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PETER CHRISTOPHERSON ‘aka, Sleazy Born 27ch February 1955, Edocational experience: Mrs Burfora's Nursery School, Wimbledon, London 1958-60, CChester-ieScreet and Western Hill Junior Sehool, Durham 1960-62 Durham Chorister Schoo! 1962-66 Ackworth School, Quaker co-educational boarding school, Yorkshire 1966-73, (Corineisenclly in the same class as Philip Blakey and Debbie Layton, two key members of Jim Jones! Guyana suicidal sociery.) State University of New York, Buffalo 1979 (1 semester only) Work Experience: Joined design group Hipgrosis, 1973, doing album covers and music related design work. With partners in Hipgnosis, Storm ‘Thorgerson and Avbrey Powell, formed Green Back Films Led. producing music videot and longer-form promotional music ‘ms. Music Experience: Co-founded Throbbing Gristle 1976-81, from whose work approximately 44 albums have been appeared to dete from many aifferent sources. Co-founded Psychic TY In 1981 and with IB split completely from chem in January 1984. During that time 3 albums were released "Paychic TV Themes", "Force the Hand of Chance” and "Dreams Less Sweet", Joined COM in 1984. (see COIL histor) Other Experience: For some yeers a member of Casualties Union -a voluntary organisation that provides members skilled in the make-up and simulation of injury, for training of medical personel (e St Jon's Ambulance, Police medical teams etc). Asked to work on a project that subsequently became "The London Dungeon” but invitation withrewn when it became ‘spparent that work would be too realistic for public sensibility. A considerably watered-down version was subsequently produced and instantly successul, With craftsman John Harwood originated and designed house style and ideology of BOY punk shop in King's Roed, London. ‘The original window play coneained items manufactured by PC hat purported to be parts of a charred boy's bod. After two days the diepiay was removed by Police who prosecuted the shop for displaying them and placed the items 4m Scotland Yard's so-called "Black Museum”. Photographs of the pieces were apparently also published in a book now used by Police Forensic Departments. At this time conceived many clothing designs subsequently taken up by well-known Punk clothing manufacturers including trousers with straps and many T-shirt themes. ‘Also with John Harwood ptotographed two series of sdvertising campaigns for Glasgow Citizen's Theatre under Philip Prowse, The first of boys and buildings in and around Glasgow, the second called "Ways to Die" a series of photographs of boys In positions and scenes of death and suicide. Published © small edition of a pamphlet celled "Boy Research" from amongst » much larger collection of youth orientated photos and material 1977. Private Film Experience: Produced during the "70s « number of small untitled fins portions of which were edited together to produce @ video ‘o sccompany PTV track Terminus on Doublevision. video compilation "TV Wipeout". Produced and directed she S8min flim “Polervision", To date unreleased. [Nesiitiescomn While at school did STABMENTAL fanzine (7 fssues) covering Clock DVA, Cat In many cases before the established music papers caughe onto them. Also released various compilation cassottes ine. "The Men with che Deadly Dream OWN BALANCE Born at home, Mansfeld, Nottinghamshire, Febeuary 16th. 1962 ev Parents ia Forces. [As a consequence lived in: Germany, Lincoln, Inverness, Italy, Oxfordshire etc, ard went «9 ven afferent senocls, Educational experience ~ John Salance's Schooldays |, (aged 12) Received psychisric treatment after attempting to push a piano down three (lights of stairs and strangling son of a Usived Nations diploma 2 (aged 13} Seduced by 70 yes 2, (aged 13) Involved im scandal with son of famous Disney acter. Quote from heedmaster's letter home: “Lam afraid he-is again becoming unhealthily obsessed with the occult and supernatural." 