GR AracuaiPlutons Martins-Etal2004

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Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, pp. 75-89.

© 2003 International Association for Gondwana Research, Japan.

ISSN: 1342-937X GR Gondwana

Sr and Nd Characteristics of Brasiliano/Pan-African Granitoid

Plutons of the Araçuaí Orogen, Southeastern Brazil: Tectonic
Veridiana T. de S. Martins1, Wilson Teixeira1, Carlos M. Noce2 and Antonio C. Pedrosa-
Centro de Pesquisas Geocronológicas, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, SP, 05508-080, Brazil
CPMTC, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, 31270-901, Brazil,

(Manuscript received August 29, 2002; accepted June 3, 2003)

Nd and Sr isotope data were obtained for three plutonic suites (595-505 Ma) and distinct young granitoid intrusions
(503 Ma), from the southern part of the Neoproterozoic Araçuaí Orogen. The Sr and Nd isotopes (87Sr/86Sr, εNd) and
TDM values from the plutons and distinct basement rocks are used to constrain the magma genesis of the granitoid
plutons. These isotopic parameters, with e Nd values ranging from –4 to –24 and TDM ages from 1.3 to 2.8 Ga, for the
granitoid suites, and –5 to –40 and 3.5 to 1.5 Ga, for the distinct Archean and Proterozoic basement complexes, suggest
that the Jequitinhonha Complex metasediments are the main crustal source for most of these plutons, except for the
youngest granitoid intrusions, which may have a protolith similar to the Mantiqueira and Guanhães complexes.
Furthermore, the isotope data indicate a minor, but important, participation of Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere in
the granite genesis, which corroborates with a confined orogenic model and a narrow oceanic consumption (B-subduction)
for the Araçuaí Orogen.
Key words: Araçuaí Orogen, Brasiliano, Pan-African, granitoid plutons, Sr and Nd isotopes.

up the basement of the Araçuaí Orogen are compared to
Granite genesis plays an important role in plate the Nd and Sr characteristics of the plutonic suites in order
tectonics, as plutonic rocks provide information on crust to constrain the granite genesis.
generation processes, and may also constrain the tectonic The Araçuaí Orogen (including its African counterpart,
environment (e.g. Bennett and DePaolo, 1987; Pitcher, the West Congo belt) is a peculiar orogenic zone due to
1995; Barbarin, 1999). its confinement in the embayment outlined by the São
Considering such potential implications, we report new Francisco and Congo cratons (Fig. 1; Pedrosa-Soares et
Sr and Nd isotope data on nine plutonic bodies, grouped al., 2001). This particular framework led several authors
in three suites, as well as data on a young granitoid to propose ensialic models for the evolution of the Araçuaí
intrusion of the southern Neoproterozoic (Brasiliano/Pan- Orogen (e.g., Siga Jr., 1986; Trompette, 1997).
African) Araçuaí Orogen of Western Gondwana (Almeida, Nevertheless, the presence of oceanic crust in the Araçuaí
1977; Brito Neves and Cordani, 1991; Pedrosa-Soares et Orogen has been cited in the literature since the beginning
al., 2001) (Fig. 1). These isotope data, supported by of the 1990s, when Neoproterozoic (816±72 Ma) mafic
geochemical and petrographic information, are interpreted and ultramafic rocks were found and interpreted to be
together with available conventional U–Pb and Pb–Pb oceanic remnants. As a result a B-subduction model
geochronology for the granitoid plutons to address issues for basin closure has been proposed for the orogen
related to orogenic processes. In addition, isotope data (e.g., Pedrosa-Soares et al., 1992, 1998, 2001;
from distinct Archean and Proterozoic terranes that make Cunningham et al., 1998; Aracema et al., 2000). This

