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Online Classes During the Pandemic: Learning or Survival by

Grade12 GAS Students in Taguig Integrated School

A Research Paper
presented to
The Faculty of General Academic Strand
Taguig Integrated School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements
of Senior High School Department

Patrick john B. Malanay

Bañaga, Diana Isabel G.

JAN 2022


This study examines the effectiveness of Online Classes During the Pandemic:

Learning or Survival to the SHS in Taguig Integrated School on the year of 2021-

2022.the purpose of this research is to address the students in how them faced the new

flat form of learning which is Online Class and if can help this kind of learning. The

literature review serves as foundation from which to asses’ current findings and offer

recommendation to the field for future research on online classes during the pandemic



COVID-19 has become a global health crisis. As of January 25, 2021, there have

been almost 100 million cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide (Statista, 2021). In

the Philippines, this translates into 514,996 infected and 10,292 deaths (CNN

Philippines, 2021). To limit the spread of COVID-19, many governments have decided

to employ quarantine measures to shut down their educational institutions for a period

of time. As a consequence, more than a billion learners have been affected worldwide.

Among this number are over 28 million Filipino learners across academic levels who

must stay at home and comply with the Philippine government’s quarantine measures

(UNESCO, 2020). To address the needs of students, the country has adopted

constructive measures to ensure that education continues despite the closure. Modified

methods of online learning are included in these policies, with the goal of facilitating

student learning activities. Asynchronous, delayed-time activities, such as pre-recorded

video lectures and time-independent tests, are examples of online learning. A recent

study (Alipio, 2020) shows that majority of the respondents are not ready yet for e-

learning. The study reveals that most of the respondents had no access to computers

with an internet connection and adequate software (e.g., Microsoft Word, Adobe

Acrobat). Generally, they believe they do not possess basic skills to operate a computer

(e.g., saving files, creating folders) and for founding ways around the internet (e.g.,

using search engines, entering passwords). The study's calculation shows that nearly

60% of the evaluated millennials have low technology skills. While efforts are being

made to improve the quality of online learning, the government is reluctant to provide

the needs of the students. The approach presented here is a radical one, but

commensurate with the issue.

Background of the Study

It all started in a virus came from the Wuhan china, covid-19 that made the whole

world into lockdown and quarantine. All the school dismissed earlier than its original

time. Instead of academic freeze, they prepare an online class for all the school year of

batch 2020-2021, it is reserved by law that the start of a class is always by first Monday

of June. But it must be postponed due to the said pandemic. The private schools started

the class by the month of august while the government ordered the public school to start

by the month of October. The class shall start at any way it’s possible, so the idea of

online class started because it is dangerous to conduct a face-to-face learning when

there is a disease that’s been roaming around in the whole world. This actively

demonstrate that all of the schools must have an online class which might affect the

student current situation. Not all the students can afford online class due to quarantine

conducted by the government, the incomes of every individual diminish during the

pandemic. And also, its clearly that online class is hard for students to full out because

of lack of formal interaction like what students have at school. The use of virtual courses

among K-12 students has grown rapidly in recent years. Online learning can take a

number of different forms. Often people think of Massive Open Online Courses, or

MOOCs, where thousands of students watch a video online and fill out questionnaires

or take exams based on those lectures. Most online courses, however, particularly

those serving K-12 students, have a format much more similar to in-person courses.

The teacher helps to run virtual discussion among the students, assigns homework, and

follows up with individual students. In both cases, the teacher is supposed to provide

opportunities for students to engage thoughtfully with subject matter, and students, in

most cases, are required to interact with each other virtually.

Theoretical Framework

The authors’ goal in presenting the framework is to support those designing and

facilitating online learning to structure their communication to engage students,

particularly disengaged learners. Conceived as a supportive and encouraging

mechanism to encourage students to enact their agency, the framework is research-

informed, simple and accessible for flexible usage. It is anticipated it will be useful for a

number of audiences including academics and educational designers to inform planning

and practice, and for researchers, possibly as a conceptual framework for data analysis.

Figure 3 focuses on three key concepts making up a sequential process, aligned

with relevant literature, to decode the explicit aspects of communication to enhance

student learning and engagement (Clark & Mayer, 2016). These concepts include: (i)

expectation management; (ii) engagement; (iii) and nudging. The next sections present

the Conceptual Framework to Enhance Student Online Learning and Engagement and

discuss the three concepts in terms of the strategies (what to do) and practices (how to

do it)

Two theoretical perspectives were selected to inform how universities can better

address limited online engagement and resulting attrition. First, critical literacy can help

identify the assumptions underlying traditional institutional responses to increasing

student diversity and evolving technological disruption. It involves a shift from traditional

assumptions where students are perceived as being ‘deficit’ if they are unable to

effectively negotiate university environments. Critical Discourse Theory recasts

students’ experiences to one of ‘unfamiliarity’, which recognizes that students bring

beliefs, values, and experiences that may, or may not, be aligned with those of the

university. Second, Communication Theory, in conjunction with Critical Discourse,

substantiates the idea that learning and teaching essentially is a communication

process relying on academics being explicit about their expectations to ensure effective

communication with students, thus assisting with engagement and mastering unfamiliar

literacies and practices.

