (A)/ the little girl eagerly waits for her father to return
(B)/ so that she could cut the cake.(C)/No error (D)

Q31. The High Court on Thursday (A)/ ban running of diesel run vehicles (B)/including small
vehicles in the eco sensitive zone.(C)/No error (D)

Q32. If everything go well(A)/,the examination scheduled for next month(B)/ will be

conducted without any disruptions.(C)/No error (D)

Q33. The pain ease away after the surgery (A)/ and slowly the stitch marks (B)/ also vanished.
(C)/No error (D)

Q34. They have recently began (A)/ to purchase furniture for their new house (B)/ which is
being constructed in Poona.(C)/No error (D)
Q35. Many international companies are invested (A)/ in India as India is (B)/one of the
world's fastest growing economies.(C)/No error(D)

Q36. He is suffering from severe back ache (A)/ since Monday as he has been working (B)/on
the computer for at least eight hours a day. (C) / No error (D)

Q37. Most of the students from Pinnacle (A)/have successful in reaching (B)/the second level
of the competition.(C)/No error(D)

Q38. Workers struggle to build (A)/ the bridge after the bridge was (B)/damaged last night.
(C)/No error (D)

Q39. The newspaper which does not accept advertisements and is fund entirely (A)/ by
donations describes itself as the (B)/ most popular newspaper on the planet. (C)/No error (D)

Q40. The members of the musical group have (A) /accepted that they have been contributing
money from their pockets (B)/ in the initial years to meet the expenses of the group. (C)/No
error (D)

Q41. I took my children to watch (A)/ some children's films (B)/being screen in the city.
(C)/No error (D)

Q42. The principal of the school (A)/does not believe that the teachers (B)/are working hard
all these years. (C)/No error (D)

Q43. I remember in my youth I was used (A)/to go with my father to his shop and looked (B)/
into his account books(C)/No error(D)

Q44. I missed the last bus which I usually catch (A)/and have to stay back (B)/at the bus stop
last night. (C)/No error (D)

Q45. Why does he worry (A)/ over petty matters and issues (B)/ is not known even to his
parents. (C)/No error(D)

Q46. Leaders enable a group by imagining (A)/and create a future (B)/ which will fulfill the
purpose of the group.(C)/No error(D)

Q47. Her goal is to win a gold medal (A)/in the Asian games and (B)/made her country proud.
(C)/No error(D)

Q48. He firmly belief that (A)/ if any disease is detected early then (B)/ it can be cured by
yoga.(C)/No error(D)
Q49. Ramesh takes charge of (A)/ the project within a few days(B)/ of appointment. (C)/No

Q50. Economists have predicted that (A)/ the country's economic growth (B)/falls low to
eight per cent this year.(C)/No error(D)

Error Finding Tenses: Answers with explanations.

Q1 After you will return (A)/ from Mumbai (B) / I will come to meet you. (C) / No error. (D)

Answer A

Explanation - Remove will. Do not use will after time clause.

Q2 My father (A)/ has left (B) /for Bombay last Saturday. (C) /No error. (D)

Answer b

Explanation –It is clearly mentioned that the activity is of last Saturday use simple past in part
b. So remove has.

Q3 I used to study (A) /till 10 pm and (B) /and then I go to bed. (C) /No error. (D)

Answer C

Explanation - ‘Used to’ is used for past habitual action. In part c change go to went.

Q4 Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied (A)/ for years, but only recently
has (B)/ the harmful effects of

noise pollution become known(C)/. No error.(D)

Answer B

Explanation - use have instead of has as harmful effects of noise pollution is plural.

Q5 The judge asked the man (A)/ if the bag he had lost (B)/ contain five thousand rupees
(C)/No error (D)

Answer C

Explanation- Replace contain by contained as the sentence is in past tense.

Q6 As you can see(A)/ by my visiting card (B)/that now I am in Mumbai.(C)/No error (D)
Answer d (no error)

Q7 The ministry was considered several proposals (A)/ for the development of small and
medium enterprises (B)/during

Budget discussions. (C)/No error (D)

Answer A

Explanation - Use simple past tense. (The ministry considered several proposals)

Q8 Having work (A)/ in both public and private sector banks(B)/she is the most suitable
person to take over the post of the chairman.(C)/No error(D)

Answer A

Explanation- Replace work by worked as the sentence is of past tense.

