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HR Guide to the Internet:

Job Evaluation: Methods: Classification

Classification Jobs are classified into an existing grade/category
structure or hierarchy. Each level in the grade/category structure
has a description and associated job titles. Each job is assigned to
the grade/category providing the closest match to the job. The
classification of a position is decided by comparing the whole job
with the appropriate job grading standard. To ensure equity in job
grading and wage rates, a common set of job grading standards and
instructions are used. Because of differences in duties, skills and
knowledge, and other aspects of trades and labor jobs, job grading
standards are developed mainly along occupational lines.

The standards do not attempt to describe every work assignment of each position in
the occupation covered. The standards identify and describe those key characteristics
of occupations which are significant for distinguishing different levels of work. They
define these key characteristics in such a way as to provide a basis for assigning the
appropriate grade level to all positions in the occupation to which the standards apply.

Advantages Disadvantages

 Simple.  Classification judgments are subjective.

 The grade/category structure exists  The standard used for comparison (the
independent of the jobs. Therefore, new grade/category structure) may have built
jobs can be classified more easily than in biases that would affect certain groups
the Ranking Method. of employees (females or minorities).
 Some jobs may appear to fit within more
than one grade/category.



This section briefly describes the various classification methods

used in order to categorize the email messages into various
folders. We have made use of three supervised and one
unsupervised method. The supervised methods used are Naïve
Bayes classifier, J48 Decision Trees and Support Vector
Machines, whereas the unsupervised method is an adaptation of
the K-means clustering method. Let us now see how each
method works.


Naïve Bayes Classifier: -

The Naïve Bayes classifier works on a simple, but

comparatively intuitive concept. Also, in some cases it is also
seen that Naïve Bayes outperforms many other comparatively
complex algorithms. It makes use of the variables contained in
the data sample, by observing them individually, independent of
each other.

The Naïve Bayes classifier is based on the Bayes rule of

conditional probability. It makes use of all the attributes
contained in the data, and analyses them individually as though
they are equally important and independent of each other. For
example, consider that the training data consists of various
animals (say elephants, monkeys and giraffes), and our classifier
has to classify any new instance that it encounters. We know
that elephants have attributes like they have a trunk, huge tusks,
a short tail, are extremely big, etc. Monkeys are short in size,
jump around a lot, and can climb trees; whereas giraffes are tall,
have a long neck and short ears.

The Naïve Bayes classifier will consider each of these attributes

separately when classifying a new instance. So, when checking
to see if the new instance is an elephant, the Naïve Bayes
classifier will not check whether it has a trunk and has huge
tusks and is large. Rather, it will separately check whether the
new instance has a trunk, whether it has tusks, whether it is
large, etc. It works under the assumption that one attribute
works independently of the other attributes contained by the

In our experiments, it is seen that the Naïve Bayes classifier

performs almost at par with the other classifiers in most of the
cases. Of the 26 different experiments carried out on various
datasets, the Naïve Bayes classifier shows a drop in performance
in only 3-4 cases, when compared with J48 and Support Vector
Machines. This proves the widely held belief that though simple
in concept, the Naïve Bayes classifier works well in most data
classification problems.

J48 Decision Trees: -

A decision tree is a predictive machine-learning model that

decides the target value (dependent variable) of a new sample
based on various attribute values of the available data. The
internal nodes of a decision tree denote the different attributes,
the branches between the nodes tell us the possible values that
these attributes can have in the observed samples, while the
terminal nodes tell us the final value (classification) of the
dependent variable.

The attribute that is to be predicted is known as the dependent

variable, since its value depends upon, or is decided by, the
values of all the other attributes. The other attributes, which help
in predicting the value of the dependent variable, are known as
the independent variables in the dataset.

The J48 Decision tree classifier follows the following simple

algorithm. In order to classify a new item, it first needs to create
a decision tree based on the attribute values of the available
training data. So, whenever it encounters a set of items (training
set) it identifies the attribute that discriminates the various
instances most clearly. This feature that is able to tell us most
about the data instances so that we can classify them the best is
said to have the highest information gain. Now, among the
possible values of this feature, if there is any value for which
there is no ambiguity, that is, for which the data instances falling
within its category have the same value for the target variable,
then we terminate that branch and assign to it the target value
that we have obtained.

