Possible Questions - 2nd Test

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Possible questions- 2nd test week

 Liaquat Ali Khan
 Khawja Nazimuddin
 Malik Ghulam Mohammad
 Iskander Mirza
 Ayub Khan

7 marker:

Q. Why were there so many governments between 1951 and 1958?

Q. Why was there a constitutional crisis between 1954 and 1955?

Q. Why was Islamabad chosen as the capital of Pakistan ?

Q. Explain why Ayub Khan introduced Martial Law in 1958?

Q. Why were the years 1958-1969 called the decade of development?

Q. Why did Ayub Khan fall from power in 1969?

14 marker:

Q. Which of the following contributed most towards Pakistan’s policies between 1948 and

 Liaquat Ali Khan

 Malik Ghulam Mohammad
 Iskander Mirza

Explain your answer with reference to all three of the above.

Q. Constitutional reforms of Ayub Khan were the most important of his domestic policies in
the decade of development between 1958 and 1969? Explain your answer.

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