Improved Success in Acid Stimulations With A New Organic-HF System

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SPE 36907 !!i!! m

Societyof PetroleumEngineers

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Improved Success in Acid Stimulations with a New Organic-HF System
C.E. Shuchart, SPE, and R.D. Gdanski, SPE, Halliburton Energy Services

Copyright 1996, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc

Ion Exchange and Clay Swelling. One problem with organic
This paper was prepared Iof presentation at the 1996 European Pelroleum Conference held acids that has been overlooked until rcccntly is ion cxchangc.y
m M[lan, Italy, October 22-24
Organic acids are weak acids that have a very low degree of
Thm paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Commmtee Iollowmg rewew of
miormatmn conlamed m an abstract submilted by the author(s) Contents of Ihe paper, as
ionization. Therefore, an organic acid by itself cannot ion-
presented, have not been rewewed by the Soc#efy ot Petroleum Engineers and are subject to exchangc or prevent clay swelling or fines migration. Pumping
correction by the author(s) The malerml, as presenled, does nol necessarily reflect any
posmon of the Society of Pelroleum Engfneers, Its officers, or members Papers presented at plain organic acids into a forma[ion would be like treating it wi[h
SPE meeltngs are sublect 10 pubhcahon re.few by Edttonal Committees of the Society of
P8tfoleum Engineers Permlssmn !0 copy is restricted to an abs!ract of not more than 300
fresh water. As a result, 570 NH4C1 must be added to all organic
words Illustrations may nof be copied The abstract should contain Conspicuous acknowledge acid fluids used in sands[one formations to overcome these
men! 01 where and by whom the paper IS presented Wrde Ltbrarlan, SPE, P.O Box 833836,
Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U S A, lax 01-214-952-9435 problems,
HC1 Sensitivity of Clays. It has long been known that a select
group of minerals will decompose in the presence of HC1 or any
Abstract strong acid.’” The most common minerals in this group arc
Recent studies in sandstone acidizing have shown the impor- cbloritc and zeolites. Their instability in strong acid is dircc[ly
tance of HCI in maintaining the volubility of the reaction related to their structure. Alumina layers are attacked by the
produc[s of HF acid. However, HCI can cause such damage as strong acid, which causes their structures to collapse. This
corrosion, crude oil sludging, and instability of formation min- collapse results in a residual silica gel mass that can bc scvcrcly
erals. These problems can become severe at elevalcd tcmpcra- damaging. Therefore, the usc of organic acids in place of HCI in
turcs. HF fluids based on acetic acid and formic acid can acidizing formations containing these minerals is imperative.
successfully ovcrcomc these problems. Despite tbe successful Recent research has shown that all clays (with their Iaycrcd
application of the organic-based HF fluids, very Iittlc work has structures) have a temperature above which they arc no Iongcr
been done to understand and optimize these systems. Fluid stable in HCI. ” Fig. 1 (Page 7) plots the stabilities of clays in
reactivity s[udies, flow tests, and flowback analyses following HCI with respect to temperature. For example, a formation at
field treatments were undertaken as a means of studying acetic- 225 °Fcontaining 109ZO illite would be considered HC1-sensitive;
HF and formic-HF fluids. Severe, damaging precipitation of therefore, organic acid-based fluids should be used instead of
aluminum fluorides during the HF reactions was discovered HC1-based fluids to prevent formation damage.
with these fluid systems. This paper will discuss these results Aluminum Precipitation. Despite the successful application
and tbe development and application of a new organic-HF fluid of the organic-based HF fluids, researchers have done Iit[lc to
systcm that overcomes the precipitation problems and maintains understand and optimize these systems. The chemistry of HCl-
all the advantages of acetic-HF and formic-HF fluids. Labora- HF fluid systems, however, has recently been studied in much
tory flow tests, returns analyses, and case histories of tbe new detail.’~ This paper is an extension of the earlier work, focusing
system will be also be presented. on organic-HFfluid systems. Fhrid reactivity studies, flow tests,
and flowback analyses following field treatments were per-
Introduction formed to study the currently used acetic-HF and formic-HF
Over the years, the need for alternatives to HC1-based acidizing fluids. A somewhat surprising observation from these tests was
fluids has been realized, Common problems associated with the nearly complete precipitation of aluminum fluoride com-
HC1-based fluids include high reactivity, high corrosivity, plexes during the HF reactions. This paper will discuss these
sludging tendencies when the fluids contact crude oils, and the results and the development and application of a new organic-
sensitivity of clay minerals and zeolites.’n These problems are HF fluid system that overcomes [be precipitation problems and
aggravated at higher temperatures. Organic acids, such as acetic maintains all the advantages of acetic-HF and formic-HF fluids.
acid, formic acid, and combinations of the two have overcome Laboratory flow tests, returns analyses, and case histories of the
many of these problems. new system will be also be presented.

