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CHEMICAL il ELSEVIER Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-128 Isotope systematics in vein gold from Brusson, Val d’Ayas (NW Italy), 1. Pb/Pb evidence for a Piemonte metaophiolite Au source Thomas Pettke *, Robert Frei Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Insiut. Gruppe lsotopengeologie, Universitat Bern, Erlachsirasse 9a, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland Received 3 March 1995; accepted 6 June 1995 after revision Abstract ‘The Monte Rosa Gold Disirict (NW Italian Alps) comprises hundreds of late Alpine, epigenetic, gold-bearing quartz veins. We report a lead isotope study on an important one of these veins, Fenilia (Brusson, Val d’Ayas), which reveals a complex isotope geochemistry of petrographically cogenetic vein minerals. Petrographic observations allow to distinguish a quartz-dominated main-stage and a quartz-poor final-stage mineral assem- blage. Most of the free gold crystallized in the beginning of the final stage, whereas sulphides were deposited during its waning. ‘Three distinct lead isotope fields result for the paragenetic sequence of vein minerals. The variable lead isotope signature (15.517 <*"Pb/™Pb < 15.623) trapped in final-stage free gold, and minor quartz can be interpreted as a variable mixture between a primitive MORB-type and a radiogenic Pb component. It differs distinctly from the radiogenic lead signature of the main-stage mineral assemblage (2""Pb/?™Pb > 15.706), as well as from the uniform radiogenic lead (15.649 <>"Pb/ Ph < 15.691) characteristic of the waning final stage. We favour a model where the deeply circulating final-stage fluid, the ultimate source of which remains obscure, acquired lead and thus possibly its gold in Piemonte metaophiolitic rocks beneath the Monte Rosa nape. During ascent, the primitive gold-bearing fluid was variably contaminated by an evolved crustal lead (15.706 <*"Pb/*Pb < 15.743) compatible with derivation from Monte Rosa nappe rocks, During deposition of final-stage minerals the Pb isotope composition of the fluid changed to a constant signature becoming again dominated by a radiogenic lead source. Thus within an assemblage defined as cogenetic on petrographic grounds the Pb isotopic signature is not necessarily uniform and source modelling based on lead isotopes of associated minerals may be inappropriate Tl remains open at present, whether the inferred Piemonte metaophiolite gold source is confined to the Fenilia vein in Val ’Ayas only, or whether it might be more widespread in the Monte Rosa Gold District. 1. Introduction sition, P-V-T-X properties of the hydrothermal fluid can yield constraints on the latter processes, but only Epigenetic auriferous vein deposits always raise the give marginal information on the source of gold. More two-fold question of the source of gold and possible _direct evidence for possible sources of metals in hydro- mechanisms of gold mobilization, transport and depo- _ thermal systems can be achieved by isotopic tracing. In the case of gold, lead isotopes have been widely used * Conesponding author. (e-g., Antweiler et al., 1972; Gulson et a., 1993; Hat- Ica (0009-2541 /96/$15,00 © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI0009-2541(95)00107-7 nna 1. Peithe. R. Frei Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-124 © Selected gold vein occurrences PENNINIC UNITS zs "] Monte Rosa Nappe Undifferentiated Upper Penninic Basement Nap Piemonte metaophiolites Zermatt - Saas and Combin Zone Antrona Zone AUSTROALPINE UNITS. "A Sesia Zone Dent Blanche Nappe Fig. |. Schematic large-scale profile of the upper Penninic nappe complex through the Arcesa-Brusson window with selected vein gold ‘occurrences of the Monte Rosa Gold District projected onto the profile plane. Gold veins are: Fenilia in the Arcesa-Brusson window. framed: S=Val Sesia: A ARI alle Anzasca; C=Miniera dei Cani; O= Valle d°Ossola. For precise vein locations refer to Curti (1987, his fig. 1) osta-Ranzola Fault, The s1ar gives the approximate location of the massive sulphide deposit at Alagna, Val Sesia, Sketch