Chapter Book - José Ronaldo Tavares Santos - IGI Global - Protection Study in The EPS

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Chapter 22
Protection Study in the EPS,
Electrical Power System:
Use of the Powerworld® Software

Gustavo Vinicius Duarte Barbosa

Faculdade Pitágoras, Brazil

José Ronaldo Tavares Santos

Centro Universitário UNA, Brazil

Electrical power systems are susceptible to faults caused, for example, by storm, pollution, vandalism,
lightning, salt spray, etc. The unscheduled interruption in the supply of electricity to consumers, whether
industrial, residential, or commercial, entails severe fines for the transmission utility and/or electricity
distributor, imposed by the regulatory agency. Thus, the EPS must have a well-dimensioned protection
system, capable of identifying the fault, which is characterized by a single-phase, two-phase, three-phase
short circuit, among others, and interrupt the missing section in the minimum time so that the effects of this
lack are as small as possible for the SEP, especially with regard to its integrity and operational security.


In this work, an Electric Power System (EPS) composed of four buses will be presented, with the respec-
tive levels of short circuit, as shown in Figure 1.
An unscheduled interruption in the supply of electricity can result in excessive costs due to the
interruption of a process in the industry, for example, as well as social costs that are difficult to mea-
sure. Therefore, it must be ensured that the EPS is reliable and safe with regard to the regular supply
of electricity to final consumers. Notwithstanding, the EPS is subject to failures, caused by numerous
factors, making it necessary to design an effective protection system with a prompt response to these
unpredictable events.

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4201-9.ch022

Copyright © 2021, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Figure 1. Basic scheme of an electricity transmission system

Source: Simulation at PowerWorld®, 2020.

The EPS illustrated in Figure 1 is composed of two load buses (Power Utilities) with nominal voltages
of 50 kV, interconnected by electric power transmission lines. Circuit breakers and protection relays,
with the respective current transformers (CTs), are also shown in this figure.
It should be noted that for a fault occurring in the CD section of the EPS above, the relay R2 must
trip the circuit breaker and de-energize the transmission line corresponding to that missing section.
Thus, only the load connected to bus D will be without power supply for a certain period of time, until
the transmission concessionaire’s maintenance team moves to the defect location and corrects the cause
of the defect (corrective maintenance).
From the above, if relay R1 operates before R2, the supply of electricity will be interrupted for a
greater number of consumers, by de-energizing the transmission line corresponding to the BC section,
after “trip” on the circuit breaker commanded by relay R1. This, in turn, characterizes a failure in the
coordination / selectivity of the protection relays.
Therefore, it is up to the EPS Protection Engineer to carry out protection studies in the system in
order to ensure the coordination and selectivity of the protection relays. A well-dimensioned protec-
tion system has the advantage of guaranteeing continuity in the supply of electricity, thereby avoiding
the extrapolation of continuity indicators imposed by the regulatory agency, as well as increasing the
operational safety of the system and, therefore, the levels of quality of the electric energy delivered to
the final consumers.


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System



Figure 2 below illustrates a block diagram showing the basic arrangement of a protection system, indi-
cating the transducers of electrical quantities (CTs and PTs), as well as the protection relay responsible
for the trip in the circuit breaker.

Figure 2. Basic arrangement of a protection system

Source: Coury et al., 2012

In addition to the task of identifying and “clearing” the fault, the protection also has resources capable
of locating the fault, making it possible to quickly restore the system once the corrective maintenance
team will be moved to the defect location with the maximum speed, avoiding inspecting the entire length
of a transmission line, considering routes that in Brazil reach 2,000 km in some cases (connection of the
500 kV line connecting the plants of the river Madeira complex with the country’s Midwest) (G.V.D.B
et al, 2019).

2.1 The Location of the Fault Point

In this section, the principles concerning the fault location technique are demonstrated using the three-
phase fundamental voltage and current phasors collected from two transmission line terminals, as dis-
cussed in Girgis et al (1992), based on the equation of voltages and currents at the point of occurrence
of the fault and using the TL series impedance matrix. In the presentation, the TL described in Figure
3 will be considered..


