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Throughout the world wide variety of media and online communication platforms, I have

most recently found a fascination in the portrayal of brands and how they show and
promote a particular lifestyle through advertising campaigns and conventions. After
extensively researching a number of courses and what they offer me to expand my
knowledge and skill on of my passion for media communication, your course stuck out
appealed to me as the best choice. to me. Studying at this your university will allow me to
learn from experienced lecturers, work with industry grade equipment and better further
my efforts to join such a creative industry within my chosen career path. I am excited to be
able to experiment creatively with an industry that utilises lifestyle, social and political
change as a medium to communicate in its own way, but also be able to learn and
understand the production equipment behind the scenes and also experience the thinking
behind the industry. A course like this This course will expand my historical and present
contextual knowledge on of various creative media industries and really invest myself to this
subject. Which is why, in particular, your course seems like a near perfect fit, that will help to
realise my own imaginative ambitions.

I am most looking forwards to understanding the work and processes that are used to create
finished products. I will be able to apply this knowledge to my chosen career, specialising in
brand development and audience awareness. I know that if I want to work in Creative Media
production, I want need to be fluent and efficient in all of the equipment and software
required. I am currently studying the CAVA Access to Media course at Poole and
Bournemouth college. As a part of this course, I have developed a strong familiarity with
Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop and Lightroom Classic. I am comfortable editing video,
audio and photography using this software and being able to manipulate all these aspects
within my content and work. I also have extensive experience working with DSLRs and some
developing video camera knowledge. I know how to (CONFIDENT?) use manual settings and
how different angles and lens setups affect the image. Studying at BPC has also given me
additional experience with lighting and support systems such as dolly rigs and Jib cranes. I
have experience operating heavy equipment and understand how to conduct a risk
assessment before starting any work.

Even outside of college, I have my own DSLR that I use for family events and independent
personal projects within my friend (SOCIAL?) group, this which helps me to practise what I
learn and expand my experience and work. Which This includes shooting in a variety of
settings and locations with different means to capture all sorts a variety of subjects. I am
able to create and explore my work within my own time. I have also, within my studies at
BPC, gained and refined my ability to research inspirations and techniques, evaluate and
analyse my writing and practical work to better improve my own content. I have been able
to provide sourced research of other creators work and link all inspired images to my own
work productions and evaluation process. Evaluating an artist's work also meant means
describing the various techniques used within the piece, therefore it was is important to me
to understand these techniques and use the correct terminology to describe analyse them.

I am a qualified lifeguard which has helped me to develop important skills as

communication, adaptability and trust: however, what I really enjoying doing most in is
developing my own clothing design work. My love for swimming nurtured me towards my
lifeguard work and has really broadened my social skills and my ability to work as a team,
taking part in training with other lifeguards and undertaking first aid training as a
qualification. My own clothing upcycling is a true passion of mine, following brands such as
Named Collective and RE/DONE. Giving me These brands have provided inspiration for this
interest and a truly unique way of developing and promoting there their causes. This has
been one of my main motivations for studying a media-based subject at university. I’ve I
have also found that skating has helped me to keep up maintain my health and my mental
state, and meeting new and inspiring people through this activity and keeping myself
committed to the sport.

Overall, I feel that my strengths and abilities have led me to be comfortable confident and
versatile in my work. I have pride in both being my independent and working in a team work
that I’ve overtaken and want to be able to use my ambitions and skills to further my work
within this your course. Given the opportunity to study under you, I am certain that I can
achieve to a the highest standards on this course and for the course to provide me with the
necessary skills and knowledge for realising my ambitions.

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