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DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.

Examples and rulings based on DBMM List discussions,

for Phil Barker's DBMM Army Lists and DBMM v2.0

Greg Mann, Rob Brennan, Neil Fox,

Dave Mather, Lorenzo Mele

10th April 2012

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 1

Table of Contents
Introduction List 53 Ancient British
Scope List 55 Nobades and Blemmye or Beja
Principles used List 64 Middle Imperial Roman.
Organisation of this Document List 65 Tervingi or Early Visigothic.
General issues List 74 Palmyran
Differences on pages 1 and 2 in the Army List Books List 72 Early Frankish, Alamanni, Qualdi, Suevi, Rugian
Upgrading Generals for Allied contingents or Turcilingi
Nationality-Restricted Troops in Allied Contingents List 75 Paekche and Kaya Korean
Allied Contingents List 78, Late Imperial Roman,
Ally Date Ranges List 83 Patrician Roman
“0-1 per X” form for allies Book 3
“0-1 per X troop type” in main list List 14 Early Bulgar
Command size and baggage List 15 Tibetan
Indented allies and baggage List 17 Maurikian Byzantine
Unusual troops Stratagem List 19 Welsh
Book 1 List 22 Maya
List 2 Early Egyptian List 26 Early Serbian or Croatian
List 4 Zagros and Anatolian Highlanders List 29 Thematic Byzantine
List 8 Makkan, Dilmun, Saba, Ma’in and Qataban List 33 Early Muslim North Africa and Sicily
List 11 Third Dynasty of Ur List 35 Feudal Spanish
List 15 Later Amorite List 36 Nan-Chao and Ta-Li
List 20 Syro-Canaanite and Ugaritic List 37 Abbasid Arab
List 22 New Kingdom Egyptian List 38 Arab Indian
List 24 Hittite Empire List 39 Late T'ang and Five Dynasties Chinese
List 25 Middle Assyrian and Early Neo-Assyrian List 40 Norse Viking and Leidang
List 27 Early Hebrew List 47 Pecheneg:
List 28 Sea Peoples List 53 East Frankish:
List 31 Neo-Hittite and Aramaean List 54 Dynastic Bedouin:
List 32 Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese List 55 Early Samurai
List 36 Italian Hill Tribes List 56 Khitan Liao
List 38 Libyan Egyptian List 60 Medieval Vietnamese
List 44 Neo Babalonian List 65 Nikephorian Byzantine
List 48 Thracian List 71 Georgian
List 51 Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid List 72 Anglo-Danish
List 53 Saitic Egyptian List 73 Communal Italian
List 55 Latin, Early Roman, Early Etruscan and Umbrian List 76 Konstantinian Byzantine
List 62 Lykian Book 4
List 64 Early Japanese List 3 – Anglo-Norman
List Book 2 List 5 – Sicilian
List 3-Classical Indian List 13 – Medieval German
List 4 Warring States and Ch'in Chinese 480BC - 202BC List 23 – Feudal English
List 9 Syracusian List 24 – Khwarizmian
List 15 Alexandrian Imperial List 34 – Trapezuntine Byzantine
List 21 Ch'iang and Ti List 39 – Navarrese
List 22 Arabo-Aramaean List 48 Yuan Chinese
List 28 Early Armenian List 49 – Anatolian Turkoman
List 30 Galation List 55 – Ottoman
List 31 Hellenistic Greek 275BC - 146BC List 61 – Italian Condotta
List 32 Later Carthaginian List 68 – Medieval Spanish or Portuguese
List 33 Polybian Roman List 76 Early Burgundian
List 36 Graeco-Indian List 77 – Black Sheep and White Sheep Turkoman
List 41 Han Chinese List 79 – Later Swiss
List 47 Early German List 83 – Wars of the Roses and Tudor English
List 49 Marian Roman List 85 – Burgundian Ordonnance