4. aged 14) Brush with police after placing five pigs heads face up in the public lavatories. old cook Musical Experience, to Adi Newton's current project, Cultural Amnesia, A House ete, Autended Sussex University, Brighton bet left after 9 months by mutual agreement with the college, following 2 perform- anceart debacle inside the adminitrative building complex. Moved to London 1982, joining Temple ov Psychic Youth as "Psychic TV Themes" was being recorded. Joined PTY proper for "Breskthrough and subsequencly recorded with PTY and participated In PTV's 1989 World Detour, visiting Menchester, loeland, USA, Berlin otc. Recorded first Current 95 12" “LASATAL" with David Tibet and Fritz Hoaman, Founded COM 1983 See "Coll History", Appeared on LP cover for Dave Bel's “in Strict Tempo" with Qee, now of "Getting the Fear’ Appeared in ond worked on PTV videos "Terminus" and "Tae First Transmission’ Residents, ABC, Lemon Kitceas etc Also played in. numerous groups inc. urderwerkers, The Anti-sroup (1979 -prior Appeared in 1 hour Japanese video "Compartment by Yuming and as an extra In various promos, commercials ete Made Virgin Prunes film "Rhetoric" now included in the IKON video, "Sons finds Devils - The Virgin Prunes" Worked with PC on Mare Almond videos, "Mare Almond - Live at the Batcave and "Little Black Bites ~ Live at Orury Lane’ a a Beret L-wistory e Joba Balance first worked as COIL on May 11th 1988. During this period recorded "S ls for Sleep", "Red Weather’, and "Hore to Here (Double Headed Secret)" Mazenta Club: Performed a short plece called ‘Coit were: John Balance snd Peter Christopherson, Also on the bill were Ake, Pure, jill Westwood and flims by Cerith aiiyacEvens. “iiaahed javier at spiel OEE PTT RT md Oy lee aa a a “Ale Galler! Performance ploce entitled "How so Destroy Angels" This was collaboration bocween Coll and Marc AE ond, who read tote concerang the wilful dsncegracion of a relationship. Coll were John Balance, Join Cosing- This event was vcotped by Certh Wyn-Evann. (This tape Ie ot generally avalible) Alo on the Dil were Pure Fst fuck, Jil Westwood, etc. a Recon Studios & Berlin Aton Coll were John Belance, Johe Cosi, and Min. At doch performances the pe wes “Sctoow, "Dapuoa of Fie, "Vien, "rut, "Polos C80 caste of Bern gig available on Nekrophle Rek- ‘rds, Austrie (a2 "Transparent". This was also videotaped but Is again not generally available. fm Jenuary 1984 John Balence and Peter Christopherson severed all connections with Genesis P-Oridge, Psychic TV and the Temple ov Peyehie Youth. Feb 1984 recorded ‘How to Destroy Angels" & "Absolutely Elowhere” at Britannia Row Studios for LAYLAH 12% release, At the same time "The Sewage Worker's Birhday Party" eventually Included on SCATOLOGY. The ‘Angels! refered 0 1, christian or fallen angels. The ttle ig meant to De like an instruction manual for 3 seeming are not necessarily cele 'y superhuman act. May 1984 we began work on material that wat eventually relessed at SCATOLOGY. Several tracks from this time were not released, or metamorphosed Into something very different, ine. utes: "Ergot", "Boy in a Suitcase", “Dream Photo- raphy", "120 Dalmations in Sodom", "Thermid'Or', "The Pope held Upside Down". ‘Homage to Sewage" was released fon the Ist Abstract magazine/record complilation, “Life at che Top" (included with Abstract no. 4) ‘The _Wheel” was selected by Stevé / Some Blzzare for inclusion on the new Some Bizzare compilation "If you can't ‘lease yourself, vou can't plesse