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University of Kasdi Merbah Ouargla

College of Applied Sciences Department

Civil Engineering and Hydraulics

Second year of a common trunk bachelor's degree

Science and Technology 2022/2023
Technical English scale

Interrogation on technical English1

Sure! Here's an interrogation on technical English:

1. What are some common technical terms used in the

field of engineering?
2. Can you explain the concept of "precision" in
technical measurements?
3. How is "efficiency" defined in the context of energy
4. What are the primary differences between "analog"
and "digital" signals?
5. Can you provide examples of "biotechnology"
applications in the medical field?
6. What is the purpose of "debugging" in computer
7. How does "encryption" ensure data security in
information technology?

8. Can you describe the function of a "catalyst" in
chemical reactions?
9. What are the main components of a "solar
photovoltaic system"?
10. Explain the concept of "data mining" and its
significance in data analysis.

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