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Disclosure of Changes in Inventory of Scrap

in the Statement of Profit and Loss
A. Facts of the Case 4. The querist has further informed that the
rationale for the existing practice is as follows:
1. A Company (hereinafter referred to as ‘the
Company’) is a listed central public sector a. 9.5.3 of the Guidance Note on Division II-
company and its net worth as on 31.03.2020 Ind AS Schedule III to the Companies Act,
was Rs. 29180 crore. The Company is 2013, issued by the Institute of Chartered
an integrated power plant equipment Accountants of India (ICAI) requires
manufacturer engaged in design, engineering, disclosure of difference in opening and
manufacture, construction, testing, closing inventories of finished goods (FG)/
commissioning and servicing of a wide range work-in-progress (WIP)/stock-in-trade
of products and services for the core sectors only in ‘changes in inventories of finished
of the economy, viz., power, transmission, goods and work in progress’.
industry, transportation, renewable energy, oil
b. No guidance is available regarding
& gas and defence.
disclosure of change in scrap inventory in
2. Scrap is predominantly generated from the the Guidance Note or in the Standard.
Company’s manufacturing operations. Being c. In the absence of any specific guideline
in an Engineering Procurement Construction for disclosing the accretion/decretion
(EPC)/Boiler Turbine Generator (BTG) project of scrap, the same is being consistently
environment, some scrap gets generated shown as part of scrap income.
during fabrication and assembly also. Further,
with regard to the nature of the scrap in the 5. The querist has mentioned that the
extant case, the querist has separately clarified Comptroller and Auditor General of India
that the majority of the items are ferrous cut- (C&AG Audit) has raised an issue on inclusion
bits emanating during the course of machining, of change in inventory of scrap as part of scrap
fabrication, assembly etc. The material is not income under other operational revenue. In
usable and there is no other use of such items their opinion, such change in inventory should
except disposal as scrap. It also does not have be clubbed with ‘change in inventory of WIP/
an active market and can be sold as scrap only. FG’. The observation of C&AG on this issue is
Further, the material is not being deliberately as given below:
produced and the production process is not
“Statement of Profit and Loss
modified in order to produce such material.
Revenue from Operations (Note No.29) -
Exiting practice:
Rs. 21490.01 crore
3. The querist has informed that the scrap
Other Operational Income Rs. 995.42 crore
income is being shown separately under ‘Other
Operational Income’ and it includes scrap sale The above includes income from sale of scrap
as well as accretion/ decretion in scrap stock amounting to Rs. 168.99 crore. During the year
i.e. difference of closing stock and opening 2019-20, actual sale of scrap was only Rs.142.12
stock. The closing stock of scrap is disclosed crore and remaining Rs.26.87 crore was the
under ‘Note 10: Current Assets (Inventories)’ change in valuation of opening and closing
at estimated realisable value. stock of scrap which was also recognized as