assessment is consistent with the idea of break up of the More than 630 isotope analyses are available for the entire
Rodinia Supercontinent followed by the closure of the area (Aldrich et al., 1964; Besang et al., 1977; Brito Neves
Adamastor Ocean (formation of the Gondwana et al., 1979; Cordani et al., 1979; Brito Neves et al., 1980;
Supercontinent) in Neoproterozoic times (Dalziel, 1997). Lima et al., 1981; Müller et al., 1986; Silva et al., 1987;
Such evolution is also consistent with the emplacement Söllner et al., 1989, 1991; Teixeira et al., 1990; Dussin et
of basic dykes and mafic-ultramafic complexes that record al., 1993), most of these consisting of K–Ar and Rb–Sr
extensional events ranging from 1100 Ma and 900 Ma analyses (73%), whereas Sm–Nd, U–Pb and Pb–Pb make
(Machado et al., 1989; D´Agrella-Filho et al., 1990; Abreu, up 27% of these (166 analyses). In general, the large
1991), whereas the Adamastor Ocean closure is marked amounts of K–Ar data, in different rocks, show decreasing
by metamorphism and plutonism between 600 Ma and apparent ages toward the core of the Araçuaí Orogen
560 Ma (e.g., Rb–Sr whole-rock and Sm–Nd mineral (Teixeira and Canzian, 1994; Martins, 2000) and
isochrons, and Pb–Pb and U–Pb zircon ages, in Siga, 1986; several Rb–Sr isochrons indicate the Brasiliano overprint
Nalini, 1997; Martins, 2000; Noce et al., 2000; Silva et (600-500 Ma) in the country rocks (Martins, 2000). Most
al., 2002). In the West Congo belt, the counterpart of the of the radiometric data for the granitoid suites were
Araçuaí Orogen in Africa, rift-related, bimodal volcanic obtained by the Pb single zircon evaporation method
rocks and anorogenic granites that record the extensional (Noce et al., 2000) with ages ranging from ca. 594 to 503
events yielded U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages ranging from Ma. New zircon U–Pb data broadly corroborate this time
1000 Ma to 910 Ma (Tack et al., 2001). period from pre-collision to post-collision metamorphic-
Our data help to distinguish the nature of the plutonic magmatic records in the Araçuaí Orogen (U–Pb dilution
suites of the Araçuaí Orogen, as well as reinforce the method data by Whittington et al., 2001; and U–Pb
involvement of oceanic lithosphere subduction in the SHRIMP data by Silva et al., 2002).
orogeny. We also infer the participation of distinctive
basement terranes in the paleotectonic setting of the Basement Rocks
orogen. The basement terranes include Archean gneiss and
greenstone belt remnants, Paleoproterozoic supracrustal
Geological Setting rocks and granitoid plutons, and late Paleoproterozoic to
Mesoproterozoic sequences (Fig. 2). The Archean
The studied area is situated in the northeastern region complexes (Guanhães, Gouveia and Porteirinha
of the State of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. The complexes) show U–Pb and Pb–Pb zircon ages between
Araçuaí Orogen borders the São Francisco Craton and 2.97 and 2.57 Ga, partly reworked during the Brasiliano
branches to the Paramirim aulacogen (Fig. 1). This orogeny, as supported by U–Pb zircon ages around 500
aulacogen, together with the Sangha aulacogen could have Ma (Machado et al., 1989; Silva et al., 2002). The
accommodated the oceanic opening during the evolution Guanhães Complex (GU – Fig. 2) shows Sm–Nd TDM model
of the precursor basin (Pedrosa-Soares et al., 2001). ages between 3.0 and 3.2 Ga (Martins, 2000).
Toward the S (latitude 21°S) the Araçuaí Orogen connects It was intruded by the Borrachudos A-type granites
with the Ribeira Orogen (Pedrosa-Soares and Wiedemann- (BO – Fig. 2) at 1729±14 Ma (Dussin et al., 1993). These
Leonardos, 2000). anorogenic granites are coeval to the rift-related, volcano-
The Araçuaí Orogen is divided into two tectonic sedimentary sequences of the lower Espinhaço Supergroup
domains (Pedrosa-Soares et al., 2001; Fig. 1). The external (ES – Fig. 2). Gouveia Complex occurs to the west and is
tectonic domain is arc-shaped and consists of Archean and not shown in figure 2.
Paleo/Mesoproterozoic basement covered by Neoproterozoic The Mantiqueira Complex (MT – Fig. 2) consists of
supracrustal rocks. Metamorphism and deformation tonalitic and granodioritic banded gneiss, and subordinate
related to the Brasiliano orogeny (600–500 Ma) increase granulite. Available isotope data for this complex are
toward the internal tectonic domain of the Araçuaí Orogen. Rb–Sr isochron ages and U–Pb SHRIMP ages of 2.2–2.0
The internal domain consists of higher metamorphosed Ga (Figueiredo and Teixeira, 1996; Silva et al., 2002),
volcano-sedimentary sequences and different types of and Sm–Nd TDM model ages varying from 3.1–2.8 Ga and
pre-, syn- and post-collisional granitoid plutons, making 2.2–2.1 Ga. Therefore the Mantiqueira Complex was
up the metamorphic-anatetic core of the orogen. formed from the combination of both Archean and newly
Compilation of the geochronological data shows that accreted Paleoproterozoic materials (Teixeira and Sabaté,
the Brasiliano orogeny played an important role in the 2000).
geological framework of the study area in terms of the Adjacent to the Mantiqueira Complex, the Juiz de Fora
emplacement of plutons and reworking of basement rocks. Complex (gneiss, granitoid, charnockite and granulite)

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004


Fig. 1. Sketch of the Araçuaí-West Congo Orogen, Western Gondwanaland (modified from Pedrosa-Soares et al. (2001). ED = external domain;
ID = internal domain. Suite G-1 = Pre-collisional, I-type; G-2 = Syn-collisional, S-type; G-3=Post-collisional, I-type; G-4=Post-collisonal,
S-type; G-5=Post-collisional, I-type.

yields Rb–Sr isochron ages of ca. 2.2 Ga (Figueiredo Neoproterozoic Sequences of the Araçuaí
and Teixeira, 1996), but the Sm–Nd T DM model ages Orogen
are variable, mainly around 2.2 Ga, but values of 1.5 and
1.4 Ga are also present (Fischel, 1998; Brueckner et al., These supracrustal rocks belong to the Macaúbas, Rio
2000). This suggests that younger materials were included Doce, Jequitinhonha and Paraíba do Sul units (Fig. 2).
in the Juiz de Fora Complex, representing accretion of The western units of the Macaúbas Group (metadiamictite,
Neoproterozoic components or tectonic slices of a quartzite, rythmite, metapelite and sedimentary iron
Neoproterozoic crust. If the first hypothesis is correct, formation units) include glacio-continental to glacio-
the Juiz de Fora Complex has a distinctive nature as marine sequences related to the rift and transitional phases
compared to the Mantiqueira Complex, in spite of both of the basin (Noce et al., 1997). SHRIMP (Senstitive High
having geochemically similar rocks (Teixeira and Sabaté, Resolution Ion Micro-Probe) U–Pb data from detrital
2000). zircons limit the maximum age for the glacio-marine

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004


Fig. 2. Geological Map of Araçuaí Orogen showing the granitoid suites (after Pedrosa-Soares et al., 1994; Silva et al., 1987; Pedrosa-Soares et al.,
2001). Palaeo/Meso-Proterozoic basement: GU = Guanhães Complex; PO = Porteirinha Complex; MT = Mantiqueira Complex; JF = Juiz
de Fora Complex; BO = Borrachudos Suite; ES = Espinhaço Supergroup. Neo-Proterozoic basement: MG = Macaúbas Group; RD = Rio
Doce Group; DS = Dom Silvério Group; JC = Jequitinhonha Complex; PS = Paraíba do Sul Complex. Q = Quaternary. Granitoids:
1 = Ataléia; 2 = Caladão; 3 = Padre Paraíso; 4 = Wolff; 5 = Pescador; 6 = Teófilo Otoni; 7 = São Vitor; 8 = Guarataia; 9 = Brasilândia;
10 = Young plutonic intrusion.

