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Dr. Manu S Nadesan
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology Agartala

05‐12‐2022 Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Agartala 1

Course content:
Unit 1: Elements of Engineering Seismology, Earthquake occurrence in
the world, Causes of Earthquake, Plate tectonics, Earthquake
mechanism, Seismic zoning map of India and its use.
Unit 2: Earthquake phenomenon, Focus, Epicentre, Seismic waves,
Magnitude, Intensity scale its correlation assessment Do’s and Don’ts
for protection of life and property during disaster.
Unit 3: Landslides, Geo‐technical aspects of landslides and control of
landslide hazard.
Unit 4: Flood, Flood control as a measure of disaster management and
Unit 5: Cyclone and Fire, Cyclone Disaster Mitigation and ensuring wind
and fire hazard safety during disaster.

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Course outcome:
1. Students will be able to prevent disasters and achieve substantial
reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods, health, and
assets (economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental)

2. Students will be able to learn different prospective of earthquake

including its mitigative measures.

3. Students will be able to learn causes, effects and preventive

measures of landslide hazard.
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Course outcome: continue…

4. Students will be able to understand how to mitigate the effects of

flood hazard in flood prone areas by knowing its root causes.

5. Having the knowledge of fire proof construction students will make

themselves enable for future fire disaster.

6. Students will be able to understand the effects of cyclone by

knowing their underlying causes.

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Unit 1
• Elements of Engineering Seismology

• Earthquake occurrence in the world

• Causes of Earthquake

• Plate tectonics

• Earthquake mechanism

• Seismic zoning map of India and its use

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Earth Facts
Mass (1024 kg) 5.9722
Volume (1010 km3) 108.321
Equatorial radius (km) 6378.137
Polar radius (km) 6356.752
Equatorial circumference (km) 40075
Polar radius (km) 40008
Core radius (km) 3485
Mean density (kg/m3) 5513
Surface gravity (m/s2) 9.798
Surface acceleration (m/s2) 9.780
Escape velocity (km/s) 11.186
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Layers of Earth’s Surface:

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Crust and Lithosphere • The crust is the outer layer where

we live.
• It’s a solid rock layer divided into
two types: Continental crust covers
the land and, Oceanic crust covers
• Lithosphere, a division of Earth's
layers that includes the crust and
the upper part of the mantle.

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• The crust is further divided into upper crust (continental crust)

composed of silica and aluminium (SIAL). The boundary between the
upper crust and the lower crust is called the “Conorod boundary”.

• The thickness of the crust varies under the oceanic and continental
areas. Continental crust is thicker as compared to the oceanic crust.
The mean thickness of the continental crust is about 32 km whereas
that of oceanic crust is 5 km. The continental crust is thicker in the
areas of major mountain systems. It is about 70 km in the Himalayan

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• The portion of the interior beyond the crust is called the mantle. It is
in a solid‐state.
• It has a density higher than the crust portion.
• This layer extended up to 2900 km.
• The asthenosphere is the upper portion of Mantle.
• It is the chief source of magma that finds its way to the surface during
volcanic eruptions.
• The major constituent elements of the mantle are Silicon and
Magnesium and hence it is also termed as SIMA
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• The core is composed of heavy material mainly iron and nickel which is
called NiFe (Barysphere).
• It forms the centre of the earth and its density is 13g/ cm3.
• The outer core is in liquid state and the inner core is in solid state.
• The temperature of the core ranges between 5500Ԩ – 6000Ԩ.
• Guttenberg margin is the boundary between the lower mantle and the
outer core. The Lehmann boundary separates the outer core and the inner
• The core extends from 2900 km to 6378 km from the surface of the earth.

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Geology can be defined as the scientific study of the Earth and

especially the rocks and soils that make up the Earth their origins,

nature and distribution, and the processes involved in their formation.

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Engineering Geology

Engineering geology is the application of geological data, techniques

and principles to the study of rock and soil surficial materials, and
ground water This is essential for the proper location, planning, design,
construction, operation and maintenance of engineering structures
Engineering geology complements environmental geology

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• Seismology; from Ancient Greek (seismós) meaning "earthquake" and
(logía) meaning "study of" is the scientific study of earthquakes and the
propagation of elastic waves through the Earth or through other planet‐like

• It also includes studies of earthquake environmental effects such

as tsunamis as well as diverse seismic sources such as volcanic, tectonic,
glacial, fluvial, oceanic, atmospheric, and artificial processes such as
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• A related field that uses geology to infer information regarding past

earthquakes is paleo seismology.
• A recording of Earth motion as a function of time is called
a seismogram.
• A seismologist is a scientist who does research in seismology.

