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(Mag —- pe + PRACTICE TEST 1 READING TEST Thea Se Yu it eas a variety of tte and anever several erent ypes of eing comprererion ssn. The ene Reng tx las 78 minute ‘Tage a thea pais, and directions ae gen fer each pat You are encourages to answer as ney as usstons de caeenlo viene ee ‘You mest mark your answers onthe separate anawer thest. Da net rte you" answers a ne eee 408, Alan nes @ meng to cscs the govenments Increased... a Parr s teancel orsoctore york Droctons: A word or peas ia misting in each of he sentences botw. Four} (ajrcquse tense a (Oreos anewer chicas ae given below esr sotene Sale te bee ener to Conia esetence Then mathe eter AB, Cor Den yourarewerthet| 408. The gyumet ht was reached regu HS he. mak ge payrent te conpary ney 18) inmaitey ort {0% gawer maintenance nthe bling, sane wl be inept om 2 {23 cack on pay 110. There tea was 10 Wo th compny's opr, te XR mac (aye as mh as inte sardine cone 287500 oi —_ ates ‘B)asdien ops) addon {02 The Mayes Corporation an... rf by wig cheaper mates inthe ture 1, The Petre Oumizaton has repeatedly clsinad to be te Waeresroy @)ncanng (Cy reeaces SERB most ..source otnfomaton avaiable on U.S. economic poli, maa "a mpsstie (Ch operse (0 deduce 108, Tey ON the crear of hr embers by roving mere ust me 12 Janine ovine, rvusy...TR fran hope encase [Wisnhane® ——(B)enhanced -—_(C) enhancing _() enhancement its lent base by 5% this year (ieening”” (B)wasramed —(C)ramed ©) nane ie sean ae ntmtan sede be nh are nd ‘sii. ompaeee 118, The am of tie wrahp includes hang ele reresrabves hae (8) acaoas (B)ocomssng — (C)nesHBB)—O)accenebity ‘customer. some aenirey inees Gloery —(O}eneed—(O)needs 05. Tough a was given a rest geal of fine, Ms. Tomes axitnt fas. sens Sane talons 224, ook em... emetiion fre ps few years has cuted a Wer ‘erie (mest (Oyen decine nsales (ieee (Rnceason—(Chnoessing 0} toncreae 408. Because of changes tote company's seuty pois, al vtos wat be. show ber Beng shone ent’ De dng 15. The stare vege may be purchased by visting... Km Sotuare = wieaing (Chrecurement (rei diver ne Pa Cony ae a ‘oan omy om $07. Hyou wish to esha... appointment lease conte by pon t laa wo days before your shed va 416, Even tough Paute Eton sels... nds of prods, mete 8 yon ‘ehyoser rye foyens coma for be sa of Ve ; ~~ ee aay (Bhveres (Cyvaroes——(vtatons 417, Ina of tia spacial book fa, we've etranged many bosks that have received good rvews, (Ai preparatory (8) prepare ——(C) preparation (0) prepares 418, Under tne new offee structs, rectors wi.....bein charge of assigning projects to the mombere ef thax departments and ovoreeing ther employees) ‘vera performance, (A) pamary (©) primaray 119, The conference on inimatonal markstng bing hosted by Houston, Ine wil (©)prime (©) prima ost katy bo over 5 PU una wey (O)later (O)atervars 120, The investments success wil be dependent on the....f he eal site ‘market over the net fe oth ()sabiized"(B)stabize —_(C) stable (0) stabaty 124, Please note that ‘axes and shiping ‘we ent to you yesterday (A) guicenes () rights 422. The new customer chose tine forthe upeoinghoicay, are Induded in the invice that (C)eharges (Oconee shipping to ensure that his order arrived in (expected (Blerpedte —(C)expecting__(O)expectes 423, Luly, Mr, Boone was gven the peomton....he mistake he made on the econt por. (attough—_(B)lke (C)espte (0) rogarsiess 124, Employees will be notified about any changes to the schedule at less § ays (Abeteehand —()frety (©) previousy—_(D) past 125, People... are interesteg In career opportunites are ivtod immediately to submitter resumes and cover eter ous (whose ‘Ganon (G)whomaver (0) ho 11, The manager iselstea that recabss of the signed Involces inated in ie