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International Taxation

Amp Expenditure : A Treatise

After the reforms of
economy, starting
early 1990s, through
CA. Rajat Powar
privatization and The author is a member of the Institute. He can be reached at
globalization, there and

has been increase in

foreign investment in foreign brands have
One of the major issues in this
arena being faced by almost
India. Even now, the been incurring all the major MNE is with
Indian Government huge amount respect to Transfer Pricing
has been taking of Advertising,
(TP) adjustment of AMP
expenses. The issue of AMP
steps to attract FDI. Marketing and expenditure incurred by the
The steps taken by Promotion (AMP) Indian Associated Enterprise
the government to Expenses. Amidst (AE) has been a much debated
issue and continues to be
increase the ‘ease of such efforts of the litigated at various forums and
doing business ’ and to government to is currently pending before the
promote the ‘Make In increase foreign Supreme Court of India. The
Author tries to analyze various
India’ are increasing. Investment the MNE’s tests laid down by the judiciary
Also, the Indian in India continue with respect to the TP analysis
Market is a major to face the heat of AMP expenditure.
growing market, of tax litigations I. Issue For consideration
thereby attracting leading to increasing
The foreign companies
many international uncertainty among have been typically
players. Hence, many them. Read on… operating in India by
foreign companies
have been well
established in India
in various sectors
right from FMCG,
mobiles, electronics,
e-commerce to
Automobile. As
a corollary, the



International Taxation
setting up a subsidiary Arm’s Length basis for such
in India. The Indian expenses.
subsidiaries depending on
the business model adopted II. Legislative History The AMP controversy
by the foreign parent are revolves around the
The TP adjustment in
performing variety of
respect of AMP expenses issue whether the
functions. These functions
include manufacturing of
has been a hotbed of expense incurred by
the product, marketing perennial litigation. The such AE are excessive,
issue has been considered
of the product, and
by various Income Tax
are of non-routine
distribution of the product.
In many of the cases, the Appellate Tribunals (ITATs) nature and are in fact
Intellectual Property Rights and High Courts and is being incurred for the
(IPR) such as the technical currently pending before purpose of promoting the
knowhow, Trade Marks, the Honorable Supreme
Court. Few important brand which is owned
Patent are owned by the
foreign parent Associated judgments in this respect by the foreign AE and in
Enterprise (AE) and the are as follows: such a case the Indian
Indian subsidiary pays
1. Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. subsidiary should be
royalty for the use of the
IPR owned by Foreign AE. vs. Addtl. CIT/TPO (2010) remunerated on Arm’s
In case of manufacturing 328 ITR 210 (Del) Length basis for such
entities, the parent
The first Landmark expenses.
company also supplies the
judgment can be said to be
raw material along with the
technical knowhow and the decision of Delhi High
Court In the case of Maruti TPO to proceed with the
other requirements. The
Suzuki. In this case it was matter without taking
Indian subsidiary may also
held that the AMP expenses into consideration the
act as distributor for selling
the goods supplied by the were an international observations made by Hon
foreign parent. In order to transaction and the Indian HC. Hence, the ratio of the
increase their sales or as AE was to be compensated earlier judgment of the Hon
per the marketing strategy, for the excessive AMP HC lost its precedential
the subsidiary often incurs incurred. The matter was value.
expenses in the nature of remanded back to AO/TPO
Advertisement, Marketing for fresh determination of 2. LG Electronics India
and Promotion. The AMP the case. The said judgment Pvt Ltd [TS-11-ITAT-
controversy revolves around was challenged before 2013(DEL)-TP]
the issue whether the the Honorable Supreme
expense incurred by such Court, the Supreme Court The issue came up for
AE are excessive, are of non- while observing that the consideration before the
routine nature and are in Hon HC not only remitted Special Bench of Delhi
fact being incurred for the the case back to AO/TPO Income Tax Appellate
purpose of promoting the but also made certain Tribunal (ITAT) in the case
brand which is owned by observations on merits of of LG Electronics India Pvt
the foreign AE and in such the case which virtually Ltd . The tribunal in this
a case the Indian subsidiary concluded the matter. The case relied upon the ‘Bright
should be remunerated on Hon SC than directed the Line Test’ to confirm the THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MAY 2021 63