vour Sou” (due April/May "85). Over the next few monthe & number of recording sessions at Wave Studlos and Aosis Studios furthered development of SCATOLOGY and also produced "Sicktone" due for release on LAYLAH Anti-Records compilation LP "The Fight is Ont land "Restless Day" which was subsequently donated to a collaborative Animal Liberation Front LP which has yet to appear. Im Jenusry '85 Coll were in the studios of Videosonics, recording the original soundtrack to a new Derek Jarman film called "The Angelle Conversation’, This 80 minste 35mm feature film was premiered at the recent Berlin Film Festival In Febrosry "85, 10 tracks were releated as SCATOLOGY the flrs record on our own Force & Form label, in collabor- acon with and support from K.A22 a label that alto releases records by The Swans and Wseblood. Sex accompanying Apel sees che release of @ 12" -a de-structured version of Panic, coupled with a short srack called ‘Aqua Regist and four desecratory but sensitive U) version of *Tainind Lovet, A new slane is given co this ttle since all profits from this EP are being donated t0 AIDS counclling via the Teroace Higgins Trust. cou. 9/4/85 CONTROLLED BLEEDING Having existed for seven years and trans Forming recically in that’ time CONTROLLED BLEEDING hes develoved into a very potent Force in the sterican "osfFicult*musick seene. Oeginelly started in Boston (durring 1977 az an art project) the group shed members and musickal constraints, developing e nore frustrated, violent © ebandan style G2 tine prosressed. Beginning ez an "Alt" Sort of trio, using guitar, oseilator, metal percussion and short wave radio’ the Band soon exploded because ov musickel Gnkunpatibility and misinterpretation. Ae this point, founding enter Paul Lomos, noved to New York £9 start from scratch, SEI using the name CONTROLLED SLEEDINS. This new group line-up waz essenbled end the concept this tine waz to present Tnscrumentsl musiek thet sossessed the enerqy ov “hard core", but the complexity ov "Pusion doing pisces 1ike "“Soneone shit on my birthday ceke" and sink" they found Little Gecentence in New York, The protlem wez that using baes, drums, guitar and organ waz fot the wey £0 convey the anger, to cut loose, And so perfornences often resulted in Crested eccdnenent, bloody hands, enpty bers, and musickal frustration. Everything ine done loud and foe — the urcency ez undeninble, yet the radical complexity ov the mucick wez self eoneuning, ard so the end cane -fter 3-long yeers, and little waz guined exceot fore much accicined 7EP aqd a review in Playboy legazine. By this cine Lenos we2 elaost completely innersed in exerinonting with extrene volune qulating quitaes, vniees, percussives, and distortion into a chactic, undulating ‘waz enough to shave the hairs out ov someones asshole. These pwnevinents coe nore extrene ead soon included Slayers, stecks ov amps, machinery, and envering else thet mignt thicken this noise level oles ov these exowrinants £9 SUT LEVeL's Joa Small and reciving the seriously ourave this sendre ov sound sculpture, CONTROLLED BLEEDING rn, vole ov sl} musickal restriction, violent and relentless. fe mueice born out ov frustration and anxisty. Since daily feens for cvthersis’s And in Lisvening ta then, one iz geneity ov the sound, The conbinatian ov screaming, Peed acne and vacel wre! Life follow onT20LLZ0 ly chraina Ls collisin The ces: relaased on XXX waz ti iE "§ Lowst tfusic, SUT t az evolved into ‘aund Pomily conv first, most orinal r D SLEEDING iel be Ly VP23T, Le Syndicat, and 3% mont~g ov ambience, chaos, power tion, and gut ripping percussive wring the 2st yerr the sound 2 BLEENINGT- an album due cumming GROEN FLAG and en axtraodinery GUT LEVE ck out CONTROLLED