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a 和 b 属于两份不同的作业,请用不同的作业纸。题目请按照顺序排列。使用蓝笔或黑笔作答,

1.3 Not all Unlike and Repeated


1. All the letters from the word “MATHEMATICS” are to be arranged, calculate the number of
different arrangement if all the vowels must be next to each other.

2. In how many ways 3 red flowers, 4 white flowers and 1 yellow flowers can be arranged in a cycle?

3. An engineer wants to design a 8 to 12 digits passwords which only consists of numbers 0 to 9.

How many different passwords he can obtained?


1. In how many ways can the letters of the word “SYNTHETICS” be arranged so that the vowels are
always separated.

2. In how many different ways can 3 red balls, 4 white balls and 1 blue ball be arranged in a line if
the 3 red balls must all come together.

3. 10 different pencils are to be distributed to 5 students with condition of every student can take
any numbers of the pencils. How many possible ways to distribute the pencils?

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