For the other cases, we then look for another attribute that gives
us the highest information gain. Hence we continue in this
manner until we either get a clear decision of what combination
of attributes gives us a particular target value, or we run out of
attributes. In the event that we run out of attributes, or if we
cannot get an unambiguous result from the available
information, we assign this branch a target value that the
majority of the items under this branch possess.

Now that we have the decision tree, we follow the order of

attribute selection as we have obtained for the tree. By checking
all the respective attributes and their values with those seen in
the decision tree model, we can assign or predict the target value
of this new instance. The above description will be more clear
and easier to understand with the help of an example. Hence, let
us see an example of J48 decision tree classification.

Consider that the captain of a cricket team has to decide whether

to bat or field first in the event that they win the toss and have to
make a decision. He decides to collect the statistics of the last
ten matches when the winning captain has decided to bat first,
and compare them in order to decide what to do, so as to make
conditions most favorable for a win. The following table
represents the data that he has collected, in order to help him
make a decision. In the following table, Outlook, Humidity and
the number of regular batsmen in the team are the independent
variables, whereas the dependent variable is the final outcome of
the game.

Table showing the various values of the attributes for the

last ten games when the winning captain decided to bat first
and the final outcome of the game.

Independent Variables Dependent

Outlook Humidity Number of Final Outcome
batsmen in
team > 6
Sunny High Yes Won
Overcast High No Lost
Sunny Low No Lost
Sunny High No Won
Overcast Low Yes Lost
Sunny Low Yes Won
Sunny Low No Lost
Sunny High No Won
Sunny Low Yes Won
Sunny Low Yes Won

Though this data is apparently confusing, it looks as though a

decision tree model may help the captain get a clearer picture of
the underlying situation. Hence, let us build a decision tree
model for the available data. As we can see from the table, it is
obvious that whenever the winning captain decides to bat first
on a day that is not sunny, the team loses the match. As such,
this attribute gives us the most information. Let us make this our
first attribute for splitting.

Then, we look at the branch where some ambiguity still exists,

that is it still has a number of instances with both values of the
dependent variable. We then realize that the attribute Humidity
will give us more clear information about what happens when
the day is sunny. We can see that the batting side wins when the
day is sunny and the humidity is high. Thus, Humidity is ideally
found to be the next attribute based on which the instances
should be split.

Now we realize that the number of regular batsmen in the team

plays an important role at this stage. If a team had more than six
batsmen, it won the game. If not, it lost. Therefore, we now have
a decision tree that looks like the diagram given on the
following page. From this, the captain knows that statistically, it
is better to field first if the day is overcast. If the day is sunny
and the humidity is high, batting is advisable. Also, if the day is
sunny, the humidity is low, and the team contains at least six
regular batsmen, it is safe to bat first; otherwise they should
field. Hence, the captain can now make an informed decision
after winning the toss.

Dependent Variable: Game Won or Lost


Overcast Sunny


High Low

No. of batsmen > 6




Thus, whenever he comes across a new instance, the captain will

just have to compare the attribute values for outlook, humidity
and number of batsmen to arrive at the best decision in the event
that he wins the toss.

In our experiments it was seen that J48 Decision trees performed

really well. In most cases, their performance was almost at par
with that of Support Vector Machines. In fact in several cases, it
was seen that J48 Decision Trees had a higher accuracy than
either Naïve Bayes, or Support Vector Machines.
Support Vector Machines: -

Support Vector Machines are supervised learning methods used

for classification, as well as regression. The advantage of
Support Vector Machines is that they can make use of certain
kernels in order to transform the problem, such that we can
apply linear classification techniques to non-linear data.
Applying the kernel equations arranges the data instances in
such a way within the multi-dimensional space, that there is a
hyper-plane that separates data instances of one kind from those
of another.
The kernel equations may be any function that transforms the
linearly non-separable data in one domain into another domain
where the instances become linearly separable. Kernel equations
may be linear, quadratic, Gaussian, or anything else that
achieves this particular purpose.