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 2

The aim of this set of clarifications is to provide both players and list checkers a consistent framework in
interpreting the DBMM Army List books. This document provides DBMM players and competition
umpires with a guide to aid:
 Easing new players into using the lists with the answers to many frequently asked questions.
 Consistent interpretation of the list text, especially for competition play.
 Conversion for DBM players who might otherwise be led astray by old conventions.
This document is not an "official" source of DBMM information but is released into the public domain in an
effort to help sustain the growth of DBMM and enhance the enjoyment of DBMM players.
It is largely based on debates or queries that have occurred or are still taking place on the Yahoo DBMM
List ( or in discussions between some of those who
check lists for competitions. Special emphasis is provided on the many answers there by the DBMM rules
author, Phil Barker, and to Duncan Head who has provided valuable input to many discussions. Special
thanks also to Peter Feinler who posted many possible errata to the DBMMList.

The focus of this document is on:
 Unclear or contradictory wording.
 Complex constructs and dependencies.
 Guidance for list checkers
 Some basic principles of DBMM lists such as the “0-1 per x” allocations of troops

This document currently covers the following lists:

1) DBMM ARMY LISTS. BOOK 1: 3000 BC to 500 BC (May 2009)
2) DBMM ARMY LISTS. BOOK 2: 500 BC to 476 AD (November 2008)
3) DBMM ARMY LISTS. BOOK 3: 476 AD to 1071 AD (October 2007)
4) DBMM ARMY LISTS. BOOK 4: 1071 AD to 1515 AD (2010)

This document does not provide details of all possible errata or mistakes. Where such may cause
difficulties in interpretation we do provide guidance. (If you are interested in seeing the potential list issues
identified look at

Principles used
The general principle underlying most of the list interpretations provided here is that the DBMM army lists
should be played "as written". There are three areas in which we make an exception to this principle:
 As DBMM is aimed at historical simulation we have used this as a basis for decisions where it is
applicable, e.g. when there is a contradiction in the text. Where this is to be done it is noted as some
may read that the interpretation given does not actually match the existing wording in some cases.
We follow the spirit of the rules in these cases and consult experts on the lists where we can.
 When addressing specific cases where Phil Barker has provided definitive clarification of his
intention, despite the current wording of the lists.
 In the very few cases where there appears to be a genuine disagreement about the proper
interpretation of the lists and to not have a common convention would undermine players'
enjoyment. In all such cases we clearly mark the text as a "Suggested List Convention". All of these
will hopefully be resolved by Phil Barker in the future, at which point the current convention will
be replaced by the official ruling.
It is intended that this becomes a "living document" with periodic updates based on further debate,
understanding or updates of the lists and rules, especially the input of Phil Barker on the DBMM List.

Organisation of this Document

This document is arranged in sections corresponding to DBMM Army List Book numbers. There is also a
general section to give guidance on issues that are applicable to many lists.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 3

General issues
This section lists common list issues applicable to many army lists.

Differences on pages 1 and 2 in the Army List Books

There are some differences in the lists notes section, e.g. pages 1 and 2, of the 4 published Army List Books.
The suggested convention is to use the wording from Book 4 as this is the most recently published.

Upgrading Generals for Allied contingents

Where an upgrade is of the form “C-in-C and …” it can be used for an allied contingent, but the allied
general must be one of those upgraded.

Nationality-Restricted Troops in Allied Contingents

In general allied contingents have a nationality specified in the list that includes them, e.g. Volsci in "Volsci
allies - List: Italian Hill Tribes (Bk 1/36)". Allied contingents can include troops that are only allowed in the
main list if the C-in-C is of a certain nationality - as long as the allied general is of the nationality in
question and the troops are compulsory or otherwise allowed to allied contingents by list notes. In the case
where no specific nationality or sub-list is given for allied contingents then any nationality or sub-list that
matches the theatre and date of the main list may be used.
Where an un-indented ally has restrictions on what troops they can command, e.g. Turkoman generals in
the Seljuk Turk list, they can also command baggage from their list. The baggage they are commanding
being assumed to be of that origin.

