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Accessible Teachers Materials



Prepared by
Headwaters College – Elizabeth Campus
Academic Department

September – January

What is dance?

 Dance is one of the most beautiful forms of art that has grown in leap and bounds. Dance is no
longer just a hobby, dance is a form a form of expression that help a person bring forth who
they are, and what they’re passionate.

Why people dance?

• It has been used in worship

• It plays a role in courtship
• It serves as a form of acquaintance for a man and women
• It is an expression of the joy one feel
• As in old times, it brings magical power to people
• It even breaks the monotony of the daily activities
• Serves to entertain others
• It gives beauty and inspiration to other
• It provides personal and affective of communication

Kinds of dance

1. ETHNOLOGIC DANCE- This dance that is indigenous to a certain race or country the term ethnic
is used to distinguished religious dance, and designed as hymns of praise to a god, or to bring on
good fortune in peace and war. They are symbolic in meaning that can’t be understood easily by
persons who don’t belong to the ethnic group.
Example. pandanggo , Carińosa, subli.

2. SOCIAL DANCE- These are popular type of dancing for pleasure as generally performed by pairs
or group of people following definite step or pattern. Most of these have specific rhythms with the
movement and steps of the body, hand, foot, and head.
Example. Cha cha and rumba.


K to 12 Senior High School Department

Name : ____________________________________________ Rating

Course/Section: ______________________/____________________

Subject/Teacher: ______________________/____________________
Date Started : _________________ Date Finished: _______________

Task 1: Own opinion

1. On your own opinion what is dance for you?


2. What is the importance of dance for you?


Task 2: enumeration

1-5 ) give at least 5 why people dance.

(6-7) What are the two kinds of movement?

Elements of Dance

1. Time – the duration of the movement

• Speed – slow, medium, fast, freeze, suspend
• Rhythm- pulse, beat, pattern, syncopation

2. Space – Area surrounding a person in which he/she is able to move

• Place- personal, general
• Size-small, medium, big
• Direction –forward, background, left, right, up down

3. Energy-how the body use energy while moving

• Light, strong, weak, sharp, smooth
4. Body -
• Parts- head, neck, shoulder, arms, back, Stomach, fingers legs, toes

5. Movement
1. Locomotor-movement that take the body from one point to another
 Step, hop, polka, waltz

2.Non locomotor-movement that the body can do and still stay in one place
 Push, pull, rise, fall, dodge

Traditional Dance (folk and Ethnic Dance)

• Folk Dance- A dance developed by the people on a certain region

• Ethnic Dance – an indigenous dance from a certain race or country

-Folk Dance
 Folk dance is a form of social dancing that has become part of the customs and
traditions of people most folk dances developed among people in villages and were
passed on from generation to generation in a particular region.


Tinikling- is a traditional Philippine folk dance which originated during Spanish colonial era. The dance involves
two people beating, tapping, and sliding bamboo poles on the ground and against each other in coordination
with one or more dancer who steps over and in between

• The Obando fertility rites are a dance ritual and catholic festival celebrated every May 17-19 in
Obando, Bulacan, Philippines. Long dancing procession through the street, and frenzied
devotion inside the church.

Ethnic Dance

Ethnic dance- this is a dance that is indigenous to a certain race or country. The term ethnic is used
to distinguish religious dances. And designed as hymns of praise to a god, to bring on good fortune in
peace and war. They are symbolic in meaning That can’t be understood easily by person who don’t
belong to the ethnic group.
Types of ethnic dance

1. Ritual dance - which connect the material world to the spiritual.

2. Life-cycle dance- which celebrate an individual birth, baptism, courtship, wedding, and demise.

3. Occupational dance – which transform defense and livelihood activities to celebratory

Example of Ethnic dance
• Ritual
- Dugso (Bukidnon) the dugso show the higaonon performing the rituals of hinaklaran wherein
the man and women holds hands while moving around in measured steps named after a
peculiar body movement.
Pagdidiwata (palawan) is a dance originating from tagbanua tribe of palawan which depict rituals after a race harvest.
These rites are helds as parts thanksgiving and part an appeal for continued protection

 Life-cycle dance
- Salip (apayao) celebrate important events in life such wedding. A kalinga wedding dance is an
important celebration. The bridegrooms offer the bride the protection and comfort of his
blanket. He simulates the movement of a rooster at love play, aspiring to attract and seize his
love. The bridge’s friend are ready to help prepare the bridge by offering “bangas” (earthen
post) fil+led with fresh water from the mountain spring.