References at the end of the paper. 327


Results and Discussion ducted, but these analyses were the first documented returns
Returns Analyses Method and Procedures. Experimental analyses conducted after acetic-HF treatments.
andevaluation methods for returns analyses fororganic-HF fluids The treatment design consisted of 10% acetic acid preffush
areesscntially the same as those for HC1-HF fluids. The best way followed by 7.5% acetic acid- 1.0% HF. The overflush fluid was

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to determine if the samples are valid acid flowback satnplcs is 10 NHiC1. The (reatmcnts were staged into two to three scqucnccs
follow the pH and Fe contents of the samples. The pH will separated by foamed NH,CI diversion stages. The WCII was
typically range from 2 to 4. Late return samples will typically flowed back as soon as the displacement fluid was pumped, and
have a higher pH as the acid continues to react through the samples were obtained over the next 24 hours.
tertiary reaction of HF acid with formation rnincrals. The The pH of the returned fluids ranged from 3,9 to 4.4, wi(h
dissolution of iron from formation minerals is incvi[ablc and its the pH increasing the longcr[hc fluid rcrnaincd in [hc forma[ion.
presence is a good indication of spent acid fluids. This pHbchavior isconsistcn[ with thcslow, continued rcac[ion
The usc of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis is ofthc Iluids with :]lulllino-silic:itcs (the tcr(iary reaction of HF
standard. The Al and Si conccn[rations give insight into the HF acid) and (I1c po[en (ial mixing of the spent acid fluids with
reactions. Most returned fluid samples obtained after any HF slightly alkaline forrna(ion brirrcs.
treatment typical lycontain 50t0250 mg/Lof Si. Tl~cl()lvsilicon The total organic carbon (TOC) and chloride contents
content is cxpcctcd since the silicon fluorides react completely helped provide insigb[ into [he mixin: of the various trcatmcn[
above about 100”F. The residual silicon in solution rcprcscnts stages. The acetic acid and acetic-HF sta:cs contained no
the volubility of’ silica gcl.t~ Integrating the use of ‘“F NMR chlorides and very high TOC corwcn(rations, whi]c the NH,CI
Spectroscopy greatly improves the analysis and provides [IN stages crrntnincd rnodcra[c chloride ccmccntrations and Ii[(lc or
actual distribution of fluoride on silicon and aluminum. This no TOC. Similar values of TOC and Cl were obtained for each
type of analysis is essential in cvalwstirrg the secondary and sample, which su:gcs[cd that [he mixing of all stimulation
tertiary reactions of HF acid with formation minerals. stages and small amounts of formation brine was nearly uni-
Solids analysis by X-ray diffraction and X-ray Iluorcsccncc form, This result is not unreasonable, since the trca[mcnts were
dctcrmincs tbc identity of any precipitates or other rcturnccf divcr[cd. and the IO[a[ volumes of’ [be twatmen[s were quite
solids. In rnostcfiscs, the solids ob(ained in returns arc identified small (2,700” (o 4,000 :al). Frt)ln the TOC and Cl- data, the
as fcrrmatiol] fines. Iron hydroxide will also prccipi[a[c from rclurncd samples from tbcsc lrcalmcn(s consisted of 25 to 50(%
most Ilowback samples; howc~,cr, it is almost alw:]ys asw~cia[cd spcn[ acetic-HF acid.