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Figure 3. Single-line LT fault used in the algorithm equations

Source: Adapted from Girgis et al., 1992

Once the three-phase voltage and current phasors are synchronized on the L and R buses, the three-
phase voltage vectors can be represented as a function of the current vectors as follows:

VF   [VL ]  d [ Z a ,b,c ][ I L ] (1)

[VF ]  [VR ]  (  d )   Z a ,b ,c    I R  (2)

Matching (1) and (2),

VL   VR      Z a ,b,c    I R   d   Z a ,b,c    I R    I L  (3)

Equation (3) can be expressed as follows:

Y=M∙d (4)

Y  [VL ]  [VR ]    [ Z a ,b ,c ]  [ I R ] (5)

M  [ Z a ,b ,c ]  ([ I R ]  [ I L ]) (6)

Using the least squares method, one can discover the value of the unknown d in (4):

d  ( M  M ) 1  M  Y (7)


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Being M the transposition of the matrix M with its conjugated elements, [VR] and [IR] the funda-
mental three-phase voltage and current vectors collected at the LT remote terminal, [VL] and [IL] the
fundamental three-phase voltage and current vectors measured at the local terminal of the line, [Za,b,c]
the series impedance matrix of TL and d the fault distance. Therefore, the above method adopts simple
calculations and is not influenced by factors such as fault incidence angles, types of faults and fault
resistances. Therefore, the method does not consider the line capacitance, so its application is only ac-
ceptable with satisfactory levels of accuracy in short lines, where the capacitive effect can be neglected.
The value of the distance found, d, is a complex number, where only the real part of that number is
As explained in Aguirre (2004), the matrix ( M  M )1  M is the least squares matrix, also called the
pseudo-inverse matrix.

2.2 Use of PowerWorld® Software to Determine Power Flows

and Short-Circuit Current Levels on EPS Buses

The PowerWorld® has a student version, available free of charge, which allows power flow studies to
be carried out and short circuit levels to be determined in a EPS with a limited number of bars. For the
purposes of our protection study, it was very useful with regard to the purpose of raising the levels of
short-circuit currents in the EPS of Figure 1.
PowerWorld® presents a very friendly interface, allowing the construction of a EPS for simulating
power flows, as shown in Figure 4. In this example, a synchronous generator, two transmission lines
and a 100/50 kV – 100 MVA step-down transformer were used and, subsequently, the power flows in
that EPS were simulated. In addition to obtaining the power flows in the LTs, losses and voltage levels
of the bars were raised, as seen in Figure 5 and Figure 6.

Figure 4. EPS simulated in the PowerWorld®

Source: Simulation at PowerWorld®, 2020

Figure 5 shows the active and reactive power flows obtained through simulation in PowerWorld®,
which is based on the Newton-Raphson method for solving the non-linear equations that model the
problem of non-linearized power flow. It is also observed the calculation of active and reactive losses
in this section of the EPS, which should be minimized as far as possible. The technical losses in the


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

EPS constitute non-invoiced, non-distributed energy and engineering solutions should be implemented,
such as the reconduction of the stretch, aiming at increasing the LT’s ampacity, as well as the insertion
of capacitive shunt compensation or the use of synchronous compensators, such as engineering solu-
tions capable of minimizing these losses and allowing the EPS to remain in its normal operating regime.

Figure 5. Power Flow and Losses in the BC Section

Source: Simulation at PowerWorld®, 2020.

