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Premenstrual Syndrome is one of the most common disorders of reproductive age that can be seen in

different intensities in 85-90 % of women [1]. It refers to the emotional, behavioral and physical
changes that occur in the late luteal phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle (one to two weeks before
her periods) [2-6]. Symptoms usually last for six days and are resolved with the onset of
menstruation, with a symptom-free interval afterwards [2]. Though more than 200 symptoms have
been known to occur, the most frequently occurring symptoms include headache, fatigue, abdominal
bloating, backache, breast tenderness, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, social withdrawal and depression
[7-11]. The underlying cause(s) of PMS remain unclear. Epidemiological Surveys have estimated
that the frequency of PMS symptoms is quite high about 80-90 % and about 5 % of women
experience severe symptoms that the symptoms interfere with their daily activities [14]. Prakṛti is an
important concept of Ayurveda that explains individuality. It expresses unique trait of an individual
that is defined by specific and permanent composition of doṣa right from birth. Prakṛti makes every
person unique therefore no two persons can be exactly identical. Anatomical, physiological and
psychological characteristics differ from one person to other person depending on his/her Prakṛti.
Prakṛti remains constant for each individual throughout his/her lifetime.

So the present study is aimed to assess the prevalence of PMS in healthy females and to assess its
association with prakriti, so that it may good awareness for young girls and feamles and dietary
guidelines to prevent specific to each prakriti.


1. To assess the prevalence of PMS in healthy females of chomu.

2. To assess the prakriti of those healthy females.
3. To assess the association of PMS and different types of Prakriti.

Study type- Observational study (Cross sectional)

Study site- Chomu, Jaipur

Study population – Females between the age group of 16 to 50years

Sample size for finite population-

The study will be done upon 90 subjects under the 3 age group (Each 30)of healthy
Group 1- 16-25 yrs
Group 2- 25-35
Group 3- 35-50

Participants: The participants will be healthy female of chomu .

Method of data collection:

The prevalence of PMS will be assessed healthy feamles of chomu using

Modern questionnaire in google form. From that 90 selected subjects having PMS will be
selected randomly and the assessement of prakriti will be done using the CCRAS Standardised
prakriti assessment scale and relationship between PMS and prakriti will be evaluated.

Inclusion criteria-
1. Female between the age group 16 to 50 years.
2. Those who attained menarche before two years

Exclusion criteria-

1. Those who are having history of mental illness.

2. Pregnant and lactating students.
3. Those who are suffering from severe systemic illness and any types of carcinoma.
4. Those who are not willing to take part in the study.

1. Study will be started only after getting the approval of IEC and study will be registered in
CTRI before starting the study.

Data analysis-
Data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical methods after consulting with statistician.


Prakriti is unique concept of Ayurveda and it has implication on all aspects of human anatomy
and physiology.. The prakriti is having specific effects on reproductive system also. Hence
if we can find any associations between different types of prakriti and PMS, The PMS
symptoms could impact an individual’s interpersonal relationships, social interactions,
occupational activities and productivity for her entire reproductive age life [15, 16]. This disorder
in young women is a significant public health problem, as increased incidence of depression
and anxiety disorders were found in women suffering with PMS, which could economically
burden the society indirectly in the form of absenteeism at work, frequent hospitalization and
suicides [19].in future we can be able to prevent many social mental hamper of females by
providing specific guidelines to different prakriti. In future the study can be done on more
subjects to find association of PMS with different prakriti

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