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you can rely on

Instruction Manual

Remote Control Software

RCS Software Version: ≥ 2.0

eralytics® GmbH Raiffeisenbank Langenlois

Lohnergasse 3 IBAN: AT433242600000063818 HG Wien, FB No.: 293139m Phone: +43 1 890 50 33-0
1210 Vienna, Austria BIC: RLNWATWW426 UID / VAT: ATU63391207 Fax: +43 1 890 50 33-15
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 4
2. Installation of Erasoft RCS ..................................................................................... 5
3. Getting Started ....................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Starting Erasoft RCS ..................................................................................... 8
3.2 Setting Language .......................................................................................... 8
3.3 RCS Software Version ................................................................................ 10
3.4 Connecting via Ethernet and LAN ............................................................... 11
3.4.1 Disconnecting and Removing an Instrument ............................................ 12
3.4.2 Using Stored Names to Connect via LAN ................................................ 14
3.6 Connecting via USB .................................................................................... 16
3.6.1 Instruments with Software Version 1XX and 4XXX .................................. 16
3.6.2 Instruments with Software Version 7XXX ................................................. 17
3.6.3 Automatic Download of Results via USB.................................................. 19
3.7 Automatic Connection with Previously Connected Instruments .................. 20
4. Connecting Several Instruments to One PC ......................................................... 20
5.1 Operation ........................................................................................................ 23
5.1.1 Program Measurement Parameter ........................................................... 23
5.1.2 Instruments With Sampler ........................................................................ 24
5.1.3 ERAVAP ONLINE .................................................................................... 26
5.1.4 Starting a Measurement ........................................................................... 27
5.1.5 Download Results .................................................................................... 28
5.1.6 Print Results ............................................................................................. 29
5.1.7 Copy Results Into a Spread Sheet ........................................................... 30
5.2 File Transfers .................................................................................................. 31
5.2.1 Result Files .............................................................................................. 31
5.2.2 Download Printer Format Files ................................................................. 32
5.2.3 Upload Printer Format Files ..................................................................... 33
5.2.4 Software Upgrade .................................................................................... 33
5.3 Extended Maintenance Features .................................................................... 34
5.3.1 Backup Calibration Parameters ................................................................ 35
5.3.2 Backup Settings Parameters ....................................................................... 36
5.3.3 Backup All Parameters ................................................................................ 37
5.3.4 Upload Calibration Parameter Backup ......................................................... 38
5.3.5 Upload Settings Parameter Backup ............................................................. 39
5.3.6 Upload All Parameters Backup .................................................................... 40
6. ERASPEC and ERASPEC OIL ............................................................................ 41
6.1 Result Transfer to a PC .................................................................................. 41
6.1.1 Setting the Result Path............................................................................. 41
6.1.2 First-Time Results Transfer ...................................................................... 42
6.1.3 Selecting Methods .................................................................................... 44
6.1.4 Setting the Format of the Result List ........................................................ 45
6.1.5 Defining the Names and Format of the Result Output Files ..................... 48
6.2 Results Update ............................................................................................... 51
6.2.1 Update for Selected Method..................................................................... 51
6.2.2 Update for All Methods ............................................................................. 52
6.3 Viewing the Result List ................................................................................... 52
6.4 Printing the Result List .................................................................................... 53

6.5 Viewing Locally Stored Results ................................................................... 55
6.6 File Download - ERASPEC ............................................................................. 59
6.6.1 Download Interferograms (raw data) ........................................................ 60
6.6.2 Download Libraries .................................................................................. 61
6.6.3 Download Printer Format Files ................................................................. 63
6.6.4 Download Last Measurement ................................................................... 64
6.7 File Download - ERASPEC OIL ...................................................................... 66
6.7.1 Download Interferograms (Raw Data) ...................................................... 66
6.7.2 Download Libraries .................................................................................. 68
6.7.3 Download Spectra .................................................................................... 69
6.7.4 Download Factory References ................................................................. 71
6.7.5 Download Printer Format Files ................................................................. 73
6.7.6 Download Last Measurement ................................................................... 75
6.8 Upload Files from a PC ................................................................................... 77
6.8.1 Upload Libraries ....................................................................................... 77
6.8.2 Upload of Printer Format Files ................................................................. 80
6.8.3 Upload a Software Update ....................................................................... 81
7. The SpecView RCS Graphics and Remote Control module ................................. 83
7.1 Available Spectra ............................................................................................ 86
7.2 Viewing a Spectrum ........................................................................................ 87
7.2.1 The Zoom Function .................................................................................. 90
7.2.2 The Cursor Function ................................................................................ 92
7.2.3 Viewing Several Spectra .......................................................................... 93
7.3 Printing Spectra .............................................................................................. 95
7.4 Remote Control From a PC ............................................................................ 95
7.4.1 Remote Control of ERASPEC .................................................................. 95
7.4.1 Remote Control of ERASPEC OIL ......................................................... 100

1. Introduction

The base module of the Erasoft RCS software enables connection between eralytics
instrumented and Pcs. Using the RCS software it is possible to download results and
store them in files on a PC, setting up printer files, software upgrade etc.. The
extended version of the RCS software also enables remote control of the

The instrument can be connected to the PC either via a USB connection or through a
LAN (network) Ethernet cable. It is recommended to use the Ethernet/LAN
connection because the data transfer is much faster via Ethernet than via USB.

Several eralytics instruments (ERAVAPs, ERASPECs, …) can be connected to one

PC, and Erasoft RCS can be used for controlling all of them.

