Actividad 1-4 REVIEWED

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Task 1:

I have an older brother, he lives in Bquilla right now, he has a child, my cousin, my brother
is married, he works in a bank in that city, he is manager of that zone of country, he likes
the cars to much, he has two cars right now and he likes to practice outdoors sports too,
he rides bike in the roads near to the beach every weekend with his friends.

Task 2:

I really don’t go to D1 or Justo & Bueno, but in bmanga is very popular J&B, the people
there say that J&B product´s are cheaper than D1 and is nicer go to J&B than D1 because
the attention and the place is more beautiful.

I think that too, I think the liquid soap for the clothes in J&B is better than is selling in D1,
but the make up for girls look like more stylish in D1 than J&B, in general if I have to
choose between they, I’ll choose J&B, in my opinion is more friendly.

Task 3:

Hello dear friend,

I’m so glad to know about you again, my family is excellent, thanks for ask, we usually go
to a short family trips, we always stay together on holidays like most families in my
country, some families have some members far away, like our family, but we always do
the necessary to be together on holidays, in nearly all special days we are complete and
we try to never left anyone spend a special day alone, but in my country some families are
small I suppose this is easier for them.

Task 4:

I almost always exercise every day, I often go to jogging around the city before the
breakfast and nights I like practice yoga with my wife and always take my English classes
every day, but if you are asking, ¿how do you do those activities in a day? is easy! is
because I practice jogging around 45 minutes and yoga around 30 min, so isn’t much time,
I usually go to my work riding a bike or skating, and on almost all Sundays I always go to
my friends to ride a bike on the mountains, especially in sunny days, I like be a sport
person but not like fitness freak.
Aquí te acompañamos así que sigue estos consejos:


No olvides colocar el artículo "a/an" frente a los sustativos singulares.

No uses contracciones para ciudades en un texto narrativo.


"In Bucaramanga is very popular J&B". En Español es muy común utilizar este orden, pero
en inglés el sujeto tiene que ser muy claro, y debe ir primero, y generalmente el
complemento de lugar debe ir al final. "J&B is very popular in Bucaramanga"

" 's" es el posesivo para nombres: Moe's bar no es necesario en el caso que presentas.

"The makeup for girls, lookS ..." estamos hablando de tercera persona, IT. Hay que
agregarle "S" al verbo.


El artículo "a" es para singulares, pero se está hablando en plural.

"...never leave" "left" es pasado.


El sujeto "IT" debe estar presente. La frase puede iniciar con IS, si es una pregunta, igual
no se podría evadir la necesidad del uso de IT.

"I like TO Be" El modo infinitivo "ser" o "estar" requiere la preposición "to".

Muy buena palabra "sportsperson". Es una sola palabra.

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