- Binusuan (Pangasinan) Filipino folk dance that involve dances balancing glasses of wine on
their heads and palms on their hands

 Occupational dance
- Manangat (Cebu) occupational dance which originated from Bogo, Cebu. This dance imitates
the work of a fisherman and his companion.


K to 12 Senior High School Department

Name : ____________________________________________ Rating

Course/Section: ______________________/____________________
Subject/Teacher: ______________________/____________________

Date Started : _________________ Date Finished: _______________

Task 1: how element of dance helps you to perform well?

2. time____________________________________________________

3. Force/Energy_____________________________________________

4. body____________________________________________________

Task 1: what is traditional dance?

1.Folk dance_______________________________________________

2. Ethnic dance ____________________________________________

TASK 2: On your own opinion

1. What is important of traditional dance for you?

Fundamental arms and feet position

And basic dance steps

First position

• Arms: Raise arms to circle in front of the chest.

• Feet: Bring heels to touch; toes apart 45º

Second position

• Arms: Open ups arms sideward, raised below shoulder level with a graceful curve.

• Feet: Bring feet apart sideward

Third Position Arms

• Arms :Raise one arm overhead while other arm remains in 2nd position.

• Feet: heel of one foot close to in-steps of other foot

Fourth Position

• Raise one arm in front of chest in a half circle, while one arms remains over head.

• Bring one foot in front of the other foot to walk strike

Fifth Position

• Arms: Raise one arms in front of chest in a half circle, while one arms remains overhead.

• Feet: Bring the heel of one foot to touch the toe the other

Fundamental Dance steps in 2/4 and ¾ time signature.

• Dance steps in 2/4 time signature
• Touch steps- point R foot in front (ct1), steps R close to L, (ct 2).this commonly done in front.
• Close Steps- steps R foot (ct 1), close L to R foot (ct 2)= 1M may be executed in any direction
• Change steps- step R foot in front (ct 1), steps L close to R foot in rear (ct. and), steps R foot quickly in front (ct 2)
this may be executed in any direction
• .Step-Point- Step R foot in front( ct. 1), point L foot in front (ct. 2) This step is executed in all directions.
• Plain Polka- Step L foot in front (ct.1), step R close to left foot in rear (ct. and), step L in front (ct.2), pause (ct.
• Hop polka- Hop on L foot and step R forward (ct.1), step L close to R in rear (ct. and), step R foot forward (ct. 2)
and pause (ct. and). This may be executed in any directions.
• Heel and toe polka- Place L heel in fourth in front (ct.1), touch left toe in rear ( ct. 2), Take one plain polka step
forward, starting with the L foot (ct. 1, and 2, and).
• Slide polka- Take two slide step forward and a plain polka: Slide L foot in front (ct. 1), close R to L foot in rear
( ct. and), slide R foot in front ( ct. 2), close L foot in rear ( ct. and). Take one plain polka forward starting with the
L foot (cts. 1, and 2, and)

Dance Steps in ¾ time signature

• Step swing- Step R (cts. 1,2); swing L (ct. 3) or step R (ct. 1); swing L (cts. 2,3)Step hop step R (cts. 1,2); hop R (ct.
3) =1M

• Native waltz- Step L foot in front (ct.1), step R close to L in rear (ct.2), step L in front (ct.3) This may be executed
in all directions.

• Cross waltz- Step R foot across the L foot in front and raise slightly the L foot across in rear (ct.1), step the L foot
close to R in rear( ct.2), step R foot in front (ct. 3). Step on the ball of the rear foot on the second count.

• Waltz balance- Step R in front (ct.1), close L foot to R in rear and raise heels (ct.2), lower heels with the weight
of the body on the R foot (ct.3). The knees are slightly bent before raising the heels. This may be executed
forward, backward, obliquely forward and backward, sideward right and left.

• Three-step turn- step R (ct. 1) turn and step L(ct. 2); turn and step R (ct. 3); close L to R (ct. 1); pause = 1M
Sway balance

• The first step is usually done obliquely forward, cts. 1, 2, the cross-step is done sideward (ct. 3). The succeeding
step is done obliquely backward (ct. 2) and the last two counts are done in front, in place. Arms open from the
first position to the fourth position R or L arms high. Kumintang R (L) hand when pointing with L (R) foot on cts.
2, 3 of the second measure.
• Sway balance with a point- step R, cross step L /step R, point L (1, 2 3 1 2, 3) = 2M
• Sway balance with a brush- step R, cross step L /step R, brush L (1, 2 3 1 2, 3) = 2M
• Sway balance with a close- step R, cross step L/step R, close L (1, 2 3 1 2, 3) = 2M
• Sway balance with a hop- step R, cross step L /step R, raise L, hop (1, 2 3 1, 2, 3) = 2M
• Sway balance with a raise- step R, cross step L /step R, raise L (1, 2 3 1 2, 3) = 2M
• Sway balance with a waltz -step R, cross step L/step R, close L, step R (1,23123) = 2

what is tiklos?