An additional software module called SpecView is available for ERASPEC and

ERASPEC OIL to view spectra graphically on the monitor. Please ask your local
dealer or eralytics for this SpecView module.

The Erasoft RCS software works with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7
and Windows 8.

The following software versions of ERALYTICs instruments are fully supported by

RCS v. 2.0. Older versions may not support all features described.

ERAVAP 237/4259/7259
ERAFLASH 4157/7157
ERAPSEC 7172/172

2. Installation of Erasoft RCS
The Erasoft RSC software is delivered with each instrument on a memory stick (flash
drive, USB stick). Please check the USB memory stick for the folder erasoft RCS

Enter the folder erasoft RCS and run setup.exe:

If an older version of ERASOFT RCS is already installed, it will be removed prior to
installation of the new software

Press OK

And confirm that you want to remove the old RCS version.

After the old version has been removed, the installer will be launched automatically.
Please follow, the instructions displayed on the monitor by the Setup Wizard to install
Erasoft RCS:

3. Getting Started

3.1 Starting Erasoft RCS

Start the software ErasoftRCS.exe. By default you can find it in

C:\Program files\Eralytics\, or click the windows start button and see Programs -
Eralytics – Erasoft RCS.

ATTENTION: If Windows XP is used and the Erasoft RCS software shows an error
message and cannot be started, run “vc_redist_x86.exe”. This file can be found in
the Erasoft RCS folder.

3.2 Setting Language

ERASOFT RCS currently offers two languages: English and Chinese.

If you want to change the language, please click on “Settings”, then on Language…:

Select the desired language from the drop-down list.
The language will be changed only after a restart of ERASOFT RCS:

Please restart ERASOFT RCS. It will then show the text in the selected language:

3.3 RCS Software Version

To find the software version of the RCSA software installed on your computer click
on Help / About RCS. This will launch a window displaying the current RCS software

3.4 Connecting via Ethernet and LAN

Connect ERASPEC to the local network with an Ethernet cable.

Go to the menu System – Net (Accessible only in User Level 6!) and verify that the
connected instrument has got a network name and has received an IP-address from
a DHCP- server (see section “Network connection” in the ERASPEC manual for a
detailed description). If no DHCP is available in your network, ask your network
administrator for support on selecting a valid IP-address for ERASPEC.

In the Erasoft RCS, switch the top grid to the Remote tab.

Then press “Add network device”. A pop-up appears.

Enter the IP address or the name of the instrument and press ok.

The type, serial number and IP number are shown in the first three columns. The
4:th column shows the selected type and the 5:th column shows the currently
selected sample ID and the last column shows the current operator.

After the connection has been successfully established, please return ERASPEC to
user level 5 in the “measure” menu.

The ERAVAP ONLINE can be connected only via Ethernet.

3.4.1 Disconnecting and Removing an Instrument

To disconnect an instrument, press the Disconnect button on the right side. The

status will change to Disconnected, and the button on the right side changes to

Pressing Reconnect re-establishes the connetion to the instrument.

The instrument will remain in the list to facilityte easy reconnecting to the instrument
and to allow for off-line acess to the results.

Pressing Remove will remove the selected instrument from the list.

3.4.2 Using Stored Names to Connect via LAN

It is possible to store the names of instruments in a file, a so-called device table, and
connect the instruments any time the Erasoft RCS is run using these stored tables.
This is more convenient especially if several eralytics analyzers are connected to
one PC.

To create such a device table, connect the instrument(s) as described in the

previous section.
Then click on File in the upper left corner and select the option “Save Device-Table

Enter the desired name for this table:

Click on “Save” to create and store it.

To connect the same instrument(s) again when the Erasoft RCS is started anew,
click on File in the upper left corner and select the option “Open Device-Table…”:

Then select the file name that was used to store the device table:

Click on “Open” to connect the instruments listed in that table.

You can also select the recently used file tables from file/open recent…
To delete all device tables, click on File in the upper left corner and select the option
“Clear Device-Table”

3.6 Connecting via USB

3.6.1 Instruments with Software Version 1XX and 4XXX

Connect the instrument to the PC with a USB cable (not included in scope of



ATTENTION: It is possible that your operating system is asking for installation of a

FTDI driver. This driver can be found on the memory stick in the erasoft RCS folder
where the setup program is located.

When the driver has been installed, the RCS software will automatically connect to
the instrument. If later some further instruments are connected press the button
“Update Device List”.

3.6.2 Instruments with Software Version 7XXX

To connect via USB, use the RS232-to-USB converter and connect the instrument to
the computer.

Go to System and press the Net tab. Check the “use RCS over USB” box”.

Open the RCS software. Press Update Device List. The instrument will connect

3.6.3 Automatic Download of Results via USB

Due to the low transfer rate via USB (serial), the RCS software does not
automatically download the new results after a measurement by default. The user
must press “Get Results” to download the newest results available on the instrument.

RCS can be made to automatically download the results after a measurement.

Select “Settings” and click on “Autodownload USB”. When the option is marked, the
RCS software will automatically download the results after a measurement has been
completed. For instruments with very large results files, the transfer may be very
time consuming.

3.7 Automatic Connection with Previously Connected Instruments

The RCS software will remember the instrument that was connected during the latest
session and automatically try to connect to these instruments the next time the
program is started.

To change this default setting, press Settings and unmark enable auto load.