compiled and simplified from previous drawings of Gosso et al, (1979) and Escher eta. (1993) tori, 1993) as lead is found in measurable amounts in most of the ore phases including the gold itself. Itis crucial for the application of isotopic tracers that differ from the ore element of interest, whether (1) the ore mineral of interest and the tracer containing mineral are isotopically cogenetic, i.e. trapped the same com- ‘mon signature; and (2) if so, that the tracer isotopes, and the ore element of interest were added to the hydro- thermal system at the same place, i. originate from the same source. To avoid the first question the tracer should be measured directly on the ore mineral of inter- est. But even then, the isotopic signature may evolve during ore mineral deposition from a hydrothermal solution and hence complicate the interpretation of the data, This has for example been well documented for Ph in Mississippi Valley-type galena (Hartetal., 1981, and references therein). The danger of different acqui- sition sites of tracer and ore element can be minimized by the choice of a tracer with the closest possible geo- chemical coherence with the ore element of interest. Gold in potential source rocks is likely to be present in sulphides, hence mobilization of gold will also contrib- ute significant amounts of lead to the hydrothermal fluid (e.g., Hattori, 1993). In a comprehensive, combined Pb and © isotope study of Monte Rosa gold lode deposits, to which the investigated samples belong, Curti (1987) concluded that the ore-bearing fluids were generated by devolatil- ization of pre-Mesozoic metapelites and Variscan ‘metagranitoids from the Monte Rosa nappe. Further- more, based on two contrasting ore lead isotope pat- terns defined by galena from former mining areas (e.g., Sesia and Anzasca valleys; Fig. |) that can be corre- lated with different structural relationships of the veins, he postulated two mineralization events in the Monte Rosa Gold District. By assuming a common source for vein gold and Pb in galena, Curti (1987) concluded that metapelites of the Monte Rosa nappe are the most probable source rocks for gold in this metallogenic province. Rb-Sr and He-Ar isotope investigations by Pettke et al, (1994, 1995) revealed that the gold veins in the Brusson area show complex quartz and gold fluid inclu- sion isotope characteristics despite the presence of one parent fluid which unmixed during final-stage miner- alization (Diamond, 1986, 1990; Yardley et al., 1993) Furthermore, He isotope differences between gold and quartz from Fenilia found by Pettke etal. (1994, 1995) emphasize the likelihood of a complex history of the mineralizing fluid, and of isotopic changes during its ascent. The present Pb isotopic study was carried out on some of the same gold samples analysed by Pettke et al. (1995) for noble gas signatures, and phases asso- ciated with them. Our aim has been to explore further the indication of trace species isotopic variations in the mineralizing fluid as it deposited gangue minerals and gold. First, this should provide a test of the validity of T. Pete, R, Frei / Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-124 43 the common assumption that associated phases may be analysed as proxies, and second, it might provide new constraints on the source and history of the mineralizing fluid at the time of gold deposition, and of the gold itself. 2. Regional se Numerous epigenetic, gold-bearing quartz, veins occur scattered in the Central Alps, northwest of the Canavese line (compare fig. 1 of Curti, 1987). These veins have been unified as the ‘Monte Rosa Gold Dis- trict”” by Huttenlocher (1934), based on similar vein mineral assemblages and the epigenetic structural rela- tionship of the veins. The Simplon Fault Zone separates the metallogenic province into two main tectonic blocks, the upper Penninic nappe complex in its hang- ing wall and the lower Penninic nappe complex in its foot wall (Mancktelow, 1990). The upper Penninic nappe complex (a schematic cross-section is given in Fig. 1) hosts almost all the gold-quartz veins. It con- sists of Mesozoic Piemonte