with exposure of [be samples 10 air, which caLIscs oxida~ion of The irc~ncon(cnt of [bc samples ranged f’rom2000 [O5400”
Fe:+ to Fe’+ and subscquen[ prccipi[ation. Secondary prccipita- nl& \\hich incrcascd [hc Ion$cr Ihc Huid resided in (I)c
(ion of HF rcac[ion products typically occurs within the f(lrma- f(mnation. Mos( of (1wiron appeared to be m Fe:+ in !hat i~did
tion and is not casity idcn[ificd as solids in the re[urned samples. not prccipita[c from solution until cxtcndcd exposure to air. The
precipitation of fluosi]ica[es or flluminum iluoridcs mLIsl be silicon c[mtco[s were low’, as expected, approximately 150 10
inferred from solu[ion analyses. 200”nlu/L,
. However, the aluminum contents were a]so Very I(w
Chloride analyses dctcrminc [hc cxten[ of mixing with ( 100 I()530 m@ L), which suggested almost complclc precipit:i-
formation hrlncs, complc[iwr fluids, or kill Iluids. This inlornla- tlon c)fa]uminum fluoride reaction products In the spcn[ acctic-
lion is only helpful when samples or analyses of lhc lluids arc HF. Based on the fluid design and dilution, return samples
available. Ammonium (N H4+)analyses can also help dctcrminc should have contained (([ /(’(/.s/?500” mg/L of Al basal on the
mixing ol prcllushcs and ovcrtlushcs. With organiu acid-based assumption of 2.5 F/Al and no te]tiary rcac( ion, Values CXCCCJ
fluids, NHdCl should also bc included for ion excbangc. ing 5000 mg/L were anticipated. l’JFNMR spcc[roscopy verified
Arrothcr very useful tool for analyzing organ ic-HF !luids is that the samples contained no silicon fluorides and only small
total organic carbon (TOC). Sirwc most o(her lluids in the amounts of aluminum lluoridcs, with F/Al ratios of 2,5 to 2.8.
formation will contain little or no TOC dissolved in the aqueous The rc[urns anulyscs supported the concerns of aluminum
phase, TOC is an cxccllcnt too! for providing estimates of fluoride precipitation in organic-HF systems and the need for an
mixing and dilution of the stimulation fluids wi[h formation improved systcm,
waters. Formic-HF Treatment and Returns Analysis. In Columbia,
Acetic-HFTreatment and Returns Analysis. Optimization of a formic-HF acidizing lrca[ment was conducted (o remove
matrix acidizing treatment designs in Thailand has been an damage caused during drilling. Flowback analyses were con-
ongoing process. Several years ago, acid designs in a particular ducted to better understand the fluid system and optimize future
formation had been changed from HCI-HF to acetic-HFbecausc trealmcnts, Return samples revealed that the major problcm and
of the presence of 5 to 2070 chlorite. The typical bottomhole damage was caused by whole mud. HF fluids are only effective
temperature was approximately 200”F (93°C) A flowback in removing HF-solubledamage, such asdrillingmud filter cake
analysis project after the acetic-HF treatments would determine and solids, not whole mud. The formic-HF fluid did still react
if the designed fluid system could be further optimized. Numer- with formation minerals and drilling mud solids, but overall, the
ous returns analyses after HCI-HF treatments had been con- treatment was not effective. Analysis of the flowback samples
still provided much information about the formic-HF reactions.


