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Name: __________________ Worksheet # 1.1 C.

Date: ___________________ Subject: Science 6

Q1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 5
1. The Circulatory system carries food and Oxygen to all parts of the body.

2. The circulatory system has three (3) main parts.

3. The size of our heart is the size of our Close Fist.

4. The heart has Two or 2 (right and left) sides.

5. Our heart is protected by the rib cage.

Q2 State whether each of the following statements is true or false. Correct the
false statements. 5
a. The heart pumps air around the body. Blood F
b. Your heart beats faster when you exercise. T
c. Your pulse rate tells you how fast your are exercising heart is beating. F
d. Blood moves around the body in special tubes called blood vessels. T
e. The veins carry blood to all parts of the body. Arteries’ F

Q3. What are the three types of blood vessels? 1

1. Arteries

2. veins.

3. Capillaries

Q4. Write answers to the following questions. 9

a) Where is our heart located?
Our heart is located slightly towards the left in our chest.
b) What is the function of our heart?
Its function is to pump blood through our body.
c) How is the right side of heart different from left side of heart?
The left-side pumps blood that contains oxygen all around the body
The right-side pumps blood without oxygen to the lungs only.
Name: __________________ Worksheet # 1.2 C. W

Date: ------------------------ Subject: Science 6

Q1. Use the following words to complete the sentences. 5

blood ribs lungs windpipe nose carbon dioxide oxygen

We breathe in air through our Nose. The air we breathe in contains oxygen gas.
The air moves down the windpipe and into our lungs.
The Oxygen in the air then moves from the lungs into the blood.
We breathe out air that contains carbon dioxide gas.
The ribs protect our respiratory system.
Q2 Name each of the following: 6
a. the body organs used for breathing lungs
b. the gas we need to breathe in oxygen
c. the gas our bodies must get rid of carbon dioxide
d. the substance that carries the gases around the body blood
e. the muscle that helps us breathe Diaphragm
f. the part of the skeleton that protects the breathing organs ribs
Q3. Complete the flow diagram using these words to show the path of oxygen
when we breathe in. 4
1 nose 2 windpipe 3 Lungs 4 blood
Name: __________________ Worksheet # 1.4 C. W

Date: ------------------------ Subject: Science 6

Q1. Mark each statement as true (T) or false (F). 6

a. All infectious diseases are caused by viruses. F

b. A parasite lives on or in the body of another living thing. T

c. Living things that spread diseases always get the disease themselves. F

d. Diseases can be spread when we cough or sneeze. T

e. Washing hands with soap and water will stop germs spreading. T

f. Adding salt to water will make it safe to drink. F

Q2. Match each of the body’s defenses with the way it helps to protect the body
from disease. 4
Body defense How it protects the body from disease
1 tears traps germs 2
2 mucus kills stops bacteria entering the body 4
3 stomach acid contain a chemical substance that kills some bacteria 1
4 skin bacteria in food we have eaten 3

b. Explain why we should clean cuts and wounds and cover them with a plaster.3
The skin is a barrier that stops germs from entering the body. If we get a cut or
wound, we must clean it to remove germs from the wound. We must cover it with a
plaster to stop any germs from getting into the body through the broken skin.
a. What is a parasite? 3
Any living thing that lives on or in the body of another living thing.
b. Why are viruses, some bacteria and fungi parasites? 4
They can only grow and reproduce in the bodies of other living things.
Name: __________________ Worksheet # 1 C.W

Date: ___________________ Subject: Science 6

Q1. Write answers of the following questions.

a) Name the instrument used to measure mass.
b) Name the units mass is measured in.
Kilogram and gram
c) Name the instrument used to measure weight.
force meter
d) Name the unit weight is measured in.
Q2. Read the following statements about mass and weight.
Mark each statement as true (T) or false (F).
a) Mass and weight are the same. F

b) We measure mass in kilograms. T

c) We measure weight in Newtons. T

d) Weight is the amount of matter in an object F

Q3. Look at the following instrument.

a) What is this instrument called?

A force meter
b) The instrument is measuring the weight of an apple. What does
the apple weigh?
30 N
c) Mr. Ahmad has a mass of 90 kg on Earth. He travels to Planet
Zogg where the gravity is only half as strong as it is on Earth.
What will happen to the weight on Planet Zogg? Explain your
Mr Large will weigh 450 N on Planet Zogg. If his mass is 90 kg on Earth, his
will be 10 × 90 = 900 N.
But since gravity is only half as strong on Planet Zogg, his weight will be half
of 900 N, which is 450 N.
Q3. If you pull on an object hanging from a force meter, would this give you
an accurate reading of the object’s weight? Say why or why not.
When you pull the force meter it adds some extra weight so you cannot
measure accurate weight

Q4. Draw a force diagram in the space to show the two forces that
affect the soccer ball when it is resting on the ground.
Name: __________________ Worksheet # 5.2 C.W

Date: ___________________ Subject: Science 6

Q1. Identify the effects of forces in ball games

Look at the pictures of children playing ball games.

a. In Picture A, what will the boy do to the ball?

He will catch the ball.
b. How will this force affect the ball?
It will stop the ball from moving.

a. In Picture B, what is the boy doing to the ball?

He will kick the ball.
b. How does this force affect the ball?
The ball moves and changes direction.

a. In Picture D, the girl is watching the ball carefully. What will she do to the
ball when it reaches her?
She will hit the ball.
b. How does this force affect the ball?
It will move and change direction.

3 Describe FOUR ways in which the photograph shows the effects of forces on
the car

1• changed the shape of the car – it is crushed

2• changed the position of the car – it has overturned
3• changed the movement of the car – it has stopped
4• changed the direction of movement of the car – the car is on its roof facing the
opposite direction.
Q5. Write down alongside each picture how the soccer ball is affected by
forces applied to it.

a- stops moving ball.

b. The ball changes shape.

c. The ball moves.

d. The ball changes direction.

Name: __________________ Worksheet # 5.3 C. W

Date: ___________________ Subject: Science 6

Q1. Arun and Marcus are investigating floating and sinking. ( /3)

a) Draw a force diagram to show a plastic toy duck floating on water. Label the forces.

b) Draw a force diagram to show a stone sinking in water. Label the forces.

c) Explain why the toy duck floats and the stone sinks?

The duck has a mass equal to or less than the mass of water displaced, so it floats.
The stone has a greater mass than the mass of water displaced, so it sinks.
Q2 Complete the sentences by filling in the correct words from the box.

Mass displaced float sink upthrust equal


An object will float if the mass of the object is

less than, or equal to, the mass of water displaced

by upthrust.

An object will sink if the mass of the object is greater than the mass of
water displaced by upthrust.
Q3. Complete the diagram with labelled arrows to show why the ping pong ball floats and
the tennis ball sinks towards the bottom of the tank.
Name: __________________ Worksheet # 5.4 C.W

Date: ___________________ Subject: Science 6

Q1 Draw lines linking each component with its symbol. 4

Q3 Look at the two circuits, A and B. (2x3=6

a Which circuit is a series circuit and which circuit is a parallel

Circuit A is a series circuit. Circuit B is a parallel circuit.
b In which circuit, A or B, will the lamps shine more brightly?
Explain why.
The lamps will shine more brightly in Circuit B.
This is because in a parallel circuit, the full strength of the battery goes to each
c Draw circuit diagrams for circuits A and B.

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