Professional Engineering Work

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CUUS2008-07 CUUS2008/Johri&Olds ISBN: 978 1 107 01410 7 August 8, 2013 12:2


Professional Engineering Work

Reed Stevens, Aditya Johri, and Kevin O’Connor

Introduction engineering students to be successful, cre-

ative, or impactful engineers? A promi-
The focus of our chapter is on current nent consensus report from the National
research-based understandings of profes- Academy of Engineering highlights a “dis-
sional engineering work. We argue for the connect between engineers in practice and
relevance of these understandings to engi- engineers in academe” (Engineering Edu-
neering education. We will also argue, as cation Research Colloquies, 2005, p. 18).
others have as well (Barley, 2004; Trevelyan, The report stated that “the great majority
2007, 2010; Vinck, 2003), that research on of engineering faculty, for example, have
professional engineering work is too sparse. no industry experience. Industry represen-
Therefore a good part of this chapter is tatives point to this disconnect as the rea-
oriented in a programmatic, agenda setting son that engineering students are not ade-
direction. quately prepared, in their view, to enter
From the perspective of engineering edu- today’s workforce” (Engineering Education
cation, the sparseness of research on pro- Research Colloquies, 2005, pp. 20–21). It is
fessional engineering work is puzzling for a important that a focus on “preparation” of
number of reasons. First, engineering edu- future engineers not be tied to an agenda
cation is often reorganized against the back- that solely emphasizes what professional
drop of claims about what professional engi- engineering “needs” and economic compet-
neering work is now or will be in the itiveness. It also is possible to organize
future. Without trustworthy and specific an engineering educational system to pre-
representations of engineering work prac- pare recent graduates to be change agents
tice and of the dispositions, skills, and iden- and participants in new social movements
tity orientations of professional engineers, within engineering work practice. However,
how are engineering educators to know in either case, concrete images of engineer-
whether engineering education is preparing ing work are critical resources for rethinking

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120 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

engineering education and making empiri- who have Ph.D.s and degrees in higher sta-
cally based assessments of progress. tus scientific fields.
The lack of concrete and trustworthy A third clear reason to have detailed
images of professional engineering quite nat- research-based images of professional engi-
urally extends to engineering students as neering work is that even if extant studies
well. Students often have vague images were sufficient in their capacity to represent
of professional engineering work, and the engineering as it is (which we argue they
images they do have are strongly colored by are not), the images of these studies would
the experiences in their educational careers need continual updating because engineer-
that allowed them to navigate into and ing is properly and widely understood to be
through engineering education – that being a rapidly changing form of work, under the
exceptional past performance in textbook, forces of globalization; offshoring; and new
problem set, and test-based mathematics technologies of communication, design, and
and science courses. As a result, students production. These multiple reasons argue
often ignore, discount, or simply do not strongly that it is important to establish
see images of engineering that emphasize what we already know and what we still
its nontechnical, noncalculative sides and its need to learn about professional engineering
non-individual aspects (Stevens, O’Connor, work.
& Garrison, 2005; Stevens, O’Connor, Gar-
rison, Jocuns, & Amos, 2008). The idea that
engineering work can be creative, collabora- What We Know About Professional
tive, and oriented toward agendas of social Engineering Work
good (not just financial gain) are aspirational
positions that students sometimes adopt, In this section, we review and synthesize
but for those students for whom these are empirical research on professional engineer-
non-negotiable core values and interests, the ing work, drawn largely from field studies,
absence of direct images of engineering that but also from laboratory studies and surveys
support these values can be decisive for that include professional engineers as sub-
whether even high-achieving students stay jects. Every method has its strengths and
in or leave engineering (Stevens et al., 2008). weaknesses, but field studies are the only
So, more concrete images of engineering type of research that can tell us what engi-
work can be an important resource for stu- neering work is like in context. Field stud-
dents themselves, as they can for institutions ies are typically conducted in workplace set-
of engineering education broadly. tings, and although the duration of fieldwork
With regard to images of engineering, varies across studies as do the types of data
it is worth noting here that engineering – captured (e.g., fieldnotes, video-recordings
unlike other professions such as teaching, of engineering work, semistructured inter-
medicine, law, and even natural science – views), most field studies have a broadly
is not widely represented within popu- ethnographic goal: to describe adequately
lar cultural media. One can easily bring the specific qualities of work practices, to
to mind television shows, films, and nov- understand and represent the meaning of
els that depict teachers, lawyers, doctors, those work practices for the people being
and even natural scientists. How easily can studied, and to understand engineering work
readers bring to mind similar representa- as constitutive of unique forms of work cul-
tions of engineers and their work on film ture and social organization.
or television? The recent visibility of a Among the social scientists who have
character on the popular television show taken an active research interest in engi-
The Big Bang Theory is an exception that neering, a number have highlighted the puz-
seems to confirm the rule. And the engi- zling dearth of empirical descriptions of pro-
neer, Howard Wolowitz, M. Eng., routinely fessional engineering work (Downey and
endures status-based teasing from his friends Lucena, 2004; Trevelyan, 2010; Vinck, 2003).
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professional engineering work 121

