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Scand J Med Sci Sports 2004: 14: 156–162 COPYRIGHT & BLACKWELL MUNKSGAARD 2004 ·

Printed in Denmark . All rights reserved

DOI: 10.1046/j.1600-0838.2003.00349.x

Muscle temperature and sprint performance during soccer

matches – beneficial effect of re-warm-up at half-time
M. Mohr, P. Krustrup, L. Nybo, J. J. Nielsen, J. Bangsbo
Department of Human Physiology, Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences, August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhagen,
Universitetsparken 13, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Corresponding author: Jens Bangsbo, Department of Human Physiology, Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences, August
Krogh Institute, Universitetsparken 13, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. Tel: 145 35 32 16 22, Fax: 145 35 32 16 57,
Accepted for publication 23 June 2003

The relationship between quadriceps muscle temperature and after the first half, but 2.170.1 and 0.970.1 1C higher
(Tm) and sprint performance was evaluated during soccer (Po0.05), respectively, in RW prior to the second half. At
matches in 25 competitive players. In one game, Tm was the onset of the second half, the sprint performance was
determined frequently (n 5 9). In another game, eight reduced (Po0.05) by 2.4% in CON, but unchanged in RW.
players performed low-intensity activities at half-time The decrease in Tm was correlated to the decrease in
(re-warm-up, (RW), whereas another eight players recov- performance (r 5 0.60, Po0.05, n 5 16). This study de-
ered passively (CON). Tm was 36.070.2 1C at rest and monstrates that in soccer, the decline in Tm and Tc during
increased (Po0.05) to 39.470.2 1C before the game and half-time is associated with a lowered sprint capacity at the
remained unaltered during the first half. At half-time, Tm onset of the second half, whereas sprint performance is
decreased (Po0.05) to 37.470.2 1C, but increased maintained when low-intensity activities preserve muscle
(Po0.05) to 39.270.2 1C during the second half. In CON temperature.
and RW, Tm and core temperature (Tc) were similar before

Top-class soccer players, referees and assistant and body temperatures are higher for the players
referees perform less high-intensity running in the than for match officials (Ekblom, 1986; Bangsbo,
initial phase of the second half compared with the 1994a; Krustrup & Bangsbo, 2001; Krustrup et al.,
first half of a match (Krustrup & Bangsbo, 2001; 2002; Mohr et al., 2003). Several studies have
Krustrup et al., 2002; Mohr et al., 2003). It is demonstrated a beneficial effect of heating the
unknown whether this is due to tactical aspects, muscles prior to high-intensity exercise in humans
fatigue or lack of physical preparation for the second (Asmussen & Bje, 1945; Bergh & Ekblom, 1979;
half. In professional soccer, players usually warm up Sargeant, 1987; Houmnad et al., 1991; Stewart &
for 30–40 min prior to the match, whereas no or little Sleivert, 1998). It is, however, unclear whether the
physical activity is performed during half-time. This sprint performance of soccer players is reduced at
probably leads to a major decrease in body half-time and whether an active re-warm-up at half-
temperatures at half-time, and it has been suggested time affects the ability to perform repeated intense
to, in part, cause the lowered activity of soccer exercise at the start of the second half. Another
players in the initial phase of the second half interesting aspect is that it has been demonstrated
(Bangsbo, 1994b). Rectal temperatures of soccer that top-class soccer players have a marked decline
players have been measured at half-time and after in the amount of high-intensity exercise in the last
matches (Smodlaka, 1978; Ekblom, 1986), but 15 min of the second half, indicating that they
muscle temperatures have not been determined experience fatigue towards the end of a game (Mohr
before and repeatedly during a soccer game. In a et al., 2003). However, it is yet to be examined
study of assistant referees, it was observed that the whether muscle and body temperature are altered
muscle temperature decreased by 1.5 1C at half-time towards the end of a soccer match and whether these
and the muscle temperature before the second half are related to the ability to perform high-intensity
was about 1 1C lower than prior to the first half exercise.
(Krustrup et al., 2002). The differences in muscle Thus, the aims of the present study were to (i)
temperatures between the two halves may be even study the fluctuations in muscle and core tempera-
larger for soccer players, since the average work rate ture during a soccer match, and (ii) examine whether

