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BUSINESS FINANCE reach a goal, and the tactical plan is where you lay out

the steps to achieve that goal.

Identify the steps in the financial planning process
Planning is an important aspect of the firm’s operations Characteristics of an Effective Plan
because it provides road maps for guiding, coordinating, Specific – target a specific area for improvement. -
and controlling the firm’s actions to achieve its Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator
objectives of progress. -
Management planning is about setting the goals of the Assignable/Attainable – specify who will do it. -
organization and identifying ways on how to achieve Realistic – state what results can realistically be
them achieved, given available resources. -
Importance of Planning - to achieve long-term and Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be
short-term goals achieved
Steps in the financial planning process Illustrate the formula & format in budget preparation
1. Set goals or objectives. 1. Sales Budget -The most important account in
2. Identify Resources the financial statement in making a forecast is sales
3. Identify goal-related tasks since most of the expenses are correlated with sales.
4. Establish responsibility centers for 2. Production Budget- provides information
accountability and timeline. regarding the number of units that should be produced
5. Establish the evaluation system for monitoring over a given accounting period based on expected sales
and controlling and targeted level of ending inventories.
6. Determine contingency plans Required production in units = Expected Sales + Target
• There are three phases of financial planning. Ending Inventories - Beginning Inventories
Financial planning starts with long term plans 3. Operating Budget-refers to the variable and
( set of goals that lay out the overall direction of fixed costs needed to run the operations of the
the company)which would then translate to company but are not directly attributable to the
short term plans. ( specific steps or actions that generation of sales.
will ultimately reach the company’s long term 4. Cash Budget-an estimation of the cash inflows
goals.)Medium Trrm Plans and outflows for a business over a specific period of
Contingency plan-A contingency plan is a course of time. This budget is used to assess whether the entity
action designed to help an organization respond has sufficient cash to operate
effectively to a significant future event or situation that Working Capital Management is the administration and
may or may not happen. A contingency plan is control of the company’s working capital. The primary
sometimes referred to as "Plan B," because it can be objective is to achieve balance bet. profitability and
also used as an alternative for action if expected results risk.
fail to materialize. Three types of working capital
• Mission vs. Vission a. Maturity-matching working capital financing policy -
A Mission Statement defines the company's business, b. Aggressive working capital financing policy
its objectives and its approach to reach those c. Conservative working capital financing policy
objectives. A Vision Statement describes the desired • Managing working capital is important because
future position of the company. failure to do so may result in the closure of business
• Goal vs. Objective Permanent Working Capital is the minimum level of
Goals are general guidelines that explain what you want current assets required by a firm to carry-on its business
to achieve in your community. ... Objectivesdefine operations given its production capacity or relevant
strategies or implementation steps to attain the sales range.
Temporary working capital is the excess of working
identified goals. Unlike goals, objectives are specific,
capital over the permanent working capital given its
measurable, and have a defined completion date. production capacity or r
Explain tools in managing cash
• Strategic vs. Tactical Planning
1. Cash-Being the most liquid asset, cash is an important
Strategic planning plays out the long-term, broad goals
account in the balance sheet that will affect the
that a business or individual wants to achieve. ...
liquidity, and solvency of a company. It is also the most
Your strategic plan provides the general idea of how to
vulnerable when it comes to theft. There should be a •Equity Financing - the method of raising capital by
good internal control selling company stock to investors (stockholders) in
2. Motives For Holding Cash exchange of ownership interests in the company.
a. Transactional. This is the cash used for paying
expenses such as salaries, utilities, rent and taxes, Compare and contrast the loan requirements
among others. Draw a flow chart on the steps in loan application
b. Compensating balance. This is the cash held to meet List down obligations of entrepreneurs to creditors
bank requirements such as the minimum cash balance - present a feasibility study to a potential creditor if he
c. Precautionary. This is the cash maintained for is just about to put up a business.
emergencies such as the additional cash you -present financial statements that would show the
d. Speculative. This refers to the cash held by the income and loss that the company
company to take advantage of opportunities - guarantee of an individual or an entrepreneur's
character to assure
3. Budgeting Cash -provides information regarding the -Entrepreneurs are responsible for setting up a viable
company’s expected cash receipts and disbursements and regular payment scheme that creditors will agree
over a given period.. It is useful for identifying future to. -Entrepreneurs must keep a regular stream of
funding requirements or excess cash within a given financial reports to the creditors.
period -entrepreneurs are legally obligated to pay the sum of
4. Net Cash Flow, Ending Cash, Financing, and Excess money they owe their creditors whether they are at a
Cash profit or at a loss.
net cash flow is found by subtracting the cash Sources of Funds
disbursements from cash receipts in each period. Then • Suppliers Credit – refers to the extension of payment
we add beginning cash to the net cash flow to due date by suppliers.
determine the ending cash for each period. Finally, we • Advances from stockholders or other owners –
subtract the desired minimum cash balance from personal funds advanced by a stockholder to a company
ending cash to find the required total financing or the that usually requires interest.
excess cash balance. If the computed amount is • Credit cooperatives – provided lending services to its
negative, the company needs financing. Otherwise, the members.
company has excess cash. • Banks – provides several loan products catering to
5. • The cash budget is part of planning. It helps different types of needs.
managers anticipate future funding requirements in • Credit Cards – just take note of the high interest rates
order to obtain proper financing even before the need on this source of funds.
arises. • Lending Companies – companies that are dedicated
6. Proper management of accounts receivable entails to lending. They usually charge higher interest than
having a good billing and collection system banks but their credit requirements are more lenient
5C’s used in credit evaluation. These are: - compared to banks
Character –willingness of the borrower to repay loan - . • Pawnshops – provides funds in exchange for
Capacity – a customer’s ability to generate cash flows - collateral, usually jewellery, or other items of value
Collateral – security pledged for payment of the loan - • Informal lending sources (5/6)
Capital – a customer’s financial resources - Interest is usually paid per month, and monthly interest
Condition – current economic or business conditions is (6-5)/5 or 20%.
7. Proper management of accounts receivable entails sources and uses of long-term funds.
having a good billing and collection system. • Equity investors – these are the
8. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT individuals/corporations w/c are issued common stock.
. • Internally generated funds – not all profits are
Cite bank and nonbank institutions distributed to stockholders. Most of the profits are re-
financing - It means to provide funding for a particular invested and used by companies to finance their needs
need. . • Banks – they provide long-term loans, depending on
•Debt Financing - borrowing money from lenders and the nature of the need. For example, a 5-year to 10-year
not giving up ownership. loan may be granted if the purpose of the loan is
construction of an office building.
• Bonds – these are debt investments where an investor
loans money to an entity which borrows the funds.
• Lending companies – they can also provide long-term

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