The academic field that probably has given Edison’s problem (his reverse salient) was
professional engineering work the most simultaneously (italics added) economic
extended attention has been Science and (how to supply electric lighting at a price
Technology Studies (STS). Bruno Latour, a that would compete with gas), political (how
leading scholar in STS, wrote an early syn- to persuade politicians to permit the devel-
opment of a power system), technical (how
thetic book titled Science in Action: How to
to minimize the cost of transmitting power
Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Soci-
by shortening lines, reducing current, and
ety (1987). Despite this early programmatic increasing voltage), and scientific (how to
announcement that engineers would be fol- find a high-resistance incandescent bulb fil-
lowed along with scientists, STS has mostly ament). (Law, 1987, p. 112)
forgotten to follow the engineers (Downey,
1989), at least in comparison to the attention A contemporary case study that offers a
devoted to higher status natural scientists. “canonical example of heterogeneous engi-
As Downey and Lucena put it, “In research neering” (Suchman, 2000, p. 314) involved a
in science and technology studies (STS), major bridge-building project. The study’s
engineers often make cameo appearances author, Lucfy Suchman, notes that the
but rarely do they get lead roles” (Downey design and technical practices that engi-
& Lucena, 2004, p. 395). neers view as “the real work” of engineering
When STS studies have followed engi- did take place in this project; however,
neers’ work, the resulting accounts diverge her analysis shows the work of “sense-
sharply from normative images of what his- making, persuasion and accountability”
torian Rosalind Williams calls “the ideology (p. 315) are as consequential for the real-
of engineering” (Williams, 2002), that is, the ization of the bridge project (cf. Trevelyan,
view that engineers have a distinct technical 2010). These practices are equally impor-
domain of knowledge that they can apply tant parts of engineering work because of
rationally and in a more-or-less linear man- the vast number of heterogeneous actors
ner to the solution of technical problems. (see Table 7.1) – human and nonhuman,
Under this ideology, the social and technical small and large – that must be assembled
do not mix. In strong and vivid contrast, STS and maintained into a stable network for
studies have established that engineering a project to be realized. The critical con-
work involves “complexity, ambiguity, and ceptual point that undergirds the hetero-
contradictions” (Hughes, cited in Williams) geneous engineering perspective – as well
and that the social and technical are almost as the broader perspective of actor-network
inextricably tied up together in any engi- theory (cf. Latour, 2005) – is that the com-
neering project, at least in any project that is monsense dichotomy between the “tech-
realized successfully. STS scholar John Law nical” and “social” is unnecessary and in
(1987) gave a name to this alternative image fact misleading when trying to understand
of engineering work; he called it “heteroge- how projects are realized. A recalcitrant
neous engineering.” code reviewer or problematic environmen-
Law’s idea of heterogeneous engineering tal impact statement can threaten a project
revolves around the imagery of engineers as easily as can a tensile strength limita-
as “system builders” (Law, 1987, p. 112) in tion. Put in the idiom of Actor Network
which any stabilized system they contribute Theory, to successfully realize an engineer-
to building is composed of heterogeneous ing project, nature and material forces will
elements that are both human and techno- resist and these resistances must be over-
logical. Law’s own case study of heteroge- come; the same can be said of humans and
neous engineering is historical and concerns their institutions; they resist and must be
Portuguese colonial expansion in the late overcome (e.g., persuaded, adequately paid,
1400s. Law also references Hughes’ study of made silent, etc.). As Suchman writes in
Edison through which Law makes the key conclusion, “the construct of heterogeneous
point succinctly: engineering is meant to underscore the extent
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Table 7.1. Partial Enumeration of Relevant Actors

Federal/State County/Region City Department Other
Federal Highway Two county Board Two cities on Department Delta smelt
Administration of Supervisors north and Headquarters
(FHWA) south shores
Governor Conservation and Southtown District Harvest mouse
Development Improvement
Committee Association
State Transport Metropolitan Mayor of Toll bridges Hazardous
Improvement Transportation Northtown waste
Program (TIP) Committee
Environmental Impact Regional Home-owners Structures C&H Sugar
Statement (EIS) Transportation
Plan (RTP)
Federal Emergency Design Railroad
Agency (FEMA)
State Historic Bridge Rights-of-way
Preservation Office Replacement
(SHPO) Project
Fish and Wildlife Utilities
Coast Guard
Army Corps

Reprinted from Suchman (2000, p. 317). This represents a partial list of human and nonhuman elements that had
to be organized and stabilized for the successful realization of the bridge-building project.

to which the work of technology construc- studied (i.e., the professionals at the two
tion is, to a significant degree, also the work firms) defined and enacted design. Buccia-
of organizing” (Suchman, 2000, p. 324). And relli’s study clearly establishes that “[engi-
it is organizing of both the physical and the neering] design is a social process” (Buccia-
human world. relli, 1988, p. 161) not in some trivial sense
If heterogeneous engineering represents that it involves people working together but
a broad conceptualization of professional rather that “[design] only exists in a collec-
engineering work, what does the work itself tive sense” (p. 161), that it can only be seen
look like – the day-to-day practices of engi- as a process that is distributed across differ-
neers? Some of the earliest fieldwork about ent sub-communities, which in turn requires
professional engineering practice was con- social and technical coordination to bring
ducted by Bucciarelli (1988, 1994). Buccia- different parts of a project’s work together.
relli studied “the design process” within two Bucciarelli introduces the concept of an
engineering firms, using participant obser- “object world” to identify the firms’ “dif-
vation techniques. Consistent with a gen- ferent worlds of technical specializations,
eral ethnographic stance, Bucciarelli did not with their own dialects, systems of symbols,
first stipulate a definition of design pro- metaphors and models, and craft sensitiv-
cess and then collect data that aligned with ities” (Bucciarelli, 1988, p. 162). For exam-
that definition; instead, he constructed his ple, whereas the electrical engineer’s object
account of the design process on the basis of world is filled with voltage potentials and
how the members of the cultural groups he involves sketching objects like diodes, the
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professional engineering work 123

mechanical engineer’s object world is pop- by Stevens (2000), with Henderson’s finding
ulated by beams and steel and requires an that the work of envisioning, exploring, and
understanding of metal machining process. revising design alternatives was a paper-
The manager’s object world is inhabited based practice because of paper’s “flexibil-
by schedules, milestones, and critical paths. ity” as a mobile, collaborative, and expres-
Bucciarelli highlighted that these different sive medium. It remains an open question,
object worlds must be brought into some one that has seemingly not been addressed
kind of coordination often involving nego- in a field study, whether the idea of design-
tiation among the inhabitants of different ing within the computer environment is
object-worlds making a point similar to that still more of an ideological fiction rather
made by Suchman’s later study, that “orga- than a routine fact of work practice. It
nizational effort is part of designing” (Buc- seems plausible that the current generation
ciarelli, 1988, p. 162). of engineering designers, having grown up as
Another early study of engineering design so-called “digital natives,” may have substan-
by Henderson (1991, 1999) described the tially shifted the balance from being engi-
“visual culture” of engineering design, a cul- neers producing and iterating design ideas
ture in which sketching is the way that on paper to doing so more fully within CAD
engineers think and communicate and in environments, which of course have them-
which sketches are objects through which selves become more flexible and friendly
organizational actions are frequently coor- to sketching practices with touch sensitive
dinated and negotiated. Engineering draw- tables, better GUIs, and bigger screens.
ings and sketches are shown to be “devices Drawing on the broader thematic inter-
that socially organize the workers, the work ests of STS, these studies of professional
process, and the concepts workers manipu- engineering focused attention on the impor-
late in engineering design” (Henderson, 1991, tance of documenting engineers’ represen-
p. 452). Henderson’s study shows that engi- tational practices (cf. Lynch & Woolgar,
neers gathered around sketches, talked and 1990; Greeno & Hall, 1997; Vinck, 2003) –
revised their ideas with sketches and draw- how people use representations to make
ings at the center of their activity. She also sense, solve problems, and to persuade and
uses the ubiquity and centrality of sketching communicate with others. One fine-grained
and drawing (as actions) and these sketches analysis of the representational practices of
and drawings (as objects) to offer a critique engineering work can be found in Stevens
of a then dominant ideology that paper was and Hall’s development of the concept of
soon to be a thing of the past in engineering, “disciplined perception” (1998, cf. Stevens,
to be replaced by computer-aided design 1999). Disciplined perception refers to the
(CAD). Because Henderson showed the learned ways that people in a discipline
centrality of sketching and sketches and see and interpret their focal phenomena –
because CAD systems of that time period through their tools and representations. In
rigidly specified drawing practices and draw- focusing on these discipline-specific prac-
ing forms, Henderson argued that CAD tices, disciplined perception is a concept
lacked the requisite flexibility needed to sup- consistent with Henderson’s focus on the
port the collaborative work practices of engi- visual cultures of engineering as well as Buc-
neering design.1 ciarelli’s focus on the distinct culturally con-
In another field study of civil engineers stituted object-worlds of engineering.
designing roadways, Hall and Stevens (1995) Using the methods of interaction analy-
found that engineers worked with both sis (Goodwin & Heritage, 1990; Jordan &
CAD and paper interfaces, each having their Henderson, 1995) to analyze the moment-
own affordances within the work practices to-moment unfolding of civil engineering
and accountabilities of engineering work. project work, Stevens and Hall’s account of
In general, however, this study concurred, engineers’ disciplined perception also pro-
as did a later study of architectural design vided a way to understand how disciplined
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124 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