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Engineering Seismology
Engineering seismology is the study and application of seismology for
engineering purposes. It generally applied to the branch of seismology
that deals with the assessment of the seismic hazard of a site or region
for the purposes of earthquake engineering.

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Elements of Engineering Seismology

• Studying the earthquake history and tectonics to assess the earthquakes
that could occur in a region and their characteristics and frequency of

• Studying strong ground motions generated by earthquake to assess the

expected shaking from future earthquakes with similar characteristics.
These strong ground motions could either be observations from
accelerometers or seismometers or those simulated by computers using
various techniques.
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Elements of Engineering Seismology

Earthquake phenomenon ‐ cause of earthquakes‐Faults‐ Plate tectonics

Seismic waves‐ Terms associated with earthquakes‐
Magnitude/Intensity of an earthquake‐scales Energy Released‐
Earthquake measuring instruments seismogram ‐ Seismoscope,
Seismograph, ‐strong ground motions‐ Seismic zones of India

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An earthquake is a phenomenon that results from the sudden release
of stored energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. At the
Earth's surface, earthquakes may manifest themselves by a shaking or
displacement of the ground and sometimes cause tsunamis. An
earthquake is caused by tectonic plates (sections of the Earth's crust)
getting stuck and putting a strain on the ground. The strain becomes so
great that rocks give way and fault lines occur.

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Causes of Earthquake
Natural cause Man made
• Tectonic movements • Controlled sources
• Volcanic eruption • Reservoir induced
• Rock fault zones • Mining induced

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Plate tectonics
In plate tectonics, Earth’s outermost layer, or lithosphere—made up of
the crust and upper mantle—is broken into large rocky plates. These
plates lie on top of a partially molten layer of rock called
the asthenosphere. Due to the convection of
the asthenosphere and lithosphere, the plates move relative to each
other at different rates, from two to 15 centimetres per year.
This interaction of tectonic plates is responsible for many different
geological formations such as the Himalaya mountain range in Asia, the
East African Rift, and the San Andreas Fault in California, United States.

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Plate tectonics
Six Major Plates Minor Plates
• African Plate • Arabian
• American Plate • Caribbean
• Antarctic Plate • Nazca
• Indo‐Australian Plate • Scotia Plates
• Eurasian Plate • Philippine etc.,
• Pacific Plate

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At the advancing edge of plate A, the overlap with plate B creates a convergent
boundary. In contrast, the gap left behind the trailing edge of plate A forms a divergent
boundary with plate B. As plate A slides past portions of both plate B and plate C,
transform boundaries develop.
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What drives the movement of tectonic plates?

Below the tectonic plates lies the Earth’s asthenosphere. The

asthenosphere behaves like a fluid over very long time scales. There are
a number of competing theories that attempt to explain what drives
the movement of tectonic plates. Three of the forces that have been
proposed as the main drivers of tectonic plate movement are:

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Mantle convection currents: warm mantle currents drive and carry

plates of lithosphere along a like a conveyor belt.

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Ridge push (buoyant upwelling mantle at mid‐ocean ridges): newly formed

plates at oceanic ridges are warm, so they have a higher elevation at the
oceanic ridge than the colder, more dense plate material further away; gravity
causes the higher plate at the ridge to push away the lithosphere that lies
further from the ridge

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Slab pull: older, colder plates sink at subduction zones

because, as they cool, they become more dense than the
underlying mantle and the cooler, sinking plate pulls the rest
of the warmer plate along behind it.

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Types of plate boundary

There are three types of plated boundary:

• Divergent: plates moving apart

• Convergent: plates coming together

• Transform: plates moving past each other

Boundaries between tectonic plates are made up of a system of faults. Each

type of boundary is associated with one of three basic types of fault, called
normal, reverse and strike‐slip faults.