income from sale of scrap. Rs. 26.87 crore in the financial year (F.Y.) 2019-20 as follows:
should have been disclosed under the heading
‘Change in Inventories’ in the statement of “The closing stock of scrap is disclosed under
profit and loss. Inventory as ‘Scrap Inventory’. ‘Income from
Scrap’, is being shown separately under ‘Other
This resulted in overstatement of Other Operational Income’ and it includes scrap sale
Operational Income by Rs. 26.87 crore and as well as increase/decrease in scrap stock i.e.
understatement of Change in inventories by difference of closing stock and opening stock.
Rs. 26.87 crore.” The closing stock of scrap is disclosed under
Inventories at estimated realizable value.”
B. Query
9. At the outset, the Committee examines the
6. The querist has sought the opinion of the
nature of scrap in the extant case in the context
Expert Advisory Committee as to whether the
of accounting requirements. In this context,
change in inventory of scrap can be continued
the Committee notes the following paragraphs
to be shown as part of scrap income being
of Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 2,
disclosed under ‘Other operational income’ or
whether it has to be disclosed under the item
‘Changes in inventories of finished goods and “6 Inventories are assets:
work in progress’.
(a) held for sale in the ordinary course
C. Points considered by the Committee of business;
7. The Committee notes that the basic issue (b) in the process of production for
raised by the querist relates to presentation such sale; or
of change in the inventory of scrap in the
Statement of Profit and Loss. The Committee (c) in the form of materials or supplies
has, therefore, considered only this issue and to be consumed in the production
has not examined any other issue that may process or in the rendering of
arise from the Facts of the Case, such as, services.”
revenue recognition from scrap, valuation of
“14 A production process may result in
inventory of scrap (initial and subsequent),
more than one product being produced
accounting treatment in respect of any other
simultaneously. This is the case, for
item, evaluation of ‘materiality’ in the context
example, when joint products are
of inventory of scrap, using the nomenclature
produced or when there is a main product
‘other operational income’ instead of ‘other
and a by-product. When the costs of
operating revenue’ as per the requirements of
conversion of each product are not
Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013, etc.
separately identifiable, they are allocated
The Committee wishes to point out that the
between the products on a rational and
Accounting Standards referred hereinafter are
consistent basis. The allocation may be
Indian Accounting Standards, notified under
based, for example, on the relative sales
the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards)
value of each product either at the stage in
Rules, 2015, as amended/revised from time to
the production process when the products
time. Further, the opinion expressed hereinafter
become separately identifiable, or at the
is purely from accounting perspective and has
completion of production. Most by-
not examined any legal, taxation or financial
products, by their nature, are immaterial.
management issues.
When this is the case, they are often
8. The Committee notes the current accounting measured at net realisable value and this
treatment and disclosure made by the querist value is deducted from the cost of the main THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MAY 2021 15


product. As a result, the carrying amount it is produced and sold in the ‘normal course of
of the main product is not materially business’, these are of the nature of ‘inventory’
different from its cost.” as per Ind AS 2 and the accounting prescribed
in respect of by-product under paragraph 14
From the above, the Committee notes that
of Ind AS 2 may be applied. The Committee
during a production process, more than one
notes that this view is also supported by the
product may be produced simultaneously
requirements of Accounting Standard (AS) 2,
which, for example, may either be joint products
‘Valuation of Inventories’, notified under the
or a main product and a by-product. Although,
Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules,
what can be treated as a joint product or a
2006. Although, the Committee understands
main product and a by-product has not been
that the requirements of Accounting Standards,
explicitly defined in Standard, it states that most
notified under the Companies (Accounting
by-products are by their nature immaterial.
Standards) Rules, 2006 may not be applicable
Further, although the Standard does not
in the context of Indian Accounting Standards;
mention about the scrap or waste products;
however, since AS 2 deals with the accounting
sometimes the production process also results
for ‘scrap’ and the definition of ‘inventories’
in scrap or waste products. The Committee is
under both the Standards are similar, the
of the view that whether a product/material is
Committee notes the requirements of AS 2 as
to be classified as joint product/co-product or
by-product or waste product/scrap depends
on facts and circumstances of the case and “10. A production process may result
based on a number of factors like objective in more than one product being
of manufacture, whether the material was produced simultaneously. This is the
deliberately produced, certainty of use of the case, for example, when joint products
products, readiness for use without further are produced or when there is a main
processing, whether the intended use of the product and a by-product. When the costs
material is lawful, etc. In this context, the of conversion of each product are not
Committee notes that the scrap material/item separately identifiable, they are allocated
produced during the course of manufacturing between the products on a rational and
process in the extant case has no other use; consistent basis. The allocation may be
does not have an active market and can be based, for example, on the relative sales
disposed as scrap only. Considering this, the value of each product either at the stage in
Committee is of the view that the material the production process when the products
generated during manufacturing process is not become separately identifiable, or at the
deliberately produced, it is a production residue completion of production. Most by-
but cannot be further used or sold in an active products as well as scrap or waste materials,
market except as scrap. Hence, the Committee by their nature, are immaterial. When this
believes that the material is in nature of scrap is the case, they are often measured at net
and not a by-product/joint product. However, realisable value and this value is deducted
in the absence of any specific accounting from the cost of the main product. As a
requirements in respect of scrap /waste result, the carrying amount of the main
products in Ind AS 2 or any other Ind AS and product is not materially different from its
considering the requirements of paragraphs cost.”
10 and 11 of Ind AS 8, ‘Accounting Policies,
Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’, 10. Now, the Committee examines the issue
the Committee is of the view that although the raised by the querist relating to disclosure of
inventory of scrap is incidentally generated in change in the inventory of scrap under ‘Other
the production/manufacturing process, since operational income’ by including it with ‘sale



