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Health: Drugs Infographic

Teacher Margory Coffy

 Create an infographic using Canva or another.
 You should read the information of your textbook. Summarize the most important.

- General Topic: DRUGS USE AND ABUSE

- Then write your name and date.
- Beginning: Write an introduction: What are drugs?
- Middle: Choose 3 types of drugs and write the important information, write
the effects that it can cause in the body, and add pictures.
Types of drugs:
1. Marijuana
2. Inhalants
3. Cocaine
4. Tobacco
5. Alcohol
- At the end: Conclusion: Write a message motivating people: SAY NO TO
DRUGS! In this part you can write your opinion. Mention why people should
not consume drugs. Write general things about the harmful that drugs can be.

 Your work should include two pages. Don´t forget your name and date after the
general topic.
Virtual The infographic is without grammar and spelling mistakes.
Infographic / The infographic is in order, with summarize information. 10%
Content Pictures are according to the topic.
Creativity / The infographic is original without plagiarism. The
Originality conclusion (message) about drugs is well written. 4%

Oral Student shows a full understanding of the topic.

Presentation Student speaks clearly with good intonation.
/ Exposition Student facial expressions and body language generate 6%
strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic.
The student is able to answer the questions about the topic.

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