Conceptual Framework


Statement of the Problem

1. How do you deal or handle online classes?

2. how will help them to know the strategies to cope up with the struggles

in online class

3.What are the changes that students have notice in the new learning

system (online class)

4. Is there a significant relation between the academic performance of the

students and their (Learning or Survival) dealing with online class?

Significance of the Study

The result of the study makes a big contribution to live and also to society it will

bring benefits and awareness that we can survive in today's era with pandemic and can

help in particular the following.

to the students: the study of is significant to the students because it enlightens

their minds to further expand their knowledge of various things and improve themselves

academically which can also change their lives and improve their eagerness to learn in

time of study. this study is also a guide for success in the future, but for now we need to

survive the pandemic first so that we can continue our studies even more so we can

postpone the study now for the safety of the students want to be able to finish school.

to the teacher: the study is significant to the teacher because it may serve as a

guide to successfully convince students that they can finish their studies but nowadays

most people need enough financial because of the pandemic. to the parents: the study

is significant to the parents because nowadays many children stop because of the

pandemic that many students now suffer so that other parents will be forced to stop

their child from studying because of the lack of financial

To my family: it’s important to have a parents or family because they are always

to guide me to get my dream and support everything I want, for their I will fight for my

dream so that I can prove that you do not blame me for supporting my dream.

To future researchers: the researchers have advice that you have always ready

to the challenge and always think positive be cooperate to your group and important

trust yourself and of course to your member/leader.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focused on the effects of online classes during pandemic, the

research data was based on all the students experiencing online classes during this

pandemic. E-learning is defined as learning that makes use of Information and

Communication Technologies (ICTs). Blended learning is mainly defined as the

integration of classroom and distance learning to facilitate an independent, interactive

and collaborative learning among students. However, to understand it in a more general

perspective, blended learning approach redesign courses that are developed,

scheduled and implemented through a combination of physical and virtual learning

activities. It was previously reported that blended learning provides better student’s

satisfaction, motivation, student engagement and performance

Definition of Terms

eLearning - Understanding eLearning is simple. eLearning is learning utilizing

electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional

classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program or degree delivered completely


Communicating - to impart knowledge of; make known.

Curriculum - the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college

Survive - this term refers to human life and God

Pandemic - this term refers to a tragic and beliefs

Adobe - this term refers to metal and strongness


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes all the necessary local and foreign literature and studies

that will scaffold the research, Online Classes During the Pandemic: Learning or

Survival by Grade 12 GAS Students. The readings included will give relevance to the

study as the basis of interpretation and data gathering.

Local Literature

(Rossett & Chan, 2008). In the emerging knowledge society, online learning is

considered as of one of the important alternatives to traditional face-to-face, instructor-

led education. It enables us to deliver both learning and information at will, dynamically

and immediately.

The literature is closely related to the present study as it addresses 1. How

online class be attractive or interesting for all students, how it can be effective in the

teaching the students

(Jose A Fadul, 2014). This exploratory study investigates the use of a

computational knowledge engine (WolframAlpha) and social networking sites (Gmail,

Yahoo and Facebook) by 200 students at De La Salle-College of Saint Bended, their

“friends” and their “friends of friends” during the 2009 through 2013 school years, and

how this appears to have added value in knowledge generation. The primary aim is to

identify what enhances productiveness in knowledge generation in Philippine Tertiary

Education. The phenomenological approach is used, therefore there are no specific

research questions or hypotheses proposed in this paper. Considering that knowledge

generation is a complex phenomenon, a stochastic modelling approach is also used for

the investigation that was developed specifically to study un-deterministic complex

systems. A list of salient features for knowledge generation is presented as a result. In

addition to these features, various problem types are identified from literature. These

are then integrated to provide a proposed framework of inclusive (friendly) and

innovative social networks, for knowledge generation in Philippine tertiary education.

According to Roy martin simamora (2020), The impact of pandemic COVID-

19 is observed in every sector around the world. The education sectors of India as well

as world are badly affected by this. It has enforced the world-wide lock down creating

very bad effect on the students’ life. Around 32 crore learners stopped to move

schools/colleges and all educational activities halted in India. The outbreak of COVID-

19 has taught us that change is inevitable. It has worked as a catalyst for the

educational institutions to grow and opt for platforms with technologies, which have not

been used before. The education sector has been fighting to survive the crises with a

different approach and digitizing the challenges to wash away the threat of the

pandemic. This paper highlights some measures taken by Govt. of India to provide

seamless education in the country. Both the positive and negative impacts of COVID-19

on education are discussed and some fruitful suggestions are also pointed to carry out

educational activities during the pandemic situation.

COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way of learning in higher education. Teaching,

and learning activities that are usually carried out with face-to-face meetings have

turned into virtual meetings in various online learning applications. This paper aims to

analyze student essays in the form of perspectives or responses about the challenges

of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper collected fifteen students

as samples in the Fundamentals of Education I course who were actively involved in

online learning activities. Online learning provides various instructions led by the

lecturer. Instructions can be synchronous (communication where participants interact in

the same time space as video conferencing, zoom, google meet, and WebEx) or

asynchronous (time-separated communication such as e-mail, google form, streaming

video content, posting lecture notes and social media platforms). This study used a

qualitative approach. The researcher then collecting, reading and highlights each

student's response that is considered relevant for analysis.

Foreign Literature

According to International Journal of Educational (2020) The intended purpose of

this paper seeks to address the required essentialities of online teaching-learning in

education amid the COVID-19 pandemic and how can existing resources of educational

institutions effectively transform formal education into online education with the help of

virtual classes and other pivotal online tools in this continually shifting educational

landscape. The paper employs both quantitative and qualitative approach to study the

perceptions of teachers and students on online teaching-learning modes and also

highlighted the implementation process of online teaching-learning modes. The value of

this paper is to draw a holistic picture of ongoing online teaching-learning activities

during the lockdown period including establishing the linkage between change

management process and online teaching-learning process in education system amid

the COVID-19 outbreak so as to overcome the persisting academic disturbance and

consequently ensure the resumption of educational activities and discourses as a

normal course of procedure in the education system.

According to the aiming at assessing distance education during the period of

COVID-19 in multiple countries have been recently conducted [5–7]. Most of them have

shown that the school closures have provided clarity on different issues regarding

access to education, as well as more socioeconomic problems that affect people across

communities, but their impact is more severe specifically on low-income families [1]. In

such a situation, moving from traditional to online education would be the right option.

However, the availability of information technology equipment and Internet coverage

and speed are essential [4]. As almost all of the studies were undertaken during the first

weeks of the outbreak, it appears that making a conclusion on the quality of online

learning needs future studies, as the main goal was to continue the education in any

possible way [4]. They conclude that online education would be useful in the future.

Therefore, learners will work more independently, which will have the benefit of getting

new skills, especially in the case of students with special needs. In the same way, the

qualification of the teachers was affected positively by moving their assignment to the

new way of the lessons and becoming more learning facilitators [4, 8]. To get more

effectiveness in open learning, the authors show that the success of these changes

depends strongly on the development of information and communication technologies

[8]. A study on a strategy for engaging remote learners was undertaken in Indian

medicinal schools [9]. They have shown that good teaching or a teacher cannot be

substituted by technology; it can only be used in special circumstances like COVID-19.

The knowledge needed for the adoption of digital technology during the pandemic

period is also studied [10]. The work is focusing on the gateway for digital learning in

mathematics education during the COVID-19 period. Authors have shown that the

adoption of digital learning would stimulate the growth of digital learning in mathematics

and could be a positive response to such a situation.

According to Amit Joshi and Muddu Vinay (2020) In India, the COVID-19

outbreak has been declared an epidemic in all its states and union territories. To

combat COVID-19, lockdown was imposed on March 25, 2020 which has adversely

affected the education system in the country. It has changed the traditional education

system to the educational technologies (EdTechs) model, where teaching and

assessments are conducted online. This paper aims to identify the barriers faced by

teachers during online teaching and assessment in different home environment settings

in India. The findings revealed four categories of barriers that are faced by teachers

during online teaching and assessments. Under home environment settings, a lack of

basic facilities, external distraction and family interruption during teaching and

conducting assessments were major issues reported. Institutional support barriers such

as the budget for purchasing advanced technologies, a lack of training, a lack of

technical support and a lack of clarity and direction were also reported. Teachers also

faced technical difficulties. The difficulties were grouped under a lack of technical

support, it included a lack of technical infrastructure, limited awareness of online

teaching platforms and security concerns. Teachers’ personal problems including a lack

of technical knowledge, negative attitude, course integration with technology and a lack

of motivation are identified as the fourth category to damper their engagement in online

teaching and assessments

Local Studies

In a study conducted by Academia (2021) entitled "Impact of E-learning during

COVID-19 pandemic among nursing students and teachers of Philippines", states that

E-learning tools are playing a crucial role during this pandemic but in developing

countries. technological, education/literacy background and socio-economic challenges

exist. These challenges might act as a hindrance to the E-learning process.