package not be. (a behaved ‘@orersted (0) ignored 127, The exaoutve wanted to hea from someone Salnoed ofthe markoing carpalgn succeeding (ayas though) us (since (0) perma shi. Lim about the (0) omer than 428, Eventhough Janet hag werked In courting... she was sl requed to go throught warning for the new empioyees. ajanays ‘)now ‘Chpast (0) before 129, Doctors are requied © atid conferences regulary to keep up wih adie. ' (a conbions — (B)advances (©) prescriplons (0) simblaion 490, no.Mdhae Chin, Yroun for developing efecive work schedules, is ‘etring@ farewol party wil be hold next week (a Unless {e) Sime" (C)Therforo (0) Despite 424, While revening the sppeaons....10 Nim, the personnel managers mah focus wat onthe candsos' experience n sotware design. (ajsubmited"(S)ecgnated(C)alowed (0) asked 482. With he new changos, Condor Bus Lines wil oer more. San Diego to Les angeles (a) sizeable ‘@)realer oe tom (Choraaval (0) monotonous 4133. A spokesperson stated a the press conference that Tyre-Coleman plans to promote isa Fela rom ner... poston a vic posite nance next (Ghpreseni(C)eoncurent (0) si 494, Dr. Armatong Is expeted to ge @ lec on how fo... lInesses cfectvely ana easly (ayshit (respond (C)atquant ——_(0) glagrose 135, Many reporters baltve net the changes in te housing mart wil both stfet the ntsatonal economy and e.....mpoiat (ay poles (@)morepotteal”(C}potieal_(D) pltcaly of saver eafoty cose, 438. Wnen was found that he company was in the actor nado be stu down unde issues wore addressed. (Avoision— (B)undestanding (C)penaty (0) agreement 497, Eventhough ne event vas ald at amateur athistes, many. sctvaly ‘av waporience akong por nuppertavel gems (ijeompeted (Bjeanpaiton — (C)competters (0) compete 438. The board stated that ifthe company’s profs dd no.....$20 maion rom: Moly Ledbete Subject Program Director Poston Dear Ne. Laingen, We 80 weting tb... that we have receives your application fr Program Director at Save Kd 1 UALcory —()apey (conte (©) sehedule ‘Anumber of suitabie consists have shown... In the postion ‘42 (A)nterestod —(@) terest (C)terests (0) intrestng Inceed the response hes ban rather... lhough we have slated reviewing ‘eaunes il ot be posse comps tis press at wo weeks, 143. (A) overuhetming (6) dbatbie (6) presiable (O)ecuces We nope to inirviw candies by the end of the ment. This mes that you vill eceive a response to your appcaton win the ne he weeks, Regards, oly Ledboter Personnel Department ‘Save Kis! | ‘Questions 144-148 rter ta folowing ete. ‘Spencer Abranams 13 Modoc Way Moon MA 43011 ear Me Abrahams, The Chaplin Comedy The performed ts al show forthe summa season last ‘woekend. wes alo tne Ti lat perormance athe Moser ov setae You decide t puchase season Ykets wih us for our next summer season We wil (o)7en $44 (A) Even er (0) nsteas ‘rove you weh full membership tothe Vietea Performing Are Gee, whore ‘wo wil be pertorming in the future. Membership nudes upgraded sean a ‘evans fo special vent, The feciy Is much larger ang Res very goes Sours and tating equipment I ean also accommodate up to 160 pease he coe Perermance, ‘Win beter faites, we hep to offer you beter. 145.(4) magazines forthonext ean, (Grpainings (6) menus (©) perormances The... pamphlet tls you mare about the new venue as well 26 the performances wo wl hing next season, 146.A) encose —(B)ercosure —. (C) enclosed (0) neesing LEO ee ‘Questions 147-149 refer tote following adverisement New Vision Publshors is currently seeking an editor for its fcion wring | aivsion. The dors... dates wil incude working closely with writes to et their works and eversecing the tin subleaon of such works *47.