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Written test 3 Name: __________________________ Total Score

Date: __________________________ ______ /100 points

A Erica and Tim are talking about Tim’s schedule this semester. Listen and circle one true sentence for each
1. a. Tim is getting a lot of sleep these days.
b. Tim is very tired these days.
2. a. Tim is studying a lot.
b. Tim is working full-time.
3. a. Tim isn’t eating any good meals.
b. Tim is eating one good meal a day.

4. a. Tim played football in the cold last Saturday.

b. Tim sat outside in the cold last Saturday.

A _______ /8 points (2 points each)

B Ethan and Lora are talking about the weekend. Listen and circle the correct answers.
1. Where did Lora go last weekend? 3. Who did Ethan dance with?
a. To her friend Angel’s party a. Angel’s girlfriend
b. To her sister’s house b. Angel’s sister

2. What kind of food did Angel serve? 4. How often does Angel have parties?
a. Mexican a. A couple of times a month
b. Brazilian b. Once a month

B _______ /8 points (2 points each)

C Read the answers. Then complete the questions. Use the verb be or the simple present. Use capital letters where
Example: A Where _______________________________________________________
are you from ?
B I’m from Mexico City.
are your sisters like?
1. A What _______________________________________________________ ?
B My sisters? They’re very friendly and outgoing.

are your parents today?

2. A Where _______________________________________________________ ?
B My parents are at home today.
Does your mother work
3. A _______________________________________________________ on the weekends?
B Yes, she does. My mother works every weekend.
Are the students in this class smart?
4. A _______________________________________________________ ?
B Yeah, the students in this class are very smart.
do you (and your friends) go after class?
5. A Where _______________________________________________________ ?
B My friends and I usually go for coffee after class.

C _______ /10 points (2 points each)

Touchstone 1 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Written test 3 1

D Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous and the words in parentheses. Use contractions where
possible. Use capital letters where necessary.
Example: A Are you learning (you / learn) a new sport this winter?
B Yeah, ______________
we’re taking (we / take) a bowling class at the student center.
Is your best friend exercising
1. A ______________ (your best friend / exercise) enough these days?
B Well, he's walking(he / walk) to school this semester.
are your parents doing
2. A What ______________ (your parents / do) right now?
They are running
B ______________ (they / run) in the park.
Are you enjoying
A ______________ (you / enjoy) the beach today?
I'm not having
B No, ______________ (I / not have) any fun. It’s too cold and windy.

D _______ /6 points (1 point each)

E Read about a neighborhood. Circle the correct words.

I really like my neighborhood. There’s a / a couple of cheap movie theater and an / some
(1) (2)
excellent restaurants. And there are one / a couple of great stores. There are
no / a lot of nice places, like museums, outdoor cafés, two clubs, and a beautiful park,
but we don’t have a mall. We really need a / no mall!

E _______ /5 points (1 point each)

F Complete the conversation with the questions in the box. Use each question only once. There is one extra

I mean, where can you hear good music? What do you play? Are you a student?
Are you studying law, like Joe? I mean, where do you study?

Joe Hey, Linda. This is my friend Marco.

Linda Hi. It’s nice to meet you.
Marco Nice to meet you.
Joe Marco’s from Italy.
Linda Italy? Really? So are you a student here?
Are you a student?
Marco No, I’m just on vacation. How about you? ____________________________________
Linda Yes. Joe and I go to the same school.
Are you studying law, like Joe?
Marco Really? ____________________________________
Linda No, I’m studying music.
What do you play?
Marco That’s interesting. ____________________________________
Linda The piano.
I mean, where can you hear good
Marco Great. So, um, do you ever go to concerts here? ____________________________________ music?
Linda Oh, there are some great jazz clubs downtown.

