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Personal Statement Draft 1

The reason I've chosen this course is because I am looking to expand on my skillset and
knowledge on Game Design. I'm especially interested in the option of further studying art
production, game development and concept art, and to better understand how to pursue
world building.

However, I'm definitely the most excited about character design. In my eyes characters are
the heart of video games, their actions influence how the plot unfolds and I adore when
their designs reflect their roles, personalities and tell the characters' stories visually. I'm also
eager to get some experience in animation and narrative story telling. I've always enjoyed
coming up with stories of my own, and sharing them with people and by studying game
design I could have the opportunity to tell my stories through an exciting and interactive
medium. I really admire story driven games that focus on characters and the world around
them and I hope to possibly develop a game like that of my own one day.

Level design is something I'm curious about as well. While characters are the driving forces
of games, they are nothing without an environment to act in. Another thing I'm looking
forward to is broadening my understanding of 3D design. I enjoy 2D art for games, however
I'm really eager to get better insight into 3D modelling.

Currently I am studying on an Access to Higher Education Digital Media course at

Bournemouth and Poole College, but I've also completed a Level 3 Extended Diploma in
Game Development, which originally sparked my interest in game design and storytelling.
From that course I've gotten an understanding of Unity, C+, Python, basic game art and basic
3D modelling through various projects. I used all these skills in one of my assignments,
where I was asked to recreate the addictive Flappy Bird game.

In my current Digital Media course, I've gotten experience with operating cameras,
photography, Premiere Pro and Photoshop. I also learned video skills, editing, sound and
foley design, script writing and storyboarding. Throughout this course I've been given
various assignments which helped to expand on these skills and my creativity with how I use
them. A notable example of this is a video assignment our group was required to complete
where we were each given a scene from a movie with no sound and we were asked to
recreate the foley sounds we think the scene should have.

On my current course I've also gained research, and analytical writing skills. I'm also often
asked to evaluate my own work and to reflect in what ways I could improve upon it. My
tutors also provide me with valuable feedback and their own suggestions on how I could
further improve on my performance. At college me and my peers are also often encouraged
to work together and to help each other develop.

Up until September I worked in a small independent gift shop, where I was able to develop
my communication, time management and leadership skills, which are all important in the
field of game design. It's crucial to communicate with people on and outside of your team,
and it's really important to uphold a schedule and meet deadlines.
During the quarantine, I took up creative writing, digital art and table top games like
Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder. These games motivated me to focus on my
connections even while meeting face to face was not an option. I still regularly play these
games and they are still very helpful for my communication and teamwork skills. While I
wouldn't consider myself that sporty, I do enjoy running and hiking and I took part in a hiking
marathon back in my home country during the summer.

All in all, I believe particular skillset and interests in game design would make me a great
candidate for this course. I hope that I was able to show, how passionate I am about this
field and that I have the potential to succeed in this course.

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