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Add math Homework


1. a 和 b 属于两份不同的作业,请用不同页面的作业纸。
2. 字迹不得过于潦草。
3. 记得抄题并以题目答案,题目答案的方式呈现你的作业,而不是先抄完题目,才来一次过


1. 记得写上班号
2. 记得写上组别
3. 使用蓝笔或黑笔作答,除了画图以外,不可以使用铅笔作答
4. 迟交
5. 作业分发回去之后,记得做好 filing,弄好目录
6. 作业分发回去之后,要订正
7. 作业分发回去之后,标明自己改的作业要和同学对答案,并且自己改


1. 别抄作业
2. 题目要按照顺序排好
3. 别违反上述会被扣分或是重做的规则

4.1 Linear Programming

1. In a month, Ocean Boutique buys 𝑥 handbags and 𝑦 dress based on the following
i. The total number of handbags and dress bought is at least 60.
ii. The ratio of the number of dress to the number of handbags should not
be more than 3: 1.
iii. The cost price of a handbag and a dress are RM120 and RM60
respectively. The amount allocated for the purchase is RM6000.
Write three inequalities, other than 𝑥 ≥ 0 and 𝑦 ≥ 0, which satisfy all the above
2. Diagram 1 shows the shaded region R on a Cartesian plane. Find three inequalities that
satisfy the region R.

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

1. A ticketing agency offers a special concert package to Sentul area. The concert package
is limited to only 40 members at a price of RM 100 for an adult and half price for
children below 12 years old. To ensure profitability, the agency fixes that the number of
adults is at most twice the number of the children and the total collection of payment
from all the members cannot more than RM3000. Assume that there are 𝑥 children and
𝑦 adults taking the concert package. Write three inequalities, other than 𝑥 ≥ 0 , 𝑦 ≥ 0 ,
which satisfy all the above conditions.
2. Diagram 2 shows a shaded region R in a Cartesian plane. Find the linear inequalities that define
the shaded region R.

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