4. Connecting Several Instruments to One PC

Multiple Eralytics instruments can be simultaneously connected to one PC. Connect
all desired instruments either via Ethernet/LAN or via USB, as described in the

section 3. Getting Started.

Erasoft RCS will automatically recognize the type of each connected instrument
(ERAVAP, ERAFLASH, ERASPEC or ERASPEC OIL) and display this type in the
leftmost column called “Type” in the upper grid.

The green background color indicates that both connected instruments are ready for
use via remote control (see 7. The SpecView RCS Graphics and Remote Control

Select the instrument which shall be currently active for the PC communication by
clicking in the line where the type, serial number, and IP or chip number of that
instrument are displayed.

Erasoft RCS will, depending on the type of the instrument, display the correct Result
and File Transfer dialogs.

The operation for each instrument is the normal operation described in sections 5.


5.1 Operation

All the measurement parameters can be programmed via RCS software and the
results downloaded on the PC. Following the functions of the user interface:

5.1.1 Program Measurement Parameter

All measuring parameters can be changed by clicking the appropriate field. In the
example below the Standard method was activated. The shown drop down list
appears and a standard method can be selected. For other parameters like the start
temperature the temperature can be directly entered into the field (no drop down list
appears). When all settings are performed the data must be downloaded with the
“Send Settings” button!

5.1.2 Instruments With Sampler
Instruments with an autosampler like Eraflash S10 or Eravap with ten position
sampler can also be programmed for each position. Instead of the “Send Settings”
button the “Sampler…” button appears.

Press this button, a new menu pops up for programming each individual position.
The screenshot below shows the Eraflash S10 positions.

The screenshot below shows the Earvap with ten position sampler.

Program the parameters for each position and press “OK”. The new paramters are
automatically downloaded to the instrument.

The remote control of the ERAVAP ONLINE allows to start and stop the scheduled
measurements. Single measurements can not be initiate through the RCS software,
therefore the single measurement parameters are disabled.

Pressing the “Run” button will start the scheduler, that should be previously
programmed directly on the analyser. The “Stop” button cancels the scheduler and
stops the current measurement. Unlike on-device operation, when the scheduler is
stopped via RCS software, no confirmation is needed.

5.1.4 Starting a Measurement

Activated the desired instrument and press the “Run” button. The programmed
measurement is automatically started. It can be stopped by the “Stop” button.

The back ground color for started instruments turns to yellow and changes to green
when the tests are finished. The status of each instrument can be seen in the
“Status” column.

This feature is not available for ERACHECK instruments because this instrument
requires a sample preparation step rendering the remote control feature obsolete.

5.1.5 Download Results

Select the instrument in the upper table from which the results shall be downloaded.
Then press the button “Get all Results” to download them.

The result tabvle shows now all the measured results sorted by method. Results of
other methods can be displayed by selecting the desired method (see Method drop
down list).

The column configuration of the result grid can be set by the “Reset Width” and
“Result Table” button below.

5.1.6 Print Results

Select all to be printed results from the result list and press the “Print” button.

5.1.7 Copy Results Into a Spread Sheet

Mark the data you want to copy into a spread sheet with your mouse.

With the key combination “Ctrl” + ”C” copy the data and with “Ctrl” + “V” paste it into
the spread sheet. If you need a comma as decimal point change the result table
settings before copying the data.

5.2 File Transfers

5.2.1 Result Files

Select the command “Results” from the dropdown menu in the “Receive from
Instrument” section. In the “Local File System” section select a destination folder.

You can also create a new folder by a right click in the “Local File System” section.
Select “New Directory” and create a new folder. By a right click you can also delete a

Click the button “Get File(s)” and all result files are downloaded to the selected
folder. You can open the files by double clicking or right click and selecting “Open”.
The program “Word Pad” can be used to view and modify the results.

5.2.2 Download Printer Format Files

Select the command “Printer-Files” by the dropdown menu in the “Receive from
Instrument” section. In the “Local File System” section select a destination folder.

You can also create a new folder by a right click in the “Local File System” section.
Select “New Directory” and create a new folder. By a right click you can also delete a

Click the button “Get File(s)” and all result files are downloaded to the selected
folder. You can open the files by double clicking or right click and selecting “Open”.
The program “Word Pad” can be used to view and modify the results.

5.2.3 Upload Printer Format Files

Modified Printer Files can be uploaded to the instrument by selecting the command
“Printer Files” in the dropdown menu of the “Send to Instrument” window. Select one
or more printer files and click the “Send File(s)” button. The new printer files are
uploaded to the instrument.

5.2.4 Software Upgrade

Select the folder where the new instrument software is located.

Select the command “Software update” in the dropdown menu of the “Send to
Instrument” section and select the file containing the new software package. Click
the “Send File(s)” button, the software is transferred to the instrument. After the
instrument is restarted the software upgrade is automatically performed.

5.3 Extended Maintenance Features

There are several more features which are not routinely needed like storing
instrument settings or calibration values. These additional features can be made
accessible by the following procedure:

1) Connect the instrument with the Erasoft RCS software as describes in a

previous chapters.
2) Highlight the command button in the “Receive from instruments” section.

3) On the PC keyboard press “Ctrl” + “a” simultaneously. Additional features can

be used now from the command drop down list.

5.3.1 Backup Calibration Parameters

Select a folder in the “Local File System” section where the data should be stored.
Then select “Parameter Calibration” from the dropdown menu. Click the button “Get
File(s)”, a folder will be created named according to the instrument serial number. In
this folder a subfolder called “Parameters” is created where the file with the
calibration parameters (p-cal) is stored.