sedimentation at around 950 Ma, but additional ages on 816±7 Ma (Sm–Nd whole-rock isochron) and with TDM
the zircon population also indicate Archean and model ages of 1.1–1.0 Ga. These rocks show ocean-floor
Paleoproterozoic sources for this sedimentation (Pedrosa- geochemical signature and are interlayered with deep-sea
Soares et al., 2000). This is in agreement with the existence pelites and volcano-exhalative sediments (Pedrosa-Soares
of old-aged crystalline crust within the external domain et al., 1992, 1998). The oceanic spreading is also suggested
of the Araçuaí Orogen (Pedrosa-Soares et al., 2000). by metamorphosed ultramafic rocks thrust into that
The eastern part of Macaúbas Group is a distal, volcano-sedimentary pile, which yield a broadly
transgressive volcano-sedimentary sequence, free of comparable Sm–Nd isochronic age of 800 Ma (Pedrosa-
diamictite, deposited during the passive margin stage of Soares et al., 1992, 2001; Aracema et al., 2000).
the basin. This sequence includes an oceanic crust The Rio Doce Group (micaschist, gneiss, quartzite, calc-
component represented by ortho-amphibolite dated at silicate rock and amphibolite) and Jequitinhonha Complex

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004

Table 1. The Araçuaí Orogen Granitoids.

SUITES G-1 G-2 G-3S G-3I G-4 G-5

Examples of Brasilândia, Teófilo Ataléia, Pescador, Wolff, Almenara, Santa Guaratinga, Frade (Coronel Caladão, Padre Paraíso,

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004

Plutons and Otoni, São Vitor, Urucum, Nanuque, Maria do Salto and Santo Antonio do Murta), Itaporé, Medina, ,Pedra Azul,
Batholiths Guarataia, Galiléia, Buranhém, Montanha, São many bodies inside Jacinto, Rubim, Malacacheta, Santa Angélica, Aimorés
Mascarenhas, Alvarenga, Paulinho, Itaobim, G2 suite and Pedra Grande, Mangabeiras, Santa
Estrela-Muniz Freire Jequitinhonha, Águas Jequitinhonha Filhinha Rosa, Soturno,
Formosas, Medeiros Neto, Complex Rubelita
Novo Cruzeiro, Itaipé

Main rocks amphibole-biotite tonalite two mica granite, garnet- cordierite-garnet biotite-granite two mica granite, biotite granite,
and granodiorite biotite granite, cordierite- leucogranite biotite granite, charnockite and
garnet granite pegmatoid granite enderbite

Relation to show gneissic foliation of show gneissic foliation of the free of the main magmatic flow show magmatic flow show magmatic flow
the regional the main deformation main deformation phase and regional tectonic structures; free of structures; free of the structures; enclaves are
deformation phase and stretched stretching mineral lineation structures the main regional main regional tectonic not deformed and sh ow
enclaves parallel to the tectonic structures structures distinct magma mingling
mineral lineation and mixing features

Main metaluminous, peraluminous, peraluminous, metaluminous, peraluminous, metaluminous,

geochemical calc-alkaline, S-type magma S-type magma calc-alkaline, S-type magma calc-alkaline,
features I-type magma I-type magma I-type magma

Age (Ma) 625-575(e), 596-587(dz), 591(e), 585(dz), 560(dz, sz), 535 (dz, 7/6 age), 513 585(e), 523 (dz, 530(e), 504-497(dz) 520-500(dz, e)
573(dm) 537 (dz), 517 and 511 (dm) (dm) 7/6 minimum age)

Tectonic Pre to syn-collisional, Syn-collisional to late- late to late to post-collisional post-collisional

classification continental volcanic arc collisional (anatectic episode) post-collisional (late post-collisional (orogenic collapse) (orogenic collapse)

anatectic episode)

Compilation of U–Pb (z, zircon; m, monazite; d, dilution method; s, SHRIMP) and Pb-Pb (zircon evaporation) (e) ages and other characteristics of the granitoid suites of the Araçuaí Orogen.
Underlined names correspond to the studied plutons. Data from Siga (1986), Söllner et al. (1987, 1989, 1991), Nalini (1997), Basílio et al. (1998), Noce et al. (1999, 2000), Paes (1999),
Whittington et al. (2001) and Silva et al. (2002). Tectonic classification according to Pedrosa-Soares et al. (2001).