L=ZOTN. by ART HOLOEANAN yeque, New Yar, 11758, USA CE SHNCAL PARIS 26/03/85 UNION,FORCE, INDUSTRIES, WORK, ¥ NOW FIVE SUT THE NUNEER OF MEMBERS IN ALLOWED A TAL, WAR, ACTION, MULTIPLICITY. SOCIATION TS UN= SIONS: ETAL PERC S, NOISES, PRODUCTORS, AYTHMBOX, SYNTHS, HISTORY: FORMATION 1983, LABEL 1964, PRODUCTS: 15 CASSETTES ON LE SYNDICAT LAGEL, 6 OF OTHER GROUPS, ONE COMPILATION (WILL GE OUT IN APRIL). CENCE OF HUMAN AIN, COD, SADO ox: IDIOTY , FASCHI 18 INTIMATE” COMPILA CAT ON Z.5.F , PRODU AND ONCE A G60 OF LE PEAFOR- FUTURE PLAN TON, A A ceO ay BL ATS contact jem. anni. 90 r. leon frat 75011 paris france LE SYNOICAT .COMNUNICATION IT IS HARD FOR US TO TALK ABOUT OUR MUSIC OR GUA GRAPHISM, FOR A BETTER UNDERSTANDING IT'S BETTER TO TAKE STRAIGHT AND DIRECT CONTACT WITH OUR PRODUCTS. WE USE ROUGHLY ALL COWMUNTCATIONMATEAIAL, ALL NOISES ARE GENESATED SY PERCUSSIVE TYPE IMPULSES, We USE BASIC MACHINEAIES, THE MORE RESISTANT IS THE GETTER, OUR MUSIC 15 A CF PERCUSSIVE CHOCS WITH SERIES OF SYSTEMATIC CHOCS PRODUCING SONCRE FIELOS!NE DON'T PARTICULARLY APRECIATS NOISE GENERATED ELECTRONICALY, TODAY WE'RE AELE TO TRANSFORM ANY NOISE INTO A POTENTIAL CHOG JUST AS WE HAVE THE PHYSICAL CAPACITY TO CREATE MANUAL LOOPS. WE ARE LIVING LOOPS FILL WITH PHYSICAL AUTOMATISM INFLUING IN A PERVEASE WAY ON ALL OUR ACTS. THAT IS WHY THE STRUCTURE APEARING IN OUR wUSIC IS INCONSCIOUS TO US. WE 00 NOT THINK QUR MUSIC, THE ACTIONS BY WITCH IT IS FORNED DESTRUCTED ALL IDEAS AND OUR CREATIVE PROCESS IS A SERTE OF DESTRUCTION OF IDEAS. OUR DYNAMIGUE IS CONPOSED BY SUCCESSIVE BIRTH OF THESE MENTAL AUTODESTAUCTIONS: THOUGHT IS CONTRADICTORY TO THE ANIMAL PULSES CONTAINED HT AND RESISTANCE TO ADVERSITIES! LE AS, ANYONE IS ABLE TO REPRESENT IT IN ALL COMLNTCATION DEVICES AND HAS THE GPOATUNITY TO WAKE THIS OEVISE MULTIDIRECTIO— NAL. 17.02+418,.02.05 Bellhaus Tiergerten Mun doch ein Atonal, in Berlin? Ja, conn in London (Ambulance Stetion) woltee es woh nient so recht Klaopen, Une de musate man coch wieder euF Berlin eusnoschen. Festetellune!: Des Seilheus Tiercarten fir Oiscostende, Tenzwltige Jucond- ui viper ein Festival dieser Musik wer es jetioch denkter unceeionet, oder Kann men sich gut vorstellen, dese Laibach, Test Dept oder wie si slle hiefen in Diner Disce auftreten, Schade, cer Ram wer eiso schonael verfenit, de petens Obeohl ait cen Auniaufen iebnnen, mlecht, im Keller’ spielten ein naer Leute inner, Und suP cer Nevenbinre ter 2 und Plattendursen ut genug sein war nicht © von Panny Lane ric Heare schneicen lnseen. Faststellunc?: i und Dimitrie nicht ene 2 Giegen, zunindest Klaaote es wieder inten’ und vorne nient. Der erste Abend wer mit 4 Sancs unterbelant, der Geelte mit, ich qlaube 8 Grusen Gefir iterbelect, Oret Atende oder 2ved aber tescer verteilte Atende wiron der Secne erteolich niher cekommen. Der Sonicnene der Sands gine nis 1 Stunde nach Einlass, die Musiker und des Publikug aren senervt, Userascruncen bei den om die Loute vorver, nirte Gruchsttcke Feststellunca: Multinediaarteiten ist in! Obs Obs! Yer keinen Video (auf Gro! | prajektiansfliche!) acer a acer Dine vorweisen konnte wer schon mal | out! Sloss schade, dase durch des unctins: int und oie blassen Videobilder | Stree riker Kem, Die Videos/Filme unterstrichen zum Teil die Husik nicht, | as Orcanisieren scheint s1d— sondern liefen rlecesen, over in mur se nobenher. schade, Han kann soviel gutes damit machen. Festeteliuned: Das Seriiner Publikun wer lengweilig wie eh und Se, Schwarz Act ellen Unkenrufen zum Trotz inner noch ins inner dle colton Hinger und Aisikog"nger, Styling tiker elle Voreicht: In Jeans und Pullover f 11 nen unengeneha aut. Festetellungst Rouchen dst auch nach in, keun Lure 2 Shaesen, die es zum bislang