• Tiklos (also called “pintakasi”) is the Waray equivalent to the “bayanihan”. Groups of people work for somebody
without hoping for anything in return. They work odd jobs like clearing forests, digging the earth for wells,
moving a nipa hut to a new location or even building a house! In all these for free. At noontime the people
gather to eat their rest period tiklos music is being played with a flute accompanied with a guitar and the
guimbal or the tambora (kinds of drums)

Basic dance steps in tiklos

• Heel and toe change step

• Change step

• Step back

• Cut step

• Gallop

• Hop swing

• Turn point

• Step point

• Jump cross step

Tiklos: steps

• Figure 1:Heel and toe change

-Heal and toe change steps

a. Starting with the R foot, take two heel and toe change steps forward (4m)

- Change steps

b. Execute change step sideward , R and L. (2m)

- Step back
c. Starting with the R foot, take four steps backward to proper place

d. Repeat (a-c)

• Figure 2: Rock and gallop

- Cut step

a. Cut L backward (ct. 1), cut R forward (ct. 2). Repeat all (cts. 1, 2) (2 M)

- Gallop

b. Take three gallop steps sideward right (cts. 1, ah, 2, ah, 1, ah) step R foot sideward (ct. 2) (2 M)

-Cut step

c. Repeat (a), starting with the R cut backward. (2 M)

d. Repeat (b), going sideward left. (2 M)

e. Repeat all (a-d) (8 M)

Figure 3: Change steps and turn

- Change step

a. step R foot in front (ct 1), steps L close to R foot in rear (ct. and), steps R foot quikly in front (ct 2)

-hop swing

b. hop on R and raise L knee in front swinging L foot obliquely right backward across R knee in front (ct. 1), hop on R
and swing L foot obliquely left forward (ct. 2) (2 M)

• Figure 4: Touch and jump cross step

- Touch steps

a. point R foot in front (ct1), steps R close to L, (ct 2).this commonly done in front.

- Jump Cross step

b. Jump to across R in front L (ct. 1), jump to cross L in front of R (ct. 2), jump to cross R in front L (ct. 1), jump to close R
to L (ct. 2) (2 M)

c. Repeat (a) and (b), starting with L foot. (4 M)

d. Repeat all (a-c). (8 M)


K to 12 Senior High School Department

Name : ____________________________________________ Rating

Course/Section: ______________________/____________________

Subject/Teacher: ______________________/____________________

Date Started : _________________ Date Finished: _______________

This activity is to be performed by creating a write up on the given scenario.

Task 1:Enumeration

 Give at least 5 fundamental dance steps in 2/4 step signature

 Give at least 5 fundamental dance steps in ¾ signature

Task 2:

1.Give 9 steps in tiklos.

1__________________________ 6. ________________________

2__________________________ 7. ________________________

3__________________________ 8. ________________________

4__________________________ 9. ________________________


Task 3:

Summarize the history of tiklos.

Performance task

-Perform the dance Tiklos.

Modern dance and Contemporary Dance

Modern Dance
• Modern Dance – was develop in the early 1900’s the time when dancers came out against the stiffness and restraints
of classical ballet. It created its own technique costumes, shoes, and gave more attention to self-Expression, and individual
creativity rather than technical expertise. It allows dancers and choreographers to create steps using their moods and emotions
producing a more relaxed dance style.

Contemporary Dance

 Contemporary Dance- may include techniques that are found in ballet and modern dance such as floor work, fall and
recovery, improvisation, even incorporating yoga, pilates, and material arts together with techniques introduced by such
famous dancer as graham, Hawkins, Horton, ang Cunningham.

Different between Modern Dance and Contemporary dance

-Modern dances focus on emotions and moods while contemporary dance focuses on creating new techniques and movement.