(peraluminous gneiss sequence, named kinzigites, ages range from 595 Ma to 575 Ma (Noce et al., 1999,
intercalated with quartzite and calc-silicatic granulite) are 2000), and agree with U–Pb ages yielded by zircon and
correlated with the Macaúbas Group (Pedrosa-Soares and monazite from a G-1 pluton dated by Whittington et al.
Wiedemann-Leonardos, 2000). (2001).
The Paraíba do Sul Complex (paragneiss, kinzigite, The Brasilândia pluton (Fig. 2) is composed of medium-
marble, quartzite, amphibolite), situated in the to fine-grained tonalitic to granitic rocks, rich in mafic
southeastern region of the Araçuaí Orogen (Fig. 2), could enclaves. The rock forming minerals are amphibole,
be also a Neoproterozoic sequence related to the passive biotite, microcline and plagioclase. Accessory minerals are
margin stage of the basin (Pedrosa-Soares and titanite, apatite, allanite, epidote, zircon and opaque
Wiedemann-Leonardos, 2000), but no conclusive isotope minerals. This pluton yields a Pb–Pb evaporation zircon
data are available. age of 595±3 Ma (Noce et al., 2000).
The Guarataia pluton (Fig. 2) lies to the N of the
Granitoid Suites Brasilândia pluton. It comprises medium- to fine- grained
granodioritic to granitic rocks. The rock forming minerals
The plutonic rocks formed during the evolution of the are quartz, microcline, plagioclase and biotite, and
Araçuaí Orogen strike roughly NNW-SSE (Fig. 2). Based accessory minerals are apatite, titanite, zircon, allanite,
on field relationships, geochemical signatures and epidote and opaque minerals. A Pb–Pb zircon evaporation
geochronological data, Pedrosa-Soares et al. (2001) age of 574±2 Ma (Noce et al., 2000) is available for this
grouped them into six different suites, named G-1, G-2, intrusion.
G-3S, G-3I, G-4, and G-5, each of one containing several The Teófilo Otoni pluton (Fig. 2) consists of medium-
individual plutons and batholiths. The G-2 suite is the
to fine-grained granodioritic to granitic rocks, with minor
most voluminous, followed by G-1 suite. Table 1 shows
tonalitic facies. In thin section a peculiar feature is the
the main characteristics of each suite that have yielded
presence of monazite in the nuclei of allanite. This is
Pb–Pb and U–Pb ages between 625 and 500 Ma. The oldest
evidence of the addition of peraluminous material (magma
age (625 Ma), obtained by Pb–Pb evaporation analysis of
assimilation of host rocks) to the metaluminous magma
zircons from a tonalitic gneiss (Paes, 1999), is of doubtful
(Broska et al., 2000). The Pb–Pb zircon evaporation age
interpretation and should be confirmed.
of this pluton is 576±4 Ma (Noce et al., 1999, 2000), and
The main characteristics of the plutons from the granitic
the U–Pb (dilution method) ages are 587 Ma (zircon) and
suites (G-1, G-2 and G-5) are described below. Unique
573 Ma (monazite; Whittington et al., 2001).
isotopic patterns, also supported by field relationships,
The São Vitor pluton (Fig. 2) is essentially composed
lead us to define a distinct and younger pluton (Late
of medium to coarse-grained granodiorite with porphyritic
Granitic Pluton). G-3 and G-4 suites were not investigated
amphibole. In thin section quartz, plagioclase, biotite and
in this study, because they mostly occur outside of the
amphibole are observed as the principal minerals, with
study area (Fig. 2).
accessories of zircon, titanite and opaques.
G-1 suite
G-2 suite
This suite comprises metaluminous, calc-alkaline, I-type
granitoid plutons interpreted to have been generated in a The G-2 suite consists of peraluminous S-type granitoid
pre- to syncollisional, continental volcanic arc environment plutons emplaced and variably deformed during the syn-
(Pedrosa-Soares et al., 2001). G-1 plutons have a tonalitic to late-collisional stage of the orogeny, between 591 and
to granodioritic composition, with amphibole and 537 Ma (Noce et al., 2000; Whittington et al., 2001). The
pyroxene as the essential mafic minerals in tonalite, and main generation phase of G-2 magma is probably
biotite and amphibole in granodiorite. Diorite and granite constrained by the 573–560 Ma (U–Pb SHRIMP) ages
are minor components in this suite. G-1 rocks display a obtained by Silva et al. (2002) from zircons of various G-
gneissic foliation, locally mylonitic, formed during the 2 plutons. The G-2 plutons consist mainly of garnet-biotite
main regional deformation phase. Mafic to intermediate granite, cordierite-garnet granite and/or two-mica granite.
enclaves and xenoliths are generally stretched parallel to They show gneissic foliation and mineral stretching
the mineral lineation imprinted on the gneissic foliation. lineation concordant with the regional trend of the main
Locally, this foliation can be weakly developed in the inner deformation phase, but this foliation may be poorly
parts of the plutons. developed locally or overprinted by late re-melting and
We have investigated four plutons of the G-1 suite recrystallization, related to the generation of G-3S and
(Brasilândia, Guarataia, Teófilo Otoni and São Vitor) by G-4 granites, during the final stages of the orogeny. Rafts
isotope geochemistry (Table 2). Pb–Pb evaporation zircon of paragneiss showing different stages of migmatization

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004

Table 2. Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr isotope data.

147 143 87 87 87 87
Suite Pluton Rock Sample Sm/144Nd Nd/144Nd ¦Sm/Nd TDM (Ga) T1 (Ma) εNd(T1) εNd(500) Rb/86Sr Sr/86Sr Sr/86Sri(T1) Sr/86Sr i(500)

Brasilândia tonalite SM-08B 0.10052 0.51174 -0.49 1.76 595 -10.36 -11.46 1.091 0.718020 0.708760 0.710243
tonalite IT-15B 0.11021 0.51188 -0.44 1.70 595 -8.19 -9.18 0.487 0.713961 0.709826 0.710488

São Vitor tonalite IT-16B 0.13072 0.51198 -0.34 1.96 590 -7.97 -8.72 1.157 0.720010 0.710279 0.711769
Guarataia granite IT-11 0.11252 0.51166 -0.43 2.09 590 -12.80 -13.77 0.792 0.717481 0.710821 0.711841

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004

granite IT-02F 0.11830 0.51167 -0.40 2.19 590 -12.97 -13.82 0.465 0.714211 0.710299 0.710898

Teófilo Otoni granite TO-01Aa 0.09393 0.51195 -0.52 1.39 590 -5.76 -6.94 0.677 0.728952 0.723256 0.724128
granite TO-02A 0.10133 0.51198 -0.48 1.44 590 -5.62 -6.71 1.006 0.717851 0.709390 0.710685
granite TO-02B3 0.11456 0.51201 -0.42 1.59 590 -6.09 -7.03 0.923 0.716923 0.709155 0.710344

