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1. All rules in this dorm is not for ones sake but for everyone
2. Follow all the rules stated in this sheet of paper.
3. Different rules posted in designated areas are a reminder of what you should do to maintain cleanliness
and orderliness inside this dormitory.
4. You are allowed to do as you please if it follows the things, or some sort listed on this sheet of paper.
5. You are reliable to your things. In case of things lost, we will all be called together for a meeEng to solve
the maFer.
6. Schedule for trash day and replacement of water supply shall be imposed. Failure to do so will have its
ample punishment to ensure that this schedule is followed accordingly. Punishment will be agreed
upon the approval of this rules.
7. Always clean your bed so that I cannot be an eyesore to teachers around you. Maintain orderliness or
that I cannot bother other tenants of the dorm.
8. Schedule for parEal payment of house uEliEes will be during the 15 day of the month or the day of the
first release of the months’ salary with an amount of 1000 pesos from each tenant. This will also
include the Emergency Fund minus half of the 1000 pesos. And the remaining balance will be added to
the electrical bill on the second release of the monthly salary. Refer to computaEon below as an

Household Amount per Divided to Total Emergency Excess Balance to

U9li9es month number of Monthly Fund balance from be paid
Tenants Payment (Total form last payment balance
first payment- from
500)*6 remaining
Water P 900 6 P 150 P 3000 – P
Internet P 1300 6 P 217 P 367-P 500 = 4842
P 500*6 = (P 1842)
First Payment P 367 Each (P133)*6
=P 3000 /6 = P 307
= P 798
Electricity P 4842 6 P 807
*The emergency fund will be used to buy cleaning materials inside the household and other materials to be
used to repair and maintain the things inside the dorm including when the gas tank emp?es.
9. Let us exercise Clay-go (Clean as you go). Remember you don’t have servants in this dorm. You are
responsible for the utensils you use. You are required to keep your food in a food container and place it
in a designated area to keep your le_-over so that anyone who wish to use the table can use it. Also,
washing of the pots and pans is your responsibility when you use it.
10. Ironing of clothes and uniform will be scheduled once a week to conserve and save on electricity. Iron
all clothes that needs ironing that you will use for the whole week. The ironing table and iron must be
kept folded once finish using.

*Visitors (Non-Employee) and Pets are not allowed to stay in the dorm that is not associated with the school or
sleep in the dorm.

I solemnly swear to follow the rules and regulaEons of this dorm with respect to the authority given by
its owners and for the sake of everyone’s well-being inside the 4 comers of the household.

Signatures of tenants here:

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