International Taxation
existence of international of Bright Line test but held
transaction in form of the AMP expense incurred
ALP. The tribunal also to be an international
did not allow aggregation transaction. Moreover, in
It is pertinent to note that
of transaction and held this case the Delhi High the Bright Line Test does
that AMP expenses to be Court allowed aggregation not have any statutory
benchmarked separately. of transactions of AMP recognition under the
expense and calculation of
3. Maruti Suzuki India Net Margin from all the Indian Income tax law.
Limited vs CIT (2016) 381 transactions using TNMM
ITR 117(Delhi) method.
Court, has held that, the
Maruti Suzuki India 5. Diageo India Pvt Ltd (ITA AMP expenditure incurred
Limited was Indian No 1228/Mum/2015) by the assessee was to make
subsidiary engaged in the viewers aware about
manufacturing of passenger In this case it was held the programs and were for
cars in India. MSIL was by the Mumbai ITAT product promotion and not
co-owner of the brand in that there exists a mutual brand promotion, further
this case. The net Margin agreement between the there was no arrangement/
of MSIL was higher than assessee and the foreign AE agreement with foreign
other comparables. The to incur AMP expense, and AE for incurring of AMP
Honorable Delhi High agreement also provides expenses. Hence, the
Court based on the above for apportionment of cost amount of AMP expenses
facts in this case held that between the AEs hence this cannot be termed as
the AMP expenses does not qualifies as an international international transaction.
amount to international transaction.
transaction. III. Some of the important
6. NGC Network (India) (P) points which can be
4. Sony Ericsson Mobile Ltd. v. Addl. CIT (ITA No. culled out from the
Communications India 6829/Mum/2012)1 judgments are as
Pvt. Ltd. v Commissioner follows:
of Income Tax [(2015) 374 NGC Network (India) was
ITR 118] engaged in business of 1. International Transaction
distribution of two satellite
In this case the Indian channels and had incurred Sec 92 provides that income
subsidiaries were engaged in AMP expenses. The ITAT from any international
distribution and marketing after relying on the Third transaction shall be
of branded products, member judgment in the computed having regard
manufactured and sold by assessee’s owns case which to the ALP. In the given
foreign AEs. The Honorable was latter affirmed by the case, it is required to
Del HC rejected the theory Honorable Bombay High be determined whether
Some of the other judgments dealing with the issue are
1. Nivea India (P.) Ltd. v. ACIT (2018) 92 165 (Mum.) : (Mum-Trib),
2. Lor al India Pvt. Ltd. & Ors v. DCIT & Ors. (2016) 49 ITR (Trib.) 473 (Mum.),
3. Mondelez India Foods Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT (2016) 47 CCH 98 Mum
4. Bausch & Lomb Eyecare (India) Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. v. Addl. CIT. (2015) (2016) 381 ITR 227 (Del.)
5. CIT v. Whirpool of India Ltd. (2015) (2016) 381 ITR 154 (Del-HC),
6. Honda Siel Power Products Ltd. v. Deputy CIT (2015) 94 CCH 170 (Del-HC).
7. Johnson Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT [ITA No. 6142/Mum/2017, (Mum-Trib),



International Taxation
there is any ‘International total AMP expenditure is not the legal owner but is
Transaction’ between bifurcated into routine and the entity which incurs the
the Indian Company and non-routine expenses based expenditure for developing
the foreign AE. Hence, it on comparison with other the and subsequently my
must be first ascertained companies. A Bright Line is derive economic benefits
as to whether AMP is an deduced by calculating the from the assets. The legal
international transaction. average percentage of AMP owner of the Intangible
The term International expenses. The expenses over Property Rights in almost
transaction has been and above such bright line all the cases is the foreign
defined under section 92B. is considered to be incurred Parent Company. However,
The ambit of the definition by the Indian entity for the economic ownership of
is very wide. Sec 92B inter Foreign AE and accordingly the asset may be with
alia specifically includes adjustment is made by the Indian Counterpart.
in its ambit a mutual charging a mark-up on the Economic ownership of
agreement or arrangement above cost of AMP applying brand can also be said to
between two or more Cost Plus Method (CPM). be an Intangible Asset just
associated enterprises like a Legal ownership.
for the allocation or It is pertinent to note that Consider an example of
apportionment of, or any the Bright Line Test does Entity having a long term
contribution to, any cost or not have any statutory contract of Sole distribution
expense incurred or to be recognition under the arrangement. In such a
incurred in connection with Indian Income tax law. case, if sole distributor has
a benefit, service or facility Existence of an international incurred heavy expenditure
provided or to be provided transaction is a sine qua non on advertisement he may
to any one or more of such for provisions of Transfer
enterprises. In accordance pricing to apply. The bright
with provisions of sec 92B, line test cannot be used to
there must be some mutual ascertain the existence of
agreement or arrangement international transaction. Nevertheless,
between the AE’s or some This view stands affirmed determination of
obligation on the part of by the Hon Delhi HC in economic ownership is a
Indian AE to incur such the case of Sony Ericsson
an expense. The aspect of Mobile Communications rigorous factual exercise
existence of International India Pvt. Ltd. v and would depend on
transaction in AMP expense Commissioner of Income, many factors such as the
is based on the peculiar which has been followed in
facts of each case and the many cases subsequently.
tenure of the contract,
judiciary has laid down the functions being
various tests which are 3. Economic Ownership performed by the entities
relevant for this purpose. and the contractual
Ownership of an asset
2. The Bright Line Test can be divided into two arrangements between
parts - legal ownership and
economical ownership.
entities. The burden
In order to prove the
existence of International The legal owner refers to a to prove economic
transaction Bright Line person who is the registered ownership lies on the
owner of the property, while
Test is often used by the
the economical owner is
Revenue. As per the test the THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MAY 2021 65


