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Questions 1–6

Complete each sentence with the correct ending A–H from the box below.
1. Parkesine ………
2. Celluloid ………
3. Rayon ………
4. Bakelite ………
5. Cellophane ………
6. Nylon ………

A was developed as a substitute for a natural fibre.

B became very popular when a product made of it was launched.
C was too expensive to manufacture.
D combined animal and synthetic products.
E was initially intended to protect cloth.
F was regarded with suspicion by the general public.
G broke when first used for its intended purpose.
H was the first plastic that permanently retained its shape after being moulded.

Questions 7–13
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the passage for each answer.
In 1933, two organic chemists applied extreme 7 …………………………… to ethylene
and benzaldehyde, to discover what 8 …………………………… would occur. The
experiment was spoiled by a minor 9 ……………………………
elements during the test process,
but the scientists found that polyethylene had been created.
A 10 …………………………… was built to manufacture polyethylene on a large scale.
The material was later used as a 11 ……………………………
coating for submarine cables and
to provide 12 …………………………… in radar systems, allowing them to be carried on
13 ……………………………
planes .

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