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Health Promotion Plan






Health Promotion Plan

Considering Texas's obesity rate of 34.8%, which significantly affects low-income

families, this health promotion initiative seeks to lower obesity by encouraging more physical

exercise. The strategy, centered on Harris County, emphasizes evidence-based tactics and

community involvement by utilizing the theory at a glance. The strategy seeks to develop

customized treatments that target the particular requirements of low-income communities,

promoting a healthier and more equitable community. Nonetheless, it achieves this by adhering

to the recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and using resources like the

Community Tool Box. This paper will highlight physical activity as a healthcare promotion

program aimed at reducing obesity among the low-income population in Harris County, Texas.

Target Risk Factor: Obesity

The 34.8% obesity percentage in Texas highlights a severe health problem that has to be

addressed immediately (America's Health Rankings, n.d). This concerning statistic indicates a

population that is more vulnerable to several health issues, including diabetes and cardiovascular

illnesses. Nonetheless, it is essential to address obesity to benefit the general population and the

more extensive healthcare system. Notably, health initiatives may be modified to decrease the

adverse health effects associated with obesity by focusing on this common risk factor (Wadden

et al., 2020). This will help to develop a healthier population and lessen the demand for

healthcare resources. The ability to reduce the burden on the healthcare system and enhance

general population health makes obesity therapies relevant.

Target Population: Low-Income Families

In Texas, where the poverty rate is 13.7%, emphasizing low-income families is essential

to resolving socioeconomic status-related health inequities (America's Health Rankings, n.d.).


Nevertheless, by focusing on this group, interventions can address the issues that economically

disadvantaged people face. Financial challenges often make it challenging to acquire nutritious

food and chances for physical activity, significantly raising the prevalence of health problems in

this group (America's Health Rankings, n.d.). Consequently, increasing equality in healthcare

access is a larger social objective aligned with addressing health inequalities among low-income

families. This focused strategy seeks to lessen the costs carried disproportionately by

economically disadvantaged groups, acknowledging the influence of socioeconomic variables on

health outcomes and advancing an inclusive and accessible healthcare setting.

Geographic Location: Harris County, Texas

The purpose behind selecting Harris County, Texas, as the health promotion plan's

geographic region is to provide a targeted and focused strategy for low-income individuals

(America's Health Rankings, n.d.). Consequently, focusing on a single county makes the strategy

more precise as local health indicators and demography are considered. This focused approach

makes the plan more relevant by guaranteeing that treatments closely correspond with Harris

County's distinct features. The plan's applicability is strengthened, and its potential efficacy is

maximized within the unique community context by its specific emphasis.

Indicator Harris County Data National

Average/Reference Data

Racial/ethnic demographics White - 34.33% (Houston White – 75.5% (U.S. Census


Public Health Data Portal, Bureau quickfacts: United

n.d.). States, n.d.)

African Americans - 19.06% African American- 13.6%

American Indian - 1.25% American Indiana- 1.3%

Asian- 7.26% Asian- 6.3%

Pacific Islander- 0.08% Pacific Islander- 0.3%

Age distribution Under 18-25.84% (Houston Under 18-22.21%

Public Health Data Portal, 18–44 years-35.9%

n.d.). 45–64 years- 25.2%

25+-74.16% 65 and over- 16.8%



Gender distribution 55.7% were male and 44.3% 41.6% -male and 58.4%

were female (Houston Public female

Health Data Portal, n.d)

Socioeconomic status Poverty rate: 13.7 % Poverty rate: 11.5%

(U.S. Census Bureau

QuickFacts: United States,


Physical activity levels 30 minutes/day of moderate- National Average: 25

intensity activity (estimated) minutes/day

Obesity rates 34.8% (Texas average) 30.9% (National average)



By encouraging more physical activity, the objective is to lower the obesity rates among

low-income families in Harris County, Texas, in less than a year (U.S. et al.). Nevertheless, with

a clear emphasis on the target group, the recognized obesity risk factor, and the particular

behavior change of improving physical activity, this goal has been carefully developed. It

reflects the fundamental principles of the intended transformation (Pojednic et al., 2022). The

aim recognizes the localized character of health inequalities and emphasizes the need to

customize treatments to the specific needs of the community by focusing on Harris County and

low-income families. This objective acts as a plan of action for effectively and inclusively

addressing the critical health issue.

Health Promotion Theory or Model: Theory at a Glance

At a glance, the theory developed by the National Institutes of Health of the U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services serves as the basis for the health promotion program.

This theory provides a flexible framework for comprehending and using behavior modification

techniques (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2005). Nonetheless, theory at a

glance provides a comprehensive perspective by combining several health promotion theories,

enabling a customized strategy that is applicable to a range of people and health goals. One of its

main advantages is that it may be easily modified to meet the specific demands of low-income

households. The plan's general efficacy is further enhanced by its focus on evidence-based

approaches, increasing its credibility. In order to promote community support as well as positive

role modeling, the strategy uses theory at a glance's principles on observational learning, social

impact, and self-efficacy. The ultimate objective is to enable members of these communities to

embrace and maintain physical exercise, which aligns with the principles of evidence-based

intervention and the practical implementation of the guide.

Identified Guidelines

USPSTF: Recommendations on community-based interventions to promote physical


Reliable resources, including the Community Tool Box and the U.S. Preventive Services

Task Force (USPSTF), are referred to in the selected guiding theories. In order to encourage

physical activity, the USPSTF offers evidence-based guidelines for community-based

interventions. Using their principles as a reference, interventions might involve establishing

community-wide campaigns, designing programs that address environmental barriers, and

making recreational venues accessible (United States Preventive Services Taskforce, n.d.). The

community toolbox also provides strategies that are specifically designed for low-income groups.

These strategies include recommending methods of community involvement, such as

collaborating with nearby organizations, performing needs assessments, and using culturally

sensitive communication (Community Tool Box, n.d.). These suggestions can inform the design

of interventions that follow evidence-based procedures, ensuring a thorough and focused strategy

to encourage physical activity among low-income families in Harris County, Texas.


The critical problem of obesity among low-income families in Harris County, Texas, is

the focus of this health promotion program. The strategy emphasizes the need for customized

treatments by utilizing the theory at a glance model and focusing on evidence-based techniques

and community participation. In order to empower the community, lower the obesity rate, and

promote a more just and healthy society, the plan uses tools such as the Community Tool Box. It

complies with the recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force.


America's Health Rankings. (n.d.). Explore diabetes in Texas | AHR.

Community Tool Box:

Ebook chapter: Stevenson, M. (2014). Chapter 2: Health behavior change theories and models.

In A. M. Snelling (Ed.), Introduction to health promotion, 1st, ed. (p. 25-46). See the

textbook link in the left main menu.

Houston Public Health Data Portal. (n.d.). Houston public health data Portal : Demographics :

County: Harris.

Islam, K. F., Awal, A., Mazumder, H., Munni, U. R., Majumder, K., Afroz, K., Tabassum, M.

N., & Hossain, M. M. (2023). Social cognitive theory-based health promotion in primary

care practice: A scoping review. Heliyon, 9(4), e14889.

Pojednic, R., D'Arpino, E., Halliday, I., & Bantham, A. (2022). The Benefits of Physical Activity

for People with Obesity, Independent of Weight Loss: A Systematic

Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(9), 4981.

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States. (n.d.). Census Bureau


USPSTF: An Overview | United States Preventive Services Taskforce. (n.d.).


Wadden, T. A., Tronieri, J. S., & Butryn, M. L. (2020). Lifestyle modification approaches for the

treatment of obesity in adults. The American psychologist, 75(2), 235–251.

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