dritten Atonel tried onges im Keller war euch gut zur U ent FestetellungS! Das Festival Atonel hat einen Namen, @: Rtenele es nach geben wird, da werden inser die schwarz encezoceren Harden seine migeam dnre 18 Dil Cintritt bezehlen und sich die Lancweildgste und Seeigte Post-Industrial oder Clon-Aocknusick, Usel und schlecht den V nechgespielt antun. (das letzte wort ist von mir, da feblte n’nlict hotfe ec entopricht den sinne des verfassers ~ willi) Ist so ein Fe: Neiterhin erwihnerswert fir Leute, die sich flr wirklich n Yntereseleren? Ich denke nein, und ich hoffe, dass Adel un stenen und Kein weiteres Uberflissiges Atonel veranstelten. Und die Husik? Gut weren Club oral, woil sie acgressiv und cool weren, Gefthle cezeigt haben, Gat vor allem euch ausgelict haben, schon mit ihren ersten Lied "Nezis of th Night, alles sehr rhytnisch aber trotzdem echrig cenebon, ater gut deneten. Gut S"guch die ersten 10-15 Minuten von Test Oent, weil sie eine pure Arytn den sie diverse Stehl und ietallteile benutzten nicht = Sengiunesreicn war. Ganz schlecht, peinlich und Ubel caneten waren Rich cf Therasy sus Berlin, Studenten-Jez2-Aack, ein bifchen free.Die Torkneter Aetsch niente nenr geeenen) sollen aber sehr erholsan gewesen sein, mit Staub- saugern und div, Showeffekten. Zweiter Nur cie punkte, Laibach nit: gekonnter Show, sehr statisch, der Singer hatte Goldlack in Gosiont und éret eras (eines for Cesar, eines #r's Sehreien und oinos fur's Megafon), mit- sent Hirsenge— woih. Etant onnes mit einer guten Perfor- fence und Bané= Soundtreck, sehr aincringlieh und Such senr laut. Zancurim Atwen, was durch die Henschen noch unterstitzt wurde. Das nterstitzung der At 1 wieviele und wieschl Dimitri das a SITE" thst: 1984, PIV "I want you to be what I am, I want you to become what I am, I want you to enjoy the fearlessness that I have, the love that I have, the all encompassing mercy that I have, I want you to be what I aa and somthing greater, I want you to give you more than I have, I want you to be greater than I an, and if you don't want to run this route then go to hell where you want to, but don't bother metl "gut it just there, ya?" "OK yah, right.’ “Yow long does it take to get a passport Gen?" "Bh? oh about four hours. ny does it take four hours?" Paula's answer was lost in the volume of another blast of Jim Jones'raving, being meticulously edited by engineer Nains, This was vart of the B side of the Ronan P. single, and I was sat in a corner observing all like a mute visiter frox tne skies. "dnat's for éinner? I'm hungry." John's question was ignored as a commentators voice cane over tie speakers. ‘Jia was always quite open about the purpose of the cere- mony," Jim's voice booms in, NyBAL MY TOS HONEY, HaaL MY BACK, HEAL MY BOTTOM, BUT DOW'T YOU HEAL MY MIND, ‘CAUSE HY MIND Is TOO SIcKI" "Its good he actually says that about himself, het het, I mean he's talking about them really," contents Genesis. Christianity was never based on the idea of an unknown God..." Jim was cut short by the technical manipulations of Nains "Ite good isn't it?” asked Genesis. I said I liked it when Nains made it coxe out backwards and at the wrong speed. "I am gonna cause you to know that you are wiat Jesus was, Jesus said that every human being is a God, it is written that you are Gods, I'ma God and you're a God, and I'm gonna stay a God until you recognize taat you're a God, and when you recognize that you're a God, I shall go back into principle and will not appear as a personality." "God almighty God tated Genesis with a broad grin. "He's a loony isn't he? but I mean he's so up frat about it, the way he says..." Genesis was cut siort by a technical re- quest from Nains. Jim Jones blasted in