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First and most important it is not to take this as a bible.

There is a possibility that some of the

explanation may not be 100% accurate. Creating tournaments is a complex task that requires time. If
you think that you will read this tutorial in half an hour and after that you will be able to make
hundreds of tournaments in a few minutes then it is better to stop here. On the other hand if you
are ready to invest time to study the database like I done it this will help you. Tournament creation is
almost like a programing language and one wrong line can easily cause a crash. Crashes will be very
common and it will also take time to figure out where is the mistake.

There are two essential programs that you need to install before you can start adding or changing
tournaments. These are DB Master 12 and File Master 12. To install the File Master 12 you have to
download the program and the registration key. Install both then open an empty folder in
C:\Program Files \EA Sports\FIFA 12 or C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Sports\FIFA 12 depending where
you installed File Master 12. This is the folder where you need to copy any “.big” files that you
intend to modify. I prefer using also the FHL-BH-Editor because with this you just uncheck the
unpacked files instead of deleting it.

First thing is to copy data1.big from C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 13\Game to the
empty folder created for File Master 12. Open File Master 12 and extract the following files.


Place these files with the extracted folders together into:

C:\Program Files\Origin Games\FIFA 13\Game…….

C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 13\Game…….

Now with File Master 12 you can delete the extracted files from data1.big. This is where I prefer
using the FHL-BH-Editor and only unchecking instead of deleting files. Regenerate the database and
close the tool. Copy the modified data1.big file from the File Master database and replace the one in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 13\Game.

Now you have done the preparation work and before you start modifying and creating tournaments
you need to study and understand the entries in each tournament files.

1. World line (specify the world as an object)


a) Competition object ID (e.g. 0)

b) Numeric identifier: 0-FIFA world competition (e.g. 0)
c) Short description. This can be found in the database
fce_competitioninfo/compobjshortdesc (e.g. FIFA)
d) Description. This can be found in the database fce_competitioninfo/compobjdesc (e.g.
e) Parent ID number: World belongs to no specific ID (e.g. -1)

2. Confederation line (specify the confederation as an object)

70,1,UEFA,European FA,0

a) Competition object ID (e.g. 70)

b) Numeric identifier: 1-confederation competition (e.g. 1)
c) Short description. This can be found in the database
fce_competitioninfo/compobjshortdesc (e.g. UEFA)
d) Description. This can be found in the database fce_competitioninfo/compobjdesc (e.g.
European FA)
e) Parent ID number: Confederation belongs to FIFA world ID (e.g. 0)

3. Country line (specify the country as an object)


a) Competition object ID (e.g. 286)

b) Numeric identifier: 2-country competition (e.g. 2)
c) Short description. This can be found in the database
fce_competitioninfo/compobjshortdesc (e.g. AUST)
d) Description. This can be found in the database fce_competitioninfo/compobjdesc and a
full description in the language database LanguageStrings. (e.g. NationName_4)
e) Parent ID number: Country belongs to confederation ID (e.g. 70)
4. Competition line (specify the competition as an object)

a) Competition object ID (e.g. 287)

b) Numeric identifier: 3-competition (e.g. 3)
c) Short description. This can be found in the database
fce_competitioninfo/compobjshortdesc (e.g. C212)
d) Description. This can be found in the database fce_competitioninfo/compobjdesc and a
full description in the language database LanguageStrings. (e.g.
e) Parent ID number: Competition belongs to country ID, confederation ID for champions
league type competition or world ID for FIFA competitions (e.g. 286)

5. Stage line (specify the competition stage as an object)


a) Competition object ID (e.g. 288)

b) Numeric identifier: 4-stage (e.g. 4)
c) Short description (e.g. S1) This can be found in the database
fce_competitioninfo/compobjshortdesc. Relpay games have an R on the end (e.g. S3R)
d) Description. This can be found in the database fce_competitioninfo/compobjdesc and a
full description in the language database LanguageStrings. Line FCE_Setup_Stage is used
only to setup all teams participating in a competition and from there teams advance into
the next stage. Imagine setup stage as a bowl from where qualified teams are drawn
into a competition. Other lines like FCE_League_Stage and FCE_Round_1 are used for
stages with teams directly advancing to that stage or advancing from a previous stage.
These stage group games will be played in the competition (e.g. FCE_Setup_Stage)
e) Parent ID number: Stage belongs to competition ID (e.g. 287)

6. Group line (specify the group of a stage as an object)

289,5,G1, ,288

a) Competition object ID (e.g. 289)

b) Numeric identifier: 5-group (e.g. 5)
c) Short description. This can be found in the database
fce_competitioninfo/compobjshortdesc (e.g. G1)
d) Description (e.g. none) Groups don’t use description
e) Parent ID number: Group belongs to stage ID (e.g. 288)
Analyze some existing lines:

0,0,FIFA,FIFA,-1 (FIFA world specifying)

……………………… (FIFA competition lines not included here)

70,1,UEFA,European FA,0 (UEFA confederation specifying)

……………………… (UEFA competition lines not included here)

286,2,AUST,NationName_4,70 (Austrian country specifying)

287,3,C212,TrophyName_Abbr15_212,286 (Competition specifying. From LanguageStrings this is the

Austrian cup called ÖFB-Samsung-Cup)

288,4,S1,FCE_Setup_Stage,287 (Setting up the Austrian cup Stage1)

289,5,G1, ,288 (Setting up the groups)

290,4,S2,FCE_Round_1,287 (Round 1 of the Austrian cup Stage2 specifying)

291,5,G1, ,290 (Austrian cup Round 1 Group 1 specifying)

292,5,G2, ,290 (Austrian cup Round 1 Group 2 specifying)

293,4,S3,FCE_Quarter_Finals,287 (Quarter Finals of the Austrian cup Stage3 specifying)

294,5,G1, ,293 (Austrian cup Quarter Final Group 1 specifying)

295,5,G2, ,293 (Austrian cup Quarter Final Group 2 specifying)

296,5,G3, ,293 (Austrian cup Quarter Final Group 3 specifying)

297,5,G4, ,293 (Austrian cup Quarter Final Group 4 specifying)

298,4,S4,FCE_Semi_Finals,287 (Semi Finals of the Austrian cup Stage4 specifying)

299,5,G1, ,298 (Austrian cup Semi Final Group 1 specifying)

300,5,G2, ,298 (Austrian cup Semi Final Group 2 specifying)

301,4,S5,FCE_Final,287 (Finals of the Austrian cup Stage5 specifying)

302,5,G1, ,301 (Austrian cup Final Group 1 specifying)

303,3,C80,TrophyName_Abbr15_80,286 (Competition specifying. From LanguageStrings this is the