Figure 6 shows the voltage in Bus C resulting from the flow of active and reactive power in the BC
section of EPS of Figure 4. A voltage of approximately 48.5 kV is perceived in this bus, that is, there
was a voltage drop of approximately 1.5 kV resulting from the power flow (active and reactive) in the


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

TL connecting buses B and C. Considering the injection of 13 MVAr by the synchronous compensator
in Bus C of this EPS, it is observed that there will be less reactive power flowing in the AB section and,
therefore, less voltage drop in this TL, according to the result obtained and shown in Figure 7 below.
In this case, the voltage at Bar C was regulated to a level of approximately 49.5 kV, demonstrating the
importance of EPS supervision and control with the use of a powerful simulation tool for conducting
EPS expansion studies, as well as within the scope operation.
With this simulation tool, in the perspective of planning the expansion of the EPS, it is possible to
determine the best point of operation of the system in view of the expected growth of the load in the me-
dium to long term horizon, from the proposal of measures to control the power flows in TLs, such as the
diversion of these active power flows, by alternative routes, using lagging transformers in order to relieve
the load demand on a given transmission line, as well as the adoption of capacitive shunt compensation
or the installation of voltage regulators, with tap variation, to control the tension in the system bars.
This fact characterizes the subject in question in a context of digital transformation, as the computa-
tional methods currently available greatly facilitate the EPS engineer in protection studies, as well as in
determining future scenarios regarding the analysis of changes dynamics imposed on the electric power
system over the years, assisting the planner in making decisions that optimize the allocation of financial
resources. Therefore, from the analysis of future scenarios, it is even possible to postpone investments in
the expansion of the system and, consequently, gain revenue in the short term, which may be strategic
in some circumstances within the scope of the optimal investment capitalization policy of the electricity
transmission company.
Therefore, the importance of using the PowerWorld® Software in power flow studies at EPS is per-
ceived, as well as in determining the levels of short circuit currents (single phase, two phase, three phase,
among others) for dimensioning the protection, as shown in Figure 8. These levels of short-circuit currents
are presented in pu or directly in Ampères. This simulation tool greatly facilitates the work of the EPS
Protection Engineer, as well as streamlines protection studies in terms of coordination and selectivity.
With the PowerWorld® fault analysis feature, the short-circuit current levels were obtained in the
EPS in Figure 1, which is the object of the protection study presented in this work. As shown in the
figure above, the intensities of the short-circuit currents at different points in the EPS can be determined.
Analyzing Figure 8, it can be seen that a three-phase short circuit in the C-Bus of the EPS of Figure
1 imposes voltage sags in the other EPS buses, according to the results presented above.
In addition, using the short-circuit simulation tool available on PowerWorld®, the system’s YBus ma-
trices are automatically measured in zero, positive and negative sequences, as shown in Figure 9 below.

2.3 Protection Coordination (Function 51F - Phase Overcurrent - Timed Curves)

In this part of the work, a procedure for dimensioning the protection (function 51 F - timed curves) will
be demonstrated for the EPS illustrated in Figure 1, obtaining at the end of the same, the coordinogram
from this protection study, which was generated through MATLAB ®.
First, the levels of the load current circulating through the transmission lines are determined, accord-
ing to the calculation shown below. These currents can also be obtained directly from the simulation in
PowerWorld®, without the need for the calculation shown below.


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Figure 6. Voltage at Bus B without synchronous compensator

Source: Simulation at PowerWorld®, 2020.

S1  (16) 2  (12) 2  20 MVA

S 2  (8) 2  (4) 2  8, 94 MVA

20 MVA
I L1   231A
3  50kV
8, 94 MVA
IL2   103 A
3  50kV

Subsequently, CTs (Current Transformers) are dimensioned, based on two premises:

INOM > Itrecho


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Figure 7. Influence of the synchronous compensator on the voltage at bus B

Source: Simulation at PowerWorld®, 2020


so that IPMAX = 20.INOM to avoid CT saturation for three-phase short circuit current.
These criteria are used to determine the RTC of the CTs, as indicated in Table 1 below.
Regarding the minimum operating current, the following premise must be obeyed:

I NOM  FC I CC 2 endofthestretch
 I MINAT  (8)

In Equation (8), Fc is an overload factor that is estimated at around 30%, that is, Fc = 1.3. With the
aforementioned equation, the minimum relay setting current can be determined, as shown in Figure 9
below. In other words, for the nominal current of the section the relay must not operate, according to the
time curve of function 51F (phase overcurrent).