Muscle temperature and sprint performance in soccer
the sprint performance during a soccer match is during the game was determined by adding the fluid intake to
reduced and related to changes in the muscle and the actual weight loss.
core temperature. In order to address the second
aim, a group of players carried out a period of re- Sprint test
warm-up at half-time.
In PII, the players carried out a repeated sprint test. The test
consisted of three 30-m sprints separated by a 25-s active
recovery period during which the players jogged back to the
Materials and methods start line. The sprint times were recorded by infrared light
Subjects sensors, having a precision of 0.01 s (Time It, Eleiko Sport,
The present study contains two separated parts (PI and PII). Halmstad, Sweden). All the players were familiarised with the
The aim of PI was to determine muscle temperature frequent- test about 1 week before the experimental day. The sprint test
ly during a soccer game. Nine soccer players competing in lasted B65 s, i.e., three sprints lasting B5 s each interspersed
the Danish Fourth Division (27.071.5 (7SEM) years, with two 25-s active recovery periods. Two sprint test set-ups
181.071.8 cm and 81.171.2 kg) participated in PI. The were used to sprint test all the players before the match. The
purpose of PII was to examine whether a relationship existed test prior to the second half was initiated immediately after
between muscle and core temperature and sprint performance the warm-up (B5 min before the start of the match). In the
during a soccer game. Sixteen soccer players also competing in test at the end of the first and second halves, the first players
the Danish Fourth Division took part in PII. To examine the were taken out of the game and tested 3–4 min before the end
effect of performing a warm-up procedure before the second of the half to be able to test all the players at half-time. All the
half on muscle temperature and performance, the players in players were tested within 60 s after their individual termina-
PII were randomly divided into two groups that either per- tion of play. At half-time, each player was tested exactly
formed re-warm-up (RW, n 5 8; 26.070.5 years, 181.87 15 min after the test performed at the end of the first half.
1.8 cm and 76.873.3 kg) or had little physical activities
(normal routines) at half-time (CON, n 5 8; 25.871.4 years,
183.171.9 cm and 76.271.5 kg). The players in PI and PII Measurements
were representing four playing positions (goalkeeper, n 5 1; Muscle temperature
defenders, n 5 8; midfield players, n 5 10 and attackers, n 5 6).
All the subjects were fully informed of any risks and dis- Tm was measured in the medial part of m. vastus lateralis by a
comforts associated with the experiment before giving their needle thermistor (MKA08050-A, Ellab A/S, Rdovre, Den-
informed consent to participate. The study was approved by mark), having a precision of 0.1 1C. The temperature was
the local ethics committee according to the code of Ethics of the measured at a depth of B3 cm, adjusting for the thickness of
World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki 1975). the skin using a Harpenden skinfold caliper (British Indicators
Ltd., UK). All thermistors were afterwards calibrated against
a mercury thermometer.
Experimental protocol
In PI, the players took part in a friendly match. The players Core temperature
carried out the same routines as in competitive matches with a Tc was measured in the rectum at a depth of B2 cm using an
thorough warm-up period (B35 min) before the match ending electronic clinical rectal thermometer (Philips, HF 365,
5 min before the game they had only physical activities at a China), having a precision of 0.01 1C. The rectal thermo-
very low intensity at half-time. The quadriceps muscle tem- meters were afterwards calibrated against a mercury thermo-
perature (Tm) was measured at rest, immediately before the meter.
game and 5, 15 and 45 min into both halves as well as 10 min
into the half-time period and 15 min after the game. To
determine Tm during the game, the player was taken out of the Statistics
game for approximately 45 s and replaced by a substitute player.
In PII, the players also took part in a friendly game. The The changes in temperatures, sprint performance and heart
players in CON performed a similar preparation as described rates during the game were evaluated by a one-way analysis
for the players in PI, whereas the players in RW carried out an of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures. A two-way
active warm-up at half-time. The players in RW recovered ANOVA with repeated measurements was used to compare
passively during the first 7 min of the interval. In the next RW and CON. When a significant interaction was detected,
7 min, they carried out running and other exercises at a data were subsequently analysed using a Newman–Keuls post
moderate intensity (average heart rate B135 beats min 1 or hoc test. The differences in temperatures between playing
B70% of the peak heart rate reached during the game), positions were tested using a one-way ANOVA. In addition,
finishing B1 min before the start of the second half. In both Student’s unpaired t-test was used to test the differences in
the groups, Tm and core temperature (Tc) were measured at aerobic loading between games as well as between RW and
rest as well as immediately before and after each half. The CON. The correlation coefficients were determined and tested
players performed a repeated sprint test (see below) before for significance using Pearson’s product–moment test. The
and immediately after each half of the game. In both PI and significance level was set to Po0.05. Values are presented as
PII, the heart rates were recorded at 5-s intervals throughout means7SEM.
the game by Polar Vantage NV heart rate monitors weighing
B100 g (Polar, Kempele, Finland). The net fluid loss during
the match was determined by weighing the players with- Results
out clothes immediately before and after the game using Heart rate
a platform scale (model 1-10, OHAUS, Pine Brook, NJ,
USA). The players were allowed to drink water during the The mean heart rate for the players in PI and PII
match and the fluid intake was measured. The total fluid loss was 16073 and 16272 beats min 1, respectively,