metaophiolites overlying the basement units Monte Rosa nappe, Camughera Moncueco Zone and other upper Penninic basement nappes, only the latter of which are not known to host gold veins. The Mesozoic Piemonte metaophiolites comprise the equivalent Zermatt-Saas Zone and Antrona Zone rocks. They are ortho-amphibolites, pra- sinites and epidote-chlorite schists with minor serpen- tinites, intimately interlayered with calc schists C'schistes lustrés’’-type clastic oceanic sediments), ‘The Monte Rosa nappe (e.g. Bearth, 1952) hosts most, of the gold lodes. It consists of porphyritic Variscan (Frey et al., 1976) metagranites emplaced in a high- grade polymetamorphic paragneiss unit, psammitic to Pelitic in composition, with very minor amphibolitic imercalations. The Camughera-Moncucco zone beneath the Monte Rosa nappe is closely comparable to the former, except for the widespread occurrence of amphibolitic layers. It is separated from the Monte Rosa nappe by the Antrona Zone metaophiolites. The upper Penninic nappe complex underwent Alpine high- pressure metamorphism and retrogression under greenschist-facies conditions. ‘The post-metamorphic nature of the auriferous vein system in the Arcesa-Brusson window, Val d’Ayas (Fig. 2), was recognized long ago (Reinhold, 1916) ‘The N-dipping Aosta-Ranzolanormal fault (Fig. 2nd Fig. 3) offsets the gold-bearing veins since such veins are not found north of it (Diamond, 1986). The age of, the last movements along this fault is unknown, thus a minimum age for vein emplacement cannot be deduced. Veining has been dated by Diamond and Wie- denbeck (1986). They obtained K-Ar muscovite ages of 30.7414 and 33.3+1.4 Ma from two separate ‘metaophiolite hosted veins, consistent with geological Arcesa-Brusson Window, Monte Rosa Nappe (MR), Gran Paradiso (GP) Tz] Piemonte Metaophiolite Zermatt-Saas and Antrona Zone (NE) Sesia-Lanzo (SE), Dent Blanche (NW) Ivrea-Zone (SE), II DK, Valpelline Series (NW) Bernhard Nappe Complex Camughera - Moncucco Zone Tertiary intrusives (B = Biella) = Aosta-Ranzola Fault CL =Canavese Line 3 _ = Alagna, Val Sesia FBT OO 8 b Fig. 2. Tectonic sketch of a part of the northwestern Alpine arc. The box comprises the Arcesa-Brusson window where the Fenilia vein is located. The locality ofthe metaophiolite-hosted staiform massive sulphide deposit at Alagna, Val Sesia, is indicated, na T. Pete, R. Frei / Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-124 [2] Metagranite Zi, Paragneisses Piemonte Metaophiolite ARF Aosta - Ranzola Fault 3 Gold sample location Fig. 3. Profle through the Arcesa-Brusson window (outlined by the box in Fig. 2). Metagranites and paragneisses belong to the Monte Rosa nappe which is overlain by the Piemonte metaophiolite nape. The star marks the approximate locality ofthe gold-bearing samples, sed for analysis constraints. The mica ages correspond to an epoch of rapid uplift and cooling (e.g., Dal Piaz et al., 1972; Frey et al., 1976; Laubscher, 1983; Hurford et al, 1991) The Fenilia vein is exposed in the Arcesa~Brusson window (an equivalent of the Penninic Monte Rosa nappe; Figs. 1-3), which is located in the southwestern part of the Monte Rosa Gold District. More than one hundred carbonate-sulphide-quartz veins are scattered around Val d’Ayas (Diamond, 1986, 1990). Some of these veins were mined for gold in the past (Colomba, 1907; Reinhold, 1916; Huttenlocher, 1934; Stella, 1943) and Fenilia was the most productive one. The gold veins transect two major tectonic units, the Palaeo- zoic Arcesa~Brusson gneiss dome and the discordantly overlying Mesozoic Piemonte metaophiolite. Thus, the Beginning | Waning Main-Stage : Final Stage quarts pyre Gracopyrite dolomite old Erannerite tetahedrte ealena transparent calcite ; my Fig. 4, Paragenetic mineral assemblage in the Fenilia vein. Note that the proportion of fnal-stage minerals 10 main-stage phases (Sepa- rated by the thick dashed line) is 5U spike before dissolution in HF or aqua regia. Total decomposition of gold was achieved by repeated ultra- sonic treatment during dissolution, with the aim to dis- integrate the AgCl armour developing around gold