Ataléia granite MU-04E 0.11899 0.51197 -0.40 1.73 591 -7.19 -8.09 1.257 0.721733 0.711136 0.712773
granite AT-01A 0.12858 0.51201 -0.35 1.84 591 -7.08 -7.87 1.812 0.726098 0.710826 0.713186
G-2 enclave AT-01K2 0.09477 0.51164 -0.52 1.80 591 -11.82 -13.01 3.071 0.735868 0.709990 0.713989

Pescador granite MU-12G 0.12189 0.51211 -0.38 1.54 576 -4.73 -5.45 3.197 0.733452 0.707199 0.710675
enclave MU-12.2K 0.11043 0.51200 -0.44 1.53 576 -6.09 -4.96 0.808 0.718029 0.711397 0.712275
granite MU-14 0.10292 0.51208 -0.48 1.33 576 -4.05 -6.92 2.580 0.728851 0.707666 0.710471

Wolff leucogranite MU-15A 0.13792 0.51209 -0.30 1.63 582 -6.38 -7.00 4.477 0.744201 0.707050 0.712303

G-5 Pe. Paraíso

facies charnockite MU-08A 0.10300 0.51197 -0.48 1.48 520 -6.85 -7.09 2.738 0.730073 0.709779 0.710562

Caladão granite MU-01A 0.11256 0.51201 -0.43 1.55 520 -6.67 -6.88 4.419 0.734721 0.701969 0.703233

Young Granitic aplite MU-10B 0.08173 0.51121 -0.58 2.57 505 -20.47 -20.54 4.821 0.745350 0.710652 0.710997
Intrusion fine granite MU-13 0.09619 0.51109 -0.51 2.55 505 -23.76 -23.83 3.026 0.742473 0.720693 0.720909

Guanhães gneiss SM-13B 0.13215 0.51129 -0.33 3.01 2570 -5.17 -22.22 1.619 0.762511 0.702328 0.750974
Complex gneiss SS-01A5 0.09941 0.51070 -0.49 3.16 2570 -5.83 -31.52 1.092 0.746542 0.705942 0.738759
gneiss GUA-04A 0.09945 0.51079 -0.49 3.04 2570 -4.13 -29.81 1.937 0.782878 0.710896 0.769079

TDM ages in bold type are double-stage calculation.


and xenoliths of supracrustals rocks are commonly found The Pb–Pb zircon evaporation age is 519±19 Ma (Noce
inside G-2 plutons. et al., 1999, 2000).
We selected three plutons of this suite for isotopic The granitic facies of the Caladão batholith is composed
studies: Ataléia, Pescador and Wolff (Fig. 2). They are of coarse-grained, porphyritic biotite granite displaying a
very similar and are represented by medium-grained clear igneous flow due to the orientation of euhedral K-
granitic to granodioritic rocks, rich in Al2O3 as reflected feldspar phenocrysts. Mafic enclaves are common, and
by high contents of garnet and sillimanite. The Ataléia show evidence of magma mingling and magma mixing
pluton crops out close to the contact with metasedimentary processes. The main minerals are quartz, biotite,
rocks of the Jequitinhonha Complex. It shows a mafic plagioclase, microcline and amphibole. The accessory
enclave composed of garnet and oriented biotite minerals are apatite, titanite, zircon, allanite and opaque
accompanying or not the gneissic foliation, indicating the minerals. The Pb–Pb zircon evaporation age is 520±2 Ma
presence of relict metasedimentary material. The Pescador (Noce et al., 1999, 2000).
pluton, that occurs near the contact between the G-2 suite, The granite and charnockite facies of the Caladão
and metasediments of the Rio Doce, includes two-mica batholith show gradational contacts, where the green
facies and is richer in micaschist xenoliths than Ataléia colour of the charnockite gives place to the light grey
pluton. The accessory minerals from both plutons are colour of the granite, without any change in texture and
apatite, monazite, zircon, rare opaque and titanite. structure. This feature and the very similar ages obtained
The Pb–Pb zircon evaporation age for Ataléia pluton is for both facies are strong evidence of coeval variations in
591±4 Ma, and the Pescador pluton is 576±4 Ma (Noce the CO2 /H2O pressure ratio inside the same intrusion,
et al., 1999, 2000). during its crystallization.
The Wolff pluton is a medium to coarse-grained
Young granitic intrusions
leucocratic, two-mica granite. The gneissic foliation is
distinct but poorly developed in many outcrops of this These occur as an undifferentiated metaluminous
pluton. This fact, and its gradational contact with the (I-type) and non-foliated granitic bodies (not shown in
Pescador pluton, suggest a late-collisional, anatetic nature Fig. 1) that crop out near the Pescador granitoid as well
for the Wolff pluton (Martins, 2000). Microcline, some as aplite veins that cut the Caladão granite. These rocks
plagioclase, biotite, sillimanite (fibrolite), garnet and are homogenous, isotropic and fine-grained. The essential
muscovite are the essential minerals of the Wolff pluton. minerals are quartz, biotite, microcline and plagioclase,
Zircon, apatite and opaques are the accessory minerals. whereas the accessory minerals are zircon, apatite, titanite
The Pb–Pb zircon evaporation age is 582±5 Ma (Noce et and opaques. These are among the youngest granites of
al., 1999, 2000), very similar to the age (584 Ma) of the the Araçuaí Orogen, as indicated by a Pb–Pb zircon
Urucum pluton (Nalini, 1997), a typical two-mica G-2 evaporation age of 503±9 Ma (Noce et al., 1999, 2000).
granite. This age is similar to the zircon U–Pb ages in the range of
504–497 Ma obtained by Whittington et al. (2001) for a
G-5 suite
G-4 pluton. However, the late granitic pluton could
This suite includes a biotite granite, generally represent a different plutonic suite (G-6, Martins, 2000),
porphyritic with large (2 to 10 cm long) euhedral as the G-4 suite is considered to be S-type.
K-feldspar phenocrysts, and charnockite and enderbite,
Geochemical data
rich in mafic enclaves. Granite facies show gradational
contacts with the charnockitic facies. Geochemically, they Petrographic and geochemical data (e.g., Nalini, 1997;
are calc-alkaline, metaluminous, I-type granitoids. U–Pb Aracema et al., 1999; Pedrosa-Soares et al., 1998, 2001;
and Pb–Pb data indicate that they crystallized between Pinto et al., 2001) yield strong evidence to suggest that
520 Ma and 500 Ma (Siga, 1986; Söllner et al., 1987; G-1 and G-2 suites originated from I-type (tonalite and
Noce et al., 1999, 2000; Whittington et al., 2001) in a granodiorite) and S-type (granite) magmas respectively.
post-collisional environment related to the extensional The geochemical data are limited to the Teófilo Otoni
collapse of the Araçuaí Orogen (Pedrosa-Soares et al., and Brasilândia (G-1), and Pescador and Wolff (G-2)
2001). We studied two facies (charnockite and granite) plutons. These samples outline a general calc-alkaline
of the Caladão batholith (Fig. 2). trend (Fig. 3A) and sub-alkaline (Fig. 3B) and
The medium to coarse-grained charnockitic facies of peraluminous (Fig. 3C) affinities, except the samples from
the Caladão batholith, called the Padre Paraíso facies, is Brasilândia pluton, which indicate a metaluminous
composed essentially of quartz, microcline, plagioclase, tendency (Fig. 3C). In the R1 (4Si-11(Na+K)-2(Fe+Ti)
pyroxene, amphibole and biotite. The accessory minerals versus R2 (6Ca+2Mg+Al) diagram the Brasilândia (G-1)
are apatite, titanite, zircon, allanite and opaque minerals. and some G-2 samples plot clearly in the pre-collision field,