5.3.2 Backup Settings Parameters

Select a folder in the “Local File System” section where the data shall be stored.
Then select “Parameter Settings” from the dropdown menu. Click the button “Get
File(s)”, a folder will be created named according to the instrument serial number. In
this folder a subfolder called “Parameters” is created where the file with the setting
parameters (General) and measuring profiles (profilesrc) are stored.

5.3.3 Backup All Parameters

Select a folder in the “Local File System” section where the data should be stored.
Then select “Parameter All” from the dropdown menu. Click the button “Get File(s)”,
a folder will be created named according to the instrument serial number. In this
folder a subfolder called “Parameters” is created where files with all important
parameters (commonrc, countrc,flashrc or vaprc) are stored. These files store all
parameters, also those which are in the “General” file and “p-Cal” file.

5.3.4 Upload Calibration Parameter Backup

If the calibration parameters became corrupt or wrong the backup file can be
uploaded to the instrument. Highlight the “parameter” folder of your instrument in the
“Local File System” section and select the “Parameter Calibration” from the
“command” dropdown menu in the “Send to instrument” section. Select “Calibration”
and click the “Send File(s)” button, the calibration parameters are uploaded to the

5.3.5 Upload Settings Parameter Backup

If the settings parameters became corrupt or wrong the backup file can be uploaded
to the instrument. Highlight the “parameter” folder of your instrument in the “Local
File System” section and select the “Parameter Settings” option from the “command”
dropdown menu in the “Send to instrument” section. Select “General” and click the
“Send File(s)” button, the calibration parameters are uploaded to the instrument.

5.3.6 Upload All Parameters Backup

If the settings parameters become corrupt or invalid the backup file can be uploaded
to the instrument. Highlight the “parameter” folder of your instrument in the “Local
File System” section and select the “Parameter -all” option from the “command”
dropdown menu in the “Send to instrument” section. Select all files and click the
“Send File(s)” button, all instrument parameters are uploaded.

6.1 Result Transfer to a PC

Results or other files are never downloaded from ERASPEC automatically, it is

always necessary to initiate a result or file transfer.

6.1.1 Setting the Result Path

The results obtained with the connected instruments are shown in the Erasoft RCS
Results box and can also be stored on the PC in specified files.
All results from ERASPEC are stored locally on the PC in a specified directory. If this
directory is changed, older results are not available any more for Erasoft RCS but
will remain in the previously defined results path and directory.

To select the path in which these result files shall be saved click on Settings in the
upper left corner, then click on “Results Path…”:

A list of paths and available directories will be shown:

Select the path and directory in which the result file shall be stored and click on OK.
To create a new directory, click on “Create new directory” and enter the desired
name, then click OK:

Click on Cancel to cancel this operation.

In this directory, subdirectories \“Serial Nr”\var\ will be automatically created, and in

this directory, subdirectories will be created for each method. All results shown in the
Erasoft RCS Results box will be stored on the PC in these directories.

6.1.2 First-Time Results Transfer

When an instrument is connected with the PC for the very first time and the
connection is established, click on the result tab in the lower box. No results will be
shown in Erasoft RCS at this point:

The only active key is “Get all Results”. Click on this key to download all results for
all methods that are available on the connected ERASPEC (i.e. gasoline, Diesel…)

PLEASE BE PATIENT! The data transfer may take several minutes, depending on
how many results are available in ERASPEC.
Over USB, roughly 35 results per minute are transferred, so if the result memory is
full, the transfer takes up to 90 minutes!

When all results have been transferred, the results are shown in the Result box in
the Erasoft RCS, and most buttons will become active.

6.1.3 Selecting Methods

Most ERASPEC instruments have more than one method activated. The most
common combination is the gasoline / Diesel combination.

To select the method, click on the Options - Method box on the right side and select
the desired method from the drop-down list:

Selecting a different method will request that the newest results found on the
instrument are transferred to the instrument (equivalent to get results for this
method) and then all results will be shown.

6.1.4 Setting the Format of the Result List

Each result in the result box is shown in one line. The displayed parameters and the
order in which they are shown in this result box can be selected as desired.
For each method, the result list can be formatted independently of all other methods
that are available on ERASPEC.

Click on Result Table… in the right Options - Column Configuration box:

All parameters that are available are shown in the left box.
The parameters shown in the right box will be displayed in the Result box.

In order to display an additional parameter, click on the name of this parameter in the
left box and move it to the right box by clicking on the >> button located between the
two parameter boxes.

Change the order of the displayed parameters by clicking on the name of the desired
parameter in the right box and moving it up or down the list with the buttons “Up” or
“Down” on the right-hand side:

If a parameter shall be removed from the list, click on the name of this parameter in
the right box and click on << button between the parameter boxes.

The selected parameter will be removed from the right list but will remain in the left

list. So if a parameter is deleted from the right list by accident, it is always possible to
add it again from the left parameter box, as described above.

In the bottom Misc box, the decimal character (. or ,) can be selected from the drop-
down list.

If you leave this dialog with Cancel, no changes will be made.

Click on OK to store this new result list and to return to the Erasoft RCS. The results
will now be displayed as defined:

It may happen now, especially if the names were changed, that the width of the
columns is not appropriate any more.

There are two ways to change the width of a column:

1) Put the cursor on the right side of the column in the top line (just right of the
parameter name) and make a left click. With the left mouse key pressed
down, move the cursor to the right to make the column wider.