Once we manage to divide the data into two distinct categories,

our aim is to get the best hyper-plane to separate the two types
of instances. This hyper-plane is important because it decides
the target variable value for future predictions. We should
decide upon a hyper-plane that maximizes the margin between
the support vectors on either side of the plane. Support vectors
are those instances that are either on the separating planes on
each side, or a little on the wrong side. The explanatory
diagrams that follow will make these ideas a little more clear.

One important thing to note about Support Vector Machines is

that the data to be separated needs to be binary. Even if the data
is not binary, Support Vector Machines handles it as though it
is, and completes the analysis through a series of binary
assessments on the data.

Let us now see an example of how Support Vector Machines

work. Since it is easier to understand the concept visually, we
shall see the data instances in their original form on a graph,
then we shall see how the data instances are separated upon the
application of kernel functions on them, and how the best hyper-
plane is found. We shall also see what support vectors exactly
are and how does a margin look.

Original Space




Idea for diagram taken from class notes of Dr. Rich Maclin
(Advanced Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
New Space

f(B) f(B) f
f(A) f(B)
f(B) f(B)
Vectors f(A) f(A)



f(A) f(A)


Idea for diagram taken from class notes of Dr. Rich Maclin
(Advanced Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery

As can be seen from the above diagrams, the data instances

which were not linearly separable in the original domain have
become linearly separable in the new domain, due to the
application of a function (kernel) that transforms the position of
the data points from one domain to another. This is the basic
idea behind Support Vector Machines and their kernel
techniques. Whenever a new instance is encountered in the
original domain, the same kernel function is applied to this
instance too, and its position in the new domain is found out.
This position determines the binary target value to which the
new instance belongs.

In many cases, it is often seen that Support Vector Machines

perform the best among all machine-learning methods. It may be
interesting to recall that Ron Bekkerman also came to the
conclusion that Support Vector machines achieve a higher
accuracy than Naïve Bayes, Maximum Entropy or Wide Margin
Winnow. Though Wide Margin Winnow does perform faster
and in some cases better than Support Vector Machines, on the
whole Support Vector Machines outperform any other classifier
for the task of email classification.

In our experiments too, it is seen that Support Vector Machines

usually have the highest accuracy among any of the other
classification methods. Of the 26 experiments that we carried
out, it is seen that Support Vector Machines have the highest
accuracy in 16 cases, while in most others it is a close second.


SenseClusters (an adaptation of the K-means clustering

algorithm): -

We have made use of SenseClusters in order to classify the

email messages into different user-defined folders.
SenseClusters is a freely available package of Perl programs,
developed at the University of Minnesota Duluth, which can be
used for automatic text and document classification. The
advantage of SenseClusters is that it does not need any training
data; it makes use of unsupervised learning methods in order to
classify the available data. To know more about SenseClusters,
kindly visit

In this section we will try to understand the K-means clustering

algorithm that has been used in SenseClusters. Clustering is the
process in which we divide the available data instances into a
given number of sub-groups. These sub-groups are called
clusters, and hence the name “Clustering”. To put it simply, the
K-means algorithm outlines a method to cluster a particular set
of instances into K different clusters, where K is a positive
integer. It should be noted here that the K-means clustering
algorithm requires to know the number of clusters from the user.
It cannot identify the number of clusters by itself. However,
SenseClusters now has the facility of automatically identifying
the number of clusters that the data may comprise of.

The K-means clustering algorithm starts by placing K centroids

as far away from each other as possible within the available
space. Then each of the available data instances is assigned a
particular centroid, depending on a metric like Euclidian
distance, Manhattan distance, Minkowski distance, etc. The
position of the centroid is recalculated every time an instance is
added to the cluster and this continues until all the instances are
grouped into the final required number of clusters. Since
recalculating the cluster centroids may alter the cluster
membership, the cluster memberships are also verified once the
position of the centroid changes. This process continues till
there is no further change in the cluster membership, and there is
as little change in the positions of the centroids as possible.