(A) hited (8) mary) observant (O) promtng Sutabeconsietes wi... relevant qualoaton in language, at eat thee 148. (8) possoss (2) possessed (C) possessing (0) have postessed years’ work exserence n_pubtshing, projec! management sks, good Linlezereonal sis anda wiingnss lo Wor lng hus, We oft agesd sane To Taich exparenca ae wal BF Denes soca ‘Stowance, arian vacaton, Teaih ewrance, @ car 1 you are intrested in thi lawatters@newsionbocks ne. 148. (4) 00 (6) admission please contact Leeann Walters at (©)loan (parent ‘Questions 150.452 efecto the folowing ati { Consumers are counting down the hours to the Computer of the Future Eilon... His weekend, 450.(A) wilopen(B)opering _(G) opened (0) have opened ‘The extbtion wil provid a glimpse into th worl ofthe future. New vends in computer technology, ncloing the work's smalstnotetcok computor, wil be | en show. Computer experts wil be attnding the event t> Jemonsvate now ‘model computers which we oul be uking witin ine nex ten years. The ‘xibiton Ww be nested by tle CEO of Computer Unimites, Stephen Scahil, ino spat ab... tends computes a sofware athe cpeneg ‘eremonyfomertow ng s51.(Aytutue ——(B) recent (C)tadtional_«—_(O) store [A few hcky attendees wil algo be glen the chance to test some of the now ‘etware and hardware. This opportunity wl only De ofeed fo $0 patiszans, so intrested partes are urged t ign up ary to avoid duapocinimant Ts kn oF vents normaly wel 452.(A)maintaned (8) planned (C) deserved —_(O)attendedt “Tha exibon starts on Fay evening and wl fish on Susday at 2pm. PART? Direction: nis py you wil ead a seston of este such a8 megane an rewspagerartle, etiam, and advertsements, Esch fet is flowea by several (quasbone, Selec the ost answer for each question and mark tele’ A, 8, C FD on your answer sheet. *Gustions TESA Tar We Tlowing amouneemienl a Sorus Stars its Hing Season Again For ne second me in four yeas the Solus Company plans to exjand is work ‘ore, 2 spokesperson for Sorus, one ofthe nations largest electronic corhpaies, sit {2.2 prose conference n aston tat ke staf complement wud row by Realy 1.200 this year mais Beeatee of an exporental ereaco In hor sales and ders fom ether comparies. ‘The press pres Sorts’ Jo rls to reach 113,380 worse by the end of the yar, hien means ing more an 4500 poole oe the net fw rors ‘ema’ 500 workers are sxpsced fo be ades nthe LA, Cato, anther 1500 In Wha, Kansas cy, an he emainger fom cher reas aout cour. 45, wnat news has been anounced by Sars? (2) The peginnng of tee anual ing season {) They are hig forte festime in four years (C) They re expanding ter wor force again {D} Employes wl be transfered to oer company manufacturing faites. 454, Whathas prompted Sous to take ts actons? (a) Achange in employment au (G) New grocucts tobe manufactured quly (C}A-change in goverment psey egarang the electronic industry (6) A ramate lnsesas in ale of nar procuct ‘Questions 155-157 referto te foowng eal To: sysmax@ousiness.com 1 ‘Subject: naret bil problem 887100) | nave jut receive a tl Inthe mal stating that | owe $23.00 for ny wireless (avempement {08:There ae some schools tat il give scholarships to fri stodents——~ ‘hey usally have tobe om thd wre counties (nae how CEBU (oven {04Ator aera mastngs ad phone cate with Mr, Suton found —'to be ‘arcly and pert oppoet toast me, te ne (Rim (Ohms {0 rng bee est — fr company sino soy ar So Wasereas ators SE (oye 108. Restosi com, wa corporate his technology wit In-depth knowledge “rete ono Wane" Seeing” omens Poecie win ta time slowed, 107, see Corea Low sand __hereneonan sh bed cir fe aren et Ey te (Siepetoring (Sma om ORs SCS 108 An etecive one ——pogramis aba senna eae ‘sr nding oy (Alconment —(@)reeuiment (GYRE (OYUN 109. Temparatres cots the abe on average, re geting warmer an global male mocels predet a —iee (Ajeontnuston——(B)eatinve (C)eonines 110 Plate me se yr et are —~ fanned your sa Cin aac cj waes (sear 1:1, Thepupowe thiecourmintc_seereaeiatven wth eee eS cote ISO 1:2 Salutes coer a egy contig bya —~ ao ap Crewe eye SSSR 0) oni 112 Va cou stm mayo i orld webpages ih Intonation stout scat rome Bier hen ey (enemsones {114 te, Seo atbuted ne companys song partrmance —~ ts business ‘iaagy al oered clots Magra og Selene ine (Chon (er +15 fective next Monday, te nares ate on Hana Can’ home an increas (aves (WWE robe (Ohad 418.The opcata wey theca —- tthe appropriate emergency service 117. 