again, “Just resenber, there's nothing worse than putting someone ina corner, when they've tried over an' over to do righteousness and no-one receiveth it, an' ya get 'en ina corner and their extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, I think you can sense that?" applause of agreesent follows, joined by a scream from Caresse coming from the hall 8 ont Genesis. Ko resly. " she siouts backs Lad, Sop ALMIGHTY ot Caresse comes in with a strained face, going "! “Have you poohed darling? where did y a bit strained and lets a blast of Jin Jones loose 2 not a violent people, bu u (CA AND WE al taking into his own "Nains, its only baby piss," offered 2aula to calm him, "Bloody vash it quick, get a damp cloth and wash it outside.” "You don't need to wash it Nains, its only baby ciss, that's virtually water." Reported Gene: "We2l I'm going to wash it if you're not." "You see, that's how you can tell he's midéle class," giggled Genesis. "I'm not fucking middle class, I just don't like sitting in other peoples’ piss!" a don't need to sit on it until its dry!" u'd wipe it up if it was your house," e: "No we don't actually," said Gene: the over reaction of Nains. "Now now Wains, it can't be as ba? as John's shit in the bed upstairs," Nains went out, yelling and babbling. I asked if John really did shit usstairs, "No, but Caresse has pissed all over his house and we haven't told him!” laughed Paula. Wains cxme back with a huge cloth, "If it ws anyone's rtd "But baby vies is’ different, its like water." 9 a of cLdall Lt F," declared Na‘ns. They don't have as aueh acid and suger as "They just have two pints of blood to Nains, and ended the discussion sy playing thi drowmed everything out, "llY DOT Hass TO st, BLAME FOR YOUR SINS AGAIN? I sp yout dd 2CRi1 DUALITY WAS IN THE BEGINNING AND VOLUNTARY CHANGE IN THE ENO WILL BE ONE AND ONE BUT I AM NON ANO WHAT THOU SEEST IS NOT Me: THUS SPOKE THE PRIESTESS OF THE SILVER STAR AND TEARS HEH VEIL UNITING HERSELF WITH THE FIRE OF THE WORLD IN LOVE SEE! SUN AND MOON WITHIN A LION ANO A VAMPIRE IN THE BUSHES BEING NOTHING BUT A MIRROR UNVEILING A SQUARE OF TWENTY THREE FOR HIM WHO KNOWETH IT IS THE ORACLE THE IMPREGNATED WORU: THE CRY FOR WAR AND THE SWORD OF DESTRUCTION ON WHICHS BLADE IS WRITTEN JUSTICE AND FEAR IN THE LETTERS OF ITS NAME SIX TIMES SIX TIMES SIX UT FOR HIM WHO NOT KNOUETH IT 15 THE ORD OF LOVERS: LIMITLESS UHICH REFLECTS UNTO ITSELF AND BECOMES LIMITLESS LIGHT THIS I5 THE LORD OF THE UNIVERSE AND STILL NOTHING IS DONE. a ees Ta Frek i Ei a dag cavla y vader 5 ue rage = oe her scanty Throbbing Gristle Cabaret Volteire Rema Rene Central YNCA London August 3rd 1979 Raymond Geargeson and Kevin Thorne met for the Firdt tine. After a brief exchange of views, they soon realised they had vary much in comnanse. During Novanter that year (after they had been recording ideas for a! “tively be called, After a ra journey, he cane up wi ¢ Door From T Lert*, The nane saunded asprooriately serve: and was eccented. On August 26th 1 20, after several months re- cording Saynond deoarted from Third Door to centrate an solo work; but at the beginning of October he was back working with Kevin, A few short piecas were recorded on 26th October one track being used (although uncredited!) on = compilation tase, which was relessed at the end of the year. Between October and December 1980 all tracks ware recorded for the, as yet, unrelcased tap2 ‘Total System. Selected tracks August 1981 were col as 'Face The Firing Sousd’. October 1980 and ction is kno Ra we-be-echo ee ee ee a 9 5 a medical ohysics technician cecersed, Kevin Thorne ore reserved nf the two) was corn in Dartford, Kant, but soon moved to London where he hes lived ever sin curd? booklet. ta exist when i decided 4 needed more cont fished werks, 4 chen brougt pare fre into being, and out mare trial iyerkehire’witmeriiuien he etated that he hoard vnices in nf which told him "weighty echo", £ elter wording slichtly esa echn. 4 Later braught in Bnboie, naw sy wife, Kevin Tanrne, 19058. Third Dnor: 1, Absolutely Nothing (Fuck OFF Aecords) de: 7 ing 3cu= nver ‘iisie Tenses) deleted. 