Results from the analyses were very similar to those from combination fluids than they did when HCI was not present.
the acetic-HF treatments previously described. The pH of the More important is the fact that consumption of at least a portion
samples was 3.0 to 4.2 with very high iron contents. These acid of the HCI by decomposing minerals, ion exchange, or dissolu-
return samples were definitely good. Once again, the only tion of carbonates is inevitable. The lower acidity would lead to

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silicon in solution was soluble silica gel, 60 to 150 mg/L. The higher pH values, higher F/Al ratios, and subsequent precipita-
aluminum concentrations were higher than observed in acetic- tion of AIFJ. In these cases, the precipitation may occur a li[tle
HF returned fluids, but this result might be expected because of farther from the wellbore, but could still impair ultimate produc-
the higher acidity of formic acid vs. acetic acid. However, the tion. Even with a detailed description of the mineralogy, these
300 to 1400 mg/L of aluminum was still much Iowcr than reactions would be very difficult to predict,
anticipated, Again, significant precipitation of aluminum fluo- The second approach was to expand beyond the use of acetic
rides was suspected, The returns analysis of acetic-HF and and formic acids and investigate the use of alternative acid
formic-HF treatments clearly showed [hat serious precipitation systems. The basis of the new sys[cm would be to prevent AIF1
problems were associated with [he currently available organic- precipitation while maintaining all the advantages ofacetic-HF
HF fluid systems. and formic-HF fluid systems. Ion exchange and compatibility
Understanding the Aluminum Precipitation. The chemistry with multivalent ions, such as Fe, Ca, and Mg, would also be
of HCI-HF fluid systems has recently been studied in much required. The understanding of these requirements and the HF
detail.’~” The usc of “F NMR Spectroscopy has been essential reaction processes has led to [he development of two new
for determining the actual chemical species in solution and (he proprietary systems.
distribution of fluoride among those species. This current study The key components of the ncw systems, which will be
hits expanded the chemical knowledge to organic-HF fluid referred to as new acid systems I (NAS-1) and H (NAS-H), are
systems, ncw organic acids that can coordinate aluminum fluoride com-
A key piece of information is the equilibrium of HCI, plcxcs and buffer the spent HF fluids. The coordination of
aluminum fluorides, and silicon fluorides during the primary aluminum fluoride complexes alters the aluminum-fluoride
and sccondwy reactions of HF acid wi[h alumino-silicates. The equilibria, which minimizes the amount of AIFj in solution and
fluoride distribution strongly depends on the acid concentration forces the HF reactions to lower F/Al ratios. The cffectivcncss
as shown in Fig. 2 (Page 7). For example, in 13,5% HC1-1 .57c of these new systems will bc emphasized in the laboratory
HF, a F/Al ratio of 1,3 is typically observed during these results, flowback analyses, and [he production results discussed
reactions, whereas in 7.5% HC1-1.57r HF, the F/Al ratio is in following paragraphs.
approximately 1.6. The F/Al ratio approaches 3.0 as the pH of Acid Sensitivity Reactions. Several tests were conducted for
(hc fluid increases. This is exactly where organic-HF fluids determining (he acid sensitivity ofvarious minerals, The miner-
come into (he picture and why acetic-HF and formic-HF fluids als were exposed to the acids for I to 2 hours at 200”F. The
precipitated aluminum fluorides. The dominant aluminum fluo- solutions were examined with ICPand the solids were examined
ride species at this F/Al ratio is AIFJ, which has very poor with X-ray diffraction to determine the amount of dissolution
so]ubility and would be expcctcd to precipitate almost as soon and the percentage of residual mineral remaining after acid
as it is formed, exposure. Acids tested included HCI at various concentrations,
IYF NMR Spectroscopy of laboratory-spent m-ganic-HF formic acid, acetic acid, and NAS-11 without HF. In Test 1, the
fluids and the field-treatment acetic-HF and formic-HF return stilhite, a zeolite, was tested at 200°F for I hour, In Test 2, core
samples described above, has verified this high F/Al ratio. material from Japan was tested at 200°F for 2 hours. The acid-
Consequently, only low levels of aluminum can bc maintained scnsitive mineral in the core material was cocrensite, a chlorite-
in solution with the currently available fluids. Alternate sys- smectite.
tems, such as low HF concentrations ,5 buffer-regulated sys- Table 1 (Page 7) shows results from the acid-sensitivity
tems,h” and alternating stages of fluoride salts and acid’? only tests. In both cases, 15% HCl totally destroyed the mineral of
address the HF reactivity. They do not address the HF reaction interest. Lower HCI concentrations were less aggressive, but
products, or more specifically, the F/Al ratio and eventual significant decomposition still occurred. Even with 1.7% HCI,
precipitation of AlF,. the amount of HCI required to protonate ABF to make 1.5% HF,
The first attempt to overcome the problem of AIFj precipi- 227c of the corrensitc still decomposed within 2 hours. Both
tation was to decrease the F/Al ratio during the HF reactions by stilbite and corrensite showed good stability in the organic acids
adding HCI to the organic acid systems. At Icast 3% HCI was (formic, acetic), and NAS-11 without HF.
required for this method to prevent aluminum precipitation Laboratory Reactions of Organic-HF Fluids. To better
hascd on the laboratory spending tests. However, the advantages understand the results of the returns analyses from the acetic-HF
of using an organic-HF system were compromised. Above and formic-HF treatments, batch reactions with kaolinite at
approximately 200”F, corrosion control became much more 75°F (24°C) and 200”F (93”C) were conducted as a means of
difficult in the mixcdorganic acid-HF-HCl systems. In addition, studying the reactivity and potential precipitation of these
HC1-sensitive minerals decomposed significantly more in these fluids. To ensure adequate fresh clay for the fluids to react, 25


g of kaolinite was irdded to 100 mL of acid. Tests with lower higher pH system and subsequently a higher F/Al ratio in
clay/acid ratios showed that the secondary and tertiary reactions solution. Forrnic-HF fluids (Tests 4 and 8) performed substan-
were inhibited by the filming effect of silica gel in these static tially better, but 2170 to 29% fluoride precipitation was also
reactivity tests, and complete reactions could not be obtained. observed in these tests.
Returns analyses of flowbacks from actual treatments have Both NAS-I and NAS-11 fluids completely prevented alu-