F _______ /4 points (1 point each)

Touchstone 1 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Written test 3 2

G Read the sentences. Then correct the underlined words using the words from the box. There are two extra

boring casual doing formal get making meat sunny

1. David was at the beach, and it was hot and rainy. He got a bad sunburn. sunny
2. My sister is at the gym right now. She’s going aerobics. doing
3. I like to wear dressy clothes after work. I usually go home and put on jeans and a T-shirt. casual
4. This neighborhood is very exciting. There’s no place to go. There’s no mall or movie theater – just a lot of
apartment buildings. boring
5. I love seafood like chicken, beef, and lamb. meat
6. I went on a trip with my brother. It was terrible. We didn’t go along. get
G _______ /6 points (1 point each)

H Complete the questions and answers. Choose the correct expressions from the box, and use can or can’t. There
are two extra expressions.

see a lot of famous people spend a day at the beach

take a bus tour sit at an outdoor café
go to a show or concert see a different movie

Example: A _________
Can you _____________________________________
see a different movie every night in this neighborhood?
B No, you _________
can’t . There’s only one movie theater.
1. A _________ sit at an outdoor café
you _____________________________________ at night?
can't . The restaurants close early around here.
B No, you _________
2. A _________ see a lot of famous people
you _____________________________________ on the street?
B Yes, you _________ . There are a lot of celebrities around here.
3. A _________ take a bus tour
you _____________________________________ of the island?
B Yes, you _________ . Or you can walk around and see it. It’s really small.

H _______ /6 points (1 point each)

I Circle the correct words.

1. A Do you eat many / much vegetables?
B Not really. But I eat a lot of potato / potatoes.

2. A Do you eat many / a lot of fruit?

B Well, I have an apple / apple every day.

3. A How many / much coffee do you drink a day?

B Actually, I don’t drink some / any. I don’t like coffee.

4. A How many / much snacks do you eat a day?

B I don’t usually have snacks. But I eat a lot of / many ice cream!

I _______ /6 points (1 point each)

Touchstone 1 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Written test 3 3

J Complete the conversation. Circle the correct words.
A Let’s take a break. I’m hungry.
B Me too. / How about you? Would you like to go out? There are some good lunch places around here.
A Well, I’m on a diet, so I don’t want a big lunch or something / or anything.
B OK. Let’s see. / Really? How about the coffee shop near here?
A Oh, that’s great. It’s right next door to the electronics store. I need to go there after lunch. I want to get my
neighbor’s son a GameZ for his birthday.
B A GameZ? What’s that?
A Oh, it’s a kind of / kind of like video game. He really, really wants one. And he’s a really great kid.
B Happy birthday! / Good for you. That’s nice of you.

J _______ /5 points (1 point each)

K Complete the questions and answers. Use the simple past and the verbs in parentheses. Use capital letters
where necessary.
1. A _________ do
you _________ (do) anything fun last night?
stayed (stay) home.
B Not really. I just _________
were (be) your parents last week?
2. A Where _________
went (go) snorkeling in Thailand. It was fun, but my mom _________
B They _________ got (get) sick.
3. A Where _________ go
your brother _________ (go) Saturday night?
B He _________ (meet) some friends for dinner.
4. A _________ check (check) your email yesterday?
you _________
chatted (chat) with some friends online.
B No, but I _________

K _______ /9 points (1 point each)

L Circle the correct words.

1. A What do you like to / would you like to do tonight?
B I ’d like to / like to stay home. There’s a football game on TV.

2. A Do you like to / want to go to the beach tomorrow?

B Yeah! I don’t have to / don’t like to work tomorrow.

3. A Do you would like to / need to shop for clothes?

B Yeah, I do. I want to / like to go shopping today!

L _______ /6 points (1 point each)

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M Read the email. Then circle the correct answers.

1. What is Sarah doing in Japan?

a. She’s going to school. b. She’s working. c. She’s on vacation.
2. Where does Keiko live?
a. In New York b. In Kyoto c. In Tokyo

3. Where does Keiko work?

a. At an English school b. At a museum c. At a university

4. What did Keiko see last week?

a. A famous garden b. A historic temple c. A traditional show

M _______ /8 points (2 points each)

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N Read the poster about a food fair in a school. Then circle True or False for each sentence.

1. The food fair is in the cafeteria. True False

2. Students are cooking a lot of different dishes. True False
3. They’re serving Italian seafood and Mexican pizza. True False
4. You can try rice ice cream at the food fair. True False
5. The money from the food fair goes to the International Club. True False
6. The food fair prices are expensive. True False
7. You can eat lots of different foods for one price. True False
8. Lunch is only $3. True False
9. The lunch starts at 11:30 p.m. True False
10. The lunch finishes at 1:00 p.m. True False

N _______ /10 points (1 point each)

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