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Descriptive Text: Post-Test

The Coral Reef

Coral reefs are some of the most vibrant and diverse ecosystems on the planet. They are found in warm,
shallow waters, and their beauty and complexity are a wonder to behold. Coral reefs are made up of tiny,
living organisms called coral polyps, which create intricate structures that provide homes for countless
marine species.

One of the most stunning features of coral reefs is the dazzling array of colors. The coral polyps, which are
related to jellyfish and anemones, build calcium carbonate skeletons that form the reef's framework.
These skeletons come in various shapes and sizes, and they provide a canvas for the vividly colored corals
that cover them.

Coral reefs are not only beautiful, but they also support an incredible diversity of marine life. Countless
species of fish, crustaceans, and other organisms call the reef home. The nooks and crannies in the coral
structures provide shelter, and the vibrant coral provides food for many of these creatures.

The health of coral reefs is vital to the health of our oceans and the planet as a whole. Unfortunately, many
coral reefs are under threat from factors like climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Conservation
efforts are crucial to protect and preserve these precious underwater ecosystems.

Now, please answer the following questions by selecting the correct option (A-E):

1. What is the main focus of the text?

A. Polar bears

B. Rainforests

C. Coral reefs

D. Desert dunes

E. Mountains

2. Where are coral reefs typically found?

A. In cold, deep waters

B. In warm, shallow waters

C. In the Arctic Ocean

D. In the Antarctic Ocean

E. In freshwater lakes
3. What are the tiny, living organisms that create coral reefs called?

A. Fish

B. Seashells

C. Coral polyps

D. Starfish

E. Seaweed

4. What is the primary material that forms the framework of coral reefs?

A. Wood

B. Iron

C. Calcium carbonate

D. Plastic

E. Glass

5. What creates the dazzling array of colors in coral reefs?

A. Paint

B. Coral polyps

C. Algae

D. Rocks

E. Sand

6. What is the relationship between coral polyps and jellyfish?

A. They are enemies

B. They are unrelated

C. They are family

D. They are competitors

E. They are similar in size

7. What do the nooks and crannies in coral structures provide for marine life?
A. Food

B. Shelter

C. Entertainment

D. Cleaning services

E. Transportation

8. Why are coral reefs important to marine life?

A. They provide a place for humans to swim

B. They are good for fishing

C. They offer unique diving experiences

D. They support a diversity of marine species

E. They are a source of drinking water

9. What factors threaten coral reefs?

A. Climate change, pollution, and overfishing

B. Overpopulation, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions

C. Excessive tourism, noise pollution, and deforestation

D. Oil spills, earthquakes, and tornadoes

E. Forest fires, air pollution, and soil erosion

10. What role do coral reefs play in the health of the planet?

A. They have no impact on the planet

B. They help control the weather

C. They support a balanced ecosystem

D. They produce oxygen

E. They are a source of freshwater

11. Which of the following is not mentioned as a factor threatening coral reefs?

A. Overfishing
B. Climate change

C. Noise pollution

D. Pollution

E. Deforestation

12. What is the primary material that forms the framework of coral reefs?

A. Metal

B. Calcium carbonate

C. Plastic

D. Glass

E. Seaweed

13. What makes coral reefs a wonder to behold?

A. Their cold, deep waters

B. Their simple structures

C. Their vibrancy and complexity

D. Their small size

E. Their lack of marine life

14. What is the primary diet of coral polyps?

A. Small fish

B. Algae

C. Seaweed

D. Human food

E. Plastic

15. What is the main focus of conservation efforts for coral reefs?

A. Improving tourism

B. Expanding coral mining

C. Reducing marine species diversity

D. Protecting and preserving the reefs

E. Promoting overfishing

16. What is the main factor threatening the health of coral reefs?

A. Climate change

B. Overfishing

C. Coral mining

D. Oil drilling

E. Tourism

17. What makes coral reefs important for marine species?

A. They provide food for humans

B. They offer shelter and food

C. They provide a source of freshwater

D. They control the climate

E. They create oxygen

18. What is the primary material that makes up the colorful structures in coral reefs?

A. Stones

B. Algae

C. Coral polyps

D. Metal

E. Plastic

19. What do the skeletons of coral polyps form in the reef?

A. Trees

B. Buildings

C. Framework
D. Jewelry

E. Tools

20. What is the purpose of the pseudo thumb-like wrist bone in pandas?

A. Climbing trees

B. Hunting prey

C. Grasping bamboo

D. Swatting insects

E. Swimming

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