Allied Contingents
Unless otherwise specified in the list:

1) An external ally-general may not command elements from the main list being used, i.e it may only
command element from the allies list.
2) Elements from an external allied contingent may not be commanded by generals from the main list.
3) If the allied contingent can contribute to the army baggage then other suitable foot or train elements
from the allied contingent can be placed in the army baggage command.

Ally Date Ranges

“Unless otherwise specified by either of the 2 lists, allied troops cannot be used outside their own army’s date range,
and can use only those options specified in their own list for the assisted army’s date, and any minima or maxima for
regrades or replacements are modified as above.”

If an external ally is specified in a list for the whole of that list’s date range or for a specific date range
where the allies available dates do not coincide then this is considered to be “specified by either of the 2
lists” and the ally can be used for the dates specified.

If the list being used and allies dates partially overlap then the ally can only be used when the date ranges

“0-1 per X” form for allies

The form “0-1 per X“ for eligibility of elements to be included in an allied contingent allows:

a) Values other than “1”, especially 0-2 for baggage,

b) “X” to be multiple elements such as Nikephorian skutatoi,
c) “X” may be a description, such as “general” or a specific troop type.
d) “X” must be some form of troop element, e.g. not a command.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 4

An allied contingent may include troop defined by the form 0 - Y per X if X is also allowed in the allied

“0-1 per X troop type” in main list

In some lists elements are described in the form “0-1 per X troop type”,. E.g. “0-1 per 8 Reg Bd” or “0-1 per
6 Bw”. This means how many elements so described can be taken per complete group of “X” taken.
Incomplete groups of “X” do not allow any elements so described from being taken. It is not necessary to
take complete multiples of troop type X.

Command size and baggage

A command of 10 elements can have 2 of these as elements of baggage and contribute these to the army
baggage if allowed to do so.

Indented allies and baggage

There are a number of allies specified specifically indented sub-lists, e.g. Thai allies in Khmer and Cham
and Ostmen allies in the Norse Irish list. Such contingents may only use baggage as specified in the sub-

Unusual troops Stratagem

All expendables may use the unusual troops stratagem. In addition the following troops can make use of
this stratagem. Listing in bold must pay for the stratagem if used.
Book 1:
List 25: “Replace Cv(S) chariots with camels disguised as elephants”
List 25: “Siege machines (based upon pictorial evidence as “mobile towers”)
List 60: “Cyrus’ camelry (List notes indicate they are made up with baggage camels)”
List 60: “Cyrus’ mobile towers”

Book 2:
List 3: “Rathamasaula”
List 10: “Anti-elephant wagons”
List 10: “Incendiary pigs and handlers”
List 31: “Incendiary pigs and handlers”
List 64 : “Clubmen”
List 78: “Legionarii with heavy clubs”
List 79: “Bamboo-and-paper lions”

Book 3
List 25: “Disguised camelry” (list notes)
List 73: “Plaustrella man-pushed scythed wagons”
List73: “Mobile towers”

Book 4
List 1: “man pushed wagons to break up enemy”

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 5

Book 1

List 2 Early Egyptian

Army lists before 1645 BC should specify whether they are based in the “Delta” or “otherwise”.

List 4 Zagros and Anatolian Highlanders

The internal ally generals must be of the same tribe as the C-in-C and thus cannot command other peoples’
Subject Akkadian allies of the Gutti 2193 BC to 2112 BC: Generals use the options in “Only from 2334 BC to
2193 BC”

List 8 Makkan, Dilmun, Saba, Ma’in and Qataban

The internal ally generals must be from the same kingdom as the C-in-C and thus cannot command other
kingdom’s options.

List 11 Third Dynasty of Ur

"After 2028BC all Third Dynasty of Ur sub-generals must be down-graded to internal allies."

List 15 Later Amorite

The correct AP cost for Sabum qallatum Reg Ax (I) is 3 AP not 2 AP.