Austrian league called Austrian Bundesliga)

304,4,S1,FCE_League_Stage,303 (Austrian Bundesliga Stage1 as league specifying)

305,5,G1, ,304 (Austrian league Group 1 specifying)

Existing Stage line description list (Full description is in LanguageStrings database)

FCE_Qualifying Round
Round of 16 Pots
Setup Stage

Existing Group line description list (Full description is in LanguageStrings database)

FCE_Northern_ Section
FCE_North-West_ Section
FCE_Southern_ 4
FCE_Southern_ 5
FCE_Southern_ 6
FCE_Southern_ 7
FCE_Southern_ 8
FCE_Southern_ Section
Northern Section
Southern Section

1. Competition ID line (list of all competition ID in Compoobj.txt)


a) Competition object ID from Compobj.txt. This file has listed all the competition lines and
it is believed to be used to speed up the search when FIFA is running. (e.g. 71)

Analyze some existing lines:

1 (Competition line 1,3,C999,TrophyName_Abbr15_999,0 found in Compobj.txt)

14 (Competition line 14,3,C990,TrophyName_Abbr15_990,0 found in Compobj.txt)

71 (Competition line 71,3,C991,TrophyName_Abbr15_991,70 found in Compobj.txt)

84 (Competition line 84,3,C980,TrophyName_Abbr15_980,70 found in Compobj.txt)


1. Team position in groups line (number of teams in a group)


a) Competition Group object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 289)

b) Position in the group 0=1st, 1=2nd,….. (e.g. 0)

Analyze some existing lines:

289,0 (Team number 1 in Group 1 Group line ID “289,5,G1, ,288” setup stage)

289,1 (Team number 2 in Group 1 Group line ID “289,5,G1, ,288” setup stage)

289,2 (Team number 3 in Group 1 Group line ID “289,5,G1, ,288” setup stage)

291,0 (Team number 1 in Group 1 Group line ID “291,5,G1, ,290” round 1 stage)

291,1 (Team number 2 in Group 1 Group line ID “291,5,G1, ,290” round 1 stage)

297,0 (Team number 1 in Group 4 Group line ID “297,5,G4, ,293” quarter final stage)

297,1 (Team number 1 in Group 4 Group line ID “297,5,G4, ,293” quarter final stage)

1. Schedule line (Game Scheduling)


a) Competition Stage object ID or Group object ID in Compobj.txt If it refers to a Stage ID it

applies to all groups belonging to that stage (e.g. 5)
b) Day when to play counting from 25/12/2011. If season start is specified in settings then
counting start date is different. For example if start year is specified as 2013 counting
starts from 30/12/2012. For 2014 from 29/12/2013, for 2015 from 28/12/2014, for 2016
from 27/12/2015 etc. (e.g. 175)
c) Round of games played (e.g. 1)
d) Minimum number of games to play (e.g. 1)
e) Maximum number of games to play (e.g. 1)
f) Time when to play (e.g. 1200)

Analyze some existing lines:

330,215,1,1,1,2030 (Game played for Competition Stage line ID “330,4,S1,FCE_League_Stage,329”

played 215 days after 25/12/2011, first round of games, minimum number of games played is 1,
maximum is 1, time to play is 20:30)

330,216,1,0,2,1800 (Game played for Competition Stage line ID “330,4,S1,FCE_League_Stage,329”

played 216 days after 25/12/2011, first round of games, minimum number of games played is 0,
maximum is 2, time to play is 18:00)

330,216,1,3,5,1830 (Game played for Competition Stage line ID “330,4,S1,FCE_League_Stage,329”

played 216 days after 25/12/2011, first round of games, minimum number of games played is 0,
maximum is 2, time to play is 18:30)

330,217,1,1,2,2030 (Game played for Competition Stage line ID “330,4,S1,FCE_League_Stage,329”

played 217 days after 25/12/2011, first round of games, minimum number of games played is 1,
maximum is 2, time to play is 20:30)

330,223,2,3,5,1830 (Game played for Competition Stage line ID “330,4,S1,FCE_League_Stage,329”

played 223 days after 25/12/2011, second round of games, minimum number of games played is 3,
maximum is 5, time to play is 20:30)
Schedule folder (some tournaments have a more specific schedules in individual files in the schedule

1. Specific schedule file name


a) Competition object ID name (e.g. C13)

b) Competition stage object ID name (e.g. S1)
c) Schedule is for the year (e.g. 2012)

2. Schedule specific line (Game Scheduling)


d) Competition date year/month/day (e.g. 20120817)

e) Time when to play (e.g. 1500)
f) Home team ID (e.g. 1)
g) Away team ID (e.g. 106)

Analyze some existing files:

c13_s1_2012 (This belongs to Competition C13. From compobject.txt this is

“764,3,C13,TrophyName_Abbr15_13,356” from the LanguageStrings database this is “Barclays
Premier League”, specific schedule belongs to S1 stage 1, Specific schedule is for 2012)

Analyze some existing lines:

20120818,1500,1,106 (Scheduled game date is 2012/08/18, time to play is 15:00, Home team ID is 1
from the database file this is “Arsenal”, Away team ID is 106 from the database file this is

1. Advancement line (description of teams advancing in a competition)


a) Competition Group object ID moving from in Compobj.txt (e.g. 297)

b) Rank in the group that is moving from (e.g. 1)
c) Competition Group object ID moving to in Compobj.txt (e.g. 299)
d) Rank in the group that is moving to (e.g. 2)

Analyze some existing lines:

289,1,294,1 (Team advances from Competition Group line ID “289,5,G1, ,288” setup stage, from first
position, to Competition Group line ID “294,5,G1, ,293” into Group1 position 1)

289,2,295,1 (Team advances from Competition Group line ID “289,5,G1, ,288” setup stage, from first
position, to Competition Group line ID “295,5,G2, ,293” into Group2 position 1)

294,1,299,1 (Team advances from Competition Group line ID “294,5,G1, ,293” quarter final stage
Group1 from first position, to Competition Group line ID “299,5,G1, ,298” into semifinal Group 1
position 1)

297,1,299,2 (Team advances from Competition Group line ID “297,5,G4, ,293” quarter final stage
Group4 from first position, to Competition Group line ID “299,5,G1, ,298” into semifinal Group 1
position 2)

1. Last year team finish line (Specifies where some teams finished last year. Useful for
competitions where in the first season the last year’s winner need to participate)


a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 303)

b) Last year’s finishing position 0=1st, 1=2nd,….. (e.g. 0)
c) Team ID from the database (e.g. 191)

Analyze some existing lines:

