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International Taxation

Recent Proposed Changes in US Tax Laws and

their Impact on India
Since time immemorial,
taxes have been
imposed on income, CA. Gaurav Singhal
but the form of their The author is a member of the Institute. He can be reached at
imposition has evolved

over time. The quality,

quantum and speed On 31st March 2021, an outline 1986. Some of the key changes
of the ‘Made in America Tax made by TCJA were as under:
of this evolution has Plan’ (MATP) was introduced
been particularly alongside President Biden’s
• TCJA lowered the federal
pronounced in the ‘American Jobs Plan’ (AJP).
corporate taxes from 35%
to a flat rate of 21%. This
last decade or so– This has been followed by
reduction lowered the US
predominantly due to release of the MATP by the
tax rates below that of
globalization of world US Department of Treasury,
OECD’s average corporate
describing President Biden’s tax
economy assisted by proposals. In this article we have
tax rates of 23.9% (2018).
digitalisation. However, analyzed the recent historical • Introduction of incentives
in spite of these changes, background of relevant tax laws for Foreign Derived
the basic philosophy of US, the MATP proposals, and Intangible Income (FDII),
which represents the
remains the same – its potential impact on India.
category of income that
Collection of revenue Historical Perspective is not specifically traced
for the government, to intangible assets, but
Last time the US tax laws
arguably, being the underwent far reaching changes
the same is deemed to be
first priority, followed through the Tax Cuts and Jobs
generated from IPs. To
by several other socio- the extent it is received
Act of 2017 (TCJA) signed into
from any non-US person
economic goals, such as law by the then US President,
for services provided to
job creation and helping Donald Trump, which amended
persons outside USA, it
the Internal Revenue Code of
industry to grow in a
desired sector / location.
A critical objective that
has been added lately
to this list is – to create
a stimulus, in order to
help industry get back
to the pre-pandemic
position and provide job
opportunities. Recently,
USA has joined the
efforts to create such a
stimulus. Read on…
Acknowledgement: Inputs by S. P. Singh (Former IRS Officer) THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MAY 2021 69


International Taxation
enjoys a 37.50% deduction significantly reduced their
allowance, thereby bringing US tax base by making
its Effective Tax Rate (ETR) payments to foreign
down to 13.125%. affiliates. The American Job Plan
• Imposition of tax on
Salient Features of MATP
also seeks to modernize
GILTI, which stands for the US transport
Global Intangible Low Inter alia, the objectives of
Taxed Income. GILTI is MATP can be identified as infrastructure, improve
earned abroad by foreign under: its drinking water
Controlled Foreign
Corporations (CFCs) of
• To incentivize job creation systems, renew the US
and investment in US;
US companies, from easily electricity grid, bring
movable intangible assets, • To stop profit-shifting to tax
such as IP rights. TCJA havens; and affordable high-speed
introduced provisions • Ensuring that large
broadband to every
requiring its inclusion in corporations pay their fair American, build / retrofit
the US shareholder’s taxable
income through pro rata
share of taxes. / modernize residential
attribution of CFC’s gross To fully appreciate the and commercial
income to such shareholder. sentiments behind MATP,
In computing this income, it may be worth noting the buildings (including
an exemption is allowed backdrop of AJP that focuses schools, child-care
for the first 10% return on extensively upon revitalizing facilities and hospitals)
the CFC’s fixed assets that manufacturing sector in
are depreciable as trade / US, out-competing China and train Americans for
business assets. (particularly w.r.t. investment future jobs.
• Introduction of in infrastructure and Research
‘Participation Exemption’ &Development), and creating
corporate tax rate to
system under which a US good quality jobs for American
28%. As mentioned above,
corporation received a citizens. The AJP also seeks to
the corporate taxes were
100% Dividends Received modernize the US transport
infrastructure, improve its brought down by TCJA
Deduction (DRD) for
drinking water systems, w.e.f. 1 January 2018, to a
dividends received by it
from a foreign company renew the US electricity grid, flat rate of 21%.
(of which, it owned 10% bring affordable high-speed Similarly, the TCJA had
or more) out of foreign- broadband to every American, eliminated the corporate
sourced earnings of the build / retrofit / modernize Alternative Minimum Tax
latter. residential and commercial (although some states have
• Introduction of Base buildings (including schools, alternative taxes). It is now
Erosion Anti-abuse Tax child-care facilities and proposed to re-introduce
(BEAT), which applies if hospitals) and train Americans the same @ 15% on ‘book
10% of a US corporation’s for future jobs. At the same income’ of corporations.
modified taxable income time, the MATP is up-front
(computed after adding in its intent to undo several of The MATP has justified
back cross-border payments the changes introduced by the such restoration of tax rates
to related parties) exceeded TCJA. by citing several papers
its regular tax liability and reports to highlight
Following are the changes that the aforesaid rate cuts
(before certain specified
proposed to be made by MATP,
tax credits). Objective did not result in any long-
to present tax laws:
of BEAT was to target term economic growth. Of
US corporations that 1. Increasing the federal course, one may wonder