2) Click on Reset Width in the right Options - Column Configuration box. Then
the width of all columns will be adjusted so that is as wide as the longest
string shown in this column:

Repeat these operations to define the displayed parameters for each method that is
available on ERASPEC.

6.1.5 Defining the Names and Format of the Result Output Files

The results obtained with the connected instruments are not only shown in the
Erasoft RCS Results box but can also be stored on the PC in specified files.

Each result will be one line in the result file.

For each method, one result output file on the PC will be created in the defined
results path. The names of these output files can be entered as follows:

In the Erasoft RCS, click on the Options - Method box on the right side and select
the desired method from the drop-down list.

Click on Output File… in the right Options - Column Configuration box. The output
file configuration box will open:

Enter the desired name of the result output file in the upper Output File box in the
line File Name.

In the next line File Path, the complete path, directories and file name will be shown.
The result output file will always be stored in the path defined as described in the
section “Setting the results path”. In this directory, subdirectories \“Serial Nr”\var\ will
be automatically created. Subdirectories will be created for each method.

All results and files transferred from ERASPEC will be stored, depending on the
method, in the respective subdirectory.
It is not possible to change this tree <..\Serial Nr.\var\Method\> because Erasoft RCS
relies on the existence of this tree to store data properly.

It is also possible to change the variable separator for the result output file. Click on
the box Separator in the upper left and select the desired separator from the drop-
down list. Two separators are available:
; : The variables will be separated by a semicolon, and the file extension will be .csv
(Comma Separated Variables)

<TAB>: The variables will be separated by a Tab, and the file extension will be .txt

Click OK to save the new name and to leave the menu.

Click Cancel to leave the menu without making any changes.

Repeat these operations to define the names of the different result output files for
each method that is available on ERASPEC.

Only parameters that are shown in the right box will be saved in the result file!

The procedure to add parameters, change the order and names, and select units is
the same as for the result box of the Erasoft RCS as described in the Section
“Setting the format of the result list”.
In this way, select all parameters that shall be stored in the result output file.

Click OK to save these settings and to leave the menu.

Click Cancel to leave the menu without making any changes.

Repeat these operations to define the format of the output result file for each method
that is available on ERASPEC.

6.2 Results Update

If all new results shall be transferred to the connected PC automatically after each
measurement, the Remote Control Module must be installed on ERASPEC.
For a description of this module please refer to the section “The remote Control

With the basic Erasoft RCS software that comes free of charge with every
ERASPEC, an automatic transfer of new results from ERASPEC to the PC is not
possible. The transfer of new results to the PC must be initiated manually.

6.2.1 Update for Selected Method

In the Erasoft RCS, click on the Options - Method box on the right side and select
the desired method from the drop-down list.

Then click on “Get Result” in the lower right corner:

All results from ERASPEC result memory for the selected method that are not yet
stored on the PC will be transferred to the computer and displayed in the result box.

At the same time, the new results will be written in the output result file for the
method selected in the Erasoft RCS.

Any new results for other methods will not be updated with the Get Result button!

6.2.2 Update for All Methods

In the Erasoft RCS, click on Get all Results in the lower right corner:

All results from ERASPEC result memory for all methods that are not yet stored on
the PC will be transferred to the computer and displayed in the result box.

At the same time, the new results will be written in the output result files for the
respective method in the Erasoft RCS, for all methods available on ERASPEC.

6.3 Viewing the Result List

It is possible to view the list of results on the PC.

Click on the number in the leftmost column in the line of the result you want to view:

The list of results for the selected measurement will be displayed:

The results sheet will display all the results as displayed on ERASPEC.

To view the spectrum, press show spectrum (see 7. The SpecView RCS Graphics
and Remote Control module)

Click on Ok to return to the Erasoft RCS.

6.4 Printing the Result List

To print a result, click on the button Print Page on the bottom of the result list:

The format of the printed results list is the same as the format of the result list
displayed on ERASPEC.

Alternatively, select the desired result by clicking at some position in the line of the
desired result:

Then click on the button Print on the right hand side:

6.5 Viewing Locally Stored Results

All the results transferred to the PC from an ERASPEC are stored locally on the PC,
and the result list of any such result can be viewed and printed at any later time even
if no ERASPEC is connected or if the connected ERASPEC OIL is switched off.

To access such old result lists, please switch the top grid to the Local tab:

Then click on the symbol … in the column titled “Open”:

The results are stored in the Results Path directory (please refer to the section
“Setting the results path” for a description of this function).

The ERASOFT RCS offers as default the Results Path directory. Click on this name
to show the list of available results from all instruments that are stored in this
directory, then select the instrument with which the results that shall be viewed were

All available results will be loaded and displayed:

View and print results in just the same way as if an ERASPEC would be connected,
as described in the sections “Viewing the results” and “Printing the results”.

If results from several eralytics instruments are stored on the PC, then results of all
of them can be viewed. Simply open the results in a different line:

Click on the line of the desired instrument to access the results obtained with that

6.6 File Download - ERASPEC

In addition to downloading results from ERASPEC to a PC, the Erasoft RCS also
allows to transfer files that contain spectra, libraries for correlated parameters, raw
data (interferograms), printer files, and software update files from ERASPEC to the
PC (download) and from a PC to ERASPEC (upload).

