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fMRI Processing

and Analysis

Rohit Misra
MS(R) Student
Neurocomputing Lab
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
IIT Delhi
Blood Oxygen Level Dependent

• Neural activity
requires energy
• Energy is supplied via
oxygenated blood
• Oxyhemoglobin is
diamagnetic, and
deoxyhemoglobin is
Presentation title
Blood Oxygen Level Dependent
Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF) Repeated stimulation

Functional MRI
BOLD for repeated stimuli

4 Dimensional Data

BOLD(x, y, z, t)

Presentation title
Structural vs Functional MRI

Presentation title 20XX 5

MNI Standard Template

Presentation title 20XX 6

fMRI Pre-Processing

Experiment Design

Presentation title 20XX 8

Generalized Linear Model

Presentation title 20XX 9

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