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shown that above approximately 100”F (38”C), the secondary minum fluoride precipitation. At 1.5 hours of reaction, the
reaction goes to completion within the timeframe ofatreatmerm aluminum concentrations exceeded 5000 mglf+ and when the
Various fluids were tested, including HCI-HF, acetic-HF, for- reactions were allowed [o proceed over 24 hours, aluminum
mic-HF, mixed systems, and NAS-I and NAS-11. Only a few of concentrations increased more than 10,000 mg/L, since these
the tests will be presented and discussed in this document. The improved fluids dissolved more ahrmino-silicates without any
fluids and clay were mixed at room temperature and heated to aluminum fluoride precipitation.
the required test temperature. Samples were removed at various Laboratory Flow Tests with Organic-HF Fluids. Several
time intervals, filtered hot, and analyzed by ICP for Si and Al. flow tests determined the rate and severity of AIFj precipitation
19FNMR spectroscopy was conducted on all samples to deter- from acetic-HF and formic-HF[reatments and [he precipitation’s
mine the fluoride distribution and calculate the percentage of impact on fluid flow. Two comparative tests were conducted at
fluoride precipitated. 150°F witha 3-ftcolumn packed with amixtureof90% sand and
Low-temperature reactions were initially conducted with 10% bentonite clay. The first system tested consisted of 10’-ZO
fluids, and results are shown in Table 2 (Page 7). At 75°F acetic acid followed by 10% acetic acid- 17’oHF. Both fluids
(24”C), the secondary reaction is very slow, and the silicon and contained 5% NHqCl for ion exchange and the prevention of
aluminum concentrations should be approximately the same freshwater shock. Upon flow of the HF stage into the column,
when reacting with a clay with a Si/Al ratio of 1.0, such as permeability increased for the first 4 in. of the core, but an
kaolinite, Al,Si,O,( OH),. immediate permeability decline occurred between the 4- and 6-
Both formic-HF fluids (Test 1) and acetic-HF fluids (Test in. pressure ports and between the 6 and 12-in. pressure ports.
2) showed precipitation of aluminum fluoride complexes and Fig. 3a (Page 8) shows the permeability results, with the HF
volubility of silicon fluoride complexes. Precipitation was even fluid response being from 2.1 pore volumes (PV) to about 3.2
observed at 1 hour of reaction when little or no secondary PV. The overall permeability of the column increased from
reaction had occurred. The precipitate was identified as AIFj. about 20 md to 25 md. Fluid analyses determined that the
For the acetic-HF fluids, most of the fluoride precipitated with effluent was fluoride-deficient. The F/Al ratio in solution was
only 238 mg/L of Al in solution after 1 hour of reaction. At above 2.5, and approximately 30% of the fluoride had precipi-
longer times, the secondary reaction proceeded, and precipita- tated as AIF1. These results suggest that the AIFj precipitation
tion continued to occur in both fluid systems. This behavior is occurs very quickly and during the primary reaction of the HF
evident by the decreasing silicon concentrations and the rela- acid. As the secondary reaction proceeds, more AIFj precipi-
tively constant or decreasing aluminum concentrations. Test 3 tates as the fluosilicic acid dissolves more of the aluminum
was conducted with [he NAS-11 fluid system. In this case, from the clay minerals.
aluminum fluoride precipitation was minimized. At longer The test procedure was then repeated with NAS-11 fluid.
times, precipitation was reduced to zero because the system Again, permeability increased in the first 4 in., but it also
could coordinate aluminum fluoride complexes as the HF increased for the 4- to 6-in. sections and later increased in the 6-
reactions proceeded. As the data show, the secondary reaction to 12-in. section. No damaging precipitation had occurred. The
is very slow at this temperature. effluent analysis showed high aluminum concentrations and a
At 200°F (93”C), the secondary reaction will go to comple- F/Al ratio of about 2.2. So even in flow, the NAS-11 system
tion relatively quickly; therefore, the HF concentrations were prevented aluminum fluoride complexes from precipitating.
reduced to 1.09’o as a means of minimizing the aluminum The permeability results shown in Fig. 3b (Page 8) show the HF
precipitation. Testing was conducted with fluids prepared with fluid response being from 2.1 to approximately 3.2 PV. The
ammonium bifluoride (ABF) as well as with ammonium fluo- overall permeability of the column increased from about 20 to
ride (AF). Results are shown in Table 3 (Page 7). Once again, 35 md.
almost complete precipitation of aluminum fluorides occurred Three additional comparative tests were conducted at
as the acetic-HF fluids (Tests 5 and9) reacted with the kaolinite. 250°F in 12-in. Berea cores. The fluids tested were 10?ZO acetic
The secondary reaction went to completion (as noted by the low acid -1 % HF, NAS-1, and NAS-H. The effluents were analyzed
silicon content), and the aluminum concentration should have for aluminum concentrations. Fig. 4 (Page 8) shows results for
approached or exceeded 5000 to 10000 mg/L. However, the the three tests. In these tests, a small amount of carbonate was
aluminum concentration was less than 700 mgl. in Test 5 and still present as the spent fluids exited the cores. Even so, the
only 500mg/L in Test 9. In general, solutions prepared with AF NAS systems clearly held the aluminum in solution while the
were somewhat more susceptible to precipitation as the con- acetic/HF fluid lost 50% of the aluminum to precipitation
sumption of acid to protonate the fluoride salt gave a slightly within the core.


carbon (TOC) analyses. The samples consisted of approxi-

New Treatment Designs, Returns Analyses, and Production mately equal amounts of spent NAS-11 and preflush fluids with
Results (Case Histories). Gur’fCoast NAS-11 Treatment and only minimal dilution with formation brine. Figs. 5 and6 (Page
Returns Analyses. In the Gulf of Mexico, a well was experienc- 8) show results of ionic analyses.
The key to understanding the system is the ICP analyses of