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004


Fig. 3. Geochemical features of the Araçuaí G-1 and G-2 granitoid suites. Sources of diagrams: a = Miyashiro (1974); b = Irvine and Baragar
(1971); c = Maniar and Piccoli (1989); d = Batchelor and Bowden (1985); e = Boynton (1984); f = Taylor and McLennan (1985)

whereas the data for the Wolff pluton (G-2) plots in the slightly negative Eu anomalies. The spider-diagram
syncollision field (Fig. 3D). Also, a mantle contribution is (Fig. 3F) shows a strong Rb enrichment, and Sr and Nb
suggested by samples, including mafic enclaves that plot depletion in relation to a continental crust. The lack
in the pre-plate collision field (Fig. 3D). of clear geochemical differences between samples of
The studied samples display broadly similar REE different plutons also suggests a mixed source, i.e., major
(rare-earth element) patterns (Fig. 3E), the data yielding crustal components with some involvement of mantle
fractionated patterns with heavy REE depletion and material.

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004


Methodology and 5) is taken from the literature (Nalini, 1997), as well

as from new data obtained in this work (Table 2).
Twenty-two Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd whole-rock analyses
Nd and Sr isotope data from the possible source rocks
were performed at the Geochronological Research Centre
of the Araçuaí Orogen (amphibolites of the Macaúbas
of São Paulo University, Brazil (Martins, 2000).
Group, and rocks from Jequitinhonha and Mantiqueira
Approximately 0.1 mg of powdered rock sample was
complexes, as well as slices of metasediments) were
dissolved in concentrated HNO 3 , HF and HCl.
obtained from the literature (Pedrosa-Soares et al., 1998;
Concentrations of Rb and Sr were obtained by X-ray
Sato, 1998; Figueiredo and Teixeira, 1996), with exception
fluorescence methods prior to isotopic analysis. Samples
the Sm–Nd data for Guanhães Complex, which was
with concentrations lower than 50 ppm and higher than
obtained in this work.
650 ppm were analysed with addition of a spike tracer
(isotope dilution), whereas samples with concentrations
between 50 and 650 ppm were analysed without a spike. Results and Discussion
The Sm and Nd concentrations were determined by Double-stage TDM model ages (DePaolo et al., 1991)
isotope dilution with a combined spike tracer and their were calculated for three samples (Table 1) that
analyses were made in two-column technique, according show fractionation of the Sm/Nd systematic, using their
to procedures described by Sato et al. (1995). All the isotopic ratios (cf. Sato, 1997) applying the following
isotope ratios were measured on a VG-354 multicollector equation age:
and single collector mass spectrometers. The laboratory
blanks for the chemical procedure during the period of
analyses yielded maximum values of 4 ng for Sr, 0.4 ng
for Nd and 0.7 ng for Sm. The average 87Sr/86Sr for NBS-
987 and 143Nd/ 144Nd for La Jolla standards were
respectively 0.710254 (22) and 0.511857 (46), with 2σ
standard deviations in last two decimal places reported
in parentheses.
The Sm-Nd TDM model ages were calculated using
DePaolo (1981) and DePaolo et al. (1991) model
parameters: a=0.25, b= -3, c=8.5 and 146Nd/144Nd=
0.7219 to normalise the isotope ratios (143Nd/144Nd =
Nd(CHUR)0 = 0.512638 and 147Sm/144Nd(CHUR)0 =
0.1967). The ε Nd values were calculated using the
simplified equation εNd (T) = εNd(0) –QNd fSm/Nd T, with the
(CHUR)0 values above and QNd = 25.09. The 87Sr/86Sr(t)
Fig. 4. Time versus eNd isotopic diagram, showing data from the studied
values were determined by the equation: 87Sr/86Sr (t) =
plutons and possible source rocks.
Sr/86Sr – 87Rb/86Sr (eλt – 1), where l = 1.42x10-11. Isotope
diagrams (Jahn et al. 2000) are used to constrain the
role of juvenile and crustal components in the granite
Table 2 shows the εNd(t) and 87Sr/86Sri, calculated for
the Pb/Pb evaporation age of each granitoid (intrusion
age), used in the isotopic results discussion and in
figure 4 (εNd(t) x T(Ga)). Table 2 also shows the εNd and
Sr/86Sri, calculated for a reference age of 500 Ma (young
granitic intrusion age), as used in Figure 5 (εNd (t=500Ma)
and 87Sr/86Sri(t=500Ma)). This allows comparison of Nd and
Sr isotopes of all rock components of the orogen at that
time (after the youngest intrusion). It is inappropriate to
compare, in the same diagram, εNd and 87Sr/86Sri values
for the intrusion ages of the granitoid rocks and source
rocks, as the εNd values for the Archean rocks at their
crystallization age were not the same at the granitoid rocks’ Fig. 5. 87
Sr/86Sr versus eNd isotopic diagram, showing data from the
intrusion age. The G-1 and G-2 isotopic field (Figs. 4 studied plutons and possible source rocks.