Ballroom (Recreational and Competitive) – Cheer Dance

Ballroom Dance is asset of partner dances, which are enjoyed both socially and competitively around the world ballroom dance is also
widely enjoyed on (stage, film, and television)the term of “ballroom dancing” is derived from the word ball which is turn originates from
the latin word ballare which means ‘to dance’ (a ball-room being large room specially designed for such dances) the definition of ballroom
dance is also depends on the area; ball have featured popular dances of the day such as the minuet, polka, mazurka, and others, which are
now considered to be historical
-example of ballroom
Quick steps
Paso Doble

 Cheer Dance
Cheer dance is an organized sports activity involving short routines that combines dance, gymnastics, and stunt elements of cheer on teams,
most commonly in basketball and football. Performers of these one to three-minute routines are called “cheerleader”. Cheerleading
originated in Britain and spread to the United States where it remains common, but has also become popular in other part of the world, such
as Europe, Central America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Asia

Hip-hop and Street Dance

Hip-hop dance originated from a cultural movement that begin in 1970’s New York. The hip-hop dance style incorporates locking,
popping, break in, house and more recently krumping, which are all standalone individual dance forms in themselves. Hip Hop dance is
very energetic dance, expressive, improvisational and social. A direct opposite of traditional dance forms such as ballet, jazz, and etc.

 Street Dance
Street dance evolved from the Hip Hop dance as the term “street” comes from the fact that the dance style didn’t originated in dance
studios but on the streets and clubs among the groups of people. Street dance also incorporates into other dance styles such as jazz,
cotemporary and more making it more accessible to everyone. It is the most predominantly featured style of dance in the music videos of
some of the biggest artist in the world such as Justin Timberlake, pussycat Dolls and more.

Festival Dance

 Festival Dance
Festival dance are cultural dances performed to strong beats of percussion instruments by a community of people sharing the same culture
usually done in honor of a Patron Saint or in thanks giving of bountiful harvest. Festival dances may be religious or secular in nature the
best thing about festivals is that they add to the merry-making and festivities where they are celebrated, the reason why they are called
festival dances after all Festival dance draw people’s culture by portraying the people’s ways of life through movements, costumes and
implements inherent to their place origin.

Filipino do festival primarily to celebrates. There are a multitude of reason for this
reason. We celebrate our unity amidst the diversity of cultures and we celebrate our industry bringing about a bountiful harvest. Festival
have been a consistent crowd-producing activity leading to upliftment of community’s economy due to its tourism and entertainment that
attract foreign and domestic tourists to visits place eventually leading to the elevation of the Filipino’s quality of life.
1. Sinulog Festival
Cebu City (Third week/Sunday of January)
Sinulog Festival is annually celebrated for cultural and religious purposes. This event is celebrated in other parts of the country where the
local government arranges the festival. The event will consist of a street party, dancing, and performing locals in traditional costumes. The
Catholic Santo Niño is the center of this celebration, but the Sinulog dance ritual also commemorates the Filipinos’ pagan past, along with
their acceptance of Christianity.

2. Ati-Atihan
Kalibo, Aklan (Third week/Sunday of January)
Another celebration to honor the Santo Niño, Ati-Atihan is where people go to the streets parading their traditional costumes and weapons,
and painting their bodies black. Participants march and dance in the town, matched with loud drumbeats. This festival will definitely make
you dance your heart out while enjoying a true Filipino atmosphere.

3. Dinagyang Festival
Iloilo City (Fourth weekend of January)
Dinagyang Festival is one of the largest festivals in the country. It’s when Iloilo takes the street festivals to the next level. The city converts
all its streets into a massive open-air festival and everyone is invited. Mouthwatering local dishes are overflowing whilst there are bands
playing in every alley you turn to. Every barangay and school will come together and have an extravagant dance competition

4. Panagbenga
One of longest festivals in the Philippines, Panagbenga is celebrated throughout the month of February. This month highlights the season of
blooming flowers, at the same time, this is also to commemorate our rise from the disastrous 1990 earthquake in Luzon. Marvellous floats,
designed with various types of flowers, conquer the streets of Baguio City. Tourists can expect street dancing by dancers wearing flower-
inspired costumes. Expect it to be even colder in Baguio when you visit as this festival is celebrated in February.
5. Moriones Festival
Marinduque (Holy Week/March or April)
This is a festival that lasts for a week in Marinduque. Moriones is the celebration of the life of St. Longinus whose eye was healed by the
blood of Christ. Since most Filipinos don’t work during the Holy Week and this event follows the schedule of the Holy Week, a lot of
locals stay in Marinduque to celebrate the festival. Morion refers to the helmet of the people dressed as Roman soldiers,
while Moriones refers to the people who dress as these Roman soldiers. These costumed Moriones roam the streets for seven days, scaring
children and making noise to reenact the search for Longinus, the centurion who pierced Jesus on the cross with a spear.