of scrap’ or separately under the item ‘Changes …

in inventories of finished goods and work in
The heading Finished goods should comprise
progress’ in the Statement of Profit and Loss.
of all finished goods other than those stock-in-
In this context, the Committee notes that
trade acquired for trading purposes.”
Part II, ‘Statement of Profit and Loss’ under
Division II of Schedule III to the Companies “9.1. Revenue from operations
Act, 2013 requires the aggregate of the
following expenses to be disclosed on the face …
of the Statement of Profit and Loss: 9.1.1.Note 3 of General Instructions for the
• Cost of materials consumed Preparation of Statement of Profit and
Loss require that revenue from operations
• Purchases of Stock-in-Trade is to be separately disclosed in the notes,
showing revenue from:
• Changes in inventories of finished goods,
work in progress and Stock-in-Trade (a) Sale of products (including Excise
• Employee benefits expense
(b) Sale of services; and
• Finance costs (c) Other operating revenues”
• Depreciation and amortization expense “9.1.8. The term “other operating revenue”
• Other expenses is not defined. This would include Revenue
arising from a company’s operating activities,
The Committee further notes the following i.e., either its principal or ancillary revenue-
paragraphs of Guidance Note on Division II- generating activities, but which is not revenue
Ind AS Schedule III to the Companies Act, arising from sale of products or rendering
2013 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Guidance of services. Whether a particular income
Note’), issued by the ICAI: constitutes “other operating revenue” or “other
income” is to be decided based on the facts of
“8.1.13. Inventories
each case and detailed understanding of the
(i) Inventories shall be classified as: company’s activities.”

(a) Raw materials; “9.1.10. To take other examples, sale of

Property, Plant and Equipment is not an
(b) Work-in-progress; operating activity of a company, and hence,
profit on sale of Property, Plant and Equipment
(c) Finished goods;
should be classified as other income and not
(d) Stock-in-trade (in respect of goods other operating revenue. On the other hand,
acquired for trading); sale of manufacturing scrap arising from
operations for a manufacturing company
(e) Stores and spares; should be treated as other operating revenue
(f ) Loose tools; since the same arises on account of the
company’s main operating activity.”
(g) Others (specify nature).
“9.5. Expenses
(ii) Goods-in-transit shall be disclosed under
the relevant sub-head of inventories. The aggregate of the following expenses are
to be disclosed on the face of the Statement
(iii) Mode of valuation shall be stated. of Profit and Loss: THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MAY 2021 17


• Cost of materials consumed them as ‘manufactured components’.”

• Purchases of Stock-in-Trade “9.5.3. Changes in inventories of finished

goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade
• Changes in inventories of finished goods,
work in progress and stock in trade This requires disclosure of difference between
opening and closing inventories of finished
• Employee benefits expense goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade.
• Finance costs The difference should be disclosed separately
for finished goods, work in progress and stock
• Depreciation and amortization expense in trade.”
• Other expenses (Emphasis supplied by the Committee.)