The initial position of the centroids is thus very important since

this position affects all the future steps in the K-means
clustering algorithm. Hence, it is always advisable to keep the
cluster centers as far away from each other as possible. If there
are too many clusters, then clusters that closely resemble each
other and are in the vicinity of each other are clubbed together.
If there are too few clusters then clusters that are too big and
may contain two or more sub-groups of different data instances
are divided. The K-means clustering algorithm is thus a simple
to understand, fairly intuitive method by which we can divide
the available data into sub-categories.

In our experiments, it was seen that in many cases the accuracy

of the unsupervised method was not far behind that of the
supervised methods. In fact, in a couple of cases, the
unsupervised method outperformed any of the supervised
methods. This is very encouraging when we consider the fact
that we do not require a training set for unsupervised learning
methods. In many cases, it may be possible that when faced with
the trade-off between making training data available and
sacrificing the accuracy by 5-6%, people would prefer the latter
option and hence move towards unsupervised methods of
learning, as against supervised learning methods. As such, the
results we have obtained look pretty encouraging, though
unsupervised learning methods may not perform as well as
supervised learning methods.
Job evaluation
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A job evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value/worth of
a job in relation to other jobs in an organization. It tries to make a
systematic comparison between jobs to assess their relative worth for the
purpose of establishing a rational pay structure.
Job evaluation needs to be differentiated from job analysis. Job analysis is
a systematic way of gathering information about a job. Every job evaluation
method requires at least some basic job analysis in order to provide factual
information about the jobs concerned. Thus, job evaluation begins with job
analysis and ends at that point where the worth of a job is ascertained for
achieving pay equity between jobs and different roles.

 1Process
 1.1Installing the programme
 1.2Reviewing periodically
 2Methods
 2.1Ranking method
 2.2Classification method (Grading method)
 2.3Factor comparison method or Point method
 2.4Market Pricing
 3Merits and demerits
 4Vendors
 5Limitations
 6Concept of job design
 7Techniques for designing jobs
 7.1Job simplification
 7.2Job enlargement
 7.3Job rotation
 7.4Job enrichment
 8References

The process of job evaluation involves the following steps:
 Gaining acceptance: Before undertaking job evaluation, top
management must explain the aims and uses of the programme to
the employees and unions. To elaborate the program
further,presentations could be made. Letters, booklets could be used
to classify all relevant aspects of the job evaluation programme.
 Creating job evaluation committee: It is not possible for a single
person to evaluate all the key jobs in an organization. Usually a job
evaluation committee consisting of experienced employees, union
representatives and HR experts is created to set the ball rolling.
 Finding the jobs to be evaluated: Every job need not be evaluated.
This may be too taxing and costly. Certain key jobs in each department
may be identified. While picking up the jobs, care must be taken to
ensure that they represent the type of work performed in that
 Analysing and preparing job description: This requires the
preparation of a job description and also an analysis of job needs for
successful performance .
 Selecting the method of evaluation: The most important method of
evaluating the jobs must be identified now, keeping the job factors as
well as organisational demands in mind.
 Classifying jobs: The relative worth of various jobs in an organisation
may be found out after arranging jobs in order of importance using
criteria such as skill requirements, experience needed, under which
conditions job is performed, type of responsibilities to be shouldered,
degree of supervision needed, the amount of stress caused by the job,
etc. Weights can be assigned to each such factor. When we finally add
all the weights, the worth of a job is determined. The points may then
be converted into monetary values.
Installing the programme[edit]
Once the evaluation process is over and a plan of action is ready,
management must explain it to employees and put it into operation.

Reviewing periodically[edit]
In the light of changes in environmental conditions (technology, products,
services, etc.) jobs need to be examined closely. For example, the
traditional clerical functions have undergone a rapid change in sectors
like banking, insurance and railways, after computerisation. New job
descriptions need to be written and the skill needs of new jobs need to be
duly incorporated in the evaluation process. Otherwise, employees may
feel that all the relevant job factors - based on which their pay has been
determined - have not been evaluated properly.
For job evaluation to be practicable it is necessary:
 that jobs can be easily identified
 that there are sufficient differences between different jobs; and
 that agreements know the relative importance or worth of different jobs
can be negotiated between the enterprise and its employees and/or
their representatives.