6.Pahiyas festival
Lucban, Quezon (May 15)
May 15 is when the locals of Lucban decorate their houses extravagantly with vibrant and lively colours. Vegetables are hung as
decorations because this festival celebrates the season of harvesting. People are allowed to bring their own basket and pick fresh vegetables
from the walls, with no charge – happy fiesta and shopping at the same time!
7.Pintados-kasadayan festival
Tacloban City (June 29th)
Pintados-Kasadayan Festival is another religious celebration in the name of the Santo Niño held in Tacloban City. It showcases the rich
culture and colourful history of the province of Leyte. The dancers paint their faces and bodies with vibrant colors of blue and green to
depict Leyte’s ancestral people. Some dancers are also painted with designs that look like armor to represent the warriors that lived in Leyte
long ago.

8. Sirong Festival
Surigao del Sur (August 15th)
Sirong Festival is another cultural and religious celebration. Various towns claim that it originated in their municipalities in Surigao del
Sur. Most of these towns were founded during the pre-Spanish occupation and were attacked by the Moros. Sirong Festival features a war
dance between the Muslims and the Christians. It marks the Christianisation of the early Cantilangnons. Whoever wins the best dance in
the festival brings home a cash prize

9. Masskara festival
Bacolod City (October)
A festival that is celebrated from the city of smiles – Bacolod City. Mass (crowd) kara (face) Festival is filled with people wearing
colourful smiling masks designed with feathers, flowers, and native beads. The festival allows tourists to enjoy 20 days of beer drinking,
street dancing, and merrymaking. Every street is filled with locals wearing their smiling masks and festive costumes while dancing around
and spreading the happy atmosphere throughout the city.

During the festival, locals are encouraged to forget the economic struggle brought about by the dead season of the sugar harvest. They also
see the festival as their way of escapism and obscurantism. The sugar harvest is important to the people of Bacolod since Negros
Occidental, where Bacolod is found, is known as the Sugar Bowl of the Philippines

10. Giant lantern festival

San Fernando (the weekend before Christmas Eve)
San Fernando organises the biggest festival in the country. It features a competition of giant lantern making, which is why it has been
called the “Christmas Capital of the Philippines”. This is also to celebrate the Christmas season, where participants produce up to fifteen-
foot diameter lanterns. It is a rule that each lantern should be made out of locally available materials. These lanterns are showcased in a
parade in each barrio before the midnight mass on Christmas Eve.

This list is not even half of the notable festivals in the Philippines. There are plenty more to discover but the ones mentioned above should
give you a great start. Make sure to go on the right date and month so as not to miss any of these awesome festivals.
K to 12 Senior High School Department

Name : ____________________________________________ Rating

Course/Section: ______________________/____________________

Subject/Teacher: ______________________/____________________

Date Started : _________________ Date Finished: _______________

I. Identification

1. This is a dance asset of partner dances, which are enjoyed both socially and competitively around the world.

2. This is a cultural dance performed to strong beats of percussion instruments by a community of people sharing the
same culture usually done in honor of a Patron Saint or in thanks giving of bountiful harvest.

3. This is a dance include techniques that are found in ballet and modern dance such as floor work, fall and recovery,
improvisation, even incorporating yoga, pilates, and material arts together with techniques introduced by such
famous dancer as graham, Hawkins, Horton, ang Cunningham.

4. This dance evolved from the Hip Hop dance as the term “street” comes from the fact that the dance style didn’t
originated in dance studios but on the streets and clubs among the groups of people.

5. This dance was developed in the early 1900’s the time when dancers came out against the stiffness and restraints
of classical ballet.

6. Rumba, Cha-cha, Foxtrot, Quick steps and Paso Doble are examples of what dace?

7. This is a dance which organized sports activity involving short routines that combines dance, gymnastics, and
stunt element of cheer on teams, most commonly in basketball and football.
8. _______________ Festival is annually celebrated for cultural and religious purposes.

9. ________________ Festival is one of the largest festivals in the country. It’s when Iloilo takes the street festivals
to the next level. The city converts all its streets into a massive open-air festival and everyone is invited.

10. Another celebration to honor the Santo Niño, Ati-Atihan is where people go to the streets parading their
traditional costumes and weapons, and painting their bodies black


Give at least 5 secular/ non-Religious Festival

1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________
Give at least 5 Religious Festival

6. ____________________________
7. ____________________________
8. ____________________________
9. ____________________________
10. ____________________________


Choose one dance (Modern, Street dance, Ballroom dance, Hip-Hop dance, cheer dance and Festival Dance) and perform
at least 3mins minimum duration of time and post in google classroom

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