287,0,191 (Competition line ID “287,3,C212,TrophyName_Abbr15_212,286” from the

LanguageStrings this is the Austrian ÖFB-Samsung-Cup, Finishing first was Team ID 191 from the
database this is Red Bull Salzburg)

287,1,780 (Competition line ID “287,3,C212,TrophyName_Abbr15_212,286” from the

LanguageStrings this is the Austrian ÖFB-Samsung-Cup, Finishing second was Team ID 780 from the
database this is SV Ried)

303,0,191 (Competition line ID “303,3,C80,TrophyName_Abbr15_80,286” from the LanguageStrings

this is the Austrian Bundesliga, Finishing first was Team ID 191 from the database this is Red Bull

303,1,254 (Competition line ID “303,3,C80,TrophyName_Abbr15_80,286” from the LanguageStrings

this is the Austrian Bundesliga, Finishing second was Team ID 254 from the database this is Rapid

303,2,111821 (Competition line ID “303,3,C80,TrophyName_Abbr15_80,286” from the

LanguageStrings this is the Austrian Bundesliga, Finishing third was Team ID 111821 from the
database this is Admira Wacker)

303,3,256 (Competition line ID “303,3,C80,TrophyName_Abbr15_80,286” from the LanguageStrings

this is the Austrian Bundesliga, Finishing fourth was Team ID 256 from the database this is Austria

303,4,209 (Competition line ID “303,3,C80,TrophyName_Abbr15_80,286” from the LanguageStrings

this is the Austrian Bundesliga, Finishing fifth was Team ID 209 from the database this is Sturm Graz)

1. Weather line (Weather settings for a country)


a) Country object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 286)

b) Month in a year (e.g. 1)
c) Percentage probability of having a dry day (e.g. 40)
d) Percentage probability of rain falling (e.g. 35)
e) Percentage probability of snow falling (e.g. 25)
f) Percentage probability of having an overcast day (e.g. 60)
g) Sunset time (e.g. 1600)
h) Night time (e.g. 1700)

Analyze some existing lines:

286,1,40,35,25,60,1600,1700 (Country line ID “286,2,AUST,NationName_4,70” 1st month in a year =

January, 40% chance of dry day, 35% chance of rain, 25% chance of snow, 60% chance of overcast
day, sunset at 16:00, night time dark at 17:00)

……………………… (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 month lines not included here)

286,12,50,20,30,60,1600,1700 (Country line ID “286,2,AUST,NationName_4,70” 12th month in a year

= December, 50% chance of dry day, 20% chance of rain, 30% chance of snow, 60% chance of
overcast day, sunset at 16:00, night time dark at 17:00)

1. Fill with a team line (Add a team to a competition)


a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 1381)

b) Task is to happen at the start (e.g. start)
c) Task description add team to a competition (e.g. FillWithTeam)
d) Group line ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 1383)
e) Task order numbering for this type of line starts with 1 (e.g. 1)
f) Team ID to add to the competition (e.g. 687)
g) Parameter always equal 0 (e.g. 0)

2. Fill with a special team line (Add a special team to a competition. The special teams can be
from the rest of the world league)

a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 121)

b) Task is to happen at the start (e.g. start)
c) Task description add a special team to a competition (e.g. FillFromSpecialTeams)
d) Group line ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 125)
e) Number of special teams to add. Special team IDs are specified in settings.txt (e.g. 2)
f) Parameter always equal 0 (e.g. 0)
g) Parameter always equal 0 (e.g. 0)

3. Fill with teams from a league line (Add league teams to a competition)

a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 303)

b) Task is to happen at the start (e.g. start)
c) Task description add all teams to a competition from a league (e.g. FillFromLeague)
d) Group line ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 305)
e) League ID. This can be found in the database. (e.g. 80)
f) Parameter always equal 0 (e.g. 0)
g) Parameter always equal 0 (e.g. 0)
4. Fill with teams from a league with maximum specified teams line (Add league teams to a
competition with a maximum teams from the country specified)

a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 185)

b) Task is to happen at the start (e.g. start)
c) Task description add some teams from a league to a competition with a maximum
number of teams from the country (e.g. FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry)
d) Group line ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 189)
e) League ID. This can be found in the database. (e.g. 13)
f) Number of teams from the league in order starting from the first position (e.g. 1)
g) Maximum number of teams from this country (e.g. 4)

5. Fill with teams from a competition table line (Add teams from one competition to another
competition. This table has to be specified in Inittems.txt)

a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 118)

b) Task is to happen at the start (e.g. start)
c) Task description add a team to a competition from another competition (e.g.
d) Group line ID in Compobj.txt where to put the teams (e.g. 120)
e) Competition object ID form where teams to come from in Initteams.txt (e.g. 185)
f) Number of teams to the competition (e.g. 1)
g) Parameter always equal 0 (e.g. 0)

6. Fill with teams from a competition table and have a backup league (Add teams as a backup
from a league. For example one team qualifies through two competitions and backup team
is required to fill the spot. This table has to be specified in Inittems.txt)

a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 185)

b) Task is to happen at the start (e.g. start)
c) Task description add a team to a competition from a competition and have a backup
league spot (e.g. FillFromCompTableBackupLeague)
d) Group line ID in Compobj.txt where to put the teams (e.g. 188)
e) Competition object ID form where teams to come from in Initteams.txt (e.g. 1261)
f) Backup League ID where the teams to come from in case backup is needed. This can be
found in the database. (e.g. 53)
g) Number of teams to the competition (e.g. 1)
7. Fill with teams from a competition table backup line (Add teams as a backup solution. For
example one team qualifies through two competitions and backup team is required to fill
the spot. This table has to be specified in Inittems.txt)

a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 1026)

b) Task is to happen at the start (e.g. start)
c) Task description add a team to a competition as backup to a league spot (e.g.
d) Group line ID in Compobj.txt where to put the team (e.g. 1028)
e) Competition object ID form where teams to come from in Initteams.txt (e.g. 1029)
f) Backup Competition object ID from Initteams.txt where the teams to come from in case
backup is needed. (e.g. 1083)
g) Number of teams to the competition (e.g. 1)

8. Update table (Update table of teams at the end of the competition for the next season that
are drawn from Initteams.txt in the first season)

a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 303)

b) Task is to happen at the end (e.g. end)
c) Task description update the table (e.g. UpdateTable)
d) Competition object ID in initteams.txt (e.g. 303)
h) Group object ID from where the team is to replace the team from initteams.txt (e.g. 305)
e) Group object ID position from where the team is to replace the team from initteams.txt
(e.g. 5)
f) Position of the updated team to replace the team from initteams.txt (e.g. 5)