1081S company provides tho ——~ coleston of alent rings and Inaustynows ever fo be mae. (oy srary awe wisty (Oj narewidy 118-Ragtton ek mute pid on —— bf eprint eared ting oop am Goeten apnea elae = SRR 119, Toke be tne —— your va here oe on ono oe beaut beaches, elarng is and (bears (Chorio except 120, Aplzans musthave val ie sd nave dependatie — ( sarepering (C)tanspores 421, halos drectrreuringt Ns roam ater vitng customers shoul fle cde rected — Ay Ge SRSA (©) greaty +22. The beget wade neressed by atl of $50,000, which wl be used to cover contingencies (AiRBRec(RPPOPS(C) uncharted tevteint (hioates SEG (Iwo (Oe {24 —conumpon cae te nad rte now poet, GE vee > 13,1 you bought a iteket te his yar sen a aro oat, may make Henin ace srg (see Ce 130.7he fami beaut eray packages aupmented wth —- ened a gg it no hersates ‘Shauaedaen (GRRE hue *40-Tha une of his new program nna — we nave launched th yer 134 Partcpatng nan atte program has proven be = rs of peorla rougher hs wor (@)teo much (eytosend—(Oywiane Semon (Crear Directions: Raae th fobowng ets. A werd vase Is missing in soa of he fnteneas Faw anewarsshoces are gen below each of age serances, ‘Sele he ost answer carl the ext Then ark the later AB, Cor én your answer shat Questions 141-143 retro fotewing ati Dears, (Charo are you woul renew jour— t Seance Digost onthe spot- you answers 41.) doscpton_(B)reqromant_(C)suberpton (0) formation ‘epee when you opened sot. ‘et you woud, because wade tng abut yur eres sence het youve Been ding, what oka edo ar what you enjoy mos abou Seence Digest ‘ourwousp' nave to thnk -—— about desing emake is fat renowsi nce youre 442.(a) sou (B)vice —(C)dupleato (0) 0 Aner i's senply waste four vauabia i fous to Bther with ore han reno, ‘To olver the very bet magne you, we ned ta ‘iraing you son aprecate wih your oe fr ean. ici, we cant wat unt afr your Selence Digest subecoton expres to krow yout be ws fore year ahead Now’ he best me fo act. Psa ret your oneal neice ey an cept my hank for raking ie ret fone yours Shoe Rober Trustam ator PS Wn rotrnew fer wo ethee years? You save now and ock nea ow 2d. Tats 142. (A)reverue (B)money —_(Chbudget OO Questions 144146 reter tote folowing agreement. Tray Ba ao ES tr Wave VOUT Swap wNGHT Teo ‘44 (A) secommocste (8) ackrowiegge (C) understand (0) agree ering day iro doparue, povided ASIA EXPRESS has recsve pay Inu and ha check ha ben cashed in good order ‘TRAVEL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED -NPORTANT ‘Avald poespr and poesia | e\vacaratons maybe neades, Check win your lel pubic ean oe, ae rete He USA NOTE TO 148. (A)reume —(B)ratuming—_(C)retummed (0) return FOREIGN STUDENTS: Pease mate sure your visto he USA hasnt erie wren yu ret D.Onward-conecting sine tokats forthe clizans of Tawar Thalan, Ingoneia, Malaya, nd USA, whea atin posesson ofa val vsa Hong ona Ine he respansty of each passenger to havea he racessarydocuent “Ihe Aine ha formed us thatthe wil clegrcalyretve to board any passenger —— val revel (Bybeyend (0) nor wl ben end or any reason 148, 4) yet ooument. Orviost Questions 147-149 retro the allowing brochure’ PG. Bax ST, Por 6006, WAS "Tne Closers inematoral Language sna Cutie Senos! Nr Bem vara Superior, HG