perception develops in practitioners. The undergraduate education to the work prac-

account analyzed interactions in which tices of professionals on the job. This com-
intersubjective gaps (i.e., different ways parative research is often conducted with
of seeing what representations were say- an eye toward possible programmatic impli-
ing) between collaborating engineers work- cations for engineering education. Com-
ing together provided occasions for a more parative research on problem solving in
experienced engineer to discipline the per- the undergraduate curriculum and in pro-
ception of a relative newcomer. Stevens and fessional engineering work suggests that
Hall’s account thereby articulated the inter- the types of problems that are solved
actional mechanisms through which an engi- and the processes of problem solving in
neer might gradually “learn to see” as an these different contexts differ in both sub-
engineer, through proximal apprenticeship stance and structure (Jonassen et al., 2006;
with more knowledgeable others in the con- Stevens, Garrison, & Satwicz, 2007; Stevens
text of daily work. This account can also et al., 2008). Engineering problems found in
be tied to the idea of heterogeneous engi- school – particularly in coursework apart
neering, in that the disciplined perception from senior capstone experiences – are orga-
of engineers involves reading a range of het- nized to develop facility in solving “well-
erogeneous interests and constraints directly structured” problems (Jonassen et al., 2006),
from representations. For example, in this with clearly stated goals and knowable, cor-
study the authors recount how the engi- rect solutions attainable through applica-
neers provide a coordinated reading across tion of a small, finite set of rules and
plans, sections, and elevations to recover principles. This recalls a venerable dis-
a rationale for a consequential decision to tinction from Rittel and Webber (1973)
exceed code-allowable grade on a stretch regarding “tame” (i.e., well-structured) vs.
of proposed roadway, which in turn could “wicked” problems, with wicked problems
avoid the financial cost and potential slow- being the norm for professionals. The well-
down of their project that would be set structured problems that engineering stu-
in motion by a damaging environmental dents learn to solve tend to be aimed toward
impact statement. In the context of single advancing students’ individual mastery of
stretches of interaction, the technical ele- concepts of engineering science (Korte,
ments (such as “cut” and “fill” and “allow- Sheppard, & Jordan, 2008; Stevens et al.,
able grade”) are intermixed with social issues 2008).
(such as satisfying budgets and environmen- Trevelyan and Tilli (2007) conducted
tal concerns of some project stakeholders). an extensive review of different liter-
This account also resonates with Suchman’s atures on engineering work, including,
account, which highlighted that engineers’ among others, the technical literature
work is often about making persuasive on engineering research and development,
arguments to secure project interests, with competency standards of professional orga-
arguments assembled via embodied perfor- nizations within engineering, engineering
mances with visual representations. education literature, engineering manage-
ment literature, and ethnographic stud-
ies of engineering work. They concluded
that most of these literatures provide an
Comparing the Work of Engineering inadequate picture of engineering work.
Education and the Work of They diagnosed a prevalence of prescrip-
Professional Engineering Practice tive claims about engineering work based
on personal experience or anecdotal evi-
Another line of research on engineer- dence, an undue privileging of design engi-
ing workplaces, also relatively sparse, is neering over and above other engineering
work that compares the work practices of practices, a neglect of tacit aspects of work,
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and a tendency by respondents to limit what et al., 2007). As a result, judgment is a critical
they view as “real engineering” to a narrow aspect of problem solving by engineering
range of technical aspects of their work (cf. professionals (Eraut, 2000; Stevens, 1999;
Faulkner, 2008 and Suchman, 2000). Stevens et al., 2007; Vinck, 2003). Such ill-
These studies, along with others, point structured problems stand in contrast to the
to the promise of qualitative and ethno- well-structured problems found in school,
graphic research for broadening and deepen- which are characterized by clearly stated
ing our understanding of the work practices goals and by knowable, correct solutions
of engineers. There are also other research attainable through application of a small,
traditions that have productively informed finite set of rules and principles. And these
an understanding of professional engineer- tend to be practiced and evaluated through
ing work. Atman et al. (2007), working the standard forms of problem sets, quizzes,
within the tradition of expert-novice studies and exams (Stevens et al., 2008), forms
in cognitive science, conducted a compara- that have no natural home in the prob-
tive analysis of the problem-solving strate- lem solving practices of professional engi-
gies of students and professional engineers. neers. Thus, both expert–novice task anal-
These authors showed that, in laboratory- ysis and interview studies of simulated or
based simulations of engineering problem reported work practices echo the finding
solving, experts display not only more exten- of ethnographic field studies and caution
sive engineering science knowledge, but also against a view of engineering work as con-
more awareness of and judgment regarding sisting primarily in “technical rationality”
other aspects of problem solving. This kind or what Williams called “the ideology of
of detailed analysis of problem solving can be engineering.”
valuable in demonstrating that differences Trevelyan (2007, 2010) conducted a qual-
between experts and novices can be under- itative study that involved ethnographic
stood in terms of differences in organiza- interviews supplemented by field observa-
tion of knowledge and cognitive strategies. tions with Australian and Pakistani engi-
Jonassen, Strobel, and Lee (2006) used dif- neers. This study is noteworthy for its
ferent methods to make related points about delineation of ten categories of engineering
problem solving in engineering work. Based practice, including several that tend to be
on interview accounts of engineers’ past neglected by more prescriptive and norma-
problem-solving experiences, these authors tive typologies. One major category of engi-
argued that workplace problems are “ill- neering practice identified by Trevelyan is
structured” or “wicked” (Jonassen et al., what he terms “technical coordination,” that
2006; Rittel & Webber, 1973), most often is, “working with and influencing other peo-
involving vaguely defined goals and inviting ple so they conscientiously perform some
no clear solution or solution path. Work- necessary work in accordance with a mutu-
place problems were shaped from the out- ally agreed schedule” (2007, p. 191). At
set by nontechnical constraints as befits a least two aspects of technical coordination
general image of heterogeneous engineer- are important to understanding engineer-
ing, such that success was rarely measured ing work. First, technical coordination takes
solely by technical or scientific standards but place outside of formal lines of authority.
also included such considerations such as That is, coordination practices are not sim-
timeliness, budget, and customer satisfac- ply the province of managers; rather, all
tion. Workplace problems foreground the engineers seem to engage regularly in these
importance of communication of technical social processes. Second, like Atman et al.
concepts to others, rather than individual (2007) and others, and against commonsense
mastery or understanding of these concepts views among engineers that “the social”
(Korte et al, 2008). And they require dis- and “the technical” are separable (Faulkner,
tributed expertise to solve them (Stevens 2008, coordination is a hybrid of social and
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126 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