List 20 Syro-Canaanite and Ugaritic

Royal Maryannu chariotry in a Syro Cannanite Ally command within an army with an Ugaritic CinC
cannot be upgraded to Reg Kn (O). A Ugaritic sub-general can be Royal Maryannu but cannot have any
other Royal Maryannu in his command

List 22 New Kingdom Egyptian

Army lists should specify whether they are based in the “Delta” or “otherwise”.

List 24 Hittite Empire

Ugaritic troops are Syrian vassals and must be commanded by an Syrian vassal ally general if present
(Ugarit being a Syrian city).

List 25 Middle Assyrian and Early Neo-Assyrian

Ps(O) supporting Bd (F) or Ax (O) must, at the start of a game, be deployed in edge to edge and corner to
corner contact with the element they notionally support.
The correct AP cost for camels disguised as elephants is 7 AP.

List 27 Early Hebrew

The AP cost for sub-generals as Ps (S) should be 13 AP.

List 28 Sea Peoples

The “S” is compulsory.

List 31 Neo-Hittite and Aramaean

An allied contingent drawn from this list before 900 BC must include 1-4 chariots.
An allied contingent drawn from this list from 900 BC must include 4-9 chariots.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 6

Chariots upgraded to Kn(S) are restricted to 1 plus a general in each command.

List 32 Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese

Only from 700 BC: has "Archers - Irr Ps (O) [can support Bd (F) or Irr Bw(I) @ 3 AP" – should read “Archers
- Irr Ps (O) @ 2 AP [can support Bd (F)] or Irr Bw (I) @ 3 AP"

List 36 Italian Hill Tribes

The internal ally generals must be of the same tribe as the C-in-C and thus cannot command other tribe’s

List 38 Libyan Egyptian

Army lists should specify whether they are based in the “Delta” or “otherwise”.

List 44 Neo Babalonian

This army cannot be used on all dates given in the list header as the list notes provide restrictions. Valid
dates are: 746 BC – 539 BC, 522 BC – 521 BC and 482 BC.

List 48 Thracian
The correct cost for a lowland tribes sub-general converted to Irr Ax(S) is 14 AP.

List 51 Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid

Before 627BC the use of either the “Reserves of the battle array” or the “Levied troops of the battle array,
dikut mati emergency levies” does not activate the compulsory minimum for the other.

List 53 Saitic Egyptian

Army lists should specify whether they are based in the “Delta” or “otherwise”.

List 55 Latin, Early Roman, Early Etruscan and Umbrian

The internal ally generals must be of the same nation as the C-in-C and thus cannot command other
nation’s options.

List 62 Lykian
The correct AP cost for Lykian hoplites is 4 AP.

List 64 Early Japanese

The correct AP cost for the Irr Bge(S) is 3 AP.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 7

List Book 2

List 3-Classical Indian

For Mauryas the Irr Bge(S) cannot be upgraded to regular (historical, see DBMM message 94433), but this
does not prevent the rest of the baggage from being upgraded to regular.
Cv(S) and El generals count towards the number of El or Cv(S) for the purposes of the total number of re-
grades allowed as WWg(I) or Kn(I).
Bw used when El(O) are upgraded to El(S) are still removed from the Bw minimum *even* when the El(S)
are re-graded as WWg(I).

List 4 Warring States and Ch'in Chinese 480BC - 202BC

"Only Ch'u armies before 223 BC:
Downgrade foot to Irr @ 2AP less if Bd (O) or Bw (X) or 1 AP less if Bd (F)
or (I), Bw (O) or Ax All, or all conscripts, or 0"
The AP reduction listed is not correct, Bw(O) double based with Bw(X) remain at the same cost.
If the Bw(X) Option is taken all Reg Bd and Reg Ax must be upgraded which prevents them being
converted to Wb.

List 9 Syracusian
The asterisk on the Syracusian C-in-C relates to the second last line of the list notes which should have an
asterisk inserted as follows:

"*If Pyrrhic allies are used, they can include their list’s full number of El and Kn (F), Pyrrhos becomes C-in-
C and the Syracusan C-in-C is not used. Pyrrhos’ command must include all and only Pyrrhic troops."