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004


TDM2= λ-1 Ln 1+(143Nd/144Nd)DM - [(143Nd/144Nd)s - An anomalous low 87Sr/86Sri of 0.702 yielded by a sample
(eλT(fe)-1)[147Sm/144Nd)s - (147Sm/144Nd)f1]] / [(147Sm/ of the granitic facies suggests some sort of isotopic
Nd)DM - (147Sm/144Nd)f1, disturbance and/or analytical error. In terms of isotope
data, the late granitic pluton is very different from the
where “fe“ is the age of the fractionation event; (147Sm/
other granitoids described herein (Table 2), leading to
Nd)f1 is the average value for the crustal rock source
the idea that it could correspond to a distinct suite
which is ~0.11 for granitic rocks; “s” is the sample ratio;
(Martins, 2000). The εNd values were found to be the lowest
( 147 Sm/ 144 Nd) DM = 0.2188 and ( 143 Nd/ 144 Nd) DM =
(–20.4 and –23.7), whereas the T DM ages are the oldest
0.513151 (Millisenda et al., 1994).
(2.57 and 2.55 Ga). This clearly indicates the major
The isotopic data constrain significant genetic
participation of an Archean protolith, which is in
differences between the study granitoid plutons in
agreement with the high 87Sr/86Sri values obtained. These
accordance with their chemical features. The G-1 plutons
TDM ages are also in agreement with the age (c. 2.5 Ga)
mostly form a group with variable negative εNd values yielded by the inherited rounded zircon of a G-4 pluton
(–12.9 to –5.6) but relatively constant 87Sr/86Sri values (Basílio et al., 1998, Basilio, 1999). In this case, the late
(0.710 to 0.709); there is one exception with high 87Sr/ granitic pluton could be related to the S-type G-4 suite.
Sri (0.723). This particular sample from the Teófilo Otoni The granitoid plutons (G-1 suite – Guarataia and
pluton also displays the least negative eNd value (–5.6) Brasilândia plutons) that are exposed to the west yield
and the lowest Sm–Nd TDM model age (1.4 Ga); isotopic more negative εNd values, as well as older Sm–Nd TDM
and petrographic data (e.g. monazite inclusions in model and older U–Pb and Pb–Pb ages (not considering
allanite) for the Teófilo Otoni pluton suggest involvement the Young Granitoid Intrusion). The variation in the 87Sr/
and/or assimilation of upper crust, probably the 86
Sr values, calculated for the intrusion age (Table 2), is
metasediments of the Araçuaí Orogen. as expected for the range of εNd values.
The remaining isotopic data, with constant 87Sr/86Sri The possible source rocks for these plutons were
and variable εNd suggests involvement of a Rb-depleted investigated by comparing the isotopic signatures of the
lower crust component. On the other hand, chemical data Guanhães, Mantiqueira, Jequitinhonha Complexes and
plot on the pre-collisional, active margin magmatic arc metasediments slices, as well as that of the amphibolite
field of various geotectonic discrimination diagrams from the distal Macaúbas Group. The amphibolite
(Pedrosa-Soares et al., 2001), thus suggesting some sort (Pedrosa-Soares et al., 1992, 1998) displays positive
of mantle contribution. Therefore, a mixed source magma εNd(810Ma) values (for crystallization age), ranging from +5
is indicated for the G-1 granite genesis. to +3 and Sm–Nd TDM model ages around 1.1 Ga. We
Similarly, the G-2 plutons have negative εNd values considered these values as representing the juvenile
(–11.8 to –4.0) at their crystallization age, indicating their material for the Neoproterozoic granitic genesis.
crustal origin. In general, the εNd values are less negative The Mantiqueira Complex samples yield εNd(2.1Ga) values
than those from the G-1 suite. The Ataléia pluton yields between –14 and –2 (at time of crystallization) and
Sm–Nd T DM model ages (1.3 to 1.8 Ga), which are Sm–Nd TDM model ages from 3.4 to 2.4 Ga. These data
consistent with the idea of a Paleoproterozoic component suggest that this unit is Proterozoic (low negative εNd
mixed with the Neoproterozoic juvenile source. The values), but these rocks have had a previous crustal history
Pescador granite seems to have larger participation of (Archean).
juvenile magma, as indicated by its less negative εNd values, The Guanhães Complex yields εNd(2.6Ga) values around -
youngest TDM age (1.3 Ga) and the lowest Sri values 5 (at its crystallization age) and Sm-Nd TDM model ages
compared to all studied plutons. Isotope data (Sm–Nd around 3.0 Ga, indicating similarly an Archean protolith.
T DM model age, εNd values and 87Sr/ 86Sr i ratios; see The Sm–Nd TDM model ages of 1.76 and 1.92 Ga from the
Table 2) from the Wolff pluton are broadly comparable to Juiz de Fora Complex (Sato, 1998) suggest that these
those from the Ataléia and Pescador plutons. These values samples may not be from Juiz de Fora, as this unit was
also indicate a crustal derivation. crystallized at 2.2 Ga. According to Fischel (1998) these
The two analysed facies of the G-5 Caladão batholith youngest TDM age rocks must represent tectonic slices of
have very similar isotopic values, for crystallization age, metasediments from the Jequitinhonha Complex, Rio Doce
indicating a common nature in accordance with the field Group, or Paraíba do Sul kinzigites. The only sample from
evidence. The Sm-Nd TDM model age (c. 1.5 Ga) indicates the Jequitinhonha Complex (Sato, 1998) yields an εNd(625Ma)
a mixed source and the εNd values (–6.85, –6.67) point to value of –5 and its Sm–Nd model age is 1.56 Ga.
a major crustal component. The relatively low 87Sr/86Sri Figure 4 shows the εNd evolution signature (calculated
values (0.709) for the charnockite facies indicates that for each unit’s crystallization age) against time for the
the protolith is Rb depleted and had a short crustal history. granitic rocks, compared with the host rock evolution.