9. Update league table (Update table at the end of the competition for the next season)

g) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 303)

h) Task is to happen at the end (e.g. end)
i) Task description update the league table (e.g. UpdateLeagueTable)
j) League line ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 304)
k) League ID. This can be found in the database. (e.g. 80)
l) Parameter always equal 0 (e.g. 0)
m) Parameter always equal 0 (e.g. 0)
Analyze some existing lines:

1381,start,FillWithTeam,1383,1,687,0 (Competition ID
“1381,3,C234,TrophyName_Abbr15_234,1380” From LanguageStrings this is the U.S. Open Cup, task
is performed at the start, add team to a competition, add team to a Competition Group ID in setup
stage “1383,5,G1, ,1382” this is the first task to perform for this competition, Team ID 687 is to be
added this team is Columbus Crew from the database)

1381,start,FillWithTeam,1383,2,688,0 (Competition ID
“1381,3,C234,TrophyName_Abbr15_234,1380” From LanguageStrings this is the U.S. Open Cup, task
is performed at the start, add team to a competition, add team to a Competition Group ID in setup
stage “1383,5,G1, ,1382” this is the second task to perform for this competition, Team ID 688 is to
be added this team is D.C. United from the database)

185,start,FillFromSpecialTeams,189,1,0,0 (Competition ID
“185,3,C224,TrophyName_Abbr15_224,70” From LanguageStrings this is the Euro League, task is
performed at the start, add a special team to a competition, add team to a Competition Group ID
setup stage group 3 “189,5,G3, ,186”, add one team out of the specified special team, Team IDs
specified in settings.txt are 1884=Panathinaicos, 278=AEK Athens, 280=Olimpiacos, 393=Paok)

303,start,FillFromLeague,305,80,0,0 (Competition ID “303,3,C80,TrophyName_Abbr15_80,286”

From LanguageStrings this is the Austrian Bundesliga, task is performed at the start, add teams from
a league to a competition, add team to a Competition Group ID setup stage “305,5,G1, ,304”, add
teams from a League ID 80. League from the database is the Austrian Bundesliga)

185,start,FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry,189,13,1,4 (Competition ID
“185,3,C224,TrophyName_Abbr15_224,70” From LanguageStrings this is the Euro League, task is
performed at the start, add teams from a league to a competition, add team to a Competition Group
ID setup stage group 3 “189,5,G3, ,186”add teams from a League ID 13. League from the database is
the English Premier league, add one team, maximum 4 teams from this country)

118,start,FillFromCompTable,120,185,1,0 (Competition ID
“118,3,C232,TrophyName_Abbr15_232,70” From LanguageStrings this is the Copa Europe, task is
performed at the start, add teams from a competition Initteams.txt table, add teams to a
Competition Group ID Final Setup “120,5,G1, ,119”, add teams from a Competition ID 185. From
LanguageStrings this is the Euro League, add 1 team)

185,start,FillFromCompTableBackupLeague,188,1261,53,1 (Competition ID
“185,3,C224,TrophyName_Abbr15_224,70” From LanguageStrings this is the Euro League, task is
performed at the start, add team from a competition Initteams.txt table with a specified backup
league, add team to a Competition Group ID setup stage group 2 “188,5,G2, ,186”add team from
Competition ID “1261,3,C208,TrophyName_Abbr15_208,1257” From LanguageStrings this is the
Spanish Cup, the backup qualifying league is League ID 53 From the database this is Spanish Primera
Division, add 1 team)
1026,start,FillFromCompTableBackup,1028,1029,1083,1 (Competition ID
“105,3,C981,TrophyName_Abbr15_981,70” From LanguageStrings this is the Supercoppa, task is
performed at the start, add team from a competition Initteams.txt table with a specified backup
competition, add team to a Competition Group ID setup stage group 1 “1028,5,G1, ,1027”add team
from Competition ID “1029,3,C210,TrophyName_Abbr15_210,1025” From LanguageStrings this is
Coppa Nazionale, backup qualifying competition is Competition ID
“1083,3,C31,TrophyName_Abbr15_31,1025” From LanguageStrings this is Serie A, add 1 team)

307,end,UpdateTable,307,328,2,2 (Competition ID “307,3,C213,TrophyName_Abbr15_213,306”

From LanguageStrings this is Coupe Belgique, task is performed at the end, update the table,
competition object ID in initteams.txt is 307, table is to be updated from the cup final Group ID
“328,5,G1, ,327”, team from group second position is to replace first season team in initteams.txt,
team position in initteam.txt to be updated is second position)

303,end,UpdateLeagueTable,304,80,0,0 (Competition ID “303,3,C80,TrophyName_Abbr15_80,286”

From LanguageStrings this is the Austrina Bundesliga, task is performed at the end, update the
league table, update League object ID “304,4,S1,FCE_League_Stage,303”, the League ID is 80.
League from the database is the Austrian Bundesliga)

Typical compobj attributes (Defining the competition object attributes)


a) Competition object ID in Compobj.txt (e.g. 0)

b) Attribute description. (e.g. rule_numsubsbench)
c) Attribute value (e.g. 7)