Language nse “olgoJeran “Thank ou fr yur Pas fd anclsnd several of ur brochyre that may | nop you when exunseing prospective sues We can — sudo be folowing courses. +41 (a) ak (econo, Enoish for Acasemée Purposes For those who wish cornu tater sue in Auta ing erro Busnoss Engh Foros wro want nensve exoeure othe lngusge of he “marta pace eal for Enoyment Nr powered than the bow, hs cours puts emphasis —— curl seis ana 8A on the language associated wih tho, Shou there be anyeing —— tat you woud Bk o know, late contac us snjine, 149.14) extra ind ogads, (ise) tue Weoste my Ober (Beene (C) turer ‘Questions 180-182 retro hefoowing note. NOTE | me orestwew banc of Dover Bink hi Scorned its eras. Ther a6 Mo ‘over Sen renoes crated nei hae, One ion he sear of Veron Sos ‘ane Footh Avenue nthe Maple ark ared) Isat e est enance oe ‘ansen Shopping Paza, wich 460.(A)Omer —(B)Thectw (6) Anoter (0) Each ater lees han ami om hereon Vale Souci Tis ange te Crstvew branch spar of rcess of —— cur tranches. “RIAA prising (B)eoncudng —(O)atonding _(D)corsetng ‘ural sta agp ou ost as wa pee 20 tat we can economical ord bang services rhe communiy. We rage! hat ts naceear 1 coe8 ts ra ocnise we ee — 182 (ace @)aware— (C)oweh—_(O)awakon ofthe convenianes tat ors othe mediate nelgbornacd Howe, snk thee are two ober branches cise by, we rut hat banking wih us wis be ‘pik and ae. PART VI 7 In hs par, you wi raga seleston of tes, such a8 megane end rawspape: atl, lete',anéaeversarers. Each ints folowes by save ‘Suess. Select he Dost anser foreach questo and marke late A,B,C | SD enyour srower sheet. ‘Questions 153-85 retro he ftowing infra. [ RraraoeRpariant Rental Fosse Phoeaie Sus sparen 25 (One betoom one babeoam $430 To bedrooms, one batvocm $720 “To besooms wo batwooms $705 ‘Tee beceons, to bore $675 “The Cerise on Tours for he ct of Pheer has ake sists cote | ‘5: Tech Osmgrapics t beta’ serve lngtem vrs toe area. Th ito stove provider ‘tos on aparinent ronal or vitor We hope he It Ure ‘ators who a panting fo sby the Phoeneafea. The sata Used amost ‘ee yers ol bats 3 8 pin index ferent pene. Queene about the Phoenix ofthe patisuarlabb theulé be foneardes t Bras Johnsen at the Cite on Tours rte yf Phoon eBregsg Phoenatouram com) 183, What isthe average costo an apartment wih we besooms ard to bathrooms? seo coysers ‘184. Whieh of ftowing Is NOT te bout the table? (a) ite bate on data gabe eight years ago. {B) Aparmets oe classifies te urbe of oom (Ch itprovder rates or hou in Phoenix ony (0) Stee provid rates. (smo ese 498, Forwnom he table andes? (A) Tech Domograchics oployens {C) Longteom visors tothe roan (2) Bs Jonson (0) Te Certs on Toutsm ‘Quvstlons 166-158 refers the ftowing announcement ‘The International Design Exhibit ‘This Year's Inteatonal Design Exh provements in Werkpace Design Lot yours exit in San Francisco was a gret success. Atendance nesses 8 15 percent compar to te prevous year, and geat numberof new ofce ioroverents were anounced. This years aetna albu expec fo be th best yo. Tero are over 890 presentations cf new ofc innovators. A | warm wolsome Is exec tal of the people who are patpatng for he fst time The organizore ofthe eb wih fo thank Real Ine. for te use of a faces. Nex years ex wl be hadi Singapore. Prevegistaton sources fo 160, Wnt te main ao i ext? (a) Fashion cesign (c) Acme ofthe business bung (2) Oto funtre (0) Worrpice enroxnent 457,Whati earned abot ast yoars seiner? (A) Tha number ote partipants went (8) Te sources werent avatabe (©) twas ean Meteourne (©) The partipants court repsternacvance. 