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- ANNOTATING: chú thích

- ANNOTATIONS is the act of making notes to a text while reading to

help you better understand, remember, and stay engaged in the
reading process.
- ANNOTATIONS include Highlighting, underlining, circling, adding comments to the
margins of the test, and writing any questions, opinions, or your reaction to the text to
increase understanding.

- + Highlight without purpose
- + Underlining or highlighting the majority of the text
- + Drawing symbols without writing notes

- How do you annotate?

- + Circle unknown words and look up the definitions
- + Put question marks next to areas of uncertainly or parts that are unclear
- + Put a star next to any text that you think is important
- + Circle, or mark any character names the first time they are introduced.
- + Write your notes somewhere accessible (book, sticky notes…)
- + Paraphrase each chapter right after you read it. Write only a few sentences.
- + Write down questions as they arise.No question is too small
- + Color code your notes. Use different colors for definitions, questions, thoughts, etc.

- What will we need?

- Annotation tools
- + pencil

- + colored pens
- + Highlighter

- + Post-it notes

- Annotation guide

- The example of annotation

I usually read books when I have spare time. Except for study time, books
are by my side for almost the rest of the day. There are many reasons why
I like reading. The first is that it helps broaden my knowledge. I can access
a huge range of knowledge such as science, biology, and literature,… Next,
reading funny stories helps me release stress after a long day of hard
study. I have collected many books since I was 8. Moreover, it gives me
unlimited imagination, so I want to write books in the future. I can learn
about the different cultures and customs of other countries worldwide
too. I read books for at least an hour every day. I wish I could read many
kinds of books all over the world
What are the main ideas of this paragraph? Give me one idea most suitable


What is synthesizing?
Unlike summarising and paraphrasing , which only use ideas
from one source at a time, synthesizing integrates multiple details
from multiple texts to generate a new, bigger thought.

Synthesizing allows you to:

 develop and strengthen your arguments with a variety of

 show that you have read widely on the topic
 demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills
How to synthesize

Use the following steps to synthesize information from different


 Read materials relevant to your topic, and make brief notes on

the key points in each source that are connected to your
argument. This makes it easier to compare and contrast
information across different sources.
 Identify common ideas or themes in your notes.
 Use reporting words and linking words to explain common
ideas, making sure to cite all the sources you have used
Cách tổng hợp
Sử dụng các b ước sau đ ể t ổng h ợp thông tin t ừ các ngu ồn khác nhau.
 Đọ c các tài li ệu liên quan đ ến ch ủ đ ề c ủa b ạn và ghi chú ng ắn
gọn về những đi ểm chính trong m ỗi ngu ồn có liên quan đ ến l ập
luận c ủa b ạn. Điều này giúp vi ệc so sánh và đ ối chi ếu thông tin
giữa các ngu ồn khác nhau tr ở nên d ễ dàng h ơn.
 Xác đ ịnh nh ững ý t ưởng ho ặc ch ủ đ ề chung trong ghi chú c ủa
 Sử d ụng các t ừ báo cáo và các t ừ liên k ết để gi ải thích các ý
tưởng chung, đ ảm b ảo trích d ẫn t ất c ả các ngu ồn b ạn đã s ử

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