Process COE

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Structuring a Process Management Center of Excellence

Rafael Paim, D.Sc. Vanessa Nunes, M.Sc. Bruno Pinho

GEOS - Operations and Systems Engineering and NP2Tec - Research and Practice Group in GEOS
Management, Department of Production Engineering of Information Technology, Department of Applied
the Federal Center for Technological Education Celso
Suckow da Fonseca.
Informatics, Federal University of the State of Rio de
Janeiro (UNIRIO)
229 Maracanã Ave. - ZIP 20271-110, 458 Pasteur Ave. – ZIP 22290-240,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
+55 21 2566-3066 +55 21 2530-8088
Flavia Santoro, D.Sc. Claudia Cappelli, M.Sc. Fernanda Araujo Baião, D.Sc.
NP2Tec NP2Tec NP2Tec

ABSTRACT excellence, including its organizational structure, value chain and

In view of the growing complexity and scope of processes in main macro-processes. This definition was based on literature
organizations, it is increasingly necessary to structure their research, interviews and case studies conducted in companies that
process management tasks. Organizations have sought guidelines have organizational units for process management purposes.
to structure a process center of excellence - PCE. However, there
is still no consensus on how to structure this kind of 2. PROCESS MANAGEMENT TASKS
organizational unit. This paper proposes the organizational There are three possible models for process management:
structure and main macro-processes entailed in setting up a PCE. completely functional management (organization structure
contains no formal representation of processes, only departments
or organizational units); functional management of cross-
Categories and Subject Descriptors functional processes (cross-functional processes are recognized by
J.7 [Computers in other systems] – Process control
the organization, which continues to have functional elements, but
acknowledges cross-functional processes as of secondary
General Terms importance) and completely by-process management (cross-
Management Design Performance, Standardization. functional processes define the major dimension for
organizational design)[6].
Keywords Paim, Caulliraux & Cardoso [6] point to a set of tasks necessary
Process center of excellence, Business process lifecycle in process management, classified into 3 groups: Designing
management, BPM governance processes; Managing processes; and Fostering Evolution and
Learning. Sixty-one practitioners evaluated this set of tasks in
relation to both the degree of importance and the process
1. INTRODUCTION management model established in their organization. That study
Over time, organizations have been increasing their interest in indicated process management tasks, although it did not show
process management institutionalization. The growing complexity how these tasks make up a managerial process nor who might be
and scope of processes, and the frequency with which process responsible for carrying it out. This paper builds on those tasks to
modeling, improvement, deployment, integration and order them logically into a “process management process”.
coordination occur require companies to structure in such a way
as to manage their processes [2][6]. In such a context,
organizations have sought concepts and guidelines towards 3. DEFINING PROCESS MANAGEMENT
structuring a process center of excellence [1][3]. However, there STRUCTURE
is still no consensus on how to structure a process organizational In order to gather information on the structure of a process center
unit or governance, and endeavors in this direction are under way of excellence, a study was conducted with the following purposes:
in a variety of academic and business institutions [4]. (i) to understand what view large organizations take of process
This paper proposes the structure of a process center of management; (ii) to identify those possibly involved in organizing
process management tasks; and (iii) to identify how process
management tasks can be structured into a process management
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for process. The method used in this study comprised three stages:
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
1) Definition and Planning: literature review of prior studies and
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy
preparation of a conceptual framework. This yielded a selection of
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, 56 papers, most notably [3][7][8][5]. Some of the papers argue
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. that organizations should have a process center of excellence.
SAC’09, March 8-12, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. However, none of them presented a clear, consistent proposal for
Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-166-8/09/03…$5.00. structuring such an unit or governance. [6] provided foundations
for designing the initial version of a macro-process for a PCE.

2) Preparation, collection and discussion: preparation of Day-to-day management
questionnaires, interviews and discussion of the macro-process Processes relating to day-to-day management are regarded as an
proposal. The business people interviewed included process end purpose when the center of excellence also plays a role in
center of excellence managers in large companies in various coordinating day-to-day matters in the organization. These types
sectors of Brazil’s economy. The interviews gave a picture of how of process enable the center of excellence to: monitor and control
they were managing their business processes and were important process execution; record process performance; record and control
in validating the tasks of a standard process center of excellence. deviations with impact; and evaluate process performance.
Table 1 shows those units responsible for (R) and collaborating in Support for the process center of excellence
(A) each of the process management tasks specified in the study. The processes relating to support for the center of excellence are
3) Analysis and conclusion: specification of the macro-process responsible for: preparing and maintaining the process center of
and the organizational structures of the process center of excellence team; maintaining process center of excellence
excellence. The process center of excellence proposed is systems; recording process-related learning; and maintaining the
normative and coordinative, prescribes methods and tools that process center of excellence communication plan.
guide management of the organization’s processes, and acts as a
communicating link among the various departments involved. The 4. CONCLUSIONS
macro-process of a Generic Process Center of Excellence is This paper identified a basic structure of a process center of
divided into four types: Managerial, Process Design Lifecycle excellence, by finding conceptual frameworks and conducting
Management, Day-to-day Process Management, and Support. interviews in Brazilian companies. The PCE may be essentially
normative, focusing on work project design and directed more
Table 1 – Process management activities in organizations towards AS IS modeling, improving and deploying new
processes. However, it may move into coordinating and
controlling the activities and resource allocation that occur as part
of organizations’ day-to-day operations.
These objectives were disaggregated into tasks necessary for
process management and transformed into a process management
process which, after being divided into four process types, was
presented to the five companies participating in the study. The
outcome was that the processes were validated within the five
organizations, which increased the degree of confidence in using
the model for structuring the process center of excellence
proposed in this study.
The case studies revealed that PCE are not responsible for day-to-
day management (see Table 1). Therefore, it’s not possible to
state these cases as being more closely associated with by-process
management. The cases were also useful to create and validate a
“process management process”, with preliminary tasks time and
logic sequence. Future work will be done in order to apply and
validate the proposal.

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Harvard Business Review. Vol.83. No. 6, pp. 100-108, 2005.
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The managerial-type processes ensure that processes are managed Reference Models: Survey and Classification, In: Bussel et.
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processes with that strategy; prioritize processes and select the Management, Business Process Trends, In:
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allocated; set standards of work and carry out audits; manage the [5] Holland, D., The Process Enterprise, Executive Excellence,
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