150, For whats Resto ln. ankes? (A) Developing a new moda (Ch Acvering te new product (©) Ging en ext veri {0} Housing he exh ‘Questions 189-160 refer othe folowing groom ‘slow hiner fo ston under the sipersion of Prcipl Skee and hier teacher Mr Clay Wgum. | am enclosing the $5 Insurance fee wih his document, and (ungertand that students may Yavel ay bus, of car wih 2 Tans vt appari Bye eee Tas wae any TARE Bg wt ayant the schol FIs employees in te most unfortunate avert of & mishap involving my shld, provided Pat ead employees adhere to the gudaln onetoe in hie document. ‘Signe. Ost 188,.hat ihe parent hing Fein for he chido a? (a) opt setet (@) Sat iomut (©) Fotow he pucdetnes (0) coon fea p 00, ¥nat he $5 fe fo? (insurance (B)Bus tare (C)Carfare (0) Topayforhe fap ‘Questions 161-162 refer to he follingsdvrteament. ‘SHOP FOR YOUR NEXT BICYCLE AT THE CYCLING WORLD! | Wie oer wide selection of eles tof every budget, fom fas bias to ‘mountain bikes and oven bikes fer young cian. We ago cary te rgion's ogest stock of eying aceaeora,incudng aime, baste and backoak ‘ack, xs and cloting, You an ago EUS. our expan mechan WN your equipment We guranine al nairtnance fr upto 6 mnt “The Yoar-and Sales gong ennow! Abe tom ti year reduced at We must make com fe net yea’ stock Please not that our store wil be cose next Monday in abeervanceo he atonal nay. 755 Tavera Avenue | serving te Greater Boston Ana for ver 1 yours! ‘1, Why estore lowering pres forth ios? (a) Asa promaten fr a hoidey (@ Tocalobate te soe’ amvereary {) Te stores opeing anew ean (0) tataome oder bee vl sel fater 182. What kin of tame are NOT montned he sdvezeent? (A) Safe aqupment (8) That detorence sevens (©)Westherproofbeckpecks” 1° (O)Atacments cary bggage ‘Questions 163-16 feo he feng nema, [Sar asa ae Romratesarange pay ‘Your safacton ie cur # gon Witin 90 dys of devery of shipment, you may rtm or exchange any Lngpaned moda (eo gare) o ny otter mechansse tat In new condi Irecig orginal packaging ane scarves, Return Vie cargo 10% restocking te. Fouled inna the siping cost tert a rsut ot cur rer your returns NOT eu fo oer, wa wl deduce signing cst Hom your | Retin wi be made nthe same form of parent nga uted fo purchase, You wi eave a ratnd wihn 7 ushass days of ot eeting youre Exchange We donot charge a restock ee ‘Shopng i pal fo by PlayerPerai.com If th exchange is osu of cur i your exchange is NOT cue to our exer, @ahbang charge wil arly. Wet! oat you fr a preered payment method | Yoursy coos to speedup he exchange proces by placing» now oder wth | the corect tam and yeu rser wil be ehigped immediate, nthe meartine, stl prot be exchanged back te ue fo posssig, Oderan, he ‘eichange process ean ake up fo day Hatha ofrecehing you fh. Plate ut the attaches oom to send us your request or retun eexchange, We wieonnt you free dela needed 6 ats the makina rune of ys wake og end? ONT eae (Oa) Meas (oyscaaye ‘84 mat can te customer dete exes the exchange proces? (A) Fae the exanange fom (@) Pisce anew orer (Chee tre npseon (©) Pay an oxa fee ‘Quaetions 165-166 afar te allowing nsttons Howto assemble invitations for maling 1.Star by lacing your ivtatin face-up not of you. H you want 0 uke the ess, place tha taste over the wing. The tsaues are abeoliey not ecessa = thay were gal pacing mari sed when anraung Hk wre ‘ly and woutnt nave sod by the he they were shopea, so he lowes pt the ies ftom smudging ui they ied They were “tuppoces” be ‘eroved boo essing tm ivtton for maling. Howeve, over ip, wing tho sues nas Become “repr” so youre weleame fo uke fern you woul ie. you have pita yur stone on your own pn yeu might fe hat the tesues do lndead serves purpore = prior us cet "a" mage dung rising 2 you ivtatont are the sot tat rake to Be fled in hal tn tripe, you tld he mate em op ober, wid the wig on the nade, Ifyou are oelosng response sed, ty shoul be hed under ha fap one {.Picku ne invitation in your right hand. Pek up he envelope in your