technical aspects of work, and therefore from school to work. Simply put, too lit-
social interaction is at the core of accom- tle is known about how the practices of
plished engineering practice. undergraduate education are applied and
This body of work that compares the adapted in the workplace and equally lit-
knowledge practices of engineering students tle is know about what knowledge prac-
and engineering professionals is suggestive tices from one’s engineering education expe-
and important, but it is also sparse and rience have little or no clear use at work.
limited in how it allows us to understand Lines of research that look directly at these
connections and disconnections between transitions from school to work are much
engineering education and professional engi- needed.
neering work. Interview studies that focus
on accounts of past problem-solving experi-
ences (e.g., Jonassen et al., 2006) have been The Identity Dimension
valuable in pointing to some major areas
of difference between schools and work- Thus far we have focused our attention
places. However, interviews are less than largely on characterizations of engineering
fully sensitive to the broad range of knowl- work. In this section, we look at another
edge practices, especially its tacit dimen- important dimension of professional engi-
sions (Eraut, 2000; Polanyi, 1966), which neering – identity. If we are interested in a
are largely inaccessible to reflective aware- full understanding of professional engineer-
ness. Laboratory studies (e.g., Atman et al., ing, we must attend not just to what people
2007) have been valuable in demonstrat- learn and know but also to who they are and
ing that differences between experts and what is their place in the world among their
novices can be understood in terms of differ- consociates as engineers, both within their
ences in the organization of knowledge and local professional networks and within social
cognitive strategies. However, laboratory- life more broadly. Personal, social, and disci-
based expert–novice studies are limited in plinary identities intersect in complex ways
their ability to represent the locally sit- among professional engineers. We under-
uated aspects of problem solving, includ- stand identity formation as a two-sided pro-
ing characteristic ways in which particu- cess in which persons identify with certain
lar workplaces (or school settings) organize groups (e.g., engineers) and forms of activity
teamwork; access to and communication of (e.g., engineering) and are in turn identified
information; and the distributed, material, with certain groups and forms of activity by
and embodied properties of cognitive activ- others. “Identities” have been argued theo-
ities (Hall & Stevens, 1995; Hutchins, 1995; retically to result from a complex, nonde-
Stevens & Hall, 1998). Ethnographic stud- terministic stabilization of these two dialec-
ies in undergraduate engineering education tically related processes (Skinner, Valsiner,
and in engineering workplaces (O’Connor, & Holland, 2001).
2001, 2003; Stevens & Hall, 1998; Stevens A few key studies bear directly on iden-
et al., 2005, 2008) have been conducted to tity issues among professional engineers.
capture these aspects of engineering prac- In a largely historical analysis, Downey
tices (e.g., its embodied, material, and dis- and Lucena (2004) highlight the shaping
tributed qualities) that are easily missed in influence of “codes” to which engineers
other styles of research. However, although responded at a particular time and in a par-
they offer suggestive accounts about how ticular place. Tracing a set of codes through
engineering education knowledge might Western Europe into the U.S. context, they
relate to, or fail to relate to, workplace argue that the historical trend has been
knowledge (O’Connor et al., 2007; Stevens for engineering identities to be increasingly
et al., 2005, 2008), these studies have not shaped by the view that “progress” in engi-
examined directly the specific learning pro- neering is tied to participation in and affilia-
cesses of engineers making the transition tion with large industrial corporations. They
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argue that, especially in the period from Faulkner’s analysis suggests further that the
the Second World War to the current day, distinction between the technicist and the
American engineers came to see themselves heterogeneous registers is a gendered one,
in terms of corporate metrics of progress, with the “nuts and bolts” identity being one
namely the mass production of low-cost that men can more comfortably perform to
consumer goods and corporate profit. In reconcile their dual identities as both men
general, they claim that “[American] engi- and engineers. Faulkner’s study supports a
neers have made embracing private indus- point from a related pair of studies she cites
try a patterned feature of their identity” (Robinson, 1992; Robinson & McIlwee, 1991)
(Downey & Lucena, 2004, p. 411), something that “found that men engineers often engage
they note is not necessarily characteristic of in ‘ritualistic displays of hands-on techni-
other professionals in law, medicine, and cal competence’ even when the job does not
the clergy. Downey and Lucena’s perspec- require this competence. Women engineers do
tive resonates with a more forceful claim not generally participate in this ‘engineer-
in David Noble’s America by Design that ing culture,’ as they call it, and can lose
American engineers in the postwar period out in career terms as a result” (Faulkner,
became a “domesticated breed” (Noble, 2008).
1977, p. 322 who “in reality served only We also can compare engineering student
the dominant class in society” (Noble, 1977, identities and professional engineering iden-
p. 324). tities, as we compared knowledge practices
Research by Faulkner (2008) points direct- among students and professionals. Existing
ly to some identity issues for engineers who empirical work is suggestive but incomplete
must navigate a dominant technicist ideol- about how identity formation processes in
ogy of engineering (i.e., what we have been engineering student culture might shape
referring to as technical rationality) and the transitions to engineering workplaces. There
reality of professional practice as heteroge- is a plausible tension in the way a student
neous engineering. Despite the fact that all and a professional might understand herself
engineers do heterogeneous work and most if most students’ educations are based pre-
recognize this work (though not using the dominantly on coming to understand engi-
term “heterogeneous”), there is a tendency neering as a form of technical rationality.
among engineers to define “real” engineer- Such an understanding of engineering could
ing in terms of the technical, “nuts and result in both direct and indirect tensions
bolts,” scientific and mathematical labor, in understandings of one’s work as an early
and to locate the social aspects of hetero- career professional. Directly, new engineers
geneous engineering outside of “real” engi- who identify strongly enough with a model
neering (cf. Trevelyan, 2010). Faulkner sug- of technical rationality are likely to strug-
gests that identifying with these features of gle to understand themselves as engineers if
engineering work allows engineers to main- they perceive a dilution of “pure” engineer-
tain a unique identity of technical compe- ing work by what they perceive as “non-
tence amidst interdisciplinary collaborations engineering” work in professional practice
with people both within their firms (e.g., (Eisenhart & Finkel, 1998; Faulkner, 2008;
managers) and outside them (e.g., archi- Korte et al., 2008). A similar dilution is expe-
tects). This may be an implicit response rienced by architecture students who come
to what historian of technology Rosalind to see “designer” to be their dominant iden-
Williams calls the “expansive disintegration” tity during their time in design school, only
(Williams, 2002) of engineering as a distinct to find that as practicing architects (espe-
and bounded form of professional knowl- cially early career) one does everything but
edge and competence. If, as Williams argues, design and that design often “hangs in the
society is increasingly coming to perceive balance,” meaning that it is readily pushed
that nearly everything involves engineer- out by other aspects of architectural project
ing, then nothing is distinctly engineering. work, such as negotiating and coordinating
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128 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