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• Divergent Boundary
• Convergent Boundary
• Transform Boundary

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Divergent Boundary
• Plates can move apart at a boundary; this type of
boundary is called a divergent boundary. It is also
referred to as a constructive plate boundary, as new
material is being produced at the boundary surface.
Hot magma rises from the mantle at mid‐ocean
ridges, pushing the plates apart. Earthquakes occur
along the fractures that appear as the plates move
apart. Divergent boundaries are associated with
volcanic activity and the earthquakes in these zones
tend to be frequent and small.

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Convergent Boundary
• Plates can move towards each other at a boundary and is dominated
by reverse faulting, although other types of faulting may be observed.

• When the boundary is between an oceanic plate and a continental

plate, it is also referred to as a destructive plate boundary. At
subduction zones, the oceanic plate is pushed down, or sub‐ducted,
below the continental lithosphere. These boundaries tend to produce
the earthquakes that have magnitudes greater than 6.0.

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Convergent Boundary continue…

• Where the boundary is between two continental plates, one plate

crumples upwards over the other instead of one plate being sub‐
ducted. Examples include the boundary between the Indian plate and
the Eurasian plate, where the Himalayas are formed. Continental
collisions result in the creation of mountains and fold belts as the
rocks are forced upwards.

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Transform Boundary
• This type of boundary is dominated by strike‐slip faulting, although other
types of faulting may be observed.
• Where two plates slide past each other, earthquakes originate at shallow
depths. This type of plate boundary is also referred to as a conservative
plate boundary, as it involves movement but no loss or creation of material
at the surface. Examples include the San Andreas fault in the USA.
• Transform boundaries typically produce large, shallow‐focus earthquakes.
Although earthquakes do occur in the central regions of plates, these
regions do not usually have large earthquakes.

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Elastic rebound theory

• Elastic rebound theory was originally proposed in 1906 by the
geologist Henry Fielding Reid.
• Build‐up of stress in the rocks on either side of a fault results in
gradual deformation.
• This deformation exceeds the frictional force holding the rocks
together and sudden slip occurs along the fault. This releases the
accumulated stress and the rocks on either side of the fault return to
their original shape (elastic rebound) but are offset on either side of
the fault.

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• A fault is a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock.

• This movement may occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake ‐ or

may occur slowly, in the form of creep.

• Faults may range in length from a few millimetres to thousands of


• During an earthquake, the rock on one side of the fault suddenly slips
with respect to the other.
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Fault types

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Mechanism of Faulting
Owing to friction and the rigidity of the constituent rocks, the two sides
of a fault cannot always glide or flow past each other easily, and so
occasionally all movement stops. The regions of higher friction along a
fault plane, where it becomes locked. Stress builds up when a fault is
locked, and when it reaches a level that exceeds the strength threshold,
the fault ruptures and the accumulated strain energy is released in part
as seismic waves, forming an earthquake.

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Terms associated with earthquakes

• Focus (Hypocentre): the point underground where the release of stress is

• Epicentre: The point on the earth’s surface directly above the focus

• Seismic wave: carry energy from an earthquake way from the focus

• Fault: A fracture in the rocks that make up the Earth’s crust

• Plates: Massive rocks that make up the outer layer of the Earth’s surface
and whose movement along faults triggers earthquakes

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Seismic waves
When an earthquake happens, energy shockwaves known as seismic waves
are released from the earthquake's focal point. The energy that travels under
the surface layer of the earth and causes an earthquake is called seismic
waves. A crack starts to open on a pre‐existing point or line of weakness
deep underground when an earthquake takes place. Stress builds over the
surface of the earth as the crack grows on to become larger and larger. This
energy causing the earthquake is known as seismic waves. Seismic waves
transfer energy without moving material.

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Seismic Waves Types

• P‐waves
Body waves
• S‐waves
• Love wave Surface waves
• Rayleigh wave

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• Three primary forms of elastic waves cause earthquake shaking and
damage. Two of the three reproduce within a rock mass. The main or
P wave is the fastest of these bodily waves. Its motion is similar to
that of a sound wave in that it alternately pushes (compresses) and
pulls (dilates) the rock as it spreads out. These P waves can pass
through solid rock, such as granite mountains, as well as a liquid
material, such as volcanic lava or ocean water.
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• The secondary or S wave is the slower wave that travels through the
body of rock. An S wave shears the rock sideways at right angles to
the direction of motion as it propagates. S waves cannot propagate in
the liquid sections of the planet, such as oceans and lakes, since
liquids do not rebound back when sheared sideways or twisted.