hand ‘tthe natn the eriiope wih Be of te atin a he btm of the envelope, and with to wing onthe laviaten fing the back of te ‘Th purpose of hs wha sctome Iso ensure hat when your ees reso the iva, they open the envelope and inmesatay encour Be ears wiN, wig facing tam 5 toy winaraw te ter 108. Wy woul person ue te tsuee? (a) To protct he car rom bang tr (G) To prevent nik tom eprendng {)To enare be conintay of te contents (0) Toreduca stesso he ngers 186 Wat testa purpose of scheme? (A) To speedup the process of maling an invton (f)Totow he recent ose he content acne afer opeing () To eur at al equred materials are suteain he erveons (©) To enable te nvve to open he mal wt ease ‘Questions 167-69 rfertothe folowing passage. IMPORTANT NEWS for | [Chestr Bank Crect Card Customers! ‘Making eloctoric payments on you ert card account ls tastar and ear han ‘ever ust cal our cedeated payment fre at 820-483.2580 and flow te ‘somated Inaoucions. Payments are posted fo your socount win a business ay of youreal an ere leno foe for te payne sevice! et 2 foe SKYLINE stolte syste Incudng insttaton For more ta, cal Sotto Eros t 1-800-837-0857 Note: 48:95 Shipping and Handing fe, restietons, atone and minirum subserpion requirements app. Chaser Bank isnot flat win Seite ‘Express, SKYLINE oats. Po 187, Ware wou tis passage mos appear? (a Daly newspaper (@) Tree jours (©) reat cre eaement (©) Company btn boars 160. when wit he peyment made oer the phone on Friday be app? (A) Saurday (@) Sunday (ChMonsay (0) Tosaey 1. Wats tuesbout the sate serves? (Av letiaton cot $49.95. (8) Senco equest mua be mate rough th bank. {C) customer can cancl te erven ony afar cata perd (0) he sence avaiable fore time ony. ‘Qunstions 170172 retro th folowing nts, Peto, hop us save the envionment ‘Because oe ited rsh wr sup on the san, we Ky ask cur guests ‘ouput consrve eur procious natural rescurcel Here are the facts [+> More nan 60% of wate on he land is consumed by he tows nut. [> Excessive amount of aun ctrgents an bleaches fom wasting towel, for exampa,coraminaes ou wae sup > wien’ teuets tema Lean waste up 10 ters of watery, Worsening be statin ofthe ito waer sup onthe sand Wat you ean dot bel: + Use on te owes you nod At Dont iave be tp wae ning > immesataly not ta of ay nak oc. ifyounave any ngs, as contact ie rection desk and hank you for your xeperaton Nantukat sland Resort Management 70, Wace wou ti note ost aly be found? ; (Aline convenience sore (G) ina tows ntermatin contr (Chinaresauran ener (hina tel oom {71 Mat is tenon conearing? (A) Conservation of water (6) Tang of ott at (Tran ot vaates {) Btectt se peion 172, what reader NOT ated to 6? (ACen uct ater use| (Bom stat fay lak {Use tons sparn'y (Dy Rem he questonare romety ‘Qunetins 17-174 rear toto flowing let. aaa Raaeqaaro San ova, CA 72705, vaeuannus.con | (oar Starehoier, Plate find enloae your copy ef our annua repon. Sc Hs publton, the Boar has mada a numberof management changes, Or 3 May Darel Wang | wes appelted os Chi! Exsovive, Nancy oldman was apciied as Extcuve Diear and Roger Clk stappee down os Chef Execute. Viti Felis also "aoving the Gear as Execute Deco wh elector 11 June (on May 10h the Company anisunced thet Luc Leblanc had inated Ns Ironton to lave th Beare cus sis change personal cumstances. Wh the {sppontent of Dat a Chat Exeodive Lac fet kas an apropts tne > fe nd the Boars spocines ma as Chatpergen on an intarim base nil “The Bost ie casmitdto dverng he il pte of Hannush Caperaon fr hebenat ofa ehronldrs and stern, Unde te ladersip of Dara, we alee we are wel places fo co tis. He brngs 8 wean of eal experience t ‘he job, having Ret seer eeauve poston at Acadia, Sere and Roebuck srahsing proviouy spnt 1 years at Hannush Capraton, [on June rd the