International Taxation
whether the economic country basis, so that it hits (full points for another sleek
impact of tax rate cuts the profits diverted to low acronym!). SHIELD should
could have been reasonably tax jurisdictions. deny US tax deduction by
measured in such a short It may be worth noting that reference to payments by
span of time (of barely over where any tax is paid on MNEs to related parties
3 years), particularly when such income (GILTI) in a that are subject to a low
ongoing pandemic could country other than US, the ETR. Such ETR threshold
have significantly skewed present law allows a credit will eventually be defined
the investment and growth of 80% of the amount of through / agreed under a
statistics. such tax, against the US tax multilateral agreement;
2. Introduction of a Global liability on the said income. however, till the time such
Minimum Tax. The core This tax credit has not been an agreement is reached,
curtailed by the MATP, the GILTI tax rate of 21%
philosophy of this proposal
which is a saving grace for could act as the trigger
is to bring to an end, the
US shareholders that are point for SHIELD.
‘race to bottom’ between
countries to bring down subjected to GILTI taxes. 7. MATP proposes to
their respective corporate 4. The MATP also proposes to introduce provisions that
tax rates, thereby creating remove the tax incentives will make inversions of US
tax arbitrage opportunities for Foreign Derived entities difficult. Inversion
of shifting profits to low Intangible Income (FDII). is a device through which
tax jurisdictions (or much a taxpayer resident in a
As discussed above, FDII
worse, tax havens). As a particular jurisdiction,
represents an income
matter of fact, in her recent changes its tax domicile
from export of services (or
address at the Chicago (often to a low tax country).
property) which is taxed
Council of Global Affairs, This is often achieved by
at a low rate – even if such
the US Treasury Secretary merging with a foreign
an export is made to a
Ms. Janet Yellen has also entity, undertaking a share-
related party – which could
called out all the countries swap with an intermediate
incentivize US corporations
holding company located in
to introduce a global to shift their assets abroad.
a tax friendly jurisdiction,
minimum tax. This discontinuance of
or by simply shifting
3. In tandem with the pursuit FDII deduction is aimed at
one’s headquarters. At
for the global minimum tax, neutralizing the abuse of
one point of time, tax
the MATP also proposes such incentives as a means
to double the minimum to reduce group level tax
tax on US shareholders of costs.
foreign CFCs with GILTI, 5. Disallowing write-off /
from 10.5% to 21%, deduction of expenses Taxation is considered,
and removing the initial from off-shoring jobs and as one of the tools to
exemption therein of 10% granting a tax credit to
of return on its tangible support on-shoring of jobs. revitalize economy.
depreciable property. The specifics of this The challenges for all
Presently, GILTI proposal, as regards manner jurisdictions are manifold
computation is undertaken of identification of the
at the shareholder’s level, expenses targeted to be – protect their economy
allowing corporations to disallowed, are still awaited. from sliding down,
offset income in one CFC 6. It is proposed to replace protect their tax bases
against losses in another. BEAT with Stopping
It is now proposed that Harmful Inversions and encourage foreign
the said computation will and Ending Low-tax investments.
be made on a country-by- Developments or SHIELD THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MAY 2021 71


International Taxation
inversions were rampant proposals will result in an US subsidiaries of Indian
in USA. Even presently, increased tax cost for US groups that may be
it is common for US companies. In short-term, undertaking functions such
corporations to externalize this could make doing as R&D, etc. Conversely,
their tax domicile through business in India, more the increased tax cost of US
questionable means, to tax competitive. At the companies from rendering
avoid US taxes. same time, it will adversely services to foreign clients
8. MATP proposes to affect Indian MNC groups will, in all likelihood, be
eliminate special with US subsidiaries and passed on to such clients,
preferences (by way of affiliates. including Indian service
subsidies, special foreign 2. Global Minimum Tax: recipients.
tax credits, etc.) for fossil While convincing all the 5. Dis-incentivizing off-
fuel industry, to penalize countries (particularly the shoring of jobs and
polluters through tax one’s that strive on their production: While the
disincentives, and to restore preferential tax regimes) to
exact mechanics of this
tax on polluters to pay for adopt a global minimum
proposal are still awaited,
Environmental Protection tax could pose a tall
it could have the most far
Agency’s clean-up costs challenge, the same should,
reaching impact for India,
associated with Superfund in the medium-to-long run,
given a significant degree of
sites1. Further, it proposes to create a level playing field.
dependence of the Indian
provide a 10-year extension It should also discourage
outsourcing industry on
of the production tax credit unfair tax competition,
US.Also, it is clear that
and investment tax credit particularly affecting
India has been trying to
for clean energy generation high-tax economies such
benefit from the anti-China
and storage and making as India, which are often
susceptible to base erosion sentiments in global policy-
those credits direct pay2. It
through use of tax havens. makers’ community, by
is also proposed to create
positioning itself as the
incentives for long distance 3. Increase in GILTI taxes: global manufacturing hub;
transmission lines, state-of- This increase should not and this MATP proposal
the-art carbon capture and affect India significantly,
sequestration projects. could put a dampener on
since Indian group such aspirations. Many
9. Lastly, the MATP makes no companies of US entities are Indian IT companies
reservations in proposing to seldom the recipients of any are strengthening their
reverse the trend of reduced such IPs that could redirect
subsidiaries / branches with
tax audits / scrutinization towards them, any royalty
US employees. This may
of large corporations. It income of the group / US
reduce the impact. But,
is expected that broader parent. Even otherwise,
nonetheless, it may have
enforcement initiatives there is no significant gap
adverse impact on India.
shall be announced, to between 80% of tax rate
address tax evasion by applicable to most Indian 6. Backstop for Inversions: As
corporations and high companies, and the US regards proposals creating a
income Americans. GILTI rate of 21%. backstop for externalization,
4. Removal of FDII they are unlikely to have a
Likely Impact on India significant impact on India
deduction: This could
1. Increased US tax costs: result in an increased Inc – given that India has
Several of the MATP tax costs for asset-lean hardly ever been a choice