grains. Electrolytic cleaning of the hand-picked quartz (215 days, at ~ 200 V; Pettke and Diamond, 1995) similar to the procedure described by Roedder (1958) was performed for all quartz samples except sample B- 1293 toensure purest possible grain surfaces. Replicate analyses have been performed on samples with initially high blank-Pb/sample-Pb ratios. The Pb isotope com- position of quartz sample B-1293 was determined on three dry splits, only one of which was cleaned electro- lytically as all other quartz samples (Table 1; Fig. 7) U was measured on triple Ta-Re~Ta filaments in a single-cup AVCO™ mass spectrometer. Pb was stati- cally measured from single Re filament on a VG* Sector mass spectrometer. Fractionation for Pb amounted to 0.075 + 0.011% (n=85) per amu and the reproducibility of the NBS 981 standard at the time of, this project was +0.30% for the “°Pb/*™Pb, 0.23% for the *"Pb/*™Pb and 0.15% for the 7°Pb/?*Pb ratio, at the 20 level. Total procedure blanks monitored for each set of analyses amounted to 200-300 pg, as a function of sample weight. The mean isotopic composition of three blank determinations is *Pb/?*Pb= 18.00+0.27, 2” Pb/™Ph=15.53£0.04 and ™*Pb/™P 37.68 £0.28 (1or abs.). All samples of which a Pb concentration was determined are corrected for spike and blank contribution, and are reported as blank-cor- rected results in Table 1 5. Results Pb isotope data are listed in Table 1 and plotted in Fig, 7. For all vein minerals except galena and pyrite, [U] and [Pb] were measured and the ratios corrected for in situ produced radiogenic lead (30 Ma). The trapped lead signatures of quartz and tetrahedrite are plotted as filled symbols; for free gold, growth of radi genic lead is insignificant, as is the growth of radio- genic He and Ar (compare companion paper of Pettke et al., 1995). The correction for in situ produced lead in quartz is small except for sample B-8871 qtz I. Ele- vated [U] in this sample could indicate the presence of submicroscopic brannerite inclusions. The trapped lead signature of both quartz samples B-8871 (I and T1) coincides and thus, to some extent, puts confidence in the applied age correction, The electrolytically cleaned dry split of quartz sample B-1293 IIf revealed a significantly more primitive Pb than that of the two untreated aliquots B-1293 I and II. This demonstrates, that samples with very low lead concentrations are sus- ceptible to surface adsorbed contamination which can be minimized by the applied pre-analytical surface cleaning. Three distinct lead isotope data fields (Fig. 7) can be related to the mineral assemblage (Fig. 4) asa func- tion of vein evolution: the main stage, the beginning final stage and the waning final stage. Data from the main-stage minerals are defined by high j2-values ( > 9,954; data points lying above the average crustal growth curve of Stacey and Kramers, 1975). They are compatible with that of lead typically evolved in the continental crust. In the thorogenic dia- _gram the Pb isotope compositions of quartz plot within the data field of metapelites (Mp; field from Curti, 1987), whereas in the uranogenic diagram they indicate an even more evolved, high-1p lead source for the quartz depositing fluid. Main-stage pyrite (sample B- 8871), from within the veinward alteration zone in ‘metagranite ~ 5 cm close to final-stage free gold, most, closely approaches the metagranite lead signature (Mg; field from Curti, 1987). 1s T. Pete, . Frei / Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-124 Tablet U-Pb results of Fenilia vein samples . tion conc. Ucone, EP ee ee ee Sample Stage" Descipt Poi Veone, Se mm ee ee (ppb) __(npb) agecor. —agecor. — a130Ma Pk-Toqz —m two freely grown 26 0819490 STIL 33410819348 15.706 8.884 quanz erystals mg) B1293qu1 br milky quanz am 25018674 1597238537 um nm 9.505 overgrown by free gold (50mg) BI293quIl br milky quartz nm nm. 18616. 1557438508 am. osu overgrown by free gold (250.5 mg) 93qz br milky quar ne 76 18533 155213781830 ISSIT 8.320 overgrown by free gold (1.671 mg) FemISAvL bf fieegold (51.76mg) 2,550 67 18540 15.600 185% 15609 9.690 Feo-ISAull bf freegold (803mg) 174 14ST 15610 18792 15.608 8.644 FeniSqz m milky quanz (1083559 = 419.439. 