Test Paper Gold Plus Unit 1

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Name : 10 points granted

Grade :
Test Paper

I. For 1-5 below, think of the word which is being defined. The words are all connected
with the cinema or television. 20 points (5x0.4)

1.) the story of a film or book -………………………………………………………………..

2.) the place in a cinema where tickets are sold -……………………………………………..
3.) the technique of starting a story in the present, then moving to the past -…………………
4.) the character that an actor plays in a play or a film -………………………………………
5.) the place or time where a film or television programme is shot -………………………….

II. Tick the correct alternative in each of the following sentences: 20 points (5x0.4)

1.) Did you ever go to Paris?

Have you ever been to Paris?
2.) I've had a TV in my bedroom ever since I was small.
I have been having a TV in my bedroom ever since I was small.
3.) He has known John for three years.
He knew John for three years.
4.) I never saw an opera before.
I have never seen an opera before.
5.) She has been doing her homework for the last two hours.
She has done her homework for the last two hours.

III. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the word in capitals:
20 points (5x0.4)

a.) The winner gave an excellent …………………………………………. PERFORM

b.) I have to do a lot of………………………………for the exam. PREPARE
c.) The volunteers had to live on a desert island as a test of………………….. SURVIVE
d.) It was a big…………….…..to me that I couldn’t accept the invitation. DISAPPOINT
e.) The winner gave a big……………………to charity. DONATE

IV. Write about a film you have recently seen. What was it called? Who was in it?
Where was it set? What was it about? 1 point

V. Write an e-mail to a friend inviting him / her to go to either a concert or a film with
you. Give details of the time and place, and say who else is coming and where you could
go afterwards. Write 120 – 150 words. 2 points

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