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004


Most of the granitoid suites (G-1, G-2 and G-5) show εNd components (Neoproterozoic and/or Paleoproterozoic).
values between the isotopic fields of the Macaúbas The syn-collisional G-2 suite originated from crustal
amphibolite and the Guanhães and Mantiqueira material with variable amounts of deep-sea sediments
complexes, coinciding with those of the values of the probably including some oceanic material. The post-
metasedimentary rocks. This diagram indicates that collisional G-5 suite incorporated lower crust material in
materials of the Guanhães and Mantiqueira Complexes the source, due to partial melting related to the extensional
may have influenced the sources of the G-1 suite and the collapse of the orogen.
late granitic pluton, whereas the G-2 suite probably had Taking into account all known granitic suites (G1 to
significant participation of protoliths such as mafic rocks G5), the Araçuaí orogen shows a multistage history of
(amphibolite). The amphibolite is considered to be part granite genesis from ca. 600 to 500 Ma. The petrographic,
of the oceanic crust generated during the opening of the geochemical and isotope data indicate varied mixed
Adamastor-Brasilide Ocean (Pedrosa-Soares et al., 2001). sources for granite generation. Particularly, the youngest
However, the main sources of all plutons are the granitic plutons seem to have originated from an Archean/
metasediments slices and Jequitinhonha Complex. Paleoproterozoic source, such as the Guanhães and
The εNd(t) versus initial 87Sr/86Sr(t) diagram (Fig. 5) show Mantiqueira complexes. The limited influence of oceanic
the isotopic patterns of all plutons calculated for a lithosphere (or material or magmas of similar nature) in
reference age of 500 Ma. In this diagram, possible source the parental granitoid magma can be interpreted from
rocks are more clearly seen than in figure 4. The G-1, G-5 the relatively high εNd values (–4 to –6), as well as from
and part of the young granitic pluton samples may have a the Sm-Nd model ages in the range 1.7–1.3 Ga. With the
lower crust compositional trend, whereas the G-2 suite exception of those values close to 1.7 Ga (age of the
probably has an upper crust compositional trend. The Borrachudos anorogenic Suite), the ages close to 1.3 Ga
Pescador pluton (G-2) plots closer to the Macaúbas are not related to any known magmatic event in the region.
amphibolite field, suggesting contribution from the These younger Sm–Nd model ages could represent mixed
juvenile Neoproterozoic oceanic component. The G-5 ages that resulted from contributions of younger (e.g.,
signature is similarly consistent with juvenile lower crust the 1000–910 Ma rift-related magmatism Pedrosa-Soares
participation. Conversely, the data from the late granitic et al., 2000; Tack et al., 2001;) and older sources (the
pluton samples suggest an Archean lower crust influence. rift-related volcanic rocks of the Espinhaço Group and the
The G-1 suite displays both lower (Guarataia pluton) and Borrachudos granites, and the Archean-Paleoproterozoic
upper crust (Teofilo Otoni pluton) signatures, whereas the basement). The amount of juvenile material accreted
G-2 Wolff Pluton probably has an upper crust component. during the orogeny varied through time, but reached some
The young granitic intrusion samples plot very close to importance particularly for the G-2 suite in the study area
the Mantiqueira-Guanhães field. Considering that S-type (Fig. 5).
G-4 granites have two distinct zircon families, the 530 to The range of εNd values (–4 to –23) implies that minor
497 Ma clean euhedral crystals and the Archean (c. 2.5 contribution from oceanic lithosphere may have occurred
Ga) inherited rounded grains (Basílio, 1999; Whittington for the pre- and syn-collisional granitoid plutons, because
et al., 2001), we suggest the young granitic intrusions the participation of a continental crust component would
could be correlated to this episode of granite genesis, but not explain the variation of compositions and isotopic
represent distinct metaluminous components. patterns found in these plutons. Conversely, the post-
In summary, the minor but important role of collisional granitoids are derived mostly from the
Neoproterozoic juvenile material in the granite generation continental crust, although different components (Archean
is suggested from the integrated isotopic interpretation and Paleoproterozoic) were involved.
(Fig. 5). The isotopic features indicate that the main source In summary, the isotopic interpretations corroborate a
components are metasedimentary slices and the confined model (Pedrosa-Soares et al., 2001) in which a
Jequitinhonha Complex. The youngest granitic intrusion narrow ocean lithosphere had been consumed, but in
may be derived mostly from the Mantiqueira-Guanhães which the major part of the closed basin was composed
field, in accordance with its Archean Sm-Nd TDM model of sialic basement and terrigenous sediments.
ages. However, its isotopic signature is consistent with
the isotopic parameters of the Mantiqueira Complex.
The authors are grateful to the staff of Geochronological
Research Centre of São Paulo University, for their help in
The data presented here suggest that G-1 (pre- the analytical work and in some discussions. CAPES
collisional) suite originated mostly from lower crust (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível

Gondwana Research, V. 7, No. 1, 2004


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