Mohr et al.
corresponding to 8571% and 8671% of the peak
heart rate reached during the match. The average
heart rate for the entire sample of players was higher
(Po0.05) in the first than in the second half (16471
vs. 15871 beats min 1) as well as during the first
5 and 15 min of the first- compared with the second
half (16971 vs. 15971 and 16771 vs. 16071
beats min 1, respectively; Po0.05). No differences
were found in the average heart rate between games
(PI and PII) or between CON and RW in PII.

Fig. 2. Muscle (circles) and rectal (triangles) temperatures

Muscle temperature during a soccer match with (RW, open symbols; n 5 8) or
In PI, the muscle temperature (Tm) was 36.070.2 1C without (CON, closed symbols; n 5 8) re-warm-up at half-
at rest and increased (Po0.05) to 39.470.2 1C after time. Means7SEM.*: significant difference between CON
and RW; #: significant difference from before the first half
the warm-up prior to the match. At the end of the (Po0.05).
first half, Tm was 39.470.1 1C, and it decreased
(Po0.05) to 38.070.2 and 37.770.1 1C after 10 and
15 min of passive recovery at half-time, respectively. Core temperature
Tm was 1.770.2 1C lower (Po0.05) before the In CON, Tc at rest was 37.270.1 1C, which was
second half than prior to the first half and also, after lower (Po0.05) than after the warm-up before the
5 min in the second half, Tm was lower (Po0.05) match (38.270.1 1C; Fig. 2). During the first half, Tc
than in the first half (39.670.2 vs. 39.070.2 1C, increased (Po0.05) to 38.970.1 1C in CON, but
respectively). In contrast, no difference existed be- decreased (Po0.05) to 37.870.1 1C during the 15-
tween halves after 15 min of play (39.570.1 and min half-time period. In RW, Tc was 37.370.0 1C at
39.570.1 1C). At the end of the second half, Tm was rest and increased (Po0.05) to 38.170.1 1C after
39.270.1 1C and 15 min after the game it had the warm-up before the first half. Tc increased
decreased (Po0.05) to 37.470.2 1C (Fig. 1). (Po0.05) further to 39.070.2 1C during the first
In PII, Tm in CON was lower (Po0.05) before the half and remained unchanged during half-time (38.77
second half than prior to and at the end of the first 0.2 1C). At the end of the game, Tc was 38.870.1 and
half (37.770.2 vs. 39.170.2 and 39.770.2 1C; Fig. 2). 38.870.2 1C in CON and RW, respectively (Fig. 2).
In RW, Tm prior to the second half (39.270.2 1C)
was the same as before and at the end of the first half
(39.070.1 and 39.770.2 1C, respectively). Before the Sprint performance
second half, Tm was 1.5 1C higher (Po0.05) in RW In CON, the mean 30-m sprint time after the first
than in CON (39.270.2 vs. 37.770.2 1C), whereas at half (4.5770.03 s) was the same as before the game
the end of the match no differences existed between (4.5470.03 s). However, the mean sprint perfor-
RW and CON (Fig. 2). mance was reduced by 2.470.3% (Po0.05) before
the second half (4.6570.03 s) compared with before
the match (Fig. 3). Immediately after the match, the
sprint performance was reduced (Po0.05) by 2.07
0.4% (4.6370.04 s; Fig. 3) compared with before the
match. In RW, the mean sprint performance was
similar before the match, after the first half and
before the second half (4.4570.04, 4.5070.05 and
4.4770.04 s, respectively), whereas the mean sprint
performance was 2.370.3% lower (Po0.05) at the
end of the game (4.5570.07 s; Fig. 3). The decrease
in muscle temperature at half-time was correlated to
the reduction in sprint performance during half-time
(r 5 0.60, Po0.05, n 5 16; Fig. 4).