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Figure 8. PowerWorld® Fault Analysis

Source: Simulation at PowerWorld®, 2020

Figure 9. YBus matrix raised by PowerWorld®Source: Simulation at PowerWorld®, 2020


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Figure 10. Inverse time curve with the minimum adjustment current value
Source: Prepared by the authors, 2020.

Analyzing Figure 9, it can be seen that the relay will act according to the time curve for function 51F,
which obeys Equation (9), as shown below:

 I ajuste 

The curve implemented in software for a relay is given by Equation (9), where TMS is a multiplicative
constant that adjusts the height of the curve in the coordinogram, with β and α being slope coefficients
of the curve (MI, NI and EI), as shown in Figure 10.
To define the type of curve in the protection coordinogram, the following values are used for the
constants β and α present in Equation (9), as defined below:

§ β = 0,14 e α = 0,02: (normally reverse curve);

§ β = 13,5 e α = 1: (very reverse curve); and
§ β = 80 e α = 2: (extremely reverse curve).

2.4 Coordination Example Between Relays R1

and R2 of EPS in Figure 1-Procedure

Based on Figure 11, there are minimum settings for the actuation currents of relays R1 and R2.


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Figure 11. Variation of inverse time curves as a function of β and α

Source: Rodrigues, J.M., 2013

Therefore, the following steps must be performed to ensure coordination between R1 and R2 with
respect to function 51F (phase overcurrent). Such steps are embodied according to the step-by-step
procedure suggested below:

Figure 12. Coordination between relays R1 and R2 of the EPS in Figure 1

Source: Prepared by the authors, 2020.


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

1º) Any current point greater than 6 A is chosen on the R1 curve to ensure coordination between the
curves (chosen 15 A in this example);
2º) The primary current of the CT1 connected to R1 is calculated:

IP = 15 * RTC1 = 18 * 100 = 1200 A

3º) It is verified in the secondary of the CT2 which current corresponds to 1200 A in the primary:

1200 1200
I STC 2 = = = 17,14 A
RTC 2 70

4º) The time it takes for relay R2 to act on this current is determined:

t R 2 para17 ,14 A  
 I ajuste 

5º) A TMS for R2 is determined: (TMS between 0.1 and 1): Chosen 0.1

(0,1)  (0,14)
t R 3 para 22,5 A  0 , 02
 0, 47 s

6º) The TMS of the curve of relay R1 is calculated to ensure that in this current Relay R1 operates with
a time greater than R3 (premise = 0.5 s)

tR1 = tR2 + 0.5s

(TMS1 )  (0,14)
(0, 47  0, 5)  0 , 02

TMS1 = 0.1281

TMS2 ³ 0.1281

TMS2 = 0.18


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

However, the initial setting point of the 50F instantaneous function must be determined in the protec-
tion coordinate. For example, in the case of the relay R1 of the EPS in Figure 1, this setting is specified
as follows:

I CC3 to 80% of end of stretch

I k 3 80%  6505 A  (6505  5072) A (0, 8)

I k 3 80%  5358, 6 A
5358, 6

IATINST ³ 66.98A


The three-phase short circuit current up to 80% of the end of the section considered can be determined
using a proportionality rule, taking the values of the short circuit levels in the terminal bars, as developed
in the above calculation, as well as through simulation in the short circuit calculation tool available in
the PowerWorld® environment.
The settings of the 50F function (instantaneous curve of the Figure 9 coordinogram) can be deter-
mined for the other relays in the EPS of Figure 1 by establishing a procedure similar to the one discussed
above, being summarized in Table 1.


Table 1 shows the adjustments from the protection study developed in this research work.