1. World object attributes (These attributes are passed down to all confederations, all
countries, all competitions, all competition stages unless other values are specifically
0,comp_type,NONE (Competition type none)
0,rule_bookings,on (Bookings are on)
0,rule_offsides,on (Offside is on)
0,rule_injuries,on (Injuries are on)
0,rule_numsubsbench,7 (Number of subs on bench 7. Can be 5 or 7)
0,rule_numsubsmatch,3 (Number of subs in a match 3)
0,rule_suspension,0 (Rule suspension set to Competition object ID 0)
0,rule_numyellowstored,5 (Number of yellows stored is 5 before the ban. Usually 3, 4 or 5)
0,rule_numgamesbanredmax,1 (Maximum 1 game ban for red)
0,rule_numgamesbanredmin,1 (Minimum 1 game ban for red)
0,rule_numgamesbandoubleyellowmax,1 (Max 1 game ban for double yellows in match)
0,rule_numgamesbandoubleyellowmin,1 (Min 1 game ban for double yellows in match)
0,rule_numgamesbanyellowsmax,1 (Maximum 1 game ban for stored yellows)
0,rule_numgamesbanyellowsmin,1 (Minimum 1 game ban for stored yellows)
0,standings_pointswin,3 (3 points for win)
0,standings_pointsdraw,1 (1 point for draw)
0,standings_pointsloss,0 (0 point for loss)
0,match_matchimportance,75 (Match importance set to 75. Can be 0-100)
0,match_stagetype,LEAGUE (Stage type is league. Setup, League, Ko1 leg, Ko 2 legs)
0,match_matchsituation,LEAGUE (Stage description is league. League, Final, Semi, Group, …)
0,nation_id,-1 (Nation ID set to -1. This is none)
0,asset_id,-1 (Asset ID set to -1. This is none)
0,match_endruleleague,END (After league game end if draw)
0,match_endruleko1leg,ET (After 1 leg knockout draw next extra time)
0,match_endruleko1leg,PENS (After 1 leg knockout draw next penalties)
0,match_endruleko2leg1,END (After 2 leg first match end if draw)
0,match_endruleko2leg2,AGG (After 2 leg second match draw next winner on aggregate)
0,match_endruleko2leg2,AWAY (After 2 leg second match draw next away goal rule)
0,match_endruleko2leg2,ET (After 2 leg second match draw next extra time)
0,match_endruleko2leg2,ET_AWAY (After 2 leg second match extra time next away goal)
0,match_endruleko2leg2,PENS (After 2 leg second match draw next penalties)
0,match_endrulefriendly,END (After friendly game end if draw)
0,info_prize_money,0 (Money for wining. Min 2000, Max 16000000)
0,info_prize_money_drop,0 (Money drop for loosing. Min 5, Max 100)
0,standings_sort,POINTS (Table sorting by points)
0,standings_sort,GOALDIFF (Table sorting next by goal difference)
0,standings_sort,GOALSFOR (Table sorting next by goals scored)
0,standings_sort,WINS (Table sorting next by number of games won)
0,schedule_seasonstartmonth,AUG (Season starts in August)
0,schedule_year_start,2011 (Competition to start in 2011)
0,schedule_year_offset,1 (Competition runs every year)
0,schedule_friendlydaysbetweenmin,6 (Minimum 6 days between two friendlies)
0,schedule_friendlydaysbefore,6 (Minimum 6 days before friendly game)
0,schedule_internationaldependency,1 (Schedule is dependent on international games.
1=Yes, 0=No. Only International competitions have this reset to 0)

2. Confederation object attributes (Normally only these lines are used to overwrite the world
attributes. Others can be also included)
70,schedule_seasonstartmonth,JUL (Season starts in July)
70,match_matchimportance,30 (Match importance set to 30. Can be 0-100)

3. Country object attributes (Normally only these lines are used to overwrite the world and
confederation attributes. Others can be also included )
286,nation_id,4 (Nation ID set to 4. This is Austria from the databse)
286,rule_suspension,286 (Rule suspension set to Competition object ID 286. Any suspension
rules set after this will overwrite the world line attributes)

4. Competition object attributes (Normally only these lines are used to overwrite the world,
confederation and country attributes. Others can be also included)

a) League
303,asset_id,80 (League asset ID is 80)
303,comp_type,LEAGUE (Competition type is league)
303,schedule_friendlydaysbefore,3 (Minimum 3 days before friendly game)
303,schedule_friendlydaysbetweenmin,2 (Minimum 2 days between two friendlies)
303,match_matchimportance,17 (Match importance set to 17)
b) League with promotion and relegation
767,schedule_forcecomp,776 (Link to promotion playoff Competition ID)
767,info_league_promo,13 (Promotion to Competition ID. If no promotion line not used)
767,info_league_releg,60 (Relegation to Competition ID. If no relegation line not used)
767,asset_id,14 (League asset ID is 14)
767,comp_type,LEAGUE (Competition type is league)
767,schedule_friendlydaysbefore,3 (Minimum 3 days before friendly game)
767,schedule_friendlydaysbetweenmin,2 (Minimum 2 days between two friendlies)
767,match_matchimportance,17 (Match importance set to 17)

c) Playoff
776,info_league_promo,13 (Promotion to Competition ID.)
776,asset_id,414 (League asset ID is 414)
776,comp_type,PLAYOFF (Competition type is playoff)
776,match_matchimportance,100 (Match importance set to 100)

d) Cup
287,asset_id,212 (Cup asset ID is 212)
287,comp_type,CUP (Competition type is cup)
287,match_matchimportance,22 (Match importance set to 22)

e) Supercup
357,asset_id,228 (Supercup asset ID is 228)
357,comp_type,SUPERCUP (Competition type is supercup)
357,match_matchimportance,28 (Match importance set to 28)

f) International Cup (e.g. FIFA World Cup)

1,asset_id,999 (International cup asset ID is 999)
1,comp_type,INTERCUP (Competition type is international cup)
1,schedule_seasonstartmonth,MAY (Season starts in May)
1,schedule_year_start,2013 (Competition to start in 2013)
1,schedule_year_offset,4 (Competition runs every 4 years)
1,schedule_internationaldependency,0 (International competitions are 0-notdependent)
1,match_matchimportance,100 (Match importance set to 100)

g) International Cup Qualifiers (e.g. FIFA World Cup qualifiers)

71,asset_id,991 (International qualifier asset ID is 991)
71,comp_type,INTERQUAL (Competition type is international qualifier)
71,schedule_seasonstartmonth,JUL (Season starts in July)
71,schedule_year_start,2012 (Competition to start in 2012)
71,schedule_year_offset,4 (Competition runs every 4 years)
71,schedule_internationaldependency,0 (International comps. are 0-not dependent)
71,match_matchimportance,100 (Match importance set to 100)
71,schedule_use_dates_comp,1614 (All Interqualif schedule use comp. 1614 dates)
h) Other lines
185,schedule_checkconflict,1 (Checks for conflict and Fill teams from Backup league or
backup competition. Can be found in tasks.txt)
1314,standings_sort,H2HPOINTS (Table sorting by head to head points)
1314,standings_sort,H2HGOALDIFF (Table sorting by head to head goal difference)
1314,standings_sort,H2HGOALSFOR (Table sorting by head to head goals scored)