All these functions are in the File Transfer dialog. Please click on the File Transfer
tab on top of the bottom box:

In the large box on the left-hand side called Local File System, the path and
directories on the PC to or from which the files shall be transferred can be selected.
Click on a path and select the directories and subdirectories for the data files:

You also can create a new folder with a mouse right click in the “Local File System”
window. Select “New Directory” and enter the name of the desired new folder:

With a mouse right click you can also delete a folder:

6.6.1 Download Interferograms (raw data)

The raw data that ERASPEC generates are called interferograms. There are
reference and sample interferograms. From these interferograms, absorption spectra
are calculated.

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and

select “Interferograms” from the drop-down list:

Click on Get File(s) in the Receive from Instrument box to initiate the transfer of all
interferograms that are stored on ERASPEC.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\var\rifg\ and

..\”Serialnumber”\var\ifg\ in the selected directory on the PC. All reference
interferograms will be stored in the..\rifg\ subdirectory, all interferograms from
measurements of the oil samples will be stored in the ..\ifg\ subdirectory, for the
selected method and ERASPEC with this serial number:

These interferograms are in binary format and they can be useful for service and

6.6.2 Download Libraries

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and
select Libraries from the drop-down list:

Then click on the right box in the Command line and select the method for which the
respective files shall be downloaded from the drop-down list as described in the
preceding section.

Click on Get File(s) in the Receive from Instrument box to initiate the transfer of all
libraries that are stored on ERASPEC OIL for the selected method.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\lib\”Method”\ in the

selected directory on the PC. All libraries for this selected method and ERASPEC
with this serial number will be stored in this subdirectory:

6.6.3 Download Printer Format Files

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and
select Printer-Files from the drop-down list:

Then click on the right box in the Command line and select the method for which the
respective files shall be downloaded from the drop-down list as described in the
preceding section.

Click on Get File(s) in the Receive from Instrument box to initiate the transfer of all
printer format files that are stored on ERASPEC OIL for the selected method.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\var\”Method”\ in the

selected directory on the PC. All printer format files for this selected method and
ERASPEC OIL with this serial number will be stored in this subdirectory:

You can open the printer format files directly from the Erasoft RCS with a double
click or make a right click, then select Open.

The program “Word Pad” is used to view and modify the printer files.

6.6.4 Download Last Measurement

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and
select “Last Measurement” from the drop-down list:

Click on Get File(s) in the “Receive from Instrument” box to initiate the transfer of all
information about the last measurement ERASPEC OIL.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\ in the selected directory
on the PC.

This folder contains the sample and reference interferograms (in.ifg and ref.ifg
respectively) and the absorption spectra in.spc, in1.spc and inF.spc.

The spectrum files *.spc has the following format:

The file header contains the serial number of the instrument, name of the measured
sample, information about the time and date of the measurement, temperature,
pathlength and the number of points in the spectra.

The data is the spectra in absorbance units.

6.7 File Download - ERASPEC OIL

6.7.1 Download Interferograms (Raw Data)

The raw data that ERASPEC OIL generates are called interferograms. There are
reference and sample interferograms. From these interferograms, absorption spectra
are calculated.

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and
select “Interferograms” from the drop-down list:

Click on Get File(s) in the Receive from Instrument box to initiate the transfer of all
interferograms that are stored on ERASPEC OIL.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\var\rofg\ and

..\”Serialnumber”\var\ofg\ in the selected directory on the PC. All reference
interferograms will be stored in the..\rofg\ subdirectory, all interferograms from
measurements of the oil samples will be stored in the ..\ofg\ subdirectory, for the
selected method and ERASPEC OIL with this serial number:

The output contains two types of files, *.ref.orfg and *.ref.orfg_asc. The former is the
binary file used internally by ERASPEC OIL. The latter is an ascii file containing the
reading of the IR detector for each sample point. These files can be opened with
standard text editors. The files have the following format

The file header contains the serial nuber of the instrument, information about the
time and date of the measurement, temperature, pathlength and the number of
points in the interferogram.

These interferograms can be useful for service and support.

6.7.2 Download Libraries

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and
select Libraries from the drop-down list:

Then click on the right box in the Command line and select the method for which the
respective files shall be downloaded from the drop-down list as described in the
preceding section.

Click on Get File(s) in the Receive from Instrument box to initiate the transfer of all
libraries that are stored on ERASPEC OIL for the selected method.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\lib\”Method”\ in the

selected directory on the PC. All libraries for this selected method and ERASPEC
OIL with this serial number will be stored in this subdirectory:

6.7.3 Download Spectra

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and
select Spectra from the drop-down list:

Then click on the right box in the Command line and select the method for which the
respective files shall be downloaded from the drop-down list as described in the
preceding section.

Click on Get File(s) in the Receive from Instrument box to initiate the transfer of all
spectra that are stored on ERASPEC OIL for the selected method.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\var\”Method”\ in the

selected directory on the PC. All spectra for this selected method and ERASPEC OIL
with this serial number will be stored in this subdirectory.

The output contains two types of files, *..osp and *..prn. The former is the binary file
used internally by ERASPEC OIL. The latter is an ascii file. These files can be
opened with standard text editors. The files have the following format:

Where the first row (after the header) contains the frequency scale and the second
row are the absorbance values.

6.7.4 Download Factory References

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and
select Libraries from the drop-down list:

Click on Get File(s) in the Receive from Instrument box to initiate the transfer of all
spectra that are stored on ERASPEC OIL for the selected method.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\var\”Method”\ in the

selected directory on the PC. All spectra for this selected method and ERASPEC OIL
with this serial number will be stored in this subdirectory.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\lib\firstRef\ in the selected

directory on the PC.