2. Face The Firing ... (Seuse Far concern Tanes} 4, ‘Live rt Sais! on nynreness tane (7 «Live 1 and .Betrasnactive (ta be 6) Sthulnu Surcen Surce cf rel ind Teves) « sy Tangs) 8 racia Elennant Table Albus (xTrect Records). 12, Nevermind on Aa reetnent Tepe. vaya Loe A 15, The Down Yane eo Tene ~ Sussakopp, snd die "wt FouSanpier? C85 o'60 Benge fT; ¢ 60 Anthropologie eine? Kao Auageourt dos BabA; O's She gregarious onsla; @ Neue Dileses ~"aie neue: beckery; © 60 hase deeultorssche Detonat: lis singender stein; ¢ 30 Eefindes stat: © 30 fs: frustration; © 60 21 cassettes: germany: 3, (pap includes) onpilations: Bo 'Katakonbe Vol. 1; ¢ 90; Bi the Corplex sound Gener fy Sie ams Hur, weil es eine bea Sie auch mano Ren ala andese und daa aruc |PS"Sue"ersahiten wir vor de jiele auslandswantaKts habe. Fina oder Tere apes, Wat s sind; den dence jernit igiin st geringen sansate mopiicnst viel zu erreienen und oft klappto1 . ch nicht sont, was eigentlich gene SF BETTE BY Sa 135 € 60 se tte; 0 69 ®) Dada 4-0 60 sa Lanner} © 60 son Ka! 50 Dk; europe: 5,- DM; other: 7,~ DM price: 5 ation (25" groupe): © 90; prise 10,-04 urther inforeation nal ja aucn Yoh wide rte, das sie het das beste, nicht, da@ ich nicht raul ware, ich Tnterview, dap ste Klaus Reichling Hollandische Str. 17 4176 Sonsbeck West Germany sapagsne | yanug-n o00y te/e, saEyoaDE 222 VEkag s00 Teaned s3aerose sassats op gnome pus TEAMoA 3 wo nod r ag 0206, ‘meade Gna og tenouspeg ayo sore 12m tuopuer ‘109 F396qu09 "zo soustia tone yon Muopuor “+Atstets sy9mUa THINOA YOIKOASS AO SUH Nabyfestowruoasee "ON *Tedoa cota fo *uetsanay aug 103 ro4e saepso *soTaTsa "ss04% SES aaa, fossa sneaoa peosien 40 feingaw want orros0d WY posse 159) Ty Goevatat a3 oy sane a Stacastocn petTive Stade uae Soa 3 cere seiner 3 spsiatecce permeate re é ‘yuossaoce (orn ‘tye uoussye emuTe vod GBouugp son uaigy nz smuyavatue "sasinao ‘Esepue sus sppu STsuyWy 304 po04 woop Tay i soaey suaaasioe Gunz teevo oy ono stu s0 3ttnd ayapunbsy "aces TwDW wos coos ~ enTIME € S37 soerayen qeoqpusg 91 suays s30"q009 fe yoeujosas sumasapat “anor vaverenaioanp (Btyeqweigid0) ways se oe_ tera sure" yors seornos om pin eazmoenate Yeas doh of sepome “iise pun putepioy ‘pusssyzecesse euseusod yy yovyice wate arp” uspyarsanges uasapur pon uxejaoTTst socnad aavts "3eoqpudg 67 UOn saath 2 ‘iyannesoo ~ SeaUE ATLVIGUIONY = svoTOUS 37 eee ale eee cae seat Vaan ee ovo seuuo,uy suazzan yoTetS pun war tey6e, eysee weqns yoo sans lrsrstencuy sep Jurawoese ne vopw a) 4aqted tussoat -goytiosene aya saqaes aseeqe ‘Sjeotoune 37 spertiowsnen sunaoapscox epuaTpel toma soueeToy sepury ate sop " i Nora an09 myaiea Nn iano mve ws sey wo “ter ae dee tg ee ssreres. (ovea ag at) sutous Uynen fon uo ats oyyese py uve uowoe WoFtuusbre co 4e¥ ¥e/0861 vow j= uaunetavene ajo oq #2 wopwoww oplomed nuTMA®. Fos nganpoce suyaqoesa Bow fo =Dunisomuestya byuam Upe 4236 “js se on ayy ur usysoopaied you weap pun aseysrart Sys 2) OE m Sstsamouat “usttas segoupiaad *(xoquanya] Duntoosian uauguoe aufe Uy Uauy fora UsyeuTe D6 XP suoryerrsuos Tevoryeusayuy "suecas yes", rouse 4stpes ays = ‘a Buypoura petteuques won 31 wwtigea pacae a et pmulyeon ef 2083 ova, “uownavoe ne beck pun cacy mona ‘aie pin cower teed twats sexier + oase osTOuLN0D Sot, ee Pharehk C

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