This study is relevant to the present study for the reason that it states the

problems of developing countries to cope with the pandemic in terms.

In relation to the study, the literature is relevant since it states the condition of the

students during the pandemic. It helps the reader to understand the student's material,

mental, and physical capability.

Foreign Studies

This studies Springer (2021) in an article about "Barriers to online learning in the

time of COVID-19: A national survey of medical students in the Philippines", it states

that among 3670 medical students, 93% owned a smartphone and 83% had a laptop or

desktop computer. To access online resources, 79% had a postpaid internet

subscription while 19% used prepaid mobile data. Under prevailing conditions.

This study is relevant to Educational institutions (schools, colleges, and

universities) in India are currently based only on traditional methods of learning, that is,

they follow the traditional set up of face-to-face lectures in a classroom. Although many

academic units have also started blended learning, still a lot of them are stuck with old


This study relation to (Singh & Thurman, 2019). The synchronous learning

environment is structured in the sense that students attend live lectures, there are real-

time interactions between educators and learners, and there is a possibility of instant

feedback, whereas asynchronous learning environments are not properly structured. In

such a learning environment, learning content is not available in the form of live lectures

or classes; it is available at different learning systems and forums.


The researchers learned the Online Classes During the Pandemic: Learning or

Survival based on both local and foreign literature and studies gathered. Online Classes

Provider is the ability of individuals and organizations to connect to the Internet using

computer terminals, computers, and other gadgets.

According to the researchers Online Classes is Online learning is education that

takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to as “e- learning” among other terms.

However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning” - the umbrella term for

any learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional classroom. A

key advantage to online learning is that students can complete their training in their own

time and according to their own schedules. Recorded lessons, written content, webinars

and collaborative online learning software make it easy for anyone with

an internet connection to access everything they need.

This study is relevant to the present study for the reason that it states the

problems of developing countries to cope with the pandemic in terms. In relation to the

study, the literature is relevant since it states the condition of the students during the

pandemic. It helps the reader to understand the student's material, mental, and physical


The education sector has been fighting to survive the crises with a different

approach and digisting the challenges to wash away the threat of the pandemic. This

paper highlights some measures taken by Govt. of India to provide seamless education

in the country. Both the positive and negative impacts of COVID-19 on education are

discussed and some fruitful suggestions are also pointed to carry out educational

activities during the pandemic situation. The value of this paper is to draw a holistic

picture of ongoing online teaching-learning activities during the lockdown period

including establishing the linkage between change management process and online

teaching-learning process in education system amid the COVID-19 outbreak so as to

overcome the persisting academic disturbance and consequently ensure the resumption

of educational activities and discourses as a normal course of procedure in the

education system.

The researchers conducted this study to informed all students dealing with online

learning and for the reasons that they were fascinated on what is the Online Classes?

Learning or Survival?. This study work for approach all students what is your feeling

with dealing online Learning, And I will also conducted this work to know how Online



Methods and Procedure

This chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. It also describes the

subjects of the study, the instruments used, the procedure of data gathering, and the

statistical treatment of the data. This study will determine the effectiveness of Online

learning to the Grade12 GAS students of Taguig Integrated School for the year 2021-


Research Method

The researchers will use the descriptive method of researching this study.

Descriptive method because its serves to describe situation and the result of research,

its main concern is to get the holistic view of the students exposed to Online

learning .The researchers want to know how many students survive in this type of

learning in the time of pandemic, and students are effectively learning in this kind of new

system of education and also the researchers want to know what Online learning

approach on them. Both quantitative and qualitative methods shall be observed as the

researchers will elicit opinions and numerical data from the respondents through google

forms survey questionnaire

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are the students who undergo online class (S. Y.

2021-2022). The total number of participants for this study is 60 which came from GAS

grade 12 Senior high school. The data collection was gathered through online using

google forms.

Sampling Technique

Simple Random Technique was used in a gathered data. The researchers

selected the respondents in the Taguig Integrated school a google form I send it to

group chat of the class. Gathered survey is only focuses in with a student’s dealing with

online classes because their target was to aim information that online classes is

"Learning or Survival".

Research Instrument

The researchers use a tool in gathering information to make this research more

reliable, they used "Google Forms" because of this situation of the Online Class. In

Google Forms you can see the tally sheets in every question. The tally sheet is already

computed the number of respondents who answered a certain question. There are 4

SOP and it has 5 points degree namely: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree,

Strongly Disagree.

Validation of Instrument

Ms. Johna Venus, SHS Research Coordinator of Taguig Integrated School was

the one who validated the survey questionnaire that is used by gathering information for

the study because she had an experience of four years of teaching and she was the

research adviser for the semester. She is also one of our choices as observer for a

research defense.


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