with clients and contractors, managing con- woman who opted out of her engineering
struction, and ensuring that design drawings major into a communications-related field
meet state and federal codes (Cuff, 1992; during the middle stages of her undergrad-
cf. Stevens, 1999). A possible indirect effect uate educational career. This was a student
of the curricular model of technical ratio- who was technically proficient, earned solid
nality is that it may prevent students from grades, and was quite adept socially. Her
developing other imagined futures as engi- experience in engineering education was
neers; engineers do varied kinds of work soured, however, because she came to see
and play varied roles in their professional engineering as a field with little room for
work lives but this diversity of experience how she understood herself, as a collabora-
is hardly visible in undergraduate education tive “people person.” Based on her engineer-
(Eisenhart & Finkel, 1998; Foor, Walden, & ing education, she decided engineering itself
Trytten, 2008; Steering Committee of the would be too individualistic and competitive
National Engineering Education Research and did not feel that she belonged. Ironi-
Colloquies, 2006). Whether the tensions are cally, the very aspects of her identity that
direct or indirect, what is obscured for stu- caused her to opt out of engineering might
dents are the identity elements of hetero- have made her a very valuable and unique
geneous engineering practice that engineer- contributor to an engineering firm, where
ing students typically do not see or learn to these sorts of interpersonal skills seem to be
value as central – those related to commu- in high demand, especially when they are
nication, coordination, organizing, and per- combined with technical competence (Buc-
suasion amidst people and technical prac- ciarelli & Kuhn, 1997), which this young
tices and objects. woman was clearly on the road to develop-
Two examples from ethnographic case ing. Taken together, these case studies point
studies are suggestive of possible tensions to a range of possible dilemmas and com-
across the boundary of engineering edu- plex transitions of personal and disciplinary
cation and early career professional work identification, as engineering students be-
(O’Connor et al., 2007; Stevens et al., 2008). come engineering professionals. This is a
In a first example, an engineering stu- topic of significant importance for future
dent whose identity was heavily invested research.
in his sense of himself as a solver of well-
structured problems in the technological
rationalist mode (i.e., textbook math and The Changing Character of
science problems that bracket out all the Engineering Work
nontechnical aspects of engineering prob-
lems) found himself quite confused and even In this section, we draw on current studies
angry when late in his engineering educa- of engineering work to address some of the
tional career he first encountered a sub- ostensibly major changes engineering work
stantive version of engineering as hetero- is undergoing. We say ostensibly because,
geneous and collaborative. When he first as is often the case, rhetoric and ideology
participated in capstone design projects, and may run ahead of demonstrable empirical
into the early months of his first new posi- evidence. In particular we consider the fol-
tion as an engineer, this young man reported lowing four issues as possible candidates
being rather at sea, because the mathemat- for major sources of change in engineering
ics puzzle–solving skills that were so cen- work: the role of new technologies involved
tral to how he saw his worth as a would-be in engineering work, globalization, new
engineer suddenly had little practical value kinds of engineering problems, and changes
in the formal and informal evaluations of his to engineering work because of changes to
new workplace community. A second exam- the contemporary cultures of young people
ple from these case studies involves a young who are entering the profession.
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professional engineering work 129