5. Stage object attributes (Normally only these lines are used to overwrite the world,
confederation and country attributes. Others can be also included)

a) Setup
308,match_stagetype,SETUP (It is a setup stage. Setup is described Compobj.txt )

b) League
985,match_matchsituation,LEAGUE (The stage is a league)
985,info_prize_money,13000000 (Money for winning the stage)
985,info_prize_money_drop,10 (Money loss for being eliminated)

c) Group
226,match_stagetype,LEAGUE (This is a league type stage. Used only for group stages)
226,match_matchsituation,GROUP (This is a group stage)
226,info_prize_money,800000 (Money for winning the stage)
226,info_prize_money_drop,100 (Money loss for being eliminated)
226,advance_maxteamsassoc,1 (Maximum teams advancing per association)
226,info_color_slot_adv_group,1 (Advancing slot position in group 1 colored)
226,info_color_slot_adv_group,2 (Advancing slot position in group 2 colored)
226,advance_random_draw_event,1 (Advancing is a random event)

d) Cup
310,match_stagetype,KO1LEG (The stage is 1 leg knockout. It can also be KO2LEGS)
310,match_matchsituation,ROUNDX (This is a round of X teams knockout. It can also be
310,info_prize_money,31000 (Money for winning the stage)
310,info_prize_money_drop,100 (Money loss for being eliminated)
e) Other lines
778,advance_calccompavgs,1 (Advancing teams as per calculated competition average)
244,advance_maxteamsgroup,1 (Maximum teams advancing per group)
244,advance_maxteamsstageref,226 (Maximum teams stage reference)
427,advance_randomdraw,1 (Advancing is a random event. Used only for Stage object
ID lines FCE_XXX_Draw)
429,advance_random_draw_event,1 (Advancing is a random event)
374,advance_standingskeep,365 (Advance the standings from previous stage. In replay
situations win remain a win and only draws are replayed)
1419,advance_standingsrank,1406 (Advance the ranking from previous stage)
186,info_special_team_id,393 (Setup Stage special team ID if in the competition)
183,match_stadium,157 (Set the stadium ID for the stage games)
374,schedule_matchreplay,1 (Specifies that this is a replay schedule in a competitions
that after a draw game ends and a replay game is played)
1448,schedule_reversed,1 (reverse schedule of the stage e.g. Calausura after Apertura)
1315,schedule_year_real,2012 (There is a real schedule in data 1. compdata/schedules)
1433,standings_checkrank,1431 (In situations like 1 v 4, 2 v 3 get the ranking from 1431)
239,standings_sort,TEAMRATING (Stage sorted by team rating)
1382,standings_sort,PREVRANK (Stage sorted by previous year team ranking)

6. Group object attributes (Normally only these lines are used. Others can be also included)

a) League, Group, Cup

245,num_games,2 (Number of games is 2 to be played between two teams)

f) Other lines
333,advance_pointskeep,330 (Advance points from the previous group object games)
333,advance_pointskeeppercentage,50 (Advance 50% points from the previous group
object games)
1497,advance_standingsrank,1491 (Advance the ranking from previous group object)
352,match_stadium,180 (Set the stadium ID for the games)
220,standings_sort,TEAMRATING (Group sorted by team rating)
220,standings_sort,PREVRANK (Group sorted by previous team rating)
766,info_slot_champ,1 (Champion slot is position 1)
766,info_color_slot_champ,1 (Champion slot 1 colored)
769,info_slot_promo,2 (Promotion slot position 2 - direct promo)
769,info_color_slot_promo,2 (Promotion slot position 2 colored - direct promo)
769,info_slot_promo_poss,3 (Possible promotion slot position 3 - playoff style)
769,info_color_slot_promo_poss,3 (Possible promotion slot position 3 colored - playoff )
766,info_slot_releg,20 (Relegation slot is position 20 - direct relegation)
766,info_color_slot_releg,20 (Relegation slot posititon20 colored - direct relegation)
986,info_slot_releg_poss,16 (Possible relegation slot is position 16 - playoff style)
986,info_color_slot_releg_poss,16 (Possible relegation slot posititon16 colored - playoff)
766,info_color_slot_champ_cup,2 (Euro Champions cup slot position 2 colored)
766,info_color_slot_euro_league,5 (Euro league slot position 5 colored)
1408,info_color_slot_adv_group,5 (Advancing slot position in group 5 colored)

7. Some other object attributes (There are many attributes but will only analyze some that are
very important)

765,schedule_year_real,2012 (stage object ID has a specific schedule file in the schedule

folder and it is for the year 2012)
Language Database/LanguageStrings (e.g. eng_us)

Hyundai A-League / -1827592254 / TrophyName_351 (Full name of the competition / hash id can be
calculated with DB Master12 / trophy name with assed ID used for the competitions)
A-League / -1430812951 / TrophyName_Abbr15_351 (Short name of the competition / hash id can
be calculated with DB Master12 / trophy name with assed ID used for the competitions)

The graphic files are stored in the data1.big file and it can be extracted with File Master 12. For
example from the language strings “Hyundai A-League / -1827592254 / TrophyName_351” and also
from the asset ID specified in the txt files for the tournament 351 is a trophy ID for the Hyundai A-
League. With File Master 12 find the data\ui\artAssets\trophy\t351 and extract it. Then move this
t351.big file to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 13\Game\data\ui\artAssets\trophy and
rename it to t352.big Now we have a trophy with ID 352 for our competition.

If you want to replace the files in the newly created t352.big then copy the file into a created folder
for the File Master 12 and extract the files stored inside this t352.big. Once the files are modified you
can replace the modified files in t352.big with File Master 12. Now can copy this modified file back
replacing the unmodified file t352.big in C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA
Euroseededteams.csv (This is where the first year of European club competition teams are specified.
Next year will be drawn as per the domestic competition finishing position. File can be opened and
modified wit Excel)

a) CompId - is the competition ID name CC is for Champions Cup as long EL is Euro League
(e.g. CC)
b) GroupId- is the Group ID number. (e.g. 1)
c) TeamId1-is the team ID in position 1 that can be found in the database (e.g. 5)
d) TeamId2-is the team ID in position 2 that can be found in the database (e.g. 234)
e) TeamId3-is the team ID in position 3 that can be found in the database (e.g. 22)
f) TeamId4-is the team ID in position 4 that can be found in the database (e.g. 573)

Analyze some existing lines:

CompId=CC (Competition is the Champions Cup)

GroupId=1 (It is group 1)

TeamId1=5 (Team ID in 1st position is 5. From the database this is “Chelsea”)

TeamId2=234 (Team ID in 2nd position is 234. From the database this is “SL Benfica”)

TeamId3=22 (Team ID in 3rd position is 22. From the database this is “Borussia Dortmund”)

TeamId4=573 (Team ID in 4th position is 573. From the database this is “Málaga CF”)