15.787 19360 15.743 10.110 me) FemloAu wf free gold (45.64 1,410 24018749 15687 38.635 18.743 15.687 9.98 mg): erahedrte contamination? Fen-l6qu m — fairlytransparent free 3.00.79. STI3. «30.714 «1907815709 10010 quartz (1,206 mg) Feni7Au bf fee gold (235mg) 2160 33 18425 15585 3802418420 S.S45 9.438 B.8871 py =m pyste (<1 mm) nm nm. 18765 187238961 mmm 10.120 from altered metagranite (49 me) B-8871 qi bt patchy smoky fee 889 949.021.859.157 3872 1849S SIS 9.789 quar single crystals (629 mg) B-8871qztl br smoky quar grains «6B LZ_ RAIS 15626 -3RADL_-—«18S63_—— «S619. «9701 around brannerite (540.5 me) B-887I teirl wf freeteuahedrive(0.95 11,036" 11,184* 18.995 15701-38848 «18802 S691 9991 me) B87 tell wh — freetetrhedre (0.71 6531" 26 RTE IST! =—«-38.TRD_—«18.7B]_—ISBTL_ 8.805, mg) LD912 wf galenain direct nm. nm, 18689 1566538765 nm, am 9.898 contact with tetrabedite (1.1 mg) Pk80 wf freegalena,Maevein. = nm. nm, R686. 15661 38.72— am, am. oat (68mg) Pk9S wf freegalena,Chevein. = am, «nm, ROTH 15649 38.723. am. 9932 vein (8.1 mg) LD679 wf galena,Fenlia nm. nm 1869215668 38.771 nm, am. 9.993 (Cori, 1987) H.70 pyrite. Alagna (Cui, = mmm, 17863 1546337551 om. am. 9.209 1987; his able 1) di aeconting to Stacey and Kramers (1975). a.m, = pot measured, “m-=main stage; bf= beginning final stage; wf waning ial stage. "Samples are corected for blank contribution (i.e. 300g for large quartz samples, marked with , and 200 pg fr al other samples) “in pp, “in situ corrected (age cor.) for 30 Ma. T. Pete, R, Frei/ Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-124 ns 18.8 fq main-stage is.7 pp" waning ~ final-stage + £ se 4 18.5 4 tetrahedrite 15.4 L 1 1 n L L ba ee au 40 39 ™Pb/™Pb 38 7 12. Fig. 7.27Pb/°™Pb2Pb/™Pb (a) and >*PD/™Po>*Pb/*™Pb (b) plots with all samples from Fenilia plus pyrite from Alagna (compare Fig. 1). Filled symbols mark in situ corrected sample Pb isotope compositions. The isotope composition of pyrite from Alagna, the Ossola— Sesia data field (stippled) and the country rock data fields of metabasites = Piemonte metaophiolites (Mb), metagranite (Mg) and metapelites (Mp) ate from Curt (1987). The error crosses correspond to the 2c reproducibility of the NBS 981 standard. *) denotes a possibly brannesite ‘contaminated final-stage quartz, its measured Pb isotope composition lies outside the diagram. The arrow visualizes the evolutionary tend of lead isotopes from the beginning tothe waning fnal-tage fui, Free gold and minor quartz deposited during the _ophiolite (Curti, 1987) and that of the main stage, in beginning final stage are characterized by scattering Pb _both the uranogenic and the thorogenic plots. Their Pb isotope ratios outlining an elongated data field (Fig. 7) _ isotope composition shows scattering values especially between that of metabasalts (Mb) from the Piemonte _withrespecttothe *”Pb/*Pb ratio ( 15.54~15.69) and 120 T. Pett, R. Frei/ Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-124 the **Pb/*™Pb ratio (37.93-38.75). The least radio- genic gold and quartz Pb values plot within the meta- basalt (Mb) field of Curti (1987). ‘The Pb isotope composition of tetrahedrite and galena deposited during the waning final stage define a restricted data field intermediate between those of the main stage and the beginning final stage, respectively. Two in situ corrected tetrahedrite replicates from Fen- ilia (B-8871) and galena from an offshoot of the Fen- ilia vein and other veins near Brusson (LD-942 and Pk-80, Pk-95, LD-679, H-70) invariably plot within, or close to, the ore field defined by galena from Au- bearing veins in other former mining areas of the Monte Rosa Gold District (Curti, 1987, his fig. 7). We explain the relatively high U concentration of one tetrahedrite sample (B-8871 tetr 1) to result from minor admixture of brannerite in the tetrahedrite concentrate. The radi- ogenic Pb signature of the single gold sample Fen-16 having elevated Pb concentration (1110 ppb) may be due to contamination by tetrahedrite. 