newcomers vs. old timers). For example, in

New Technologies in Engineering Work
a study of roadway design in civil engineer-
Broad conceptualizations of how to manage ing described earlier (Hall & Stevens, 1995;
engineering projects such as concurrent Stevens & Hall, 1998), the authors related
engineering and product life cycle manage- a story told by one of the project engineers
ment put a premium both on information they were studying. The engineer said that
technology systems and on practices of at a recent meeting of all the firm’s engi-
computer-supported collaborative work. neers, the president of the firm announced
Clearly, engineers are making increased that if you had not learned to use CAD
use of computational technologies that in the next couple of years, “there would
allow them to model and convert physical not be a place for you” at the firm. The
artifacts in digital forms (Boland et al., 2007; engineer then recounted that he had heard
Yoo et al., 2010). Some commentators have from some older engineers that they were
argued that an almost complete elimination choosing to retire early rather than retool in
of manual labor in engineering is on the this way. Just as paper survived as a critical
near horizon, suggesting that it will be fully medium for work in the purported age of
displaced by symbolic labor at the interface. the “paperless office” (Sellen, 2003), manual
According to Zussman, “engineering prac- labor too may be thriving in engineering
tice today is characterized by a near total work, if we see engineering work broadly.
absence of that physical, hands-on labor that Again, this is the sort of question that could
is a central attribute of craft work. Engineers be answered substantively with field studies
manipulate symbols that refer to physical of contemporary engineering work.
objects, mostly equipment and products,
but they do not manipulate those objects
Globalization and Offshoring
themselves” (p. 77). According to this view,
there is a clear division of labor in which Major shifts in the use of information
human mechanical labor and craftwork technology have combined with significant
is the purview of machinists, mechanics, changes in the global economy over recent
technicians, and automated machines. decades to increase the globalization of engi-
That the lingua franca of engineering work neering work practice. Boeing’s approach
is increasingly realized in “digital form” to their new “dreamliner” represents one
probably cannot be doubted as a general promise, and perhaps a cautionary tale,
historical direction. However, lacking sys- about global distributions of engineering
tematic empirical studies of actual engi- work. As has been widely reported, the abil-
neering work, we should be cautious in ity to use networked technologies allows
subscribing to this view, because it has an engineers to bypass the traditional bound-
ideological dimension. Similar ideological aries of the workday to move projects along
perspectives about technology, in particular “24/7” and to “offshore” significant parts
CAD-CAM in the 1990s, far outran the of engineering project work. This “follow-
empirical realities of work practice of the the-sun” model was initiated by General
time in which paper-based representations Electric’s initiatives in the early 1990s and
remained central (Downey, 1992, 1995; Hall involves setting up coordinated teams across
& Stevens, 1995; Henderson, 1991). Field the globe so that work can be handled by the
studies of engineering work practice seem team where the sun was up, and then work
much needed in this area to understand can be handed to the next team starting
how technological change within engi- their day in a different part of the globe. For
neering work is changing the work itself instance, a typical globally distributed team
and to understand how these changes are might have workers in Japan, Singapore,
differentially affecting different participants India, France, and the United States. Again,
in engineering projects and concerns (e.g., ideology may outrun reality with respect to
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130 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

these globally distributed “teams.” Surely, of these changes toward globalization. In

an opportunity for provocative and impor- fact they may have reason for this insecu-
tant empirical field research exists in this rity, as recent articles argue that almost 40%
area, both for an investigation of the work of work, even high-status “knowledge work”
practices themselves as well as for how cul- of engineering, can potentially be offshored.
tural differences are understood and man- This puts the number of potentially out-
aged (Downey et al., 2006; cf. O’Connor, sourceable jobs at 20 million (Blinder, 2006;
2001, 2003 for analyses of distributed work Smith & Rivkin, 2008). It would seem valu-
processes in engineering education), in what able to build on this article to conduct field
are undoubtedly conditions of dramatically studies that capture directly through obser-
asymmetric power relations across global vations or recordings (rather than through
sites. retrospective reports as were the data source
A recent article by Will-Zocholl and in this study) the character of globalization-
Schmiede (2011) draws on interviews with induced changes to work and the shifting
engineers and managers to characterize meanings those changes have for engineers.
some the changes in the automobile indus-
try that have been driven by the dual
New Problems for Engineers to Solve
forces of new information technologies and
increased globalization. Based on an anal- If engineers have been tied to the corpo-
ysis of these interviews, the authors argue ration and its broad goals of profit via the
that the automotive engineering work has mass production and sale of low-cost con-
been significantly reorganized. Among the sumer goods during the post–Second World
changes they point to are significant off- War period, the role of the engineer may
shoring of “standardized” engineering work arguably change in the near future and
such as simulation processes and calcula- with it the qualities of professional engi-
tions. The authors also argue that “the core neering work. Engineering is clearly impli-
of engineers’ work, design, is becoming cated in solving some of the planet’s biggest
increasingly marginal . . . Other tasks, such problems, including sustainable energy, cli-
as communicating, coordinating, and trav- mate change, and famine. These are prob-
eling, as well as administrative duties, are lems that call for a full-scale recognition
becoming more important” (Will-Zocholl of heterogeneous engineering and its art-
& Schmiede, 2011, p. 13). A third point ful practice, because these problems can
the authors make relates directly to the be ameliorated only through the organiz-
issue we just discussed – whether automo- ing, maintaining, and adapting of complex,
tive engineering is becoming “dematerial- large-scale sociotechnical systems. Whether
ized” (to use a term from Williams, 2002, or not David Noble’s view that engineers
p. 48) – the idea that manual aspects of engi- were domesticated servants for the ruling
neering are disappearing. Although these class was a provocation made from exag-
authors indicate that some aspects of the geration, it is clear that if engineers of the
work are dematerialized in the form of near future are to contribute substantially
computer-based models, they imply that to solving these kinds of global problems,
understanding materiality remains impor- they will need to work for constituencies
tant because at some point the two- and other than large multinational industrial cor-
three-dimensional images must be trans- porations. This is because these often are
lated back into three-dimensional, moving the very organizations that are seeking to
objects. Finally, this study casts some light impede progress in solving these problems,
on potential existential or identity effects at least if it threatens their bottom line and
of these changes; they highlight that the short-term growth outlook, which often it
engineers feel both less autonomous and does (cf. Hess, Breyman, Campbell, & Mar-
more insecure (about their jobs and their tin, 2007). A study of engineering students’
futures) than they did in the past because beliefs about engineering, conducted across
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four very different universities, suggests that engineering seems to be undergoing a social-
although social good is a loosely held aspi- historical transformation that Williams calls
ration for engineering students, the reason “expansive disintegration”:
they most convincingly give for pursuing
engineering, and enduring its difficulties, is There is no “end to engineering” in the
to make a good living and have a comfort- sense that it is disappearing. If anything,
able material lifestyle, presumably within engineering-like activities are expanding.
What is disappearing is engineering as a
a corporate engineering setting (Stevens
coherent and independent profession this is
et al., 2008). This study suggests that engi- defined by well-understood relationships with
neering education has not yet strongly reg- industrial and other social organizations,
istered a shift to a different image of engi- with the material world, and with guiding
neering work and that the identification with principles such as functionality. Engineering
corporate participation and financial reward is “ending” only in the sense that nature is
described by Downey and Lucena (2004) and ending: as a distinct and separate realm.
by Noble (1977) is a dominant ethos ‘on the Engineering emerged in a world in which its
ground’ among contemporary engineering mission was the control of non-human nature
students.2 and in which that mission was defined by
strong institutional authorities. Now it exists
in a hybrid world in which there is no longer
Changes in the Population of Young a clear boundary between autonomous non-
People Who Become Engineers human nature and human-generated pro-
cesses. Institutional authorities are also los-
There was a time when engineers were ing their boundaries and their autonomy.
not trained, as is currently the nearly uni- (Williams, 2002, p. 31)
versal norm, through accredited univer-
sity engineering degree programs. Auyang With these changes and the growing ubiq-
argues that from the Renaissance until about uity of engineering-like activities across soci-
World War I, “engineers and their prede- ety, the kinds of young people who aspire to
cessors came mostly from working fami- and matriculate into engineering degree pro-
lies, toiled with their hands, relied more grams is bound to change. Williams reports
on their thinking and experience than on a number of changes over the recent decades
schooling, and were obliged to deliver prod- at MIT, seeing what she calls “a new breed of
ucts on demand” (p. 114). During this period, engineering student” (Williams, 2002, p. 58).
apprenticeship and on-the-job training were This new breed includes greater ethnic and
the norm and the current gap between gender diversity, greater international diver-
the academy and paid engineering work, sity, more upper middle class young peo-
if it existed, would be narrow compared ple, more young people of urban rather than
to the contemporary situation. Gradually, rural communities, and more young people
engineering became professionalized and who see engineering from the very beginning
the training of engineers through accred- of the higher education careers as a route
ited programs became the norm. In the to entrepreneurship, technology innovation,
United States, ABET certifies engineering and management. These are reports from an
programs, a process that began in 1932 with elite university for engineering students, so
ABET’s predecessor organization, EPCD. In it is an open question whether these demo-
the postwar war period, an image of engi- graphic shifts are similar across the wider
neering competence was built out of a dual spectrum of accredited engineering colleges
commitment to an engineering science per- and university programs.
spective and the image of the engineer of the It also seems as if the current generation
technological rationalist. During this period, of young people who have “grown up digital”
engineers were seen as a distinct category of (Brown, 2000) are likely to bring with them
people and engineering as a distinct cate- a very different set of interests, assump-
gory of work. However, in the current era, tions, and capacities from just a generation
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132 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