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ingcontinued decline in production. X-ray analysis of formation
core revealed trace to 570 analcime scattered throughout the the samples, in particular the Si and Al concentrations. ‘9FNMR
zone of interest. Analcime is from a group of minerals known as Spectroscopy also provided the fluoride distribution among the
zeolites, Zeolites have a cage-like structure that makes them Si and Al. Low silicon levels, 100 to 200 m#L, were observed
susceptible [oahighdegreeof ioncxchangc and HCI sensitivity. in all samples, but no silicon fluorides were observed. This result
Even at room temperature, HCl will decompose analcimc, signifies that the secondary reaction of HF went to completion,
which leaves a silica gel mass that can greatly reduce permeabil- as expected at this temperature, and the residual silicon content
ity If The forma[ion also contained significant illite and illite- was soluble silica gel. The aluminum concentrations were 1200
smectite, both of which will also decompose in HCI at the BHT to 4400 mg/L, as predicted based on the HF reactions, treatment
of 206°F (Fig 1, Page 7). Because of the presence of significant design, and mixing. These values are similar to those observed
zeolites and other HC1-sensitive minerals in these formations, in return samples from 970 HCL 17CHFand 7.57o HC1-I .57c HF
organic acids were recommended in place of HC1-based fluids. treatments;’~ tbc values are much higher than those observed in
In 1994, a 97c formic acid- 1.5% HF treatment was con- returns following acetic-HF and formic-HF [reatments, For an
ducted. Production increased three-fold, but within 3 months, undiluted NAS-11 fluid system, about 6500 to 10000 mg/L of Al
production had dropped to below prestimulation levels. In early would be predicted. Based on the fluid design for this treatment,
1996, another stimulation treatment was attemptccf. Since HCl- at Icast 5070 dilution of the NAS-11 fluid (2,000 gal) would be
based fluids could not be used, and the previous formic-HF cxpcctcd from mixing with the designed preflush fluids (2,500
treatment was unsuccessful, a new HF system was ncccssary. gal total). Additional dilution likely occurred with the overflush
Based on the knowledge obtained through the study of organic and formation waters. As previously mentioned, [his dcgrcc of
acid systems, a NAS-11 fluid system was proposed A tubing dilution was also supported by the TOC, Cl-, and NHd+concen-
wash was conducted with HCI to remove iron scales since trations observed in the samples.
organic acids do not efficiently dissolve iron oxides. The fluid Table 4 (Page 7) compares
Al concentrations, pH, and
was gas-lifted back to surface to prevent it from entering the F/A 1 ratios of the various The F/Al ratio in the
formation and causing damage. The formation preflush con- NAS-11 returns ranged from 18 to 2.2. The lower F/Al ratio
sisted of 57o NH~Cl to satisfy the high ion exchange capacity of compared to acetic-HF and formic-HF fluids reveals a more
the formation followed by IOYCacetic acid-5% NHiCl to remove efficient use of HF in the NAS-11 fluids. In addi[ion, the F/Al
carbonates and continue ion exchange. ratios decreased the longer the fluids were in the formation,
The stimulation fluid was NAS-11 followed by 5% NH,CI corresponding with a subsequent increase in pH. The tertiary
overflush anddisplaccment. The NAS-11 fluid was chosen as the reaction of HF continues throughout the time the fluids are in
main acid stage because it would prevent zeolite and clay contact with the formation, which increases the aluminum
decomposition associated with HCI fluids and it would avoid concentration, consumes acid, and increases the concerns of
secondary precipitation associated with acetic-HF and formic- precipitation of aluminum fluorides, This behavior emphasizes
HF fluids. NAS-11 also has ion-exchanging capabilities equal to the need to recover fluids as soon as possible from any HF
5% NH,CI. acidizing treatment. The NAS-11 system successfully pre-
Based on injection tests and initial tubing pressures before vented the precipitation of aluminum fluoride complexes in all
the treatment, a rate of 1.25 bbl/min resulted in a tubing pressure acetic-HF and formic-HF returns previously analyzed. Be-
of 500 to 570 psi. The final tubing pressure after the entire cause it acts as a buffer and can chelate aluminum fluoride
treatment had entered the formation had declined to 233 psi at complexes, the NAS-11 system actually becomes more effec-
a higher pump rate of 1.75 bbl/min. The NAS-11 treatment tive in preventing aluminum precipitation over time.
removed substantial skin damage. Production results following the NAS-11 treatment were
After the treatment, flowback samples were collected and excellent. Flush production following the treatment peaked at an
analyzed to determine the reactivity of the NAS-11 fluid and its eight-fold increase. Currently, 4 months later, the production
capacity to prevent aluminum fluoride precipitation. The pH and pressures are stabilized showing a three-fold incrcasc in
values of most of the samples were in a narrow range of 3.35 to production .Fig. 7 (Page 8) shows the overall production profile
3.86, which was slightly lower than the ranges observed in for the well; the formic-HF and NAS-11 treatments are labeled.
samples re[urned after acetic-HF and formic-HF treatments. NAS-I Treatments in Thaifiznd. As discussed earlier,
The samples also contained 4000 to 8000 mg/L of Fe, so it was acetic-HF treatments in Thailand resulted in precipitation of
easy to determine that this was an excellent set of acid returns. aluminum fluorides within the formation. Introduced in 1996,
The extent of dilution of the spent NAS-11 fluids was deter-
mined with a combination of the Cl- , NHJ+, and total organic