List 15 Alexandrian Imperial

The minimum number of elements for the experimental phalanx is 24 as it requires the Persian slingers and
archers to make up some of the phalanx List 19 Seleucid
Elephant escorts must, at the start of a game, be deployed in edge to edge and corner to corner contact with

List 21 Ch'iang and Ti

"Only Former Ch'in from 357 AD to 385 AD
The downgrade of the C-in-C to Inert is not compulsory (Duncan Head, message 84625 on DBMMList)

List 22 Arabo-Aramaean
The correct AP cost for Nabataean horse archers upgraded to Reg LH (F) is 5 AP.
The correct AP cost for caravan guards is 5 AP.

List 28 Early Armenian

An Armenian ally’s command in this army or used as an ally in another list need not include any otherwise
compulsory foot. However for any type used at least ¼ of the minimum number of this type must be
included in the command.

List 30 Galation
In the terrain options “After 278 BC” should be read as “From 278 BC” to allow terrain for this year.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 8

List 31 Hellenistic Greek 275BC - 146BC
"Only if Achaian after 208 BC or Athenian:
Upgrade Achaian or Athenian Cv (O) to Reg Kn (F) @ 31AP if C-in-C, 21AP if ally-general, otherwise
11AP All/0"
This upgrade should also be applied to sub-generals at appropriate cost. (Historical and list error)
“Aitolians in other states’ armies can be either mercenaries, or allies under their own general” – Only one of
these can be used.

List 32 Later Carthaginian

Gallic foot are taken at the rate of 1-3 per 2 of the sum of all non-ally Bd(F), Ax(S), Sp(S) and Sp(O).

List 33 Polybian Roman

Bd must be taken in multiples of 2 in order that the correct ratio between them and the Leves/Velites is
maintained. Bd generals as well as Hastati and Principes are included in the total number of Bd.
The note on Pergemene allied contingents means the contingent is commanded by a Pergemene sub-
general who can also command Cv and Ps from the Polybian list (see DBMM list message #133545).

List 36 Graeco-Indian
Elements described as Mountain Indian count towards the total of non allied Indian troops.

List 41 Han Chinese

Pan Ch’ao and Yang Hsuan are Eastern Han.

List 47 Early German

The elite foot skirmishers upgraded to Irr Ps(S) cost 3AP

List 49 Marian Roman

It is not necessary to take a Roman ally-general if in Greece or Asia and commanded by Cassius and/or
Brutus in 42BC.
When replacing Bd with legionary velites/detached antesignani, consider the total number of Bd before
replacement to calculate the maximum number of replacements allowed, i.e. if the minimum 16 Bd is taken
then it can be converted to 14Bd and 2PsS,

List 53 Ancient British

One of the Rv or Wd is compulsory. The other type may also be used. (Phil Barker clarification msg# 76740)

List 55 Nobades and Blemmye or Beja

A Beja allied contingent in a Christian Nubian army can have a Bedouin Arab CinC and then must include
at least 1/4 (and no more than 1/3) of the Arab Cavalry Irr LH(O).

List 64 Middle Imperial Roman.

The correct cost of caltrops PO is 1AP.

List 65 Tervingi or Early Visigothic.

For the Romans available to Alaric the LH are Reg LH(O).

List 74 Palmyran
The correct AP cost for caravan guards is 5 AP.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 9

List 72 Early Frankish, Alamanni, Qualdi, Suevi, Rugian or Turcilingi
“A Roman ally contingent cannot include mounted troops.” The exception is the general who can only be

List 75 Paekche and Kaya Korean

Has for Japanese allies: "- Uji nobles, toneri and yatsuko retainers as spearmen - Irr Pk (X) @ 3AP *1 to 2-3
Bw (S)" The "*1 to 2-3 Bw (S)" should be "1-2 per 3 Bw (S)".

