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Opening Disclosure 1

Opening Disclosure 2
Loan/Car Payment
Credit Card Payment
Relief Request

Harris Bank Scripting/Disclosure Statements:

The Harris Bank agent will ask the interpreter to read/interpret the following disclosure to the
LEP, and the LEP will need to agree to the disclosure before the call can proceed:

Opening Script 1
“Mr./Mrs./Ms. XXX, we at BMO Harris Bank respect your privacy and are committed to keeping
personal information about you and your banking relationship with us confidential. Since you
have chosen to use a third party in order to communicate with us, she/he will be privy to some
of your personal information during the call. Before proceeding, we require your consent for
disclosure of your personal information to occur in this way. Do you agree and still want to
proceed with this request?”
En BMO Harris Bank respetamos su privacidad y nos comprometemos a mantener confidencial
la información personal sobre usted y su relación bancaria con nosotros. Dado que ha elegido
utilizar un tercero para comunicarse con nosotros, él / ella tendrá acceso a parte de su
información personal durante la llamada. Antes de continuar, requerimos su consentimiento
para que la divulgación de su información personal ocurra de esta manera. ¿Está de acuerdo y
aún desea continuar con esta solicitud?

Opening Script 2
While this information is being provided to you in (insert language), applications, disclosures,
and other materials that you may receive are only available in English. Please consult an advisor
to ensure you understand all written information provided.
Si bien esta información se le proporciona en (español), las solicitudes, las divulgaciones y
otros materiales que pueda recibir solo están disponibles en inglés. Por favor consulte a un
asesor para asegurarse de que comprende toda la información proporcionada por escrito ".
Loan / Car Payment.
By submitting this Payment, you indicate your agreement with the terms of BMO Harris express
loan pay service, you authorize BMO Harris bank to deduct (amount payment) that you
provided to the associate from the designated account to make a payment to the BMO Harris
loan account.
By accepting this service, you represent that you are at least 18-years of age and legally
authorized use the account designed in this authorization; please confirm that you agree and
want to proceed with processing your payment with the associate on the phone?
Al enviar este Pago, usted excluyó que está de acuerdo con los términos del servicio de pago de
préstamos express de BMO Harris, y que autorizó al Banco BMO Harris a deducir (monto) de la
cuenta designada para realizar un pago a la cuenta de préstamo de BMO Harris.
Al aceptar este servicio, usted representa al menos 18 años y que está legalmente autorizado
para la cuenta corriente designada en esta autorización, ¿está de acuerdo?
Your Payment Will be made today the (date) it could take a couple of business days before you
see that coming out of your checking account.
Su pago se realizará hoy el (fecha) podría tomar un par de días hábiles antes de que vea que
sale de su cuenta corriente.
Thank you for banking with BMO Harris Bank.
Gracias por realizar operaciones bancarias con el Banco BMO Harris.

Credit Card Payment

When providing bank info for payment you authorize us process transaction as electronic found
transfer, by accepting service you agree that you are legally authorized to use the bank account
designated for this authorization, you will not be assessed a fee by making this payment by
phone other methods available to make the payments are, online at, by
mailing your payment, at BMO Brach or making payment over the phone through the
automated system, your payment post on your account the same business day if made prior
4pm CST would you like proceed processing payment?
Al proporcionar información bancaria para el pago, nos autoriza a procesar la transacción como
transferencia electrónica encontrada. Al aceptar el servicio, acepta que está legalmente
autorizado para utilizar la cuenta bancaria designada para esta autorización. No se le cobrará
una tarifa por realizar este pago por teléfono. Los métodos disponibles para realizar los pagos
son, en línea en enviando su pago por correo, en una sucursal de BMO o
realizando el pago por teléfono a través del sistema automatizado, su pago se contabiliza en su
cuenta el mismo día hábil si se realiza antes de las 4:00 p. m. CST ¿Desea continuar con el
procesamiento del pago?
Submitting a Relief Request
We have programs that may be available to help customers that are experiencing a hardship.
if you want to request relief, I can complete one for you and in 10 business days you’ll receive a
follow call if necessary or letter confirming your eligibility and the term of any release granted.
Since you allowed me to complete this form, I will send your request right through to start the
process, within 10 business you will receive a phone call if necessary or a letter confirming your
eligibility the term of any relief granted.
Tenemos programas que pueden estar disponibles para ayudar a los clientes que están
experimentando dificultades.
Si desea solicitar alivio, puedo completar uno por usted y en 10 días hábiles recibirá una
llamada de seguimiento si es necesario o una carta que confirme su elegibilidad y el plazo de
cualquier liberación otorgada.
Dado que me permitió completar este formulario, enviaré su solicitud de inmediato para
comenzar el proceso, dentro de 10 días hábiles recibirá una llamada telefónica si es necesario o
una carta que confirme su elegibilidad el plazo de cualquier alivio otorgado.
Balance Transfer Request
By submitting this balance transfer request, you agreed the terms and conditions as the card
holder agreement apply to all balances transferred.
balance transfers fee is $10 or 3% of each balance transferred, whichever is greater. If the
amount of the balance transfer requests exceeds available credit limit, we will process balance
transfer up to the available amount. The balance transferred amount may be reduced as
necessary due to your available credit limit.
The request will be process in the order that’s received any incorrect missing information
supplied as part request would require further action and this may delay effective date of the
balance transferred accrued from the day of transaction without a grace period.
BMO reward points and cash back will not be awarded on balance transferred.
any balance transferred appear on your BMO Billing statement for each transfer processed.

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