Q9 He started a very small business two years ago (A)/ but it grew very fast (B)/as the
country is experiencing a boom at that time.(C)/No error(D)

Answer C

Explanation-The sentence is of past tense. So use was experiencing.

Q10 Keeping in mind the current market conditions (A)/ it has better for us (B)/ to invest in
the infrastructure structure. (C)/No error (D)

Answer B

Explanation-Replace it has better for us by it is better for us. The sentence is in present tense.

Q11 Since I had lived there for many years(A)/the villagers were very comfortable(B)/ talked
to me about all their problems.(C)/No error(D)

Answer C

Explanation-Use talking instead of talked as the latter part of the sentence is in past
continuous tense.

Q12 Our equipment gets (A)/ damage very often in summer (B)/ because there are too many
power cuts. (C)/No error (D)

Answer B
Explanation-Use damaged instead of damage as the sentence is in passive voice. Third form
of the verb is used in passive voice.

Q13 Most children liked to rest in the afternoon (A)/ after they returned from school (B)/but
my son seems to have an inexhaustible source of energy. (C)/No error (D)

Answer C

Explanation- replace seems by seemed as the sentence is in past tense.

Q14 The cutting down on costs (A)/was the main reason for the firm to survive (B)/even
during a very difficult period. (C)/No error (D)

Answer D (No error)

Q15 I will go (A)/ for the swimming classes tomorrow (B)/ if I have recovered from fever.
(C)/No error. (D)

Answer C

Explanation – If I have recovered is to be replaced by if I recover. Sentences of future

beginning with if should be in simple present.

Q16 The principal announced (A)/ in the school assembly that the school fees (B)/ will be
hiked from the beginning of the next academic session. (C)/No error(D)

Answer C

Explanation – replace will by would. (The sentence is in indirect speech)

Q17 The terrorist did not (A)/ confessed his crime even till the very end (B)/of his trail and
said that he was innocent.(C) /No error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – replace confessed by confess. (We use first form of the verb with did.)

Q18 If the industrial sector continues to grow(A)/ at the same rate for the next few
months(B)/ I think it has a high growth rate this year. (C)/No error (D)

Answer C

Explanation – replace I think it has by it will have as it is of the future tense.

Q19 Results find that boys (A)/ played not only more than girls (B)/ but also performed
better in many fields. (C)/No error (D)

Answer A

Explanation – replace find by found as the sentence is of past tense.

Q20 Celebrating his ten long years in the film industry (A)/the actor announce that he would
be doing a new show (B)/on television which would be done completely free of cost. (C)/No
error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – replace announce by announced as the sentence is of past tense.

Q21 Had I known (A)/ the weather forecast earlier (B)/I would not make plans to go out. (C)/
No error (D)

Answer C

Explanation – replace would not make by would not have made. ( for imaginary sentences of
the past tense would have and third form of the verb is used)

Q22 If you are to talk to her on this sensitive matter(A)/ it is probable(B)/ that she will not
listen to you at all.(C)/ No error (D)

Answer D

Q23 On many occasions (A)/we did helped the poor (B)/ people by way of giving them food
to eat and clothes to put on. (C)/ No error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – Remove did

Q24 The new year party continued (A)/till midnight as more and more(B)/ guests join in the
fun and frolic.(C)/ No error (D)

Answer C

Explanation – replace join by joined as the sentence is of past tense.

Q25 The market continues to be positive (A)/ and we expected the trend (B)/ to continue in
the next quarter also. (C)/No error (D)
Answer B

Explanation – replace expect by expect as the latter part of the sentence is of future tense.

Q26 Big landlords in the villages(A)/ who were till now paid for electricity(B)/ at subsidized
rates will soon have to pay the government at full rates. (C)/ No error

Answer B

Explanation – replace paid by paying as the sentence is of past continuous tense.