(Next free object ID 1620, Numeric identifier 3 for competition object, Competition short name given
is C911, Description is TrophyName_Abbr15_911, competition belongs to AFC ID 1464 to test it first
in tournament mode you can make it to belong to Australia ID 1473)
(Next free object ID 1621, Numeric identifier 4 for stage object, S1 short description is for stage 1,
FCE_Setup_Stage is a description for setup stage not real game playing stage, Stage belongs to
competition object ID 1620)
1622,5,G1, ,1621
(Next free object ID 1622, Numeric identifier 5 for group object, G1 short description is for group 1,
There is no full description for the group, Group belongs to stage object ID 1621. Will use this setup
group 1 to advance the 3 top finishing teams from the KOR league, 3 from KSA and 2 from AUS)
(Next free object ID 1623, Numeric identifier 4 for stage object, S2 short description is for stage 2,
FCE_Group_Stage is a description for group stage games, Stage belongs to competition object ID
(Next free object ID 1624, Numeric identifier 5 for group object, G1 short description is for group 1,
full description is Group A, Group belongs to stage object ID 1623. Will advance teams from setup
stage to this Group 1 / Group A)
(Next free object ID 1625, Numeric identifier 5 for group object, G2 short description is for group 2,
full description is Group B, Group belongs to stage object ID 1623. Will advance teams from setup
stage to this Group 2 / Group B)
(Next free object ID 1626, Numeric identifier 4 for stage object, S3 short description is for stage 3,
FCE_Semi_Finals is a description for semifinal games, Stage belongs to competition object ID 1620)
1627,5,G1, ,1626
(Next free object ID 1627, Numeric identifier 5 for group object, G1 short description is for group 1,
There is no full description for the group, Group belongs to stage object ID 1626. Will advance teams
from group stage to this semifinal game group 1)
1628,5,G2, ,1626
(Next free object ID 1628, Numeric identifier 5 for group object, G2 short description is for group 2,
There is no full description for the group, Group belongs to stage object ID 1628. Will advance teams
from group stage to this semifinal game group 2)
(Next free object ID 1629, Numeric identifier 4 for stage object, S4 short description is for stage 4,
FCE _Finals is a description for final games, Stage belongs to competition object ID 1620)
1630,5,G1, ,1629
(Next free object ID 1630, Numeric identifier 5 for group object, G1 short description is for group 1,
There is no full description for the group, Group belongs to stage object ID 1629. Will advance teams
from semifinal stages to this final game group 1)

(Add entry for competition object line 1620,3,C911,TrophyName_Abbr15_911,1464 found in


(Team number 1 in Group 1 setup stage)
(Team number 2 in Group 1 setup stage)
(Team number 3 in Group 1 setup stage)
(Team number 4 in Group 1 setup stage)
(Team number 5 in Group 1 setup stage)
(Team number 6 in Group 1 setup stage)
(Team number 7 in Group 1 setup stage)
(Team number 8 in Group 1 setup stage)
(Team number 1 in Group 1 / Group A group stage)
(Team number 2 in Group 1 / Group A group stage)
(Team number 3 in Group 1 / Group A group stage)
(Team number 4 in Group 1 / Group A group stage)
(Team number 1 in Group 2 / Group B group stage)
(Team number 2 in Group 2 / Group B group stage)
(Team number 3 in Group 2 / Group B group stage)
(Team number 4 in Group 2 / Group B group stage)
(Team number 1 in Group 1 semifinal stage)
(Team number 2 in Group 1 semifinal stage)
(Team number 1 in Group 2 semifinal stage)
(Team number 2 in Group 2 semifinal stage)
(Team number 1 in Group 1 final stage)
(Team number 2 in Group 1 final stage)


(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 65 days after 30/12/2012=05/03/2013, 1st round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 18:30. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 67 days after 30/12/2012=07/03/2013, 1st round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 19:30. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 72 days after 30/12/2012=12/03/2013, 2nd round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 19:00. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 74 days after 30/12/2012=14/03/2013, 2nd round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 18:30. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 93 days after 30/12/2012=02/04/2013, 3rd round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 20:00. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 95 days after 30/12/2012=04/04/2013, 3rd round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 18:30. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 107 days after 30/12/2012=16/04/2013, 4th round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 19:30. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 109 days after 30/12/2012=18/04/2013, 4th round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 20:00. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 121 days after 30/12/2012=30/04/2013, 5th round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 19:30. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 123 days after 30/12/2012=02/05/2013, 5th round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 19:00. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 129 days after 30/12/2012=08/05/2013, 6th round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 21:00. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in group stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 130 days after 30/12/2012=09/05/2013, 6th round of
games, minimum number of games played is 2, maximum is 4, time to play is 19:30. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in semifinal stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 295 days after 30/12/2012=21/10/2013, 1st round of
games, minimum number of games played is 1, maximum is 2, time to play is 20:00. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in semifinal stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 296 days after 30/12/2012=22/10/2013, 1st round of
games, minimum number of games played is 1, maximum is 2, time to play is 18:00. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in semifinal stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 302 days after 30/12/2012=28/10/2013, 2nd round of
games, minimum number of games played is 1, maximum is 2, time to play is 19:30. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 and Group 2 in semifinal stage, because in task.txt it is specified that
competition starts in 2013 game is played 303 days after 30/12/2012=29/10/2013, 2nd round of
games, minimum number of games played is 1, maximum is 2, time to play is 20:00. Checked no date
conflict with AUS, KOR and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 in final stage, because in task.txt it is specified that competition starts in
2013 game is played 316 days after 30/12/2012=11/11/2013, 1st round of games, minimum number
of games played is 0, maximum is 1, time to play is 19:30. Checked no date conflict with AUS, KOR
and KSA competitions)
(Game played for Group 1 in final stage, because in task.txt it is specified that competition starts in
2013 game is played 317 days after 30/12/2012=12/11/2013, 1st round of games, minimum number
of games played is 0, maximum is 1, time to play is 19:30. Checked no date conflict with AUS, KOR
and KSA competitions)


(Team advances from the setup Group 1, from 1st position, to the group stage Group 1 / Group A,
into position 1. First 3 teams in setup are from KOR after 3 from KSA and then 2 from AUS)
(Team advances from the setup Group 1, from 5th position, to the group stage Group 1 / Group A,
into position 2. First 3 teams in setup are from KOR after 3 from KSA and then 2 from AUS)
(Team advances from the setup Group 1, from 3rd position, to the group stage Group 1 / Group A,
into position 3. First 3 teams in setup are from KOR after 3 from KSA and then 2 from AUS)
(Team advances from the setup Group 1, from 8th position, to the group stage Group 1 / Group A,
into position 4. First 3 teams in setup are from KOR after 3 from KSA and then 2 from AUS)
(Team advances from the setup Group 1, from 4th position, to the group stage Group 2 / Group B,
into position 1. First 3 teams in setup are from KOR after 3 from KSA and then 2 from AUS)
(Team advances from the setup Group 1, from 2nd position, to the group stage Group 2 / Group B,
into position 2. First 3 teams in setup are from KOR after 3 from KSA and then 2 from AUS)
(Team advances from the setup Group 1, from 6th position, to the group stage Group 2 / Group B,
into position 3. First 3 teams in setup are from KOR after 3 from KSA and then 2 from AUS)
(Team advances from the setup Group 1, from 7th position, to the group stage Group 2 / Group B,
into position 4. First 3 teams in setup are from KOR after 3 from KSA and then 2 from AUS)
(Team advances from the group stage Group 1 / Group A, form the 1st position, to the semifinal
stage Group 1, into position 1)
(Team advances from the group stage Group 2 / Group B, form the 2nd position, to the semifinal
stage Group 1, into position 2)
(Team advances from the group stage Group 2 / Group B, form the 1st position, to the semifinal
stage Group 2, into position 1)
(Team advances from the group stage Group 1 / Group A, form the 2nd position, to the semifinal
stage Group 2, into position 2)
(Team advances from the semifinal stage Group 1, form the 1st position, to the final stage Group1,
into position 1)
(Team advances from the semifinal stage Group 2, form the f1st position, to the final stage Group1,
into position 2)