From the above, the Committee notes that

9.5.1. Cost of materials consumed Part II of Schedule III to the Companies Act,
This disclosure is applicable for manufacturing 2013 does not specifically mention about
companies. Materials consumed would consist the disclosure of inventory of scrap in the
of raw materials, packing materials (where Statement of Profit and Loss.
classified by the company as raw materials) The Committee also notes that the Guidance
and other materials such as purchased Note requires only sale of manufacturing scrap
intermediates and components which are to be disclosed as ‘other operating revenue’
‘consumed’ in the manufacturing activities of under the head ‘Revenue from operations’
the company. Where packing materials are not and does not specifically mention about
classified as raw materials the consumption the disclosure of ‘change in the inventory of
thereof should be disclosed separately. scrap’ under this classification or any other
However, intermediates and components which classification. However, drawing analogy from
are internally manufactured are to be excluded other items under ‘Revenue from operations’,
from the classification. viz., sale of goods and sale of services, the
Committee is of the view that only sale of scrap For purpose of classification of
should be disclosed under ‘other operating
inventories, internally manufactured
revenue’ and not the changes in inventory of
components may be disclosed as below:
(i) where such components are sold without
11. Further, the Committee notes from the
further processing they are to be disclosed requirements of Guidance Note in the context
as ‘finished products’. of disclosure of ‘Expenses’ in the Statement
(ii) where such components are sold only after of Profit and Loss, as reproduced above, that
further processing, the better course is to internally manufactured components that are
disclose them as ‘work-in-progress’ but sometimes sold without further processing
they may also be disclosed as ‘manufactured and sometimes after further processing may
components subject to further processing’ be disclosed as ‘manufactured components’
or with such other suitable description as for the purpose of classification of inventories
‘semi-finished products’ or ‘intermediate (although there is no such classification
products’. prescribed under Schedule III). Drawing an
analogy from this and since in the extant
(iii) where such components are sometimes sold case, the inventory of scrap can be accounted
without further processing and sometimes for as by-product inventory under Ind AS
after further processing it is better to disclose 2 (as discussed in paragraph 9 above), the



Committee is of the view that ‘change in the Companies Act, 2013.

inventory of scrap’ should also be disclosed
D. Opinion
separately under the classification, ‘Changes
in inventories of finished goods, work in 12. On the basis of the above, the Committee is
progress and stock in trade’. In this context, of the opinion that ‘change in the inventory
the Committee also notes that the ‘General of scrap’ in the extant case should also be
Instructions for Preparation of Financial disclosed separately under the classification,
statements of a Company required to comply ‘Changes in inventories of finished goods,
with Ind AS’ in Division II of Schedule III to work in progress and stock in trade’, and not
the Companies Act, 2013 provides as follows: under ‘other operational revenue/income’ in
“3. The disclosure requirements specified the Statement of Profit and Loss, as discussed
in this Schedule are in addition to and in paragraphs 10 and 11 above.
not in substitution of the disclosure
requirements specified in the Indian 1. The Opinion is only that of the Expert
Accounting Standards. Additional Advisory Committee and does not
disclosures specified in the Indian necessarily represent the Opinion of the
Accounting Standards shall be made in the Council of the Institute.
Notes or by way of additional statement or 2. The Opinion is based on the facts supplied
statements unless required to be disclosed and in the specific circumstances of
on the face of the Financial Statements. the querist. The Committee finalised
Similarly, all other disclosures as required the Opinion on November 10, 2020.
by the Companies Act, 2013 shall be The Opinion must, therefore, be read
made in the Notes in addition to the in the light of any amendments and/or
requirements set out in this Schedule.” other developments subsequent to the
issuance of Opinion by the Committee.
Further, paragraph 85 of Ind AS 1, ‘Presentation
of Financial Statements’ states that additional 3. The Compendium of Opinions
line items, headings and subtotals in the containing the Opinions of Expert
statement of profit and loss shall be presented, Advisory Committee has been published
when such presentation is relevant to an in thirty nine volumes. This is available
understanding of the entity’s financial for sale at the Institute’s office at New
performance. Delhi and its regional council offices at
Thus, the Committee is of the view that Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Kanpur.
Schedule III permits the use of additional 4. Recent opinions of the Committee are
line items, heads etc. in the presentation of available on the website of the Institute
Statement of Profit and Loss, if these are under the head ‘Resources’.
relevant to an understanding of the entity’s
financial performance. Accordingly, in the 5. Opinions can be obtained from EAC
extant case, separate disclosure of ‘change in as per its Advisory Service Rules which
the inventory of scrap’ under the classification, are available on the website of the ICAI,
‘Changes in inventories of finished goods, work under the head ‘Resources’. For further
in progress and stock in trade’ is permissible information, write to
under the requirements of Schedule III to the

Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is
harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation,
there is peace in the world.
– Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MAY 2021 19

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