Positional differences
Fig. 1. Muscle temperature of field players during a soccer
match (n 5 8). Means7SEM. #: denotes significant differ- At rest and immediately before the game, Tm was
ence between the first and second halves (Po0.05). similar for defenders, midfield players and attackers

Muscle temperature and sprint performance in soccer

Fig. 3. Sprint performance (average of three 30-m sprints)

during a soccer match with (RW, open bars; n 5 8) and
without (CON, closed bars; n 5 8) re-warm-up at half-time.
Means7SEM. #: significant difference between pre-match
values (Po0.05).

Fig. 5. (a) Muscle temperature during a soccer game in

relation to player position (goalkeeper (n 5 1); defenders
(n 5 8); midfield players (n 5 11); attackers (n 5 5). (b)
Rectal temperature during a soccer game in relation to
player position (defenders (n 5 7); midfield players (n 5 6);
attackers (n 5 5)). Means7SEM. #: significant difference
between midfield players and defenders (Po0.05).
Fig. 4. Individual relationship between decrease in muscle
temperature at half-time (x-axis) and decrease in sprint and RW. The fluid intake was 0.370.0 l. Thus, the
performance at half-time (y-axis). Players both in RW (open total fluid loss during the game was 2.170.1 l.
circles) and CON (closed circles) are included. The correla-
tion coefficient for the relationship was 0.60 (n 5 16,
Po0.02, F 5 7.8). Discussion
A major finding of the present study was that both
muscle and core temperature decreased markedly
(Fig. 5a). However, after the first half and before the
during the half-time period of a soccer match when
second half, Tm was 0.6 and 0.5 1C, respectively,
players recovered passively. The lower body tem-
higher (Po0.05) for midfield players than for
peratures prior to the start of the second half were
defenders, whereas no difference was observed after
associated with a significant impairment in sprint
the second half. Tm for attackers was the same as for
performance. Conversely, when players performed a
players in the other two groups (Fig. 5a). Tc was not
period of moderate-intensity exercise prior to the
significantly different between the three groups
second half, the body temperatures were maintained
during the game (Fig. 5b).
and the sprint performance did not deteriorate.
These findings suggest that a high muscle tempera-
ture is important for performance during repeated
Weight loss sprints and that a period with physical activities (re-
The net weight loss for the players in PII was warm-up) before the second half of a soccer game
1.870.2 kg, which corresponded to 2.2% of the body enable the players to utilise their physical capacity at
weight. No difference was observed between CON the onset of the second half. At the end of a game,