Q27 The new vaccination will help (A)/ in prevent the disease (B)/ to spread to other parts of
the body. (C)/No error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – replace prevent by preventing (We use the verb + ing after all prepositions
except to)

Q28 A sharp rise in the prices of petrol (A)/ has lead to an increase (B)/ in the prices of all the
commodities. (C)/No error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – replace lead by led. With has/have and had third form of the verb is used.
(lead, led led)

Q29 Dressed in a beautiful blue gown (A)/ the little girl eagerly waits for her father to return
(B)/ so that she could cut the cake.(C)/No error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – Replace waits by waited as the sentence is in past tense.

Q30 The High Court on Thursday (A)/ ban running of diesel run vehicles (B)/including small
vehicles in the eco sensitive zone.(C)/No error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – Replace ban by banned as the sentence is in past tense.

Q32 If everything go well(A)/,the examination scheduled for next month(B)/ will be

conducted without any disruptions.(C)/No error (D)
Answer A

Explanation – Replace go by goes. Everything is considered singular so goes will be used and
not go.

Q33 The pain ease away after the surgery (A)/ and slowly the stitch marks (B)/ also vanished.
(C)/No error (D)

Answer A

Explanation – Replace ease by eased as the sentence is in past tense.

Q34 They have recently began (A)/ to purchase furniture for their new house (B)/ which is
being constructed in Poona.(C)/No error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – replace began by begun .With has/have/had third form of the verb is used.
(begin, began,begun)

Q35 Many international companies are invested (A)/ in India as India is (B)/one of the
world's fastest growing economies.(C)/No error(D)

Answer A

Explanation – Replace invested by investing. (The sentence is in present continuous tense)

Q36 He is suffering from severe back ache (A)/ since Monday as he has been working (B)/on
the computer for at least eight hours a day. (C) / No error (D)

Answer A

Explanation – Replace is suffering by has been suffering. (The sentence is in present perfect
continuous tense)

Q37 Most of the students from Pinnacle (A)/have successful in reaching (B)/the second level
of the competition.(C)/No error(D)

Answer B

Explanation – Replace successful by succeeded. With has/have/had third form of the verb is
Q38 Workers struggle to build (A)/ the bridge after the bridge was (B)/damaged last night.
(C)/No error (D)

Answer A

Explanation – Replace struggle by struggled.

Q39 The newspaper which does not accept advertisements and is fund entirely (A)/ by
donations describes itself as the (B)/ most popular newspaper on the planet. (C)/No error (D)

Answer A

Explanation – Replace fund by funded. The sentence is in passive voice. Third form of the verb
is used in passive voice.

Q40 The members of the musical group have (A) /accepted that they have been contributing
money from their pockets (B)/ in the initial years to meet the expenses of the group. (C)/No
error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – Replace have been contributing by had been contributing. (The sentence is in
past perfect continuous tense)

Q41 I took my children to watch (A)/ some children's films (B)/being screen in the city.
(C)/No error (D)

Answer C

Explanation – Replace screen by screened.

Q42 The principal of the school (A)/does not believe that the teachers (B)/are working hard
all these years. (C)/No error (D)

Answer C

Explanation – Replace are working by have been contributing. (The sentence is in present
perfect continuous tense)

Q43 I remember in my youth I was used (A)/to go with my father to his shop and looked (B)/
into his account books (C)/No error(D)

Answer A
Explanation –Remove was. ‘Used to’ is used for past habitual action.

Q44 I missed the last bus which I usually catch (A)/and have to stay back (B)/at the bus stop
last night. (C)/No error (D)

Answer B

Explanation – Replace have by had.

Q45 Why does he worry (A)/ over petty matters and issues (B)/ is not known even to his
parents. (C)/No error(D)

Answer A

Explanation- Remove does. The sentence is not in interrogative pattern.In interrogative

pattern the wh word is followed by the helping verb. But in simple assertive sentences the
subject is used before the Helping Verb.

Q46 Leaders enable a group by imagining (A)/and create a future (B)/ which will fulfill the
purpose of the group. (C)/No error(D)

Answer B

Explanation – Replace create by creating.