List 78, Late Imperial Roman,

CinC options:
The options for a CinC to be brilliant or inert are optional for dates and regions specified. (Historical)

List 83 Patrician Roman

Ps(O) that can support any Ax(S) or (O) can support them if Reg or Irr, e.g These Ps(O) can also support
feoderate foot.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 10

Book 3

List 14 Early Bulgar

In the Climate, aggression and terrain section "After 675 AD” should be read as “From 675 AD”.

List 15 Tibetan
Nepalese allies can have 2 generals, so Nepalese baggage should be "0-2 per Nepalese general"

List 17 Maurikian Byzantine

The minimum marked * is also applied if there are no foot.

List 19 Welsh
Welsh uchelwyr dismount as Bd(O) even if upgraded to Kn(O).

List 22 Maya
The correct AP cost for Spanish war dogs in the Maya list is 2AP.

List 26 Early Serbian or Croatian

Terrain type WH is compulsory for Serbian
The number of sub-generals allowed is 1-2

List 29 Thematic Byzantine

Archers are allowed 1 Ps(O) per 2 skutatoi. The remainder are Bw(O).

List 33 Early Muslim North Africa and Sicily

The note on Abbasiya refers to Khurasanian cavalry.

List 35 Feudal Spanish

Archers can support military order sergeants Reg Sp (O).

List 37 Abbasid Arab

The correct AP cost for baggage camels is 2 AP.
The artillery boats can and must carry Art(S). (Brings in line with other lists with Bts(X).)

List 38 Arab Indian

After 900 AD The ghulams must be treated as an upgrade to Arab cavalry. Either/or the C-in-C or Sub-
generals may be upgraded if desired.

List 39 Late T'ang and Five Dynasties Chinese

The “Other armies” section allows Elite cavalry, Other cavalry and horse archers. These are allowed to
armies that are not Late T'ang, Southern Han, Southern T'ang, Wu-Yueh and other southern states' armies.
Other cavalry - Reg Cv(O) @ 8AP 0-4 is incorrectly bold text but this should be interpreted as normal text.

List 40 Norse Viking and Leidang

Only Leidang option: A Swedish in Finland army can contain both Bondi Bd (I) and Finns Ax(O).
Terrain type S is compulsory for Viking.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 11

Berserks AP cost should be 5AP not 3AP.
The German allies allowed after 1133 AD are Territorial lords [T].

List 47 Pecheneg:
“War wagons or foot must all be in the same command as all the baggage.” Options are; a) put all foot and
war wagons in the army baggage command or b) have only one command with command baggage which
contains the war wagons and foot. The latter option prevents taking an army baggage command.

List 53 East Frankish:

From 1085 AD generals must also be upgraded to Irr Kn(O) at 20AP (Historical)

List 54 Dynastic Bedouin:

The Bedouin foot are "1/4 slingers" and also “0-1 per 4 LH(O)”. Therefore:
a) The LH(O) count includes generals.
b) "Bedouin foot" can only be taken in multiples of 4 since slingers must be exactly 1/4 the total number.
Thus Bedouin foot can only be taken if you have at least 16 LH (including generals).

List 55 Early Samurai

Artillery can only be used in a fortified BUA. (Matches last issued draft of this list).

List 56 Khitan Liao

Terrain type GH is compulsory.
Sub generals are all ordo troop types. If taken as LH(F) this triggers the ordo orderlies minimum.

List 60 Medieval Vietnamese

Terrain type Wd is compulsory.
Regional sub-generals can be upgraded to Reg El(S) generals. They are excluded from commanding court
troops, but can command other troops besides the regional or Ten Circuit troops listed.

List 65 Nikephorian Byzantine

The Rus ally is listed as 0-14 plus 0-4 boats. The boats must be crewed by elements taken from the 0-14.
However the boats are additional to the 0-14.

List 71 Georgian
After 1245 AD all Cumans must still be commanded by a Cuman general.

List 72 Anglo-Danish
The cost to make Harold Godwinson Brilliant is 25AP in addition to the elements cost.
Harold Godwinson cannot be Norman. He is the King in 1066 AD.