Superfund sites are polluted locations (such as oil refineries, smelting facilities, mines, and other industrial areas) in USA requiring a long-term response
to clean up hazardous material contaminations
Direct pay allows taxpayers (such as clean energy developers) to treat certain tax credits as an overpayment of taxes and monetize them as cash refunds
from the Treasury after filing their annual tax returns.



International Taxation
for such US corporations, to been damaging the economy with the changes in US is
externalize to. of countries across the globe. indispensable for Indian tax and
Taxation is considered, also, finance professionals too, since
as one of the tools to revitalize it is natural that such significant
Tax laws are not static - they economy. The challenges for changes in tax laws of the most
undergo changes with the need all jurisdictions are manifold powerful economic jurisdiction
of economic, social and political – protect their economy from could have a significant impact
situations. The proposed sliding down, protect their tax on India Inc, as well as on
changes in US are driven by bases and encourage foreign Indian policy makers. 
these factors, accentuated by investments, under these
COVID-19 pandemic which has conditions, staying abreast

Index of some useful articles taken from Periodicals for the reference of Faculty/Students & Members of the Institute.
1. Accountancy Markets by Parul Bhatia. Asian Journal of Accounting
Research, Vol.6/1, 2021, pp.38-54.
Accounting services quality: A systematic literature
review and bibliometric analysis by Vitor Azzari 5. Management
and Emerson Wagner. Asian Journal of Accounting
Research, Vol.6/1, 2021, pp.80-94. Antecedents and consequences of brand hate:
Financial Accounting: A new normal by Scott Dietz. Empirical evidence from the telecommunication
International Accountant, January/February 2021 industry by Olavo Pinto and Amelia Brandao.
pp.16-17. European Journal of Management and Business
Economics, Vol.30/01, 2021, pp.18-35.
IND AS/IGAAP- Interpretation and practical
application: CSR-Whether a day 1 obligation? by How to shift from selling products to selling services:
Dolphy D’souza. Bombay Chartered Accountant, It takes different skills and a different focus by Doug
Vol.52-B/2, March 2021, pp.63 & 69. J. Chung. Bombay Chartered Accountant, Vol.52-B/2,
March 2021, pp.48-51.
2. Audit
Strategic Management and corporate governance-
Rebuilding faith in audit by Stuart Cobbe.
Two sides of the same coin by A Sekar. Chartered
International Accountant, January/February 2021,
Secretary,Vol.51/3, March 2021, pp.105-108.
Strategy: The heart of business-Part 1 by V. Shankar.
Staying vigilant against fraud during the pandemic:
Internal controls need to be front and center, as Bombay Chartered Accountant, Vol.52-B/2, March
the COVID-19 crisis has increased the incentive 2021, pp.11-13.
and opportunity for fraud by Cecilia. Journal of 6. Taxation and Finance
Accountancy, March 2021, pp.17-19.
Acquiring the tax benefits of a corporation: Avoid
3. Economics recharacterization of tax losses in M & As by Ray A.
Growth transitions in India : Myth and Reality. Knight and Lee G Knight. Journal of Accountancy,
Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.56/11, 13th March February 2021, pp.36-41.
2021, pp.43-49.
Future of inheritance tax by Dennis Petri. International
Unconventional Monetary Policy in Times of Accountant, January/February 2021 pp.22-23.
Covid-19. R.B.I Bulletin, Vol.75/03, March 2021,
pp.41-51. Taxation of Digitised economy- Significant economic
presence and extended source rule by Mayur B.Nayak
4. Investment and Tarun Kumar G. Singhal. Bombay Chartered
Spillover effects in the financial year cycle for Indian Accountant, Vol.52-B/2, March 2021, pp.56-62.

Full Texts of the above articles are available with the Central Council library, iCai, which can be referred on all working
days. For further inquiries please contact on 011-30110419 and 011-30110420 or by e-mail at THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MAY 2021 73

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