NAS-I avoids these problems and improves stimulation results. 3, Norton, S.J. and Smith, CD.: “Sand Control Installation and

The particular well in question was completed in 1994 at an Mechanical Design,” paper OTC 7886 presented at the 1995
Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, May 1-4.
initial production of 1,000 B/D. By 1995, production had
4. Van Domelen, M. S,, Ford, W. G. F., and Chiu, T. J.: “An Acid
declined to 300 B/D and slowly died because of the declining
Expert System for Matrix Acidizing Treatment Design,” paper
rate and the water in the wellbore. Before the acid treatment,

Downloaded from by Halliburton Energy Services Group user on 08 August 2021
SPE 24779 presented at the 1992 SPE Annual Technical Confer-
the well was tested under gas lift and produced 300 B/D. The ence and Exhibition, Washington, DC, Ocl. 4-7.
treatment design consisted of multiple treatments selectively 5. Wehunt, C. D., Van Arsdalc, H,, Warner, J, L,, and Ali, S, A,:
placed with coiled tubing. The treatment fluids consisted of “Laboratory Acidization of an Eolian Sandstone at 380”F,” paper
10% acetic acid-5% NHICl preflush and an NHqCl overflush SPE 25211 presented at the 1993 SPE [nterna[ional Symposium
with NAS-I as the main stimulation fluid. Treatments were on Oilfield Chemistry, New Orleans, Mar. 2-5.

diverted with two to three stages of foamed NH,CI. Atotal of 6, Abrams, A,, Lybarger, J. H,, Richardson, EA., and Neasham,
J, W.: “The Development and Application of a High-pH Acid
1,500 bbl of fluids was pumped over 1,500 ft of gross interval
Stimulation System fora Deep Mississippi Gas Well,” paper SPE
in four separate treatments.
7565 presented at the 1978 SPE Annual Technical Conference
Production results following the treatments were excellent.
and Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 1-3, 1978,
After 3 days of well cleanup, the well was flowing naturally at 7. Jacobs, I. C,: “Chemical Systems for the Control of Asphaltene
300 B/D. After gas lift was installed, the rate consistently Sludge During Oilwell Acidizing Treatments,” paper SPE 18475
improved over 45 days to reach 900 B/D. Water cut was presented at the 1989 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield
unchanged at 3570. Chemistry, Houston, Feb. 8-10.
8. Lamb, W.J. and Kunze, K.R.: “Method for Acidizing Siliceous

Conclusions Formations,” U.. SPatent No. 4,648,456, March 10, 1987,

9. Gdanski, RD.: “Fractional Pore Volume Acidizing Flow Experi-

Inasmuch as clays are concerned, organic acids act like
ments,” paper SPE 30100 presented at the 1995 SPE European
fresh water. Organic-based systems used in sandstone
Formation Damage Control Symposium, The Hague, May 15-16.
formations must be capable of ion-exchange and must
10. Simon, DE. and Van Domelen, MS.: “Stability of Clay Minerals
prevent clay swelling. in Acid,” paper SPE 20624 presented at the 1990 SPE Formation

Analyses of flowbacks following HF acidizing treatments Damage Control Symposium, Lafayette, Feb. 22-23,
can help determine the extent of HF reactions and the Il. G(fanski, R. D.: “Kinetics of the Tertiary Reaction of HF on
precipitation of reaction products. Alumino-Silicates,” paper SPE 31076 presented at the SPE

As shown by batch reactivity tests, core flow tests, and Formation Damage Symposium, Lafayette, Feb. 14-15, 1996.

returns analyses from actual treatments, most of the alumi- 12. Shuchart, C,E. and Buster, D. C.: “Determination of the Chemis-

num dissolved by acetic-HF and formic-HF fluids precipi- try of HF Acidizing with the Use of lYFNMR Spectroscopy, ”
paper SPE 28975 presented at the 1995 SPE International Sym-
tates. The pH of the fluids determines [hat a high F/Al ratio
posium on Oilfield Chemistry, San An[onio, Feb. 14-17.
is maintained in solution with subsequent precipitation of Shuchart, C, E.: “HF Acidizing Returns Analyses Provide Unrler-
AIF,, standing of HF Reactions,” paper SPE 30099 presented at the

Flow testing shows that AIFj precipitation is quick and 1995 SPE European Formation Damage Control Symposium,
could cause significant near-wellbore damage. The Hague, May 15-16.

