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PLAINTIFF- government employee
DEFENDANT- publication agency
Add dates accordingly
o Neighbours one who has publication agency associated
with a newspaper.
o One is a government office employee
o They both had a verbal argument near their residences
where the defendant openly shouted out in fit of anger
that the plaintiff is suffering from a disease which is not
known to his office authorities and the same is
published in his newspaper.
o The plaintiff got suspended from his services till he
proves his innocence
o The fitness certificate is attached of the plaintiff proving
that he is fit for his work.
o The newspaper article is also attached.


u/s 13-B
Petitioner 1- wife
Petitioner 2- husband
o Marriage commencing date
o Before marriage status of parties
o After marriage status of the parties
o Children out of wedlock if any
o COA- both the parties have been living seperatly since
past ___ years as they cannot live peacefully together
and only indulge in constant verbal arguments therefore
both have mutually consented to get divorced.
o Petition is free will and with no undue influence and
o Immovable and movable property they own together
o What property they’ll mutually divide
o Correct jurisdiction.

Under Article-39-A
Petitioner- any name
Respondent- Union of India
o Address of the factory
o On date, in delhi an olium gas leak tradegy happened
leading to loss of thousands of people aand damage to
their future generations.
o Till date the people living their show the after effects of
the gas leak.
o The gas leak was a complete negligence on the part of
the factory.
o Grounds,
1. Factory was not situated in commercial area being
allotted by the government of Delhi.
2. Rather factory was being situated near residential
area which is strictly prohibited by the Environment
protection Act.
3. The safety protocols issued by the NGT(national
green tribunal) were not being followed.


PARTIES- Petitioner, Respondent
o Commencement of marriage
o Children out of wedlock
o Status of parties, before and after marriage.
o The child is having a disease which requires constant
care and attention
o From date wife went to her maternal home for urgent
work and did not return back.
o Whenever husband goes to hermaternal home to bring
her back either she denies to meet him or becomes
o Despite of several reminders and requests to return
home, wife is adamant on non returing and denying to
fulfil marital obligations and obligation as a mother.
o It is been 6 months since the wife has not returned to
her husband and children.
o Even the child is in constant need of mother’s care.

U/S 13(1) of HMA
PARTIES – Petitioner, Respondent
o Commencement of marriage date.
o Status of parties before and after marriage
o Children out of wedlock only girl child
o after the birth of two girl children the husband started
physically abusing the wife to the extent that many
times wife became unconscious.
o Wife returned her maternal home but due to parental
pressure returned back.
o Once beaten with a baseball bat leading her to multiple
Specific Performance
Parties- Plaintiff, Defendant
o On date a contract was formulated between parties
vendor and vendee for purchase of 3 acres of land
description of land for Rs. 1 Cr.
o On date Rs. 50 lakh was deposited as advance payment.
o On date vendee was supposed to execute the contract
and then full payment was supposed to be done.
o On date complete payment was done but the contract
was not executed.

Criminal Complaint
Parties- Complainant, Accused

o Complainant and accused are neighbours

o Both have separate parking space
o On date complainant found accused parked his
vehicle in complainant parking space.
o Complainant made humble request
o The accused with a stick charged the complainant.
o Occurrence was witnessed by 2 ppl their name.
o Complainant went to nearest police station but
denied to file an FIR.
o Complaint to Superintendent but no action
o Criminal record of accused of previous hyper

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