There are primarily three methods of job evaluation: (1) ranking, (2)
classification, (3) Factor comparison method or Point method. While many
variations of these methods exist in practice, the three basic approaches
are described here.

Ranking method[edit]
Perhaps the simplest method of job evaluation is the ranking method.
According to this method, jobs are arranged from highest to lowest, in
order of their value or merit to the organization. Jobs can also be arranged
according to the relative difficulty in performing them. The jobs are
examined as a whole rather than on the basis of important factors in the
job; the job at the top of the list has the highest value and obviously the job
at the bottom of the list will have the lowest value. Jobs are usually ranked
in each department and then the department rankings are combined to
develop an organizational ranking. The variation in payment of salaries
depends on the variation of the nature of the job performed by the
employees. The ranking method is simple to understand and practice and it
is best suited for a small organization. Its simplicity however works to its
disadvantage in big organizations because rankings are difficult to develop
in a large, complex organization. Moreover, this kind of ranking is highly
subjective in nature and may offend many employees. Therefore, a more
scientific and fruitful way of job evaluation is called for.

Classification method (Grading method)[edit]

According to this method, a predetermined number of job groups or job
classes are established and jobs are assigned to these classifications. This
method places groups of jobs into job classes or job grades. Separate
classes may include office, clerical, managerial, personnel, etc. Following
is a brief description of such a classification in an office.
 Class I - Executives: Further classification under this category may be
Office Manager, Deputy office manager, Office superintendent,
Departmental supervisor, etc.
 Class II - Skilled workers: Under this category may come the
Purchasing assistant, Cashier, Receipts clerk, etc.
 Class III - Semiskilled workers: Under this category may come
Stenotypists, Machine-operators, Switchboard operator etc.
 Class IV - Unskilled workers: This category may comprise peons,
messengers, housekeeping staff, Daftaris[clarification needed], File
clerks, Office boys, etc.
The job grading method is less subjective when compared to the earlier
ranking method. The system is very easy to understand and acceptable to
almost all employees without hesitation. One strong point in favour of the
method is that it takes into account all the factors that a job comprises. This
system can be effectively used for a variety of jobs. The weaknesses of the
Grading method are:
 Even when the requirements of different jobs differ, they may be
combined into a single category, depending on the status a job carries.
 It is difficult to write all-inclusive descriptions of a grade.
 The method oversimplifies sharp differences between different jobs
and different grades.
 When individual job descriptions and grade descriptions do not match
well, the evaluators have the tendency to classify the job using their
subjective judgements.
Factor comparison method or Point method[edit]
This method is widely used and is considered to be one of the reliable and
systematic approach for job evaluation in mid and large size organisations.
Most consulting firms adopt this method, which was pioneered by Edward
Hay in 1943. Here, jobs are expressed in terms of key factors. Points are
assigned to each factor after prioritizing each factor in order of importance.
The points are summed up to determine the wage rate for the job. Jobs
with similar point totals are placed in similar pay grades. The procedure
involved may be explained thus:
1. Select key jobs. Identify the factors common to all the identified jobs
such as skill, effort, responsibility, etc.
2. Divide each major factor into a number of sub factors. Each sub factor is
defined and expressed clearly in the order of importance, preferably along
a scale.
The most frequent factors employed in point systems are (i) Skill (key
factor); Education and training required, Breadth/depth of experience
required, Social skills required, Problem-solving skills, Degree of
discretion/use of judgment, Creative thinking (ii)
Responsibility/Accountability: Breadth of responsibility, Specialized
responsibility, Complexity of the work, Degree of freedom to act, Number
and nature of subordinate staff, Extent of accountability for
equipment/plant, Extent of accountability for product/materials; (iii) Effort:
Mental demands of a job, Physical demands of a job, Degree of potential
The educational requirements (sub factor) under the skill (key factor) may
be expressed thus in the order of importance.
3. Find the maximum number of points assigned to each job (after adding
up the point values of all sub-factors of such a job).
This would help in finding the relative worth of a job. For instance, the
maximum points assigned to an officer's job in a bank come to 540. The
manager's job, after adding up key factors + sub factors points, may be
getting a point value of say 650 from the job evaluation committee. This job
is now priced at a higher level.
4. Once the worth of a job in terms of total points is expressed, the points
are converted into money values keeping in view the hourly/daily wage
rates. A wage survey is usually undertaken to collect wage rates of certain
key jobs in the organization.