6. Discussion 6.1. Petrographic vs. isotopic cogeneticity The lead isotopic differences in the Brusson veins can in part be correlated with assemblages (e.g., the difference between main stage and the beginning of final stage). However, for the final-stage minerals a variation occurs within an assemblage that would on simple petrographic grounds be considered as a single cogenetic paragenesis. Petrographically cogenetic final-stage free gold and tetrahedrite differ in their Pb isotope signature. This apparent discrepancy can be resolved if itis accepted that, in a hydrothermal system, the dissolved contents and/or isotopic signatures of tracers in the advecting fluid can change subtly during the deposition of a given assemblage. In Fenilia, for example, free gold appears to have grown rapidly in the beginning of the final stage when only very minor tetrahedrite was deposited, whereas in the waning late stage the precipitation rate of the two minerals was opposite. Thus, the lead isotope signature of free gold approximates that of the beginning final stage, and that, of tetrahedrite is characteristic for its waning. Such a scenario is monitored by the absolute amounts of min- erals in the final-stage paragenesis over time (Fig. 4). Sampling of these peak amount crystallizates can yield an isotopic snapshot in the course of crystallization, hence allows to check a single cogenetic paragenesi for a possible evolution in its isotopic characteristics with vein growth. Therefore, itis of paramount impor- tance to precisely know the depositional relation between the bulk samples analysed. The high resolution of lead isotopic systematics requires a highly resolved mineral assemblage that takes mass proportions into account. This characteristic is just the reason why we took samples representing the peak crystallization of each mineral species, which follows the order seen in Fig. 4 and outlined above. 6.2, Main-stage mineralization at Fenilia Main-stage fluid in Fenilia is characterized by very low [Pb] and a quite uniform upper-crustal, high 207Pb/2Ph isotope signature which is even higher than that reported by Curti (1987) for Monte Rosa-type rocks. Thus, assuming that the MG field of Curti (1987) in Fig. 7 is also representative for the Arcesa~ Brusson window, a radiogenic source representing a ‘more ancient crust, and which is not known to be exposed around Val d’Ayas, has to be invoked for this, lead. The Pb isotope signature of alteration halo pyrite (sample B-8871) is compatible with main-stage quartz but closerto the metagranite field of Curti (1987). This similarity shows that important host rock alteration is associated with main-stage mineralization and is inter- preted to account for contamination of the input fluid with metagranite lead. 6.3. Final-stage mineralization at Fenilia Deposition of final-stage minerals can be divided into two episodes by means of lead isotope signatures and concentration (beginning and waning final stages, separated by the thin dashed line in Fig. 4 and Fig. 8) ‘Thereby, most of the free gold was deposited in the beginning of the final stage. The assumption that free gold and lead were leached by the fluid at the same site is supported as follows: (1) gold may be mobilized as aresult of sulphide decomposition in the source region, ‘a process which is also likely to contribute significant amounts of lead to the hydrothermal fluid (Hattori 1993; Cameron et al., 1993); and (2) the coincidence between lead with a primitive isotope signature and T. Petthe, R. Frei / Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-124 21 102 100 98 96 Main -stage Volume of mineral growth beginning Final stage waning Vein evolution 8. Diagram illustrating the relation between the proportions of vein minerals, > (Stacey and Kramers, 975) and te three-fold lead isotope ‘evolution with vein growth at Ferilia, Main, beginning final and waning final stages (compare Fig. 4) are each characterized by distinctive jig values. They are highly variable in the beginning final stage, and then become predominated by @ homogeneous jin the waning final stage. deposition of Au, the element of interest, is almost restricted to free gold, hence