6.7.5 Download Printer Format Files

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and
select Printer-Files from the drop-down list:

Then click on the right box in the Command line and select the method for which the
respective files shall be downloaded from the drop-down list as described in the
preceding section.

Click on Get File(s) in the Receive from Instrument box to initiate the transfer of all
printer format files that are stored on ERASPEC OIL for the selected method.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\var\”Method”\ in the

selected directory on the PC. All printer format files for this selected method and
ERASPEC OIL with this serial number will be stored in this subdirectory:

You can open the printer format files directly from the Erasoft RCS with a double
click or make a right click, then select Open.

The program “Word Pad” is used to view and modify the printer files.

6.7.6 Download Last Measurement

In the File Transfer dialog, select a directory on the PC, as described above. In the
left box “Receive from Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and
select “Last Measurement” from the drop-down list:

Click on Get File(s) in the “Receive from Instrument” box to initiate the transfer of all
information about the last measurement ERASPEC OIL.

Erasoft RCS will create the subdirectory ..\”Serialnumber”\ in the selected directory
on the PC.

This folder contains the sample and reference interferogram (in.ifg and ref.ifg
respectively), the single beam spectra for the sample and reference (samsbs.spc
and refsbs.spc), the current air reference (calculated from the current heptane
reference and the factory references: airref.spc) as well as the spectra (in.spc) and, if
applicable, the difference spectra obtained by spectral subtraction (diff.spc).

The spectrum file in.spc has the following format:

The file header contains the serial nuber of the instrument, name of the measured
sample, information about the time and date of the measurement, temperature,
pathlength and the number of points in the spectra.

The data is the spectra in absorbance units.

6.8 Upload Files from a PC

6.8.1 Upload Libraries

In the File Transfer dialog, select the directory on the PC, as described above, in
which the library to be loaded into the ERSPEC is stored.
In the box “Send to Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and select
Libraries from the drop-down list:

A list of all libraries stored in the selected directory will be shown in the bottom field
of the “Send to Instrument”-box on the Erasoft RCS.

Then click on the right box in the Command line and select the method for which the
respective libraries shall be uploaded from the drop-down list :

Select all libraries that shall be sent to ERASPEC by clicking on the respective
name. It is possible to select several libraries by clicking on several names

To deselect a selected library, click again on its name. Then click on the Send File(s)
button to upload the selected libraries to ERASPEC.

6.8.2 Upload of Printer Format Files

In the File Transfer dialog, select the directory on the PC, as described above, in
which the modified or newly created printer format files that shall be loaded into the
ERSPEC is stored.
In the box “Send to Instrument”, click on the left box in the Command line and select
Printer-Files from the drop-down list:

A list of all printer format files stored in the selected directory will be shown in the
bottom field of the “Send to Instrument”-box on the Erasoft RCS.

Then click on the right box in the Command line and select the method for which the
respective printer format files shall be uploaded from the drop-down list.

Select all printer format files that shall be sent to ERASPEC by clicking on the
respective name. It is possible to select several files by clicking on several names

To deselect a selected printer format file, click on its name again.

Then click on the Send File(s) button to upload the selected printer format files to

It is also possible to open and modify a selected printer format file by clicking on the
Open File button.

The program “Word Pad” is used to view and modify the printer files.

6.8.3 Upload a Software Update

To send a software update to the instrument, select the command Send Software

Select the update file that appears in the box underneeth the command. Mark the file
and presss Send File(s).

After the file has been uploaded, the update will start automatically.

7. The SpecView RCS Graphics and Remote Control
SpecView RCS is an additional software module available for ERASPEC and
ERASPEC OIL to view spectra graphically in the monitor, to operate the instrument
remotely via the PC and to transfer results automatically to the PC immediately after
a measurement.

Please ask your local dealer or Eralytics for this SpecView RCS module.

If the SpecView RCS module has been purchased, you will receive a code to unlock
this additional module. This code has 23 characters and has to be entered in the
instrument as follows:

On ERASPEC please go to the menu System – Password:

Enter the code. ERASPEC OIL will beep to conform that the code was correct. One
can confirm that the code was accepted by the message “Remote Control Module
Installed” under the Net tab.

If the remote control module is disabled then the message “no remote control” is
shown in the top right corner in the RCS software.

If the module is active, two additional buttons are shown in the top right corner.

7.1 Available Spectra

ERASPEC only downloads the spectra if the SpecView module is activated and if the
instrument is connected to a computer running the RCS software.

If the Spec View module is activated and spectra have been downloaded, the
spectra can be viewed by pressing the Show Spectrum button.

If a spectrum is available, the number next to the sample is yellow and when the line
is marked, the Show Spectrum button is activated.

ERASPEC OIL automatically downloads the spectra of all results stored on the
instrument. If the Spec View module is not activated, the button Show Spectrum is
greyed out and the spectra cannot be viewed.

If the Spec View module is activated, the spectra can be viewed by pressing the
Show Spectrum.

7.2 Viewing a Spectrum

To view a spectrum graphically on the PC monitor, click on any position in the line of
the measurement for which the spectrum shall be shown graphically:

The Show Spectrum button on the right side of the Erasoft RCS window will become

Click on this Show Spectrum button. A separate window will open, and the
absorption spectrum of the selected sample will be shown in this window:

The default wavelength range is from 550 cm-1 to 4000 cm-1. The absorbance is
shown in absorbance units. The absorbance axis will be scaled automatically.