Market Pricing[edit]
Market pricing is the process for determining the external value of jobs,
allowing you to establish wage and salary structures and pay rates that are
market sensitive. Job matching session is conducted.

Merits and demerits[edit]

The point method is a superior and widely used method of evaluating jobs.
It forces raters to look into all key factors and sub-factors of a job. Point
values are assigned to all factors in a systematic way, eliminating bias at
every stage. It is reliable because raters using similar criteria would get
more or less similar answers. The methodology underlying the approach
contributes to a minimum of rating error (Robbins p. 361). It accounts for
differences in wage rates for various jobs on the strength of job factors.
Jobs may change over time, but the rating scales established under the
point method remain unaffected. On the negative side, the point method is
complex. Preparing a manual for various jobs, fixing values for key and
sub-factors, establishing wage rates for different grades, etc., is a time
consuming process, According to Decenzo and Robbins, "the key criteria
must be carefully and clearly identified, degrees of factors have to be
agreed upon in terms that mean the same to all rates, the weight of each
criterion has to be established and point values must be assigned to
degrees". This may be too taxing, especially while evaluating managerial
jobs where the nature of work (varied, complex, novel) is such that it
cannot be expressed in quantifiable numbers.

The following table lists several vendors of analytical job evaluation
systems. The list is not conclusive.

Vendor Grading Criteria Career Paths

Compensable factors:

 Knowledge and
 Problem solving and
innovation  Support
 Interaction  Individual
Aon - contributor
 Impact
 Accountability (for  Management
non-manual roles)  Executive
 Working environment
and physical activity
(for manual roles)
Grading criteria:

 Contribution:
Reporting level,
Budget, Nature of No differentiation
impact on the budget, of career paths,
but answering just
and Degree of
18 questions, the
autonomy (to act and
process can be
make decisions) carried out
 Framework: Thinking intuitively as uses
environment, and common day-to-day
OMD HR Thinking challenge language (instead
CONSULTING  Requirements: of the rather
- OMD HCM Knowledge required, technical
Relevant work "consultant’s
experience required, slang"), provides
and Communications technical feedback
skills required most of (with more than 15
the time alerts), and
 Scope: Functional converts the Job
scope, Time-span for Evaluation results
into the most
most business
commonly used
objectives, People
responsibility, Multi-
country responsibility,
and Production
facilities responsibility
14 elements used for
evaluating each role,
ECC Ltd - Communication,
career paths
HERA and Liaison and
determined by
FEDRA for Networking, Decision
organisation using
universities Making, Planning and
the system
and colleges Organising, Teaching
and Learning Support.
Source [2]

gradar the common factors for  Individual

job all career paths Contributor
evaluation  People
engine  Professional Management
Knowledge  Project
 Experience Management
 Cognitive Abilities /
Problem Solving
 Organisational
 Communication
common factors for
individual contributor and
 Process Responsibility
 Scope of Decisions
specific for individual

 People Responsibility
 Functional
specific for people

 Span of Control &

Occupation Group
 Organisational
specific for project

 Project Responsibility
& Span of Control
 Project Size
Source [3]


 Practical / technical
 Planning, organizing
and integrating
 Communicating and
Hay Group -
influencing skills
Guide Charts
Profile Problem solving no differentiation
Method of of career paths
Job  Thinking environment
Evaluation  Thinking challenge

 Freedom to act
 Scope
 Impact (business
Source [4]

Mercer - Impact no differentiation

Internationa of career paths
l Position  Size of Organisation
Evaluation  Impact
 Contribution

