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Frac Field Location,

There are two section of operation, which are:

1. Low pressure:
 Frac tanks.
 Batch mixer.
 Hydration unit.
 LAS unit.
 SDS.
 Blender.
2. High pressure:
 Iron treating, swivel, manifold etc.
 Frac Pump.
 Back side pump.
 Isolation tool.
A. Low pressure section:
 Frac tanks:

Tanks information Details information

Volume capacity 500 bbl with 0 bbl DV
Water storage mixed with biocide and KCl (when it available).
Its work
It is connecting directly to hydration unit.
The tank which is near to the hydration unit is becoming empty first
thus it caused to loss prime because the water is goes to the nearest
Problem and controlled please to it (which is empty tanks) rather than hydration unit. So the
(Troubleshooting) valve for the near tank is adjusted to be half open and the valve of the
last tanks is adjusted to be totally open which is make balancing of
discharging water from all tanks as same quantity.

Volume scale

Tanks description
Discharge Discharge
point 4’’ point 8’’
size, the size, the
maximum maximum
flowrate is flowrate is
10 bbl/ min 38 bbl/ min
 Batch mixer:

Unit information Details information

Volume capacity Two tanks each tank capacity 75 bbl.
It work Mixed guar slurry as below steps:
1- Mixed deasil with AFCS-01 (clay suspension agent) and AFSS-
01 (suspension surfactant) for 1 -1.5 hr to make sure it mixed
well and no conglomerates (fish eyes) occur.
2- Add guar powder by hugger and make the ampler speed at
2100 RPM to make sure the guar will mixed good without
conglomerates forming.
Problems and controlled
Batch mixer description

 Hydration unit:
 Belender:

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