Table 1. Summary of adjustments made with the EPS protection study

Source: Prepared by the authors, 2020.


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

The coordinogram resulting from this protection study, with respect to function 51F, is illustrated
in Figure 11 below, whose inverse time curves were obtained with the MATLAB® script available in
the Appendix.
In Figure 13 of this research work there is an alternative to the use of MATLAB to survey the 51F
protection coordinate for the EPS in Figure 1, which in this case was generated in Excel, applying Equa-
tion 9 previously mentioned in this approach.
Analyzing Figure 11, it is observed that the system is coordinated and selective, confirming the
accuracy of the calculations obtained through simulation in the PowerWorld® environment, which is
established as a powerful tool to support EPS protection studies.


This research work presented a proposal dedicated to support EPS protection studies with the use of a
powerful simulation tool, used both for determining the power flows in the transmission lines, as well
as for calculating the different types of absences that may affect this system.
PowerWorld® is a free simulator for academic purposes and many of the concepts regarding the
supervision and control of the EPS, as well as regarding the studies of operation and expansion of the
Electric Power System, are easily understood by simulating different scenarios, depending on the changes
topological features in the EPS configuration due to maneuvers and / or performance of protection devices
in situations of unscheduled contingencies.
Therefore, with regard to protection studies, PowerWorld® allows the modeling of the EPS by insert-
ing the altimetric data of the transmission lines and the specifications of the other equipment, providing
a tool for the calculation of the short-circuit currents, as shown in Figure 8. Furthermore, this simula-
tion software is established as a resource of extreme relevance and feasibility in teaching the concepts
inherent to protection studies, as well as in power flow studies for the simulation of future scenarios.
From the above, it is clear that the adoption of PowerWorld®, as well as MATLAB®, in the study of
concepts linked to the planning and operation of the EPS, makes the teaching-learning process devel-
oped within disciplines such as EPS Protection more efficient and dynamic, since such computational
resources allow the analysis of systems not yet built and the study of the dynamic response of existing
systems in the face of disturbances that manifest in the Electric Power System.


Aguirre. (2004). Introdução a identificação de sistemas: técnicas lineares e não-lineares aplicadas a

sistemas reais. UFMG.
Hoidalen, H. (n.d.). ATPDraw. SINTEF Energy Research – Norwegin University of Science and Tech-
Girgis, A. A., Hart, D. G., & Peterson, W. L. (1992, January). A New Fault Location Technique For Two-
and Three-Terminal Lines. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 7(1), 98–107. doi:10.1109/61.108895
MATLAB, User´s Guides. (n.d.). The MathWorks Inc.


Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Parmar, S. (2015). Fault location algorithms for electrical power transmission lines - Methodology,
design and testing. Intelligent electrical power grids. EWI.
Stevenson, W. Jr. (1982). Elements of Power System Analysis (4th ed.). Academic Press.

Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System


% script para plotagem de três curvas de t x I para função 51F

% Prof. MSc. Eng. Gustavo Vinicius Duarte Barbosa
% Prof. MSc. Eng. José Ronaldo Tavares Santos

TMS1 = 0.18;
TMS2 = 0.1;

Iaj1 = 6;
Iaj2 = 4;

beta = 0.14;
alfa = 0.02;

I1 = (6.5:0.1:70);
I2 = (4.5:0.1:60);

for ii = 1:636
t1(ii) = (beta*TMS1)/ (((I1(ii)/Iaj1).^alfa) - 1);

for ii = 1:556
t2(ii) = (beta*TMS2) / (((I2(ii)/Iaj2).^alfa) - 1);

% Plotagem das curvas de corrente versus tempo para a função 51F

hold on;
xlabel(‘ Corrente elétrica’);
ylabel(‘Tempo de Atuação’);
title(‘Curva T x I Relé 51F’);
legend(‘TMS1 = 0.18’, ‘TMS2 = 0.1’);
grid on;
hold off;

Protection Study in the EPS, Electrical Power System

Figure 13. ­


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