 Communication
 Frame

 Innovation
 Complexity

 Knowledge
 Teams
 Breadth (Application
of knowledge)
Working Conditions (only
to be used when high risks

 Risk
 Environment
Source [5]


 Professional know-
 Corporate/Business
 Social Competence
Problem solving
pwc - no differentiation
 Scope of Thinking
STRATA of career paths
 Degree of difficulty
Accountability and Impact

 Autonomy of Decision
 Area of Influence
 Intensity of influence
on target achievement
Source [6]

Towers  Functional Knowledge Individual

Watson -  Business Expertise Contributor
Global  Problem Solving
Grading  Leadership  Band 1 : Un-/Semi-
System  Area of Influence Skilled Labour
 Nature of Influence  Band 2 : Skilled
 Communication / Labour
Interpersonal Skills  Band 3IC :
 Band 4IC : Experts

 Band 3M :
Supervisors / Team
 Band 4M : Middle
 Band 5FS :
Functional Strategic
 Band 5BS : Business

1. Job evaluation is not completely scientific.
2. Most of the techniques are difficult to understand, even for the
3. The factors taken by the programme are not exhaustive.
4. There may be wide fluctuations in compensable factors in view of
changes in technology, values and aspirations of employers, etc.
5. Employees, trade union leaders, management and the programme
operators may assign different weight to different factors, thus
creating grounds for dispute.

Concept of job design[edit]

What is job design? As we just explained, job analysis provides job-related
data as well as the skills and knowledge required for the incumbent to
perform the job. A better job performance also requires deciding on
sequence of job contents. This is called 'job design'. Job design is a logical
sequence to job analysis. In other words, job design involves specifying the
contents of a job, the work methods used in its performance and how the
job relates to other jobs in the organisation.
A few definitions on job design are produced here with a view to help you
understand the meaning of job design in a better manner. Michael
Armstrong11 has defined job design as "the process of deciding on the
contents of a job in terms of its duties and responsibilities, on the methods
to be used in carrying out the job, in terms of techniques, systems and
procedures, and on the relationships that should exist between the job
holder and his superiors, subordinates and colleagues".
Mathis and Jackson I2 have defined job design as "a process that
integrates work content (tasks, functions, relationships), the
rewards(extrinsic and intrinsic), and the qualifications required (skills,
knowledge, abilities) for each job in a way that meets the needs of
employees and organisations."
Popplewell and Wildsmith13 define job design in these words: "......involves
conscious efforts to organise tasks, duties, and responsibilities into a unit
of work to achieve certain objectives".
Having gone through the above definitions of job design, it can now be
described as a deliberate attempt made to structure both technical and
social aspects of the job to attain a fit between the individual (job holder)
and the job. The very idea is that job should be designed in such a way as
to enable employees to control over the aspects of their work. The
underlying justification being that by doing this, it enhances the quality of
the work life, harnesses the potential of the workers in a more effective
manner and thereby improves employee performance.

Techniques for designing jobs[edit]

Basically, there are four techniques used in the design of jobs. These
include Job simplification, Job enlargement, Job enrichment and Job

Job simplification[edit]
Job simplification is a design method whereby jobs are divided into smaller
components and subsequently assigned to workers as whole jobs.
Simplification of work requires that jobs be broken down into their smallest
units and then analysed. Each resulting sub-unit typically consists of
relatively few operations. These subunits are then assigned to the workers
as their total job. Many fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Burger
King and KFC use simplification because employees can learn tasks
rapidly; short work cycles allow task performance with little or no mental
effort and low-skilled and low-paid employees can be hired and trained
On the negative side, job simplification results in workers experiencing
boredom, frustration, alienation, lack of motivation and low job satisfaction.
This, in turn, leads to lower productivity and increased cost.