International Taxation
benefit by increased volume be aggregated with other
of sales and market share. transactions of the entity
In such a case the entity is for benchmarking. As per
said to be economic owner the OECD Guidelines and
Hence, it can be inferred
of the brand. In case of the judgments of Maruti that under the Indian
economic ownership there Suzuki India Limited vs. Tax Regime there is
cannot be said to be any CIT as referred above If the
transaction is aggregated
absence of statutory
services provided by the
Indian AE to the foreign than it would be adequate and machinery provision
parent in respect of AMP if the entity is earning for determination of
adequate net margin on all
expense incurred and no existence of international
compensation is required its transactions combined
for the purpose of the and there would be no transaction in respect
excessive expenditure. need to benchmark AMP of AMP expenditure
Nevertheless, determination expenses separately. If incurred by the Indian
of economic ownership is the transactions are inter
a rigorous factual exercise linked and inter related AE. In absence of
and would depend on many to such an extent that such a machinery and
factors such as the tenure of they cannot be reliably statutory provisions no
the contract, the functions analyzed separately or if
being performed by the aggregating them increases TP adjustments can be
entities and the contractual the reliability of comparison made.
arrangements between than it is desirable to
entities. The burden to aggregate the transactions.
prove economic ownership However, when the bundled Rule 10B, decided that no
lies on the assessee. transactions cannot be further TP adjustment is
adequately compared required as the Net margin
The OECD Transfer Pricing on aggregated basis, of the AE is higher than the
guideline in Para 6.36 to segmentation is essential. comparables.
para 6.39 while dealing
with marketing intangible The issue of segmentation 5. Direct Selling/Marketing
also take into consideration gains importance especially Expenses
the concept of economic in the case when the AE has
The Indian AE while selling
ownership. The concept adopted Transactional Net
the product may allow
of Economic ownership of Margin Method (TNMM)
various trade discounts,
the marketing intangibles and the Net Margin of the
cash discounts, loyalty
has also gained judicial AE is higher than other
comparable. In the case bonus, turnover incentives
recognition in India. etc. These expenses are
of Maruti Suzuki India
Limited vs. CIT (Supra), termed as direct/selling
4. Aggregation of
transactions and set off of the operating margin of or marketing expenses.
bundled transactions the company was 11.19% A question would arise
whereas the margin of as to whether they
Yet another issue which other comparables were would be included in
is for consideration is 4.04%. The Honorable Delhi the AMP expenses. It is
whether the AMP expense High Court after taking to be noted that these
incurred should be analyzed into consideration this expenses essentially help in
separately or should it fact and the provisions of increasing the sales volume/