New acid systems developed can overcome precipitation 14, Gdanski, R.D, and Shuchart, C, E,: “Newly Discovered Equilib-
problems while maintaining all the advantages of an rium Control HF Stoichiomctry,” YPT (Feb. 1996) 145-149.

organic-HF fluid system. These unique systems can alter 15. Hall, B. E.: “A New Technique for Generating In-Situ Hydrofluo-
ric Acid for Deep Clay Damage Removal, ” JPT (Sept. 1978)
[he aluminum fluoride equilibria, thereby minimizing the
amount of AIF1 in solution and preventing its precipitation.
16. Underdown, DR., Hickey, J.J., and Kalra, SK.: “Acidization of

Field results from treatments with the new acid systems
Analcime-Cemented Saridstone, Gulf of Mexico,” paper SPE
have been very successful. In one case, a forrnic-HF 20624 presented at the 1990 SPE Annual Technical Conference
treatment failed to give sustained production increases and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 23-26.
while the NAS-11 treatment in the same well resulted a
three-fold production increase that lasted for more than 4 S1 Metric Conversion Factors
months. ft x 3.048* E-01 =m
‘F (°F-32)/l .8 = ‘C
1. Van Domelen, MS. and Jennings, A.R.: “Alternate Acid Blends
for HTHP Applications,” paper SPE 30419 presented at Lhe 1995
Offshore Europe Conference, Aberdeen, Sept. 5-8.
2. Dill, R.W. and Keeney, B. R.: “Optimizing HC1-Formic Acid
Mixtures for High Temperature Stimulation,” paper SPE 7567
presented at the 1978 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 1-3.


Table l—Acid Stability in Various Acids at 200”F Table 4—Summary of Returns Analyses from Field
Treatments with Various Fluid Systems
Test 1 Tesl 2
Fluid Residual Residual Fluid PH Al (mg/L) F/Al ratio
Stilbite (“A) Correnaife (%) 90/0 HCI.1% IIF 2,6to 3.0 1000 to 5000 0.5 to 0,8

Downloaded from by Halliburton Energy Services Group user on 08 August 2021
15% HCI 1.4 0 7.5% HCI-1 .5% HF 2,8 to 3.2 1000 to 6200 1.2tol,6
8.10/. HCI 20 formic-HF 35 to 4.0 120to 1440 2 3to 2.6
5.o% HCI 28 . .. acetic-HF 3.9t04.4 i 60 to 560 2.5 to 2.8
3.30/. HCI ... 53 NAS-11 34 to 3.9 1200 to 4400 1.8 to 2.2
1.7% HCI ... 78
10°/0 formic .. 94
10°/0acetic 98 99
VAS-11,no HF 89 89


Table 2—Reactions of Organic-HF Acids Kaalin ite

with Kaolinite at 75° F f

FIuori de
Al Si 60
Test Fluid
‘ours (mg/L) (m@L) Prec;$tio”

1 t OOAform!c.1 .50/. HF 1 2230 2480 18

{w!th ABF) 5 2772 2514 11

18 2651 1728 31
2 10O/.acetic.1 ,5% HF 1 238 2036 50
o 1 1
(with ABF) 5 491 2197 43
ioo Zoo 300 400
18 519 1772 53 lempc+rstoreF
3 NAS-11 1 26U6 2661 9
Fig. l—Acid instability rating for various alumino-silicates in HCL
(with ABF) 6 2609 2831 3
25 3611 2630 0

1 +

Tsble 3—Reactions
with Kaolinite
of Organic-HF
at 200” F
1I .*+
Fluoride .:20

Al SI p
Test Fluid
‘ours (mg/L) (mg/L) f’re=’$:st’”” #A
4 10% formic-1.0% HF 1.5 4278 240 21

i 5
I(wlth ABF)
I1O% acetic-l.OO/~ HF
~ 3.0
I 1I .5
1 4685
I 195
I 23
79 I
l-l I
.W7 I 1 QA I FWr 1

I 1
I 1
I i

Fig. 2—HCI dependence of efuminum fluoride distribution during

the secondary reaction.


8000 40s00
—M *Fo
-61 -N
-K - m
60W zomo

Downloaded from by Halliburton Energy Services Group user on 08 August 2021
2om I omo

o 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n 9 10

Sample Number
o 2 4 6
Pore Volumes
Fig. 5—ICP analysis of returns following NAS-11field treatment.

4 80000
~TOC ---Cl- eNN4+ +PM

3 Wooo

1 2WIO0

0 o
o 2 4 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pore Volumes Sample Number

(b) Fig. 6—Solution analysea of returna after NAS-11field treatment.

Fig. 3—Permeability reeponses from flow teste with 10% acetic

acid-1 % HF (top) and NAS-11(bottom).







04 10
0 5 10 15 20 25

1 1 --&- NAS4 Months

+- NAS41
om Fig. 7—Normalized oil production for well acidized with formic HF
I 1
1 followed by NAS-11.
Zm m 600 8W
Volume of Effluent

Fig. 4--Aluminum concentrations of effluent from organic-HFflow



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