Board ejecta a possible ofr em Revival Acquions as it leary undervalue the Company ad ts prospects, Also ancioeed is @ nate of the meetng sting cul te esluins fe be proposed a out AGM on | TE Tay aa UIE BT Hag POH lave gh aT the rox fem, Arte yeu ean registry vte electronical by lagna ‘nour eg wade, su sharein com, Yous shear, | Charpnon 173, othe former CEO athe company? (2) Oar wang (B) ue Leiane {C) Regorciae (0) Vitor ean 474, Why ene Board rote ofr forthe company fo be cad? (i) The management was unargsing resruteg (8) There wat nat enough tino consut to shaehoders (C) The company was franc in ood shape (0) The compan pote as uncerestinaed (Questions 476477 retro be ftoning ie ow to Cheek an Insurers Rat "youre lating for whol If eovrepe or 2 term ply tat yout want to kaep {or20 99 yer, the fnanaleaundnese othe ieee erie concer ‘You wart seme atsurance Be company wil be sound in cae you arent. For Inswance compara, the major eck agers ike Siandaré & Poors ral caime-payng aby. Fortuna, nformaton on te exes wetness finsurance compari i a6) tp tan. Reporte ate char oF fe over be Intarat. You can svaye contact, the, aurance company anf ask about fe athgs, buts best To get thi ‘hoot franlty sound insure ae ai AAA, tough eure rtg agenows Ue tty eee oka rad “TFTA WOD Ho THE GT aI wane Tw, owl a, Fe TE ‘eur.com wher you Gan get ratings onne fom Sanda & Poors w ‘comprehensive reports on idl inguer. Dut & Phelps ratings of elaens- paying ably are aval ro a geen com. AM Best ambascam rae a huge etabaee, Bt you have op fort Whe you can acoss ratings eof hare, ‘a etaed company epi et you beck #35. Makasar ay rept you gts crn ay win the ast sic mon. Be oa ‘arf to cont range youl fon many of te nine gute senes, which mayb sil. td 178, Who would be mest inerestag in ebising tne ratings of insurance compan? (Ad naa! inure (©) Promierweo sos (2) Potent py holars (D) Mao crest gence *TE,Wnich of te fotowing is NOT tue cconng toe ate? (A) Francia heath ofisuersis very important (@) ils best cortct he raurane compara dec te ota thee age. (C)AM Ses chorges aoe fora detaed company repat (0) Some ft range obtained over te Internet may be cutiatad 177. Whats mentoned ashe advantage of sng Insure cor? (is te most utocate, (8) tna he ages eatabase (C)itctos an atorcable serve. (0) Mis conveiento use, ‘Questions 178480 efecto he folowing eter. Dear Musoun Paton, You are coriiy invited 19 te new Greek srtaacture elton ete Mune nly opened eas wing, Te exile, wich wi un fem December ‘et January 30h, features same of tha mos fecratrg wchectua pieces ‘tr the Cassie par of heh centry BCE 16 the end of te 2a cony 10 ‘BOE Tha Wil Ge @ pubar oF ape vera 1 Sonpiaren the ob ‘nein acres by solr expats Every Fay evening fom 7pm 9 {you ean sto oie pertrmances of Greek fe mu. joy Greek cine a out fafetera on De op foor a5 wl. AS an add bonus fo member, we wil be ttesing 2 ee calndar for pect yar whch conais beaut pure of fe Greok sans. The event fs eosponsored by the Greek Embassy and te Sosily of Graok Architect. {you need more infomaion, logon 10 out Web 26, To makeup resovetin, callus at 617-625-7277 Thekyou Sheer yous, ‘Suzanne Petereon The Dieter ofthe Pitsburgh Meum of Fine At to 478. Were can patonrcdve mor inforpaton? (A) 8y requesting an information paceet (@) 8) ating he museum’ horarage (©) By telephoning te museur ‘1 (©)By wating the Grookombacey e 179. Whi of i ftowing ls NOT ofred by fe musour? (a) Achance atte Greek oat (@)Petomances of Geek ok muse (©) complementary calendar rth coming yor (O)Aletze by lel poets 80, Where wl the exten te hale? (A) On be tp foro he museum (6) atte creak embassy nPisurgh (hn he awry opanes secon ef e musoun (©}Ontemuscuris web ste oly

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