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Syllabus for B.

E ECE- Batch 2021

Reference Books
S. No. Name of the Books Author Publisher Edition (Pub. Yr.)
1 C The Complete Reference Herbert Schildt McGraw Hill 4 (2017)
2 C How to Program Paul J. Deitel Pearson 8 (2015)

Course Cours
S. No. Course Name Cd L T P Session
Code e Type Final Exam Total
4 HSMC-101 Design Thinking HSMC 3 3 0 0 50 100 150

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Develop a strong understanding of the Design Process and how it can be applied in a variety of business
CO2 Understand the unique needs of a company around specific challenges.
Apply design thinking framework and strategies to develop innovative solutions for complex business
CO4 Evaluate the financial viability of a new product or service the „design thinking way‟.
Work in a team to visualize & design a possible new product or service to assess the market, business and
technical merits of the concept.

Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1: Design Thinking: Introduction of Design Thinking; Framework - 5 Phase Design; Detailed study - Empathize,
Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test; Case Study; Differentiate with Design Thinking; Design Thinking in the organization.
(6 Hrs)

Unit 2: Define: Frame the design problems, Overview of the define phase, Methods within Define. Prototype: Design the
solutions; Overview of the Prototype phase; Methods within Design. Empathize: Discover design problems; Overview of
the empathize phase; Define project stakeholders; Methods within empathize.
(8 Hrs)

Unit 3: Ideate: Come up with multiple solutions; Overview of the Ideate phase; Methods within the Ideate phase.
(5 Hrs)

Unit 4: Project Proposal: Project Identification - Developing Business Idea, Preparing Feasibility Report; Project
Formulation - Feasibility Analysis Techno - Economic Analysis, Financial Analysis, Profitability Analysis, Social Cost
Benefit Meaning; Significance of a business plan, components of a business plan.
(8 Hrs)

Unit 5: Small Scale Industries and policies for entrepreneurship development: Definition of small-scale industries;
objectives. Role of SSI in economic Development of India. SSI registration, NOC from pollution Board; Machinery and
equipment selection; Schemes and Policies for entrepreneurship development.
(8 Hrs)

Text Books
S. No. Name of the Books Author Publisher Edition (Pub. Yr.)
Designing for growth: A design thinking tool kit Jeanne Liedtka and st
1 University 1 (2011)
for managers Tim Ogilvie
Michael Lewrick,
The design thinking playbook: Mindful digital
Patrick Link, Larry st
2 transformation of teams, products, services, Wiley 1 (2018)
businesses and ecosystems

Reference Books
S. No. Name of the Books Author Publisher Edition (Pub. Yr.)
1 Presumptive design: Design provocations for Leo Frishberg and Morgan 1 (2016)
innovation Charles Lambdin Kaufmann

MIET (Autonomous), Jammu Page 11

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