considered to be indicative rather than accidental. In the beginning of the final stage the gold-bearing fluid is characterized by a compositional range and a slightly elevated [Pb] compared to the main-stage fluid. This range can be explained by variable mixtures, ‘of two components. The high-*””Pb/?Pb end-member is compatible with Monte Rosa-type rock lead com- positions (Curti, 1987). The low-*”Pb/*™Pb end-member is similar to the lead isotope composition, of Piemonte metaophiolite (Curti, 1987; Mb field in Fig. 7). No other lithology witha primitive lead isotope signature is known from this area. ‘The evidence of primitive lead intimately associated with gold was up to now unknown in the Monte Rosa Gold District. Models regarding a poten- tial gold source for epigenetic vein mineralizations are widespread for those of Archaean age (e.g., Solomon and Groves, 1994; Hattori, 1993; Keays, 1984). Below the Monte Rosa nappe at Brusson, Piemonte metabas- ites are thought to exist (Fig. 1), which are equivalent to the Antrona-Zone metaophiolites overlying the lower Penninic Camughera-Moncucco Zone, exposed northeast of the Monte Rosa nappe (Fig. 2). Further- more, according to Brigo et al. (1977), the Piemonte metaophiolite hosted stratiform iron sulphide deposit of Alagna (Fig. I and Fig. 2) is primarily enriched in gold and such deposits therefore represent potential gold sources. The Pb isotope composition of Alagna pyrite (sample H-70 from Curti, 1987; Fig. 2 and Fig. 8) lies on the extension of the final-stage fluid array in Fig. 7. The combined observations and isotopic data thus support the view that the final-stage gold of, Fenilia, as well as its non-radiogenic lead, was derived from a partly pre-mineralized metaophiolitic source. In support of Lattanzi et al.'s (1989) arguments, our Pb isotope characteristics render a genetic link between the late Alpine intrusions (e.g., Biella; Fig. 2) and the auriferous mineralization at Brusson very unlikely. 122 T. Peithe, R. Frei/ Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-124 ‘Two possible explanations may account for the change in lead isotope signature, along with increased gold deposition, between main stage and final stage. Either (1) we have a single lead source in the meta- ophiolite, progressively less dominated by wall rock lead liberated by fluid-host rock interaction in the Monte Rosa nappe (compare Fig. 1), or (2) we have an opening up of a new and non-radiogenic lead source at the beginning of the final stage. Scenario (1) could be explained by sealing off the unaltered metagranite by the main-stage mineralization, both the alteration, halo and the massive vein quartz deposition [this proc- ess has been proposed by Pettke and Diamond (1993) to explain the continuous decrease in initial Sr isotopic ratios of main-stage quartz]. Scenario (2) could be a result of enhanced uplift and cooling of the Alpine nappe pile ~30 Ma ago, when progressively deeper structural levels were cooled through the brittle-ductile transition. This opens up new fluid pathways and may make new lead and gold sources accessible, so the inferred Piemonte metaophiolites below the Monte Rosa nappe (Fig. 1). We favour the latter scenari because of the sudden drop in jir-values at the begin- ning of the final stage, as shown in Fig. 8. Marked sulphide crystallization, such as tetrahedrite (and galena), along with a rapid decrease and later cessation of free-gold deposition occurs during the waning of the final-stage crystallization. We interpret, the different Pb isotope signature of final-stage tetra- hedrite (and galena) as further change in fluid path- ways. This makes a remote, new source of lead accessible, however, without supplying gold. A fluid monotonically evolving in its Pb isotope sig- nature in the course of final-stage mineralization is very unlikely, because the change from a fluid with variable ya to one with constant j1»-values (Fig. 8) indicates that one lead source became dominant. This dominant lead component could not have originated from the immediate host rock; its influence has been demon- strated to monotonically decrease