The info area on the upper left shows the name of the selected sample and the color
in which the spectrum is drawn.
To see further information on the displayed spectrum or sample, click on Info:

To change the color of the displayed spectrum, please click on the second line in the
info area and select the desired color from the drop-down list:

The color of the spectrum will change accordingly:

If the info area is not desired, please click on “Legend” in the upper left above the
info area. The info area will not be shown any more, and the graphics area will be

To have the info area displayed again, click on Legend once more.

7.2.1 The Zoom Function

It is possible to enlarge the region of the displayed spectrum, i.e. zoom into a desired

Move the cursor to one corner of the desired region (the cursor on the graphics is a
black cross).
Keep the left mouse key pressed down and move the cursor to the diagonal corner
of the desired region. A black box will open:

Release the left mouse key. Then only the region within the black box will be

Also in already expanded views, a smaller region can be selected as described

above to zoom into a still smaller region.
To return to the region shown before, place the cursor in the graphics field and click
on the right mouse key. If the region has been expanded several times, the previous
region (one step up) will be shown.

To return to the default region,click the right mouse key several times, or click on the
Reset Zoom button in the top line.

Click on the Reset Zoom button in the top line to return to the default region.

If your mouse is equipped with a scroll wheel, additional zooming is possible.

Spinning the wheel will zoom in and out of the graph. Pushing the wheel and moving
the mouse will pan the graph.

7.2.2 The Cursor Function

With the cursor function, absorbance values can be displayed numerically to

evaluate interesting spectral regions.

Click on the Cursor button in the top line. The Cursor box will be displayed, and if the
cursor is placed in the graphics area, the wavenumber at its current position will be
displayed next to the cursor:

Click on the graphics area at the wavenumber for which the absorbance shall be
shown. A vertical line will show the current cursor position, and in the Cursor box, the
value for the absorbance (in absorbance units, a.u.) of the spectrum at the
wavenumber (in cm-1) at the current cursor position at will be displayed:

Click on a different position to see the absorbance value for a different wavenumber.
The smallest increment in wavenumber is 0.6 cm-1.

Zooming is possible by using the scroll wheel of your mouse (see section 7.2.1).

Close the Cursor box to return to the normal graphics mode.

7.2.3 Viewing Several Spectra

It is possible to view several spectra and overlay them in one window for

In the graphics window, click on the File option in the upper left corner and select

Select the desired spectrum from the list of available spectra and click on Open:

The selected spectrum will be drawn additionally to the already shown spectrum in
the same scale:

In the same way, many additional spectra can be selected and shown:

For each spectrum, the color can be changed individually, as described in the
section “Viewing a spectrum”.

If a spectrum shall not be shown any more, deselect it by clicking on the marked little
square box next to the respective sample name. The spectrum will disappear. It can
be added again by clicking on the little square box again.

The zoom functions work as described in the section “The zoom function”. The zoom
acts on all spectra simultaneously to show the same region for all spectra:

The Cursor functions work just as described in the section “The Cursor function”. In
the Cursor box, the absorbance values at the selected cursor position are shown for
all displayed spectra simultaneously, using the color in which the spectrum is drawn
to distinguish between the spectra:

7.3 Printing Spectra

To print the spectra displayed on the PC, in the same wavelength and absorption
range as on the PC, click in the button Print.

Only the graph with the spectra will be printed, no additional information like the
legend or cursor will be printed.

7.4 Remote Control From a PC

7.4.1 Remote Control of ERASPEC

The SpecView RCS module allows to select the measurement type and to enter the
sample Id and operator on the PC and to send these strings to ERASPEC. A
measurement can be started and aborted also from the PC.

To change the measurement type, click on the box TYPE on the ERASOFT RCS in
the line of ERASPEC which shall be operated.

Select the desired method from the drop down list:

The measurement method will be immediately changed on ERASPEC.

To change sample ID and / or operator, click on the respective box SAMPLE ID or

OPERATOR on the ERASOFT RCS in the line of ERASPEC which shall be

Just like on ERASPEC, the names can be either entered using the keyboard or
selected from the drop down list that shows names that have been used before:

Then click on the “Send Setting” button to update the names on ERASPEC:

Click on the “Run” button to start a measurement on ERASPEC.
During the measurement, only the “Stop” button is shown and the Status bar is
flashing in green:

The measurement can be aborted by clicking at this “Stop” button.

After the measurement is finished, the result table will be automatically updated:

The new result and spectrum can now be viewed on the PC.

7.4.1 Remote Control of ERASPEC OIL

The SpecView RCS module allows to select the measurement type and to enter the
sample Id and operator on the PC and to send these strings to ERASPEC OIL. A
measurement can be started and aborted also from the PC.

To change the measurement type, click on the box TYPE on the ERASOFT RCS in
the line of ERASPEC OIL which shall be operated.

Select the desired method from the drop down list:

The measurement method will be immediately changed on ERASPEC OIL.

To change sample ID and / or operator, click on the respective box SAMPLE ID or

OPERATOR on the ERASOFT RCS in the line of ERASPEC OIL which shall be

Just like on ERASPEC OIL, the names can be either entered using the keyboard or
selected from the drop down list that shows names that have been used before:

Then click on the “Send Setting” button to update the names on ERASPEC OIL:

Click on the “Start” button to start a measurement on ERASPEC OIL.
During the measurement, only the “Stop” button is shown and the Status bar is
flashing in green:

The measurement can be aborted by clicking at this “Stop” button.

After the measurement is finished, the result table will be automatically updated:

The new result and spectrum can now be viewed on the PC.


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