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P‐wave vs S‐wave

• The density and elastic qualities of the rocks and soil through which
seismic waves flow determine their actual speed. The P waves are the
first to be felt in most earthquakes. The effect is similar to that of a
sonic boom, which rattles and knocks glass. The S waves arrive a few
seconds later, shaking the ground surface vertically and horizontally
with their up‐and‐down and side‐to‐side movements. This is the type
of wave motion that causes so much structural damage.
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Love wave
Named after the British seismologist A.E.H. Love, who first predicted their
existence—travel faster. They are propagated when the solid medium near
the surface has varying vertical elastic properties. Displacement of the
medium by the wave is entirely perpendicular to the direction of
propagation and has no vertical or longitudinal components. The energy of
Love waves, like that of other surface waves, spreads from the source in two
directions rather than in three, and so these waves produce a strong record
at seismic stations even when originating from distant earthquakes.

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Rayleigh wave
Rayleigh waves named after the British physicist Lord Rayleigh, who
first mathematically demonstrated their existence. Rayleigh waves
travel along the free surface of an elastic solid such as the Earth. Their
motion is a combination of longitudinal compression and dilation that
results in an elliptical motion of points on the surface. Of all seismic
waves, Rayleigh waves spread out most in time, producing a long wave
duration on seismographs.

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More terms associated with Earthquake

• Rupture surface is considered to be the area within the fault plane
that is displaced during an earthquake.
• Fault slip is the corresponding relative displacement between the two
sides of the fault.
• Strike is the angle measured from to the north made by the horizontal
line defined by the intersection of a fault plane with the earth’s
• Dip is the angle formed by the plane of the fault with respect to the
surface of the earth.

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Usually, a major or even moderate earthquake of shallow focus is followed
by many lesser‐size earthquakes close to the original source region. This is to
be expected if the fault rupture producing a major earthquake does not
relieve all the accumulated strain energy at once. In fact, this dislocation is
liable to cause an increase in the stress and strain at a number of places in
the vicinity of the focal region, bringing crustal rocks at certain points close
to the stress at which fracture occurs.

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Foreshocks, and Swarms

• Foreshocks are earthquakes that precede larger earthquakes in the
same location. An earthquake cannot be identified as a foreshock
until after a larger earthquake in the same area occurs. Foreshock
activity has been detected for about 40% of all moderate to large
earthquakes, and about 70% for events of M>7.0. They occur from a
matter of minutes to days or even longer before the main shock.
• In seismology, an earthquake swarm is a sequence of seismic events
occurring in a local area within a relatively short period of time. The
length of time used to define a swarm varies, but may be days,
months, or years.

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• Started by Russian Scientists after the Earthquake in on July 10, 1949.

• They discovered that for some time before the occurrence of a sizable
earthquake, seismic records would show a fluctuation in the traveling
speed of seismic waves. The anomaly would last for a few days, a few
months, or a few years, and then it would return to normal.
• Equally significant, they also found that the longer the duration of the
anomaly, the greater the magnitude of the ensuing tremor

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Successful Earthquake Predictions

• One of the first successful earthquake predictions came from Yash
Aggarwal, a doctoral student. Toward the end of the month, he
detected signs of reduced wave velocity in Blue Mountain Lake area in
upper New York State. On August 1 1973, he found that this velocity
had returned to normal. He predicted a magnitude 2.5 earthquake
could be expected in a couple of days.

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Successful Earthquake Predictions

• Four months later, another prediction was attempted by James H.
Whitcomb of the California Institute of Technology, who observed
that in 1972 seismic wave velocities had dropped in the area around
Riverside, California, and stayed below normal trough for most of
1973. When the wave velocity began to rise again in November, he
predicted that a magnitude 5.5 earthquake would occur within 3
• The world’s most dramatic and famous prediction took place in 1975
in the city of Haicheng in northeastern China. The region around
Haicheng had been under careful study by seismologists for several
years before 1975 because there were indications that a large
earthquake might occur there in the near future.

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Earthquake Magnitude
Magnitude is a measure of earthquake size and remains unchanged
with distance from the earthquake. Intensity, however, describes the
degree of shaking caused by an earthquake at a given place and
decreases with distance from the earthquake epicentre. Two
measurements are factored together to determine