with vein growth in the area of Brusson, and contamination of the low- (Pb] fluid by lead derived from the immediate host rock in the beginning of the final stage was already subordinate (as outlined above). Therefore, we favour a remote radiogenic lead component which swamped out Pb derived from the Au source. The potential sources of such Pb may be either rocks from the lower Monte Rosa nappe or from pre-Mesozoic gneisses of the upper Penninic basement nappes beneath the Antrona Zone metaophiolites (Fig. 1) Lead of the waning final stage at Fenilia is compat- ible with galena-Pb from other gold-bearing veins in the Brusson, Sesia and Ossola areas (Curti, 1987, his fig. 6; and Fig. 1) which indicates a common lead source of regional importance. On the basis of the iso- topic signature of this lead, Curti (1987) explicitly excluded the metaophiolites and associated stratiform, massive sulphide occurrences to represent possible source rocks for the gold. The new evidence of isotope geochemical disequilibrium between final-stage free gold plus quartz and galena reveals that the lead isotope, source represented by tetrahedrite and galena does completely overprint the one indicative for the source of gold in Fenilia. Further lead isotope investigations are required to see whether this discrepancy is confined to the Fenilia vein only or whether lead isotope dise- quilibrium between native gold and galena is more widespread in the Monte Rosa Gold District. 7. Conclusions Lead isotope disequilibrium between petrographi- cally cogenetic vein minerals has been encountered in the 30-Ma-old gold-quartz vein at Fenilia near Brusson (Monte Rosa Gold District, NW Italy). Our results demonstrate, that under certain conditions the criterion, of petrographic cogeneticity in a hydrothermal system is inadequate for the interpretation of isotopic results. ‘The complex lead isotope geochemistry of the vein mineral assemblage allows the distinction of three groups, each with acharacteristic range in lead isotopes that define a clear evolutionary trend in this vein. The largest quantity of vein minerals was deposited during a main stage of crystallization, characterized by very high 12 characteristics. It is followed by variably low ‘2 during the beginning final stage, whereas again high da is characteristic for its waning, ‘The low-j4) Pb signature is exclusively trapped in free-grown gold and minor quartz and can be explained bya variable mixture of primitive Piemonte metabasite- type lead and a radiogenic lead component from pre- Mesozoic Monte Rosa nappe rocks, acquired by the fluid during ascent. We therefore infer a Piemonte metaophiolite-type source for some of the Pb and pos- sibly all the gold at Fenilia. T. Peuke, 8, Frei / Chemical Geology 127 (1996) 111-124 23 During the final stage of mineralization, the fluid was swamped with Pb of a homogeneous radiogenic isotope composition, identical with Pb found in many other vein localities in the Monte Rosa Gold District. Its, signature is compatible with Pb derived from Monte Rosa-type rocks. Thus, the Pb isotope composition of sulphides deposited during the waning final stage is not, indicative for the source of gold. Pb isotope analyses of minerals with low lead con- centration have shown to be sensitive fluid tracers in that they were able to distinguish different pulses of hydrothermal activity and to delineate an evolutionary path in the Fenilia vein, This is particularly true for native gold which is in Pb isotope disequilibrium with all other ore minerals in the Feniflia vein, As a result it remains open, whether a primitive, Piemonte metabas- ite-type gold source might be more widespread in the Monte Rosa Gold District. Acknowledgements We wish to thank for the constructive criticism of J.D. Kramers, L.W. Diamond and two anonymous reviewers, and their help in improving earlier versions of this manuscript. Samples B-1293 and B-8871 were kindly put at our disposal by B. Hofmann from the Naturhistorisches Museum Bern, who substantially contributed to ore mineral petrography. We thank F. 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