Mohr et al.
sprint performance was reduced although body Robergs et al., 1991; Febbraio et al., 1996; Ferguson
temperatures were high, indicating that the develop- et al., 1999).
ment of fatigue at the end of a game is not caused by Sprint performance after the match was reduced
lowered body temperatures. by about 2.0%, which is in accordance with obser-
The muscle temperature was lower before the vations in another study (Mohr et al., 2003). The
second half than before the first half and a difference fatigue at the end of the game was not related to the
persisted for at least 5 min into the second half muscle or body temperatures, as these were as high
(see Fig. 1). It was also shown that the muscle as immediately before the game. Thus, fatigue at the
temperature was markedly lowered at half-time, in end of the game seems to be related to other factors,
association with a decrease in sprint performance such as low muscle glycogen in individual fibres and
before the second half. In contrast, in the group that dehydration (Fitts, 1994). After a game of soccer,
performed a period of re-warm-up at half-time, the muscle glycogen stores may reach critical values,
muscle temperature was maintained at the level which has been shown to impair sprint performance
obtained in the first half and sprint performance was after the match (Balsom et al., 1999). The net fluid
not reduced (see Figs 2 and 3). In addition, a loss was 1.8 kg or 2.2% of the body weight, which
correlation between a reduction in muscle tempera- may also have reduced the performance at the end of
ture and change in sprint performance at half-time the game (Craig & Cummings, 1966). Further studies
was found. Together these findings show that sprint are needed to clarify these aspects.
performance is related to muscle temperature. This is Recently, it was observed that the performance of
in accordance with a number of studies that have soccer players during the initial part of the second
demonstrated a beneficial effect on performance by half was lower than in the first half (Mohr et al.,
prior warm-up (De Bruyn-Prevost & Lefebvre, 1980; 2003). Thus, top-class soccer players competing at
Sargeant, 1987; Sargeant & Dolan, 1987). For the highest international and national level per-
example, De Bruyn-Prevost and Lefebvre (1980) formed significantly less high-intensity running and
found an enhancement in maximal peak power and sprinting during the first 5 min of the second
time to exhaustion during intense exercise when compared with the first half, whereas in the following
exercise was preceded by a low-intensity active 5 min the difference between the two halves was
warm-up (30–60% of maximal oxygen uptake). negligible (Mohr et al., 2003). Lower muscle and
Likewise, impairment in performance due to prior core temperatures may, according to the findings in
muscle cooling has been reported (Blomstrand et al., the present study, in part explain the reduction in
1984; Crowley et al., 1991). Hence, Crowley et al. performance at the beginning of the second half,
(1991) used a standard Wingate anaerobic power test since a correlation between the changes in sprint
to evaluate the effect of muscle cooling and found the performance and muscle temperature during half-
decrement in performance to be in the order of 4% time was observed and the group that carried out a
per 1C. In the present study, sprint performance was period of re-warm-up did not have a reduction in
reduced by 1.2% per 1C. The difference in the sprint performance. However, mechanisms other
performance decrement between these two studies than elevated muscle temperature may also have
may be due to a difference in the absolute muscle affected the ability to perform repeated sprints at the
temperature values. In the classical study by start of the second half. It has been demonstrated
Asmussen and Bje (1945), the relation between that pulmonary and muscle oxygen uptake kinetics
improved sprint performance and increased muscle are speeded up by prior exercise performed within
temperature did not show complete linearity. For 5–10 min of the next bout of exercise (McDonald et
example, sprint performance seems to increase more al., 1997; Bangsbo et al., 2001), with only small
with increased temperature in the 36–38 1C area than increases (B0.5 1C) in the muscle temperature. Thus,
the 39–41 1C area. the players in the group that performed re-warm-up
The beneficial effects of increasing the muscle and at the interval may have had a greater oxygen uptake
body temperature before exercise have been sug- during and after the sprints, which may shorten the
gested to be several. For example, the neural time needed to recover from a sprint.
transmission rate in both the central and peripheral In the present study, the muscle temperature
nerves has been shown to be dependent on tempera- declined approximately 2.0 1C after 15 min of passive
ture (Hill, 1927). Others demonstrated that elevating recovery. This is in the same magnitude as reported
the muscle temperature increases the speed of muscle previously both after continuous and intermittent
contraction and decreases both the time to peak exercise (Saltin & Hermansen, 1966; Krustrup et al.,
tension and half relaxation time (Davies & Young, 2002; Krustrup et al., 2003). It is clear that soccer
1983; Bennett, 1984), which may be crucial during players can benefit from re-warming-up prior to the
fast and intense contractions (Edwards et al., 1972; second half. Besides the effect on performance, this
Ingjer & Strmme, 1979; Blomstrand et al., 1984; may also reduce the probability of muscle injuries in