Q47 Her goal is to win a gold medal (A)/in the Asian games and (B)/made her country proud.
(C)/No error(D)

Answer B

Explanation – Replace made by make.

Q48 He firmly belief that (A)/ if any disease is detected early then (B)/ it can be cured by
yoga. (C)/No error(D)

Answer A

Explanation – Replace belief by believes

Q49 Ramesh takes charge of (A)/ the project within a few days(B)/ of appointment. (C)/No

Answer A
Explanation – replace takes by took As the sentence is in past tense.

Q50 Economists have predicted that (A)/ the country's economic growth (B)/falls low to
eight per cent this year. (C)/No error(D)

Answer C

Explanation – replace falls by will fall as the sentence is in future tense.

Subject verb agreement

If two nouns are joined with and. They work in pair will
be followed by singer verb
Rice and curry is my favorite dish.

Bread and butter is healthy food.

Rice and chickpeas was given to me in food

Bread and butter is sold here

Rules no 2 refer the same person

My friend, teacher and guide have come to meet me.

Article the an \ a

Possessive adjective my your his our their

The principle and director has denoted some money.

The principle and the director have denoted some money.

My friend and brother is very kind.

My friend and my brother are very kind.

Rule no 3:

Nothing but teacher was there.

Nothing but teachers was there.

Nobody but my students have planned for the birthday.

Rule no 4:
Many students have qualified the exams

A good many students have quailed the exam

A great many students have qualified the exam.

A great many people live here.

A good many teachers do no teach in private academies.

Many a student has qualified the exam.

Many a person likes your method of teaching.

Rule no5

A good deal of students were there.

A good deal of banks are closed today.

A great deal of

A good deal of =much

The amount of
A good deal of banks are closed today

A good deal of money is need for this project.

A number of

A large number of = many

A number of students have come.

A large number of banks are closed today.

A number of money is spent on project.

A large of number of human visits zoo and makes difficult to


> The number of

Noun plural verb singular.

The numbers of crimes have been increased in Quetta.

The number of banks are closed today.

Along with

As well as

Together with




Noun + preposition+ noun + verb singular

I as well as my friends are going to attend the party.

Teacher along with his all students have come to academy

The political leaders as well as his followers are going on hunger


My mother with my two younger brothers are going to Quetta to

meet my father.

All the people living in this house including servant was invited to

I unlike my brother is serious about studies

I like my friends are in very critical condition.

She like are sisters are not beautiful.

Rule >

More than one boys were present in the class.

More than two boys were present in the class.

More than one + singular noun + singular verb.

More than two +noun plural+ verb plural.

More + plural noun than one + plural verb.

More boys than one were present.

More houses than one are vacant here.

2) Acquit of>To relieve from a charge of fault, to
declare not guilty

Example - He was acquitted of all the charges levelled

against him.

3) Accuse of> To blame someone for a crime or wrong


Example - She accused me of stealing her handbag.

4) Accede to >To accept a request or proposal

Example- He acceded to my request.

5) Access to
means of reaching, approaching

Example- I have no access to the Prime Minister.

6) Adhere to
stick to

Example- we decided to adhere to the rules of the team.

7) Approve of
give one's approval

Example- Sheetal approved of my proposal in no time.

8) Assent to
Official agreement e.g., to a proposal

Example- The President has given assent to the Bill.

9) Acquaint with
Familiar with

Example- I am not acquainted with this girl.

10) Addicted to
be given to something harmful

Example- He is addicted to alcohol.

11) Assured of
Positive about

Example- I am assured of his help in need.

12) Avail of
take advantage of

Example- Shivani availed herself of this opportunity

and got success.

13) Aloof from

Keep from

Example- Keep aloof from bad people.

14) Abide by
Rules, comply with

Example- You should abide by the rules laid down by

the committee.
15) Admit to

Example- Rohit was admitted to the school on merit.

16) Answer for
explain, account for

Example- You will have to answer for your misdeeds.

17) Account for


Example- You should account for your absence from

the office.

19) Affiliated to
a university or board

Example- Lady Sri Ram college is affiliated to the

Delhi University.