List 73 Communal Italian

Imperialist allies: the Medieval German Ally General’s type can either be as the Imperial [I] or Territorial
lord [T] An Ally General can only command troops permitted by its type (ie Imperial or Territorial).

List 76 Konstantinian Byzantine

If a Norman sub-general is used he must command all other Normans. However Normans can be used
without the Norman sub-general.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 12

Book 4

List 3 – Anglo-Norman
William of Ypres may command Irr Kn(F) and Irr Sp(I) from the main part of the list if nominated as
Genoese are mercenaries.

List 5 – Sicilian
The option to upgrade Aragonese and Catalan troops to regular should be ignored as none of these troops
types exist in the list.

List 13 – Medieval German

War wagons lists as 1 per 4 foot if taken. This is for [T, Ci] foot only.
The standard wagons must remain in their respective commands.
The army baggage command can only have “other train and also foot elements” that are not marked [I, T,
Ci, FC].
The C-in-C of any origin can have any of the sub-generals.
“Allies internal to this list” – This section specifies which combination of ally-generals may be used with
which type of C-in-C. These are internal allies. Therefore no [I] ally general is allowed as this contradicts
this section even though it is listed as an ally-general type.

List 23 – Feudal English

Ignore the restriction in the notes on using a standard wagon, since there is no Bge(S) in the list.
The upgrade of spearmen to North Welsh refers to the levy on the line above.

List 24 – Khwarizmian
The correct AP cost for the Turkoman ally-general is 11 AP

List 34 – Trapezuntine Byzantine

The correct AP cost for the Irr LH(S) sub-general is 16 AP.

List 39 – Navarrese
“A free company ally-general can only command English and/or Gascons.” A free company ally command
can contain only English or only Gascons or both. It must have the minimums for each origin used in the

List 48 Yuan Chinese

The allowance for the upgrade of Bayan to Brilliant is “0 or 1”. We assume this is optional as dates and
regions are same as upgrading Kubalai to an Elephant.
The handgunners “Only in China after 1275 AD” are in addition to those available “Only after 1275 AD”

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 13

The correct AP cost for the Kan-t’ao-lu ally-general is 6 AP

List 49 – Anatolian Turkoman

The correct AP cost for the Irr LH(S) Turkoman ally-general is 11 AP

List 55 – Ottoman
The FO that can be used by Janissaries are described as ditches, rather than trenches, but this does not stop
them using the Hidden Obstacle stratagem.

List 61 – Italian Condotta

"Venetian in Greece and Genoese in Cyprus cannot use neither militia spears nor any pikes”. Read
“neither” as “either” for clarity.

List 68 – Medieval Spanish or Portuguese

"Only from 1495 to 1503 AD [S] or 1515 AD [P]:” should be read as "Only from 1495 to 1503 AD [S] or 1495
to 1515 AD [P]:”.

List 76 Early Burgundian

The C-in-C and sub-generals count towards the number of Burgundian Kn that can be downgraded to
Kn(I) although the generals can’t be downgraded themselves.

List 77 – Black Sheep and White Sheep Turkoman

General CvS count towards the number of CvS in a command for Tirkash-ban and Qullughchi.

List 79 – Later Swiss

The Alliance artillery can be taken without triggering the other alliance minimums.

List 83 – Wars of the Roses and Tudor English

Crowned kings for the purpose of upgrading to Kn(S) and having Kn(S) household can be Edward IV[Y]
from 1461-1470 and 1471-1483, Richard III[R3] from 1483-1485, Henry VII[T] from 1485-1487, Henry VII[H]
from 1487-1509 and Henry VIII[H] from 1509 to the end of the list.
The battle of Stoke is in 1487 AD and is therefore the last date for all options except for [H].

List 85 – Burgundian Ordonnance

From 1471 to 1477 if Sub-generals are taken as "Ordonnance gendarmes" then they count as "Ordonnance
Kn" for determining the total number of "Ordonnance mounted archers" available.

DBMM List Clarifications V2.0.1 10th April 2012 p. 14

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