New Empires and Kingdoms Notes Grade 6

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Peace Public School

CLASS: VI_ Subject: Social Studies


1. Who was the famous astronomer in the court of Chandragupta ll ?
Ans: Aryabhata was the famous astronomer in the court of Chandragupta

2.Name the Chalukya king who got the kingdom from his uncle?
Ans:Pulakeshin II, The Chalukya king who took the kin gdom from his

3.What is the meaning of Harsha?

Ans: Harsha means “joy orhappines.

4.In whose Court did Xuan Zang stay for a long time?
Ans: Xuan Zang was a Buddhist monk, stayed for a long time in the court
of king Harsha Vardhana.

5. Who controlled the local assemblies suchas Sabha, ur and Nagaram?

Ans : Sabha was an assembly of brahmins land owners. The ur was a village
assembly found in areas where the landowners were not brahmins., and the
Nagaram was an organization of merchants.

6.Who were the Samantha’s?

Ans: Samantha’s were the military leaders, who provided the king with troops
whenever he needed them. They were not paid regular salaries but received
grants of land.

7. What does the play ‘Abhijnana Shakuntalam’ Say about the language
spoken by the people?

Ans: Abhijnana Shakuntalam say about the story of the love between a king
named Dushyanta and a young woman named Shakuntala.

8. The assemblies in the southern kingdom continued to function for centuries.

What values do their functioning depict?

Ans:The Inscriptions of the Pallavas mention a number of local assemblies.

These included the sabha, this assembly functioned through subcommittees,
which looked after irrigation, agriculture operations, making road, local
temples, etc.
The ur was a village assembly found in areas where the land owners were not
brahmins. And the nagaram was an organisation of merchants. It is likely that
these assemblies were controlled by rich and powerful landowners and
merchants. Many of these local assemblies continued to function for centuries.

9. The prashastis of this period are valuable in constructing history. But can
we fully rely on them? Why not?

Ans: Prashastis were the inscription wrote praise of emperor. But we

definitely can’t be rely on them as they were written in the peer pressure of
emperor by his court men.

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