International Taxation
collection and as such As discussed earlier, the 8. Difference between
are not incurred for the Bright Line Test has no product promotion and
purpose of brand building. statutory recognition in brand promotion
Hence, they are not to India. The only statutory
be included in the AMP provision which has AMP expenditure incurred
expenses. This view is now application in this case is can be necessarily
settled by various judicial sec 92. Section 92 provides differentiated into
decisions as mentioned that in case of international expenditure incurred for
above. transaction income shall be product promotion and
computed having regards expenditure incurred
6. Existence of prior to ALP. Sec 92C deals with for brand promotion.
arrangement/agreement Computation of ALP and The benefit of product
lists down method for promotion accrues to the
As per the Sec 92B, Indian AE and whereas in
computation of ALP. Hence,
Existence of prior the case of brand promotion
it is evident that what is
arrangement/agreement the benefit would accrue in
envisaged in the Statutory
between the Indian the form of increase in the
Provision is a price
subsidiary and foreign brand value to owner of the
adjustment. Adjustment of
parent is essentialto brand.
quantum of AMP expense
constitute an international
incurred is not envisaged The presence of an
transaction. Even in the
in the Act. Moreover, international transaction
absence of a formal written
determination of existence cannot be inferred
agreement inferences can
of international transaction merely on the pretext of
be drawn from the facts
precedes determination
of the case. The Indian AE
of ALP. Hence, it can be
should be mandated to
incur certain amount of inferred that under the
AMP expense as per the Indian Tax Regime there
agreement/arrangement is absence of statutory and The presence of
with the foreign AE or the machinery provision for an international
determination of existence
group’s policy, in such a
of international transaction
transaction cannot be
case the AMP expenses
incurred can be termed to in respect of AMP inferred merely on the
be international transaction expenditure incurred by pretext of incidental
the Indian AE. In absence
and would require benefit accrued to the
appropriate TP analysis. of such a machinery and
statutory provisions no TP Foreign AE due to the
However, if the Indian AE
determines the marketing adjustments can be made. advertisement. Hence,
policy and quantum of The Hon SC in the case of merely because the
CIT v. B.C. Srinivasa Setty
AMP expenses itself which
(1979) 128 ITR 294 (SC)
AE has entered huge
are not dictated by foreign
AE and there is no prior and PNB Finance Ltd. vs. amount of expenditure on
agreement/arrangement CIT (2008) 307 ITR 75 advertisement It cannot
(SC) has affirmed that in
it cannot be termed as an
absence of the necessary
be concluded that the
international transaction.
machinery provisions to tax AMP is an international
7. Absence of Machinery the income, no Income Tax transaction.
Provision under the Act can be levied on the same. THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MAY 2021 67


International Taxation
incidental benefit accrued marketing intangibles above a sole distribution rights for the
to the Foreign AE due normal return on marketing trademarked product. In such
to the advertisement. activities- the analysis cases, the distributor‘s share of
Hence, merely because requires an assessment of the benefits should be determined
the AE has entered huge obligations and rights implied based on what an independent
amount of expenditure on by the agreement between distributor would obtain in
advertisement It cannot be the parties. It will often be comparable circumstances. In
concluded that the AMP is the case that the return on some cases, a distributor may
an international transaction. marketing activities will be
bear extraordinary marketing
sufficient and appropriate. One
expenditures beyond what
IV. Relevant OECD and UN relatively clear case is where a
an independent distributor
Guidelines distributor acts merely as an
agent, being reimbursed for with similar rights might
Paragraphs 6.36 to 6.39 of its promotional expenditures incur for the benefit of its
the OECD Transfer Pricing by the owner of the marketing own distribution activities.
Guidelines deal with the issue intangible. In that case, the An independent distributor
of marketing intangibles which distributor would be entitled to in such a case might obtain
have been reproduced for ready compensation appropriate to an additional return from
reference: its agency activities alone and the owner of the trademark,
would not be entitled to share perhaps through a decrease
“6.36 Difficult transfer pricing
in any return attributable to the in the purchase price of the
problems can arise when marketing intangible. product or a reduction in
marketing activities are
royalty rate. Para and
undertaken by enterprises that 6.38 Where the distributor Para of the UN TP
do not own the trademarks actually bears the cost of its
or tradenames that they manual also deal with the issue
marketing activities (i.e. there is
are promoting (such as a of Marketing Intangibles.
no arrangement for the owner
distributor of branded goods). to reimburse the expenditures), V. Conclusion
In such a case, it is necessary the issue is the extent to which
to determine how the marketer the distributor is able to share The question whether the AMP
should be compensated for in the potential benefits from expenditure incurred is an
those activities. The issue is those activities. In general, in international transaction is a
whether the marketer should arm‘s length transactions the complex question and needs to
be compensated as a service ability of a party that is not be answered after undertaking
provider, i.e., for providing the legal owner of a marketing rigorous factual analysis based
promotional services, or intangible to obtain the future on the factors mentioned above.
whether there are any cases benefits of marketing activities
Special emphasis should be
in which the marketer should that increase the value of
laid on Functional, Asset and
share in any additional return that intangible will depend
Risk analysis as well as the
attributable to the marketing principally on the substance
of the rights of that party. contractual terms between the
intangibles. A related question
For example, a distributor entities in this regards. Caution
is how the return attributable to
the marketing intangibles can may have the ability to obtain should be exercised by the
be identified. benefits from its investments MNE group while drafting the
in developing the value of a advertising policy, agreements
6.37 As regards the first trademark from its turnover or arrangements so as to save
issue- whether the marketer and market share where it itself from the TP disputes.
is entitled to a return on the has a long-term contract of 


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