20) Attend to
pay attention to

Example- He did not attend to what his mother advised

21) Agree with
To agree with a person
Example- I do not agree with you.
22) Agree to
To agree to views

Example- He agreed to all my views but his sister did


23) Afflicted with

Disease, problem, mental trouble
Example- India is afflicted with extreme poverty.

24) Act upon

Comply with

Example- Always act upon the advice of your elders.

25) Adapt to
make suitable

Example- You must adapt yourself to new situations to

succeed in life.

26) Accustomed to
Be used to

Example- I am accustomed to eating fruits.

27) Aware of
Know about

Example- I am aware of this fact

28) Beware of

Example- Beware of wild dogs lest you should be

29) Blind in
the eye

Example- His son is blind in right eye and needs major


30) Blind to

Example- We should not be blind to the fault of our


33) Bearing on
relation to

Example- Your speech has no bearing on the subject we

are discussing.

34) Believe in
to have faith

Example- I believe in him because he is honest.

35) Compensate for

give something to make up

Example- He compensated me for the damage to my

36) Cure of
a disease

Example- He is cured of illness after long treatment.

37) Cure for


Example- There is no cure for AIDS yet.

38) Compete with

a person

Example- He will compete with me for the first position

in the college.

39) Conform to
To comply with rules, according to

Example- I conform to the rules of the committee.

40) Cling to
to hold tight

Example- The child was clinging to her mother.

41) Comply with

act in accordance with
Example- You must comply with the rules laid down by
the committee.

42) Condemn to

Example- The accused was condemned to death.

43) Congratulate on

Example- Sahil congratulated his friend on success.

44) Confident of

Example- My sister is always confident of her success.

45) Count on
Depend on

Example- You should never count on unreliable


46) Charge of (n)


Example- Charge of murder was framed against him.

47) Charge with (v)

Example- He was charged with the murder of his


48) Cope with

manage work

Example- My advocate can't cope with heavy court


49) Contribute to
Add to a thing

Example- Every Indian should contribute to the success

of Indian economy.

50) Complain against

(a person)

Example- He complained to the Principal against me.

51) Complain of
(a thing)

Example- The teacher complained of his rude


52) Commit to
a promise, pledge, sentence

Example- He has committed himself to the service of

the society.

54) Consist of

Example- The house consists of four rooms.

55) Disgrace on

Example- He is a disgrace on his family.

56) Dwell on/upon

Speak/write in detail

Example- The teacher dwelt on the need of discipline.

57) Die of
A disease

Example- He died of Malaria after a few days' illness.

58) Die from

Some cause

Example- He died from over work because hard work

had affected his health adversely.
59) Differ with
a person in views

Example- I differ with you on the views of life.

60) Differ from

in something

Example- She differs from me both in habits and looks.

61) Deal in
Trade in

Example- My friend deals in cloth.

62) Deal with

a matter, a person

Example- You must learn how to deal with customers.

63) Dispense with

to remove, to do without

Example- You can't dispense with the use of fan in


64) Dispose of
Example- I shall dispose of my old furniture and buy
new one.

65) Disgust with

Person, life

Example- Being spiritual he is disgusted with materials

lie life.

66) Disgust at
An act

Example- Everyone felt disgusted at his jokes.

67) Embark on
To start a venture, undertake

Example- He has decided to embark on new business


68) Enter into

Alliance, agreement

Example- India and America entered into various


69) Enter on/upon

Example- My brother has decided to enter upon
expansion programme of his business.

70) Enlarge on/upon

Write or say more

Example- I need not enlarge on the problem and waste

your time.

71) Endowed with

Gifted with

Example- His wife is endowed with both charms and


74) Fascinated by
a thing

Example- The children were fascinated by all the toys

in the shop windows.

75) Fascinated with

a person

Example- I was fascinated with her because of her

admirable manners.
Feed on >>>live on
Example- Carnivorous animals feed on flesh.

78) Fond of
liking for

Example- He is fond classical music.

79) For lack of/ For want of/ For short of


Example- For lack of money he could not continue

study further.

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