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Efren Yeshua A.


Japan (Global North):

Wealth: With a high GDP per capita, Japan ranks among the richest nations in the world.
Its economy is highly developed and technologically advanced, and it is home to
companies that are well-known throughout the world in sectors like electronics and the
auto industry.

Power: Because of its post-World War II constitution, Japan does not have a permanent
armed force. However, it is a significant economic and technological force that
contributes significantly to global innovation and trade.

Influence: Japan has a large impact on global trade, technology, and finance. It actively
engages in diplomacy and international organizations, frequently making contributions
to peacekeeping and development initiatives.

South Africa (Global South):

Wealth: South Africa's economy is diverse and has some pockets of riches, but it also
has a lot of poverty and inequality. The nation has abundant mineral resources, but a
sizable percentage of the populace faces financial troubles.

Power: South Africa is a major contributor to peacekeeping operations on the continent,

a regional power in Africa, and an African Union member. It was crucial in abolishing
apartheid and establishing a multiracial democracy.

Influence: South Africa has a distinctive history and has a long history of promoting
peace and human rights. It aspires to increase its influence in African and international
fora as a member of the BRICS group of growing countries.

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