Muscle temperature and sprint performance in soccer
the second half (Safran et al., 1988). Based on creased markedly during a half-time period with
the present data, it may be suggested that the players passive recovery. In addition, sprint performance
at half-time spend 7–8 min of passive recovery was significantly impaired immediately before the
allowing the coach to provide tactical advice second half. However, when a brief low- to moderate-
and the players to recover mentally and re-hydrate. intensity re-warm-up was performed at half-time,
Then for the remaining part of the half-time, the temperatures and sprinting abilities were maintained
players should perform low- to moderate-intensity at pre-match levels. Sprint performance was signifi-
activities. cantly reduced at the end of the match, which was
The average core temperature of about 39 1C unrelated to muscle and core temperatures.
reached during the game in the present study is
slightly lower than that found previously after soccer
matches (Smodlaka, 1978; Ekblom, 1986). Core Perspectives
temperature is another indirect measurement of
energy production during exercise. A linear relation- In team sports, even at the highest level of
ship has been reported between the rectal tempera- competition, players are often sitting or walking
ture and relative workload (Saltin & Hermansen, during the half-time period. Considering the results
1966). During continuous cycling exercise at 70% in the present study, this procedure is not sufficient
of the maximal oxygen uptake with an ambient to prepare the players for the second half. A possible
temperature of 20 1C, the rectal temperature was routine is to recover passively for B7 min while
38.7 1C. In soccer, the core temperature increases tactical information can be received. During the final
relatively more compared with the average intensity 7–8 min, the players can perform activities at a
due to the intermittent nature of the game. It has moderate intensity. The players should not perform
also been observed that at a relative work rate of activities at too high an intensity at half-time,
60% the core temperature was 0.3 1C higher during because it lowers muscle glycogen levels and may
intermittent than continuous exercise (Ekblom et al., increase lactate levels and lower pH in the muscles at
1971). Based on the core temperatures in the present the start of the second half. The experience with such
study, the average aerobic loading during the game a procedure is not only that the players perform
can be estimated to be B70%. This is in accordance better physically, but also that they have a greater
with the finding of an average heart rate of 85% of the degree of ‘‘readiness’’. This may increase the prob-
peak heart rate reached during the game, which ability that the team may perform well at the start
corresponds to 70–75% of the maximal aerobic power of the second half, which could affect the play
(Bangsbo, 1994a). throughout the rest of the game. Moreover, a re-
Previous studies have shown a difference in the warm-up at half-time may reduce the probability of
physical capacity and activity pattern during muscle injury in the second half.
matches among different playing positions in high-
level soccer (Bangsbo et al., 1991; Bangsbo, 1994a; Key words: body temperature, fatigue, intense inter-
Krustrup et al., 2003; Mohr et al., 2003). In the mittent exercise, playing positions, recovery.
present study, the midfield players had higher muscle
temperatures than the defenders and also tended to
have higher core temperatures at the end of the first Acknowledgements
half (see Fig. 5). This is in agreement with studies of
We would like to thank the soccer players participating in the
high-level soccer players, showing that midfielders study. The excellent assistance from Nikolai Nordsborg,
cover a longer distance in total and by high-intensity Richard A. Ferguson, Helga Ellingsgaard, Mette Zebis and
running in a game than defenders (Bangsbo et al., Súsanna Holm is greatly appreciated. Furthermore, the
1991; Bangsbo, 1994a; Mohr et al., 2003), as body cooperation of the soccer clubs Albertslund I.F., Frederiks-
temperatures are related to relative loading during berg Boldklub and Frederiksberg Alliancen 2000, as well
as their coaches Steen Madsen, John Rasmussen, Jacob
exercise. Rossander and Michael Christensen, is acknowledged. Team
In summary, the present study demonstrated that Denmark and The Sports Research Council (Idrættens
soccer players’ muscle and core temperatures de- Forskningsråd) supported this study.

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