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GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES The landscape of Urkiola Park is made af limestone. While mining has been traditional in the area of the Urkialo Natural Park, the mines were closed long ago. Opencast mines that have © great impact on the landscope, have been active since the formation of Urkiola Notural Park CS AA eA EE CLIMATE INN ANG Climate is typically Mediterranean. Ee ee ey eee em winters are mild, Rain tends to happen a ee ere ae _ u oe NATURAL PARK Intensity Facts There isa well structured fauna of 157 diferent typer of animols where onimele ke the wild boor or the bird of prey stand out. I's Flora is very assorted, with 700 diferent species Due to the variety of mountains and the sea wols makes i 0 very popular place to ete ee eee ee onic) climbing routes lan that amazing? This place ols hos different interesting legends, There is clio this mounts in Urkiola called Anbota, with 1531 meters. The legend soys that when the clouds ore entangled ot the top of Anboto It means thot the god Maris cooking ot the =) (MAAC ALL The best tim ek eee See qorssindiiciscs ts eee ene Seen ere er ee ee since it isthe change of season, ‘Mist eo eee Weer eeietan crete of the Uskiola landscape, the rockines. Different st characteristic elements ofthe erdanmpered species of lens nel birds live in this ecosystem, {ESeibi ln the londscone, one of the choracterstic elements graslonds, the place where one of the main activities in the area takes place allowing cate to range freely and eot the grass Mount Sci ‘900d exomple and from the peak afi, ll ofthe Pork can be seen

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