(For the competition line ID “1474,3,C351,TrophyName_Abbr15_351,1473” from the
LanguageStrings this is the Hyundai A-League, first in our table was Team ID 111396 from the
database this is Central Coast Mariners. Will use this for the champion position)
(For the competition line ID “1474,3,C351,TrophyName_Abbr15_351,1473” from the
LanguageStrings this is the Hyundai A-League, second in our table was Team ID 111396 from the
database this is Central Coast Mariners. Will use this for the regular season 1st finish. Note that the
same team can finish 1st in the league and win the championship playoff. It is important always to
have 2 spots for qualifying)
(For the competition line ID “1474,3,C351,TrophyName_Abbr15_351,1473” from the
LanguageStrings this is the Hyundai A-League, third in our table was Team ID 111395 from the
database this is Brisbane Roar. Will use this for the regular season 2nd finish. Note that the same
team can finish 1st in the league and win the championship playoff. It is important always to have 2
spots for qualifying)

NOTE: Korean teams will qualify after finishing the first 2012 season therefore teams can be drawn
directly from the league. Saudi Arabian competition finishing is already specified in the Initteams.txt

(Competition ID 1474,3,C351,TrophyName_Abbr15_351,1473” from the LanguageStrings this is the
Hyundai A-League, task is performed at the end, update the table, competition object ID in
initteams.txt is 1474, table is to be updated from the championship stage final Group ID “1488,5,G1,
,1487”, team from group 1st position is to replace first season specified team in initteams.txt,
position in initteam.txt to be updated is the 1st position)
(Competition ID 1474,3,C351,TrophyName_Abbr15_351,1473” from the LanguageStrings this is the
Hyundai A-League, task is performed at the end, update the table, competition object ID in
initteams.txt is 1474, table is to be updated from the regular season league stage Group ID
“1476,5,G1, ,1475”, team from league group 1st position is to replace first season specified team in
initteams.txt, position in initteam.txt to be updated is the 2nd position)
(Competition ID 1474,3,C351,TrophyName_Abbr15_351,1473” from the LanguageStrings this is the
Hyundai A-League, task is performed at the end, update the table, competition object ID in
initteams.txt is 1474, table is to be updated from the regular season league stage Group ID
“1476,5,G1, ,1475”, team from league group 2nd position is to replace first season specified team in
initteams.txt, position in initteam.txt to be updated is the 3rd position)
(For the competition ID 1620, at the start, fill up teams from a league, fill up the setup group 1 in
1622, from the league ID 83 “Korean League”, add the first 3 teams from the league, maximum
teams from this country “Korea” can be 3)
(For the competition ID 1620, task is performed at the start, add teams from a competition
Initteams.txt table, add teams to a Competition Group ID 1622 setup stage, add teams from
competition ID “1523,3,C350,TrophyName_Abbr15_350,1502” from the LanguageStrings this is the
Zain Saudi League Cup, add 2 teams)
(For the competition ID 1620, task is performed at the start, add team from a competition
Initteams.txt table with a specified backup competition, add teams to a Competition Group ID 1622
setup stage, add teams from competition ID “1526,3,C550,TrophyName_Abbr15_550,1502” from
the LanguageStrings this is the “Saudi” King Cup of Champions, backup qualifying competition is
Competition ID “1523,3,C350,TrophyName_Abbr15_350,1502” From LanguageStrings this is Zain
Saudi League Cup, add 1 team)
(For the competition ID 1620, task is performed at the start, add team from a competition
Initteams.txt table with a specified backup competition, add teams to a Competition Group ID 1622
setup stage, add teams from competition ID “1474,3,C351,TrophyName_Abbr15_351,1473” from
the LanguageStrings this is the Hyundai A-League, backup qualifying competition is the same
competition because champion and one of the league top 2 finishing teams can be the same, add 2

(Cup asset ID is 911. Will export an existing general trophy and rename it 911)
(Competition type is cup)
(Match importance set to 30)
(Competition season starts in March)
(Competition starts in 2013 “second season”)
(Competition runs every year)
(Rule suspension set to Competition object ID 1620)
(Number of yellows stored is 2 before the ban)
(Table sorting first by points)
(Next table sorting by head to head points)
(Next table sorting by head to head goal difference)
(Next table sorting by head to head goals scored)
(Next table sorting by goal difference)
(Next table sorting next by goals scored)
(Next table sorting next by number of games won)
(It is a setup stage)
(Stage sorted by team rating)
(The group stage is league type)
(This is a group stage)
(Advancement draw is random)
(Money for advancing from the group stage)
(Money loss for being eliminated in the group stage)
(Advancing slot position 1 in group colored)
(Advancing slot position 2 in group colored)
(Number of games played between two teams in the group stage Group 1 / Group A is 2)
(Number of games played between two teams in the group stage Group 2 / Group B is 2)
(The semifinal stage is 2 leg knockout)
(This is a semifinal stage)
(Money for advancing from semifinal stage)
(Money loss for being eliminated in semifinal stage)
(Number of games played between two teams in semifinal stage Group 1 is 2)
(Number of games played between two teams in semifinal stage Group 2 is 2)
(The final game is to be played in the Stadion Olympik ID 195)
(The final stage is 1 leg knockout)
(This is a final stage)
(Money for winning the final stage)
(Money loss for losing the final stage)
(Number of games played between two teams in the final stage Group 1 is 1)
(Champion slot is position 1)
LanguageStrings (hash calculated with DB Master 12)

AFC Champions League-(-85301488)-TrophyName_911

AFC Champ League-(-1018378693)- TrophyName_Abbr15_911

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