Job enlargement[edit]
Job enlargement expands a job horizontally. It increases job scope; that is,
it increases the number of different operations required in a job and the
frequency with which the job cycle is repeated. By increasing the number
of tasks an individual performs, job enlargement increases the job scope,
or job diversity. Instead of only sorting the incoming mail by department, for
instance, a mail sorter's job could be enlarged to include physically
delivering the mail to the various departments or running outgoing letters
through the postage meter.
Efforts at job enlargement have met with less than enthusiastic results. As
one employee who experienced such a redesign on his job remarked,
"Before I had one lousy job. Now, through enlargement, I have three!" So
while job enlargement attacks the lack of diversity in overspecialised jobs,
it has done little to provide challenge or meaningfulness to a worker's

Job rotation[edit]
Job rotation refers to the movement of an employee from one job to
another. Jobs themselves are not actually changed, only the employees
are rotated among various jobs. An employee who works on a routine job
moves to work on another job for some hours/days/months and returns to
the first job. This measure relieves the employee from the boredom and
monotony, improves the employee's skills regarding various jobs and
prepares worker's self-image and provides personal growth. However,
frequent job rotations are not advisable in view of their negative impact on
the organisation and the employee.

Job enrichment[edit]
Job enrichment, as currently practiced in industry, is a direct outgrowth of
Herzberg's Two Factor Theory of motivation. It is, therefore, based on the
assumption that in order to motivate personnel, the job itself must provide
opportunities for achievement recognition, responsibility, advancement and
growth. The basic idea is to restore to jobs the elements of interest that
were taken away under intensive specialisation. Job enrichment tries to
embellish the job with factors that Herzberg characterised as motivators:
achievement, recognition, increased responsibilities, opportunities for
growth, advancement and increased competence. There is an attempt to
build into jobs a higher sense of challenge and achievement, through
vertical job loading. 6 Job enrichment has four unique aspects:
 It changes the basic relationship between employees and their work.
Interesting and challenging work, as studies have proved, can be a
source of employee satisfaction.
 It changes employee behaviours in ways that gradually lead to more
positive attitudes about the organisation and a better self-image.
Feeling of autonomy and personal freedom help employees view their
jobs in a favourable way.
 It helps the employer to bring about organisational changes easily,
securing employee cooperation and commitment.
 Job enrichment can humanise an organisation. 'Individuals can
experience the psychological that comes from developing new
competencies and doing a job well. Individuals are encouraged to grow
and push themselves.'
Many companies in India realised the importance of offering jobs having
depth, variety and meaningfulnessl to their employees long
back. ICICI, Procter & Gamble, Infosys, Bharat Petroleum, Asian
Paints, HLL and Hughes Software have certain things in common: greater
opportunities to grow vertically, open communication, flexible working
hours, excellent reward schemes, employee-oriented work environment,
sharing with and learning from others etc. The BT-Hewlett Associates
study has clearly indicated the benefits of having such excellent practices.
 Employees in the above companies displayed tremendous pride in
what their company does and in its products and services. They also
believed in its future prospects.
 Employees in the above companies admired their leadership for
making them fell 'safe and well-led'.
This article is written like
a personal reflection or opinion
essay that states a Wikipedia
editor's personal feelings about a
topic. Please help improve
it by rewriting it in
an encyclopedic style. (November
2012) (Learn how and when to remove this
template message)
A job evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value/worth of
a job in relation to other jobs in an organisation. It tries to make a
systematic comparison between jobs to assess their relative worth for the
purpose of establishing a rational pay structure.
Job evaluation needs to be differentiated from job analysis. Job analysis is
a systematic way of gathering information about a job. Every job evaluation
method requires at least some basic job analysis in order to provide factual
information about the jobs concerned. Thus, job evaluation begins with job
analysis and ends at that point where the worth of a job is ascertained for
achieving pay equity between jobs.

1. Jump up^ "JobLink".
2. Jump up^ "About HERA and FEDRA".
3. Jump up^ "job grading factors".
Retrieved 2015-12-26.
4. Jump up^ "Brochure Hay Guide Chart" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-12-
5. Jump up^ "International Position Evaluation System
(IPE)". Retrieved 2015-12-26.
6. Jump up^ "Flyer Competency Management & Job
Evaluation" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-12-26.
 Job evaluation
 Human resource management

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