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Lecture – 03
Sino-Indian Relations

Sino-Indian Relations
Sino-Indian Relationship:
1. Malacca dilemma
2. Belt and Road Initiative
3. String of Pearl Policy

Malacca Dilemma:
❖ Almost 90% of China's energy supply passes through the Strait of Malacca, which is a narrow strait of
water controlled by Indonesia.
❖ The Strait of Malacca is also known as a diplomatic choke point for China.
❖ China's Malacca dilemma involves Chinese fear that during any such eventuality like War, India would be able
to choke the strait of Malacca and thereby cutting off China's energy supplies.
❖ India's position on Andaman and Nicobar and the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) makes China extremely
vulnerable during times of war.

China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC):

❖ It is a 3200km long mega project that will connect Gwadar port in Southwestern Pakistan to Kashgar City
of Xinjiang, China.
❖ Gwadar Port has been developed by China.
❖ India raises objections with respect to the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor because this
corridor passes through the Gilgit-Baltistan region which India considers as an Indian territory and illegally
occupied by Pakistan.

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI):

❖ Originally it was known as One Belt One Road (OBOR).
❖ The idea of OBOR was given by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 during a visit to Kazakhstan.
❖ Later on, OBOR was renamed as the Belt and Road Initiative.
❖ It has the following components:
1. Maritime Silk Route:
▪ This route will connect the eastern coast of China with the Southeast Asian region, Indian Ocean
region, the Eastern part of Africa, Persian Gulf and Mediterranean.
▪ Under this initiative, China will be constructing ports throughout the routes along with military
2. Land Silk Route:
▪ It will connect the Northwestern part of China to Central Asia, Russia and Europe.
▪ The land silk route will also give China land access to the Indian Ocean Region.
3. Digital Silk Route:
▪ In all the countries which are part of (Belt and Road Initiative) BRI high-speed internet
connectivity will be provided.

4. Polar Silk Route:

▪ This route along with the China-Pak Economic Corridor will help in reducing China's Malacca
dilemma to an extent.
▪ This route has been developed jointly by China and Russia through the Arctic region but
developing this route will always remain a challenging task for China because of multiple reasons.

String of Pearl Policy:

❖ The String of Pearl is a diplomatic initiative of China under which China has been constructing a series of
military and commercial facilities throughout the Indian Ocean Region. The purpose is to choke India
diplomatically in the Indian Ocean Region.

Indo-US Relationship:
Foundation Agreements between India and US:
1. General Security of Military Information Agreement:
➢ This agreement was signed in 2002.
➢ This agreement will facilitate sharing of military intelligence between India and the US.
2. Logistic Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA):
➢ This agreement was signed between both countries in 2016.
➢ This agreement will facilitate collaboration between the 2 countries in the vital area of logistic
exchange repairing and refueling etc.
➢ India and the US can use each other's military bases.
➢ Fighter jets and Warships of both countries will get each other military bases for refuelling and
repairing purposes.
3. Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA):
➢ This agreement will help in sharing secured communication exchanges between the two countries
during times of exercise and operations.
➢ This agreement would facilitate access to advanced US defence systems and enable India to optimally
utilize US-origin platforms.
➢ This will enable India's defense platforms of US origin to be fitted with advanced communication
➢ This agreement will enable both India and US to share and receive encrypted messages with respect to
US-origin platforms.
4. Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA):
➢ This agreement was signed in 2020.
➢ This is the last agreement between the two countries.
➢ This agreement will allow India to get real-time access to geospatial intelligence, which will increase
the accuracy of guided weapons like missile-armed drones etc.

Strategic Trade Authorization 1 status (STA 1 status):

❖ Strategic Trade Authorization 1 status was given to India by the USA in 2018.

❖ India is only the third country after South Korea and Japan in Asia to get STA1 status.
❖ This status will pay way for increasing cooperation in civilian space and the sale of high-end technology to
India will be possible.
❖ This status has traditionally been given to those countries which are part of four export control regimes namely:
1. Nuclear Supplier Group
2. Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)
3. Australia Group
4. Wassenaar Arrangement
❖ India is not a member of the nuclear supplier group.

Military exercise between India and US:

1. Malabar exercise: It is a naval exercise.
2. Yuddha Abyas: It is an exercise between the armies of India and the US.
3. Vajra Prahar: It is an exercise between the special forces of both countries.
4. Tiger triumph: This is a major military exercise carried out by the army, navy and airforce of both
5. Cope India: It is a bilateral exercise involving the air force of both countries.

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