2 & 4. DRESS CODE and Quran and Sunnah

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Chapter -11

Dress Code
1 What are the rules to be followed by men in their dressing?
Men should not wear clothes below the ankles.
Should not drag their dresses on the ground.
Men should not wear clothes made of silk or gold ornaments
They should not dress up like girls
They must not also wear see through Clothes
Men Should grow their beard & trim Mustache.
3. What are the rules to be followed by women in their dressing?
A muslim women should cover her entire body except face and hands.
​They can wear silk clothes and use gold
tight fitting clothes
​They should not dress up like boys.
44. Hadeeth about men who wear their clothes dragging them on the floor or below them ankles
َّ‫َمنْ َجر‬
ُ ‫ظ ُر هَّللا‬ ُ ‫ُتو ُب ُه ُخالَ ُء َل ْم َي ْن‬
‫ِا َل ْي ِه َي ْو َم ال ِق َيا َم ِة‬
Allah will not look at a person on the day of resurrection who drags his lower garments.

Chapter -17
Qur'an &Sunnah
1. Quran is the holy book in which no changes have been made.
2. Bida'th refers to the innovations in religious matter.
3.Sunnah is the second Islamic source after Quran.

1.Write the hadeeth which mention the importance of following the Quran and Sunnah in our
‫ْس َع َل ْي ِه َأمْ ُر َنا َفه َُو َرة‬
َ ‫َمنْ َع ِم َل َع َمالً َلي‬
who ever did a deed which has no order on that (prophet) will be rejected

2.Name the holy books and prophets to which they were sent to respectively?
Name of prophet
Dawood (A)-Zaboor
Musa (A)-Thourath
Isa (A)-Injeel
Muhammed (s)-Qur'an
3. By which name did Allah (S.W) mention Jibreel(A) in Quran?
Roohul Ameen
4. What is Sunnah?
All the actions or thing that the Prophet (s) did, said or approved in his life are known as
5.Write about Qur'an?
Quran is the last holy book from Allah.
Allah sent Quran through Jibred (A)
​It is the last boly book to the last Prophet Muhammed (s).
It is revealed in the month of Ramadan
Quran is known as kalamullah.
Quran contains 114 Surahs.
The biggest surah in Quran is Al Baqara.
The smallest surah in Quran is Al kousar
Surah Fathiha is known as Ummal Quran.
Quran is divided into 30 equal example
6..What is Bid'ath? Explain with example
The Innovations in religion that were not taught or shown by the prophet () in his Sunnah are
known as Bidat
example :
celebrating birthdays, death anniversary functions, worshiping the dead People.
7. Describe the compilation of the Quran?
The responsibilities of completing the Quran was given to Laid bin Sabith during the rule of
Abubacker (R)
After it was compiled together Abu bakr kept the first copy of the Mushats with himself. After his
death, It was passed on the second khalifa Umar(R). After his death his daughter Hafsa(R) kept
this Quran.During the time of third Khalifa
Several copies of this Mushaf were made and Sent to different countries.

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