before them. And with the rapid changes in the work of engineering faculty involves
social media and digital, mobile technolo- teaching and research, as well as many activi-
gies, this set of interests and capacities is ties that maintain the going concerns of their
likely to remain a moving target for some workplaces, which are universities. Engi-
time. These incoming students will have neering research is of course a form of
been weaned on mobile devices, instanta- engineering work, but its accountabilities
neous Web searching, and games – both sin- are clearly different from the work prac-
gle player and massively multiplayer – on a tices of engineering professionals outside of
dizzying array of platforms. And the con- academia who are involved in realizing engi-
sumer objects that they most aspire to own neering projects. In short, there is a clear gap
(e.g., iPods, tablets, gaming systems) are between what engineering faculty do in their
fairly clear hybrids of engineering and aes- work and what most of their students will do
thetics, suggesting that the aesthetic dimen- in theirs.
sions of engineering may become more What we see as an appropriate response
prominent. The current movement to edu- to this gap is by no means to argue for the
cate for STEAM rather than just STEM disruption of the disciplinary research prac-
(i.e., including the Arts in Science, Tech- tices of engineering faculty. What we do see
nology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is as an appropriate response is to infuse engi-
suggestive in this regard. These young peo- neering education with new, more diverse,
ple also have and will continue to grow up research-based images of professional engi-
in a culture that makes heroes of technol- neering work. These images are as much for
ogy innovators who accumulate vast sums faculty – who do different kinds of work – as
of money, people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, they are for the students. A fertile sub-field
Mark Zuckerberg, Serge Brin, and Larry of research dedicated to studying profes-
Page.3 sional engineering work and connecting it –
both practically and conceptually – to engi-
neering education is much needed. A thriv-
Conclusion ing subfield of this kind will address questions
that we believe all stakeholders share about
In this chapter, we have described research the continuities and discontinuities between
on professional engineering work as it the work practices and identities of engi-
relates, or fails to relate, to engineering neering students and professional engineers.
education. We have advanced an image of It is important also to state that specific
professional engineering work as heteroge- directionalities for change are not assumed
neous. It is our assumption that this image, in advocating this program of research. It is
at least among many engineering educa- an easy assumption to make that advocat-
tors, may appear foreign and may not align ing this program of research implies advo-
well with what often counts as engineering cacy for reorganizing engineering education
within the academy. If this assumption is to mirror professional work more closely.
true, it seems worth trying to understand We are by no means making this assump-
why. One likely reason has to do with a tion, though it is among the possibilities
gap we have mentioned so far, but have we see. To understand why this does not
not brought into focus. This is the gap necessarily follow from the fact of a com-
between the work of engineering profession- parative program of research on engineer-
als outside of the academy and the work ing education and professional engineer-
of engineering faculty within the academy. ing work, consider the following analogy.
Here we are in speculative waters, because Each of the authors of this chapter iden-
there is not a body of research that under- tifies with the interdisciplinary field of the
takes this comparison empirically. But some learning sciences. The learning sciences as a
differences seem clear and relevant. Like field has, like engineering, both “basic” and
that of most academics (ourselves included), “applied” elements. Basic elements involve
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studying how people learn in a wide range to the successful realization of engineering
of contexts and applied elements involve projects as the resistances of a conductive
trying to design tools, materials, and envi- material.
ronments to improve learning and often to We also see possible directions for change
organize it new ways. Most in the learning running from engineering education into
sciences are emphatically not advocates for professional engineering practice, changes
the ways that learning is organized in K–12 that would themselves deserve study in the
schools, but most would agree that with- comparative research program we have out-
out an understanding of how school-based lined here. In this chapter, we have dis-
learning is organized, attempts to disrupt, cussed research that has argued that engi-
change, or reorganize K–12 practices will be neering education is currently tilted toward
difficult if not fruitless (O’Connor & Allen, an image of success in engineering that
2010; Penuel & O’Connor, 2010). By anal- emphasizes technical rationality, technical
ogy, engineering educators may see simi- innovation, business entrepreneurship, and
lar problems with professional engineering participation in the corporate profit-making
work and want to see it take very different enterprise. We have shared research that
forms than it currently takes. We are argu- shows that across a wide range of contempo-
ing that only by understanding the organiza- rary engineering students, many have vague
tion of professional engineering work and its but compelling aspirations that engineer-
effects on people, on nature, and on society ing could be a force for “social good” but
are those efforts to change professional engi- most are clear that they are participating in
neering work from the outside likely to bear engineering education first and foremost for
fruit. the perceived financial security and com-
At the same time, we do see possible fortable material existence it promises. And
directions for change running from research- few seem to see those values of engineering
based understandings of professional engi- for “social good” enacted in their curricu-
neering work into engineering education. lum or in their broader educational expe-
Specifically, the idea of heterogeneous engi- riences. But this could change and seems
neering is a potentially productive dis- to be changing in a handful of respected
ruption for engineering education, which engineering education programs. Some new
arguably remains the bastion for the tech- initiatives are flying under the banners
nical rationalist view of engineering. This of “humanitarian engineering” and “social
is not true everywhere but in many entrepreneurship” (Wikipedia entries) and
places. So engineering education could itself others, such as Design for America, are
become more heterogeneous. This recogni- framed around interdisciplinary efforts to
tion would lead to a rebalancing of engineer- design for solving “wicked problems” in soci-
ing education’s portfolio of learning oppor- ety broadly and for underserved communi-
tunities, influences, and requirements to ties. These initiatives are very compatible
make it clear that the human, organizing with the image of heterogeneous engineer-
aspects of engineering are as important to ing we have foregrounded here and go fur-
engineering as its technical aspects, moving ther to enact values aligned with an “ethic
toward what Stevens has sketched as a socio- of care” (Riley, Pawley, Tucker, & Catalano,
technical engineering education (in Adams 2009) that is in some, if not significant, ten-
et al., 2011, cf. Trevelyan, 2010). Achieving sion with goals for engineering education
this rebalancing will almost certainly require that primarily stress novel technical innova-
diversifying engineering departments them- tion and financial gain. Should future gener-
selves to include people who emphasize ations of engineering students have substan-
the social aspects of engineering, so that a tive experiences and identification with this
future generation of students may come to image of engineering – how it can help solve
see the resistances of a local code review pressing social problems through heteroge-
agency or policymaker equally as relevant neous engineering based in an ethic of care
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134 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

as much as in an ethic of financial gain – Engineering Education: Centennial Special Issue,

newcomers to engineering firms could be 100(1), 48–88.
part of a historical process of transforma- Anderson, K. J. B., Courter, S., McGlamery, T.
tion in professional engineering work. Such Nathans-Kelley, T., & Nicometo, C. (2010).
changes would in turn invite new research Understanding engineering work and identity:
about how student identification with engi- A cross-case analysis of engineers within six
neering changes, who chooses to go into firms. Engineering Studies, 2(3), 153–174.
engineering, and how this alternative image Aneesh, A. (2006). Virtual migration: The pro-
reshapes broader images and effects of engi- gramming of globalization. Durham, NC: Duke
University Press.
neering in society.
In this conclusion we have sketched just Atman, C. J., Adams, R. S., Cardella, M. E.,
Turns, J., Mosborg, S., & Saleem, J. (2007).
a few ways that engineering education and
Engineering design processes: A comparison of
professional engineering work could influ-
students and expert practitioners. Journal of
ence each other in the coming years and Engineering Education, 96(4), 359–379.
challenged easy assumptions about how Auyang, S. Y. (2004). Engineering: An endless
they should influence each other. These frontier. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
images are informed by our own values Press.
and, of course, the actual relations between Barley, S. R. (2004). What we know (and mostly
engineering education and professional engi- don’t know) about technical work. In S. Ack-
neering work may evolve very differently. royd, R. Batt, P. Thompson, & P. Tolbert
Regardless of whether these directions of (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of work and orga-
influence take hold, we hope to have argued nization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
that studies of professional engineering work Blinder, A. S. (2006, March/April). Offshoring:
are not an elective for engineering education The next Industrial Revolution? Foreign Affairs,
research, but required coursework. 113–128.
Boland, R. J., Jr., Lyytinen, K., & Yoo, Y. (2007,
July/August). Wakes of innovation in project
Footnotes networks: The case of digital 3-D represen-
tations in architecture, engineering, and con-
1. For another critique of CAD’s insertion in struction. Organization Science, 18, 631–647.
engineering practice, and education, from a Brown, J. S. (2000, March/April). Growing up
different perspective, see Downey’s (1992) digital: How the Web changes work, educa-
“CAD-CAM saves the nation?” tion, and the ways people learn. Change.
2. This study did not seek to identify the source of Bucciarelli, L. (1988). An ethnographic perspec-
this ethos among engineering students, but this tive on engineering design. Design Studies, 9(3),
is a topic of some interest because this strongly 59–168.
held rationale for pursuing engineering seems Bucciarelli, L. L. (1994). Designing engineers.
unlikely to come directly from engineering fac- Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
ulty, who often do espouse different values and Bucciarelli, L. L., & Kuhn, S. (1997). Engineering
themselves do not typically practice engineer- education and engineering practice: Improving
ing in corporate contexts. the fit. In R. Barley & J. E. Orr (Eds.), Between
3. Noticeable in assembling a list of this kind is craft and science: Technical work in U.S. settings.
the absence of female technology icons. London: Cornell University Press.
Cuff, D. (1992). Architecture: The story of practice.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
References Downey, G. L. (1992). CAD/CAM saves the
nation?: Toward an anthropology of technol-
Adams, R., Evangelou, D., English, L., De ogy. Knowledge and Society, 9, 143–168.
Figueireo, A.D., Mousoulides, N., Pawley, A. Downey, G. L., & Lucena, J. C. (2004). Knowl-
L., . . . Wilson, D.M. (2011). Multiple perspec- edge and professional identity in engineering.
tives on engaging future engineers. Journal of History and Technology, 20(4), 393–420.
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professional engineering work 135

Downey, G. L., Lucena, J. C., Moskal, B. M., Henderson, K. (1999). On line and on paper:
Parkhurst, R., Bigley, T., Hays, C., . . . Nichols- Visual representations, visual culture and com-
Belo, A. (2006). The globally competent engi- puter graphics in design engineering. Cambridge,
neer: Working effectively with people who MA: MIT Press.
define problems differently. Journal of Engi- Hess, D. J., Breyman, S., Campbell, N., &
neering Education, 95(2), 107–122. Martin, B. (2007). Science, technology, and
Eisenhart, M. A., & Finkel, E. (1998). Women’s social movements. In E. J. Hackett, O. Amster-
science: Learning and succeeding from the mar- damska, M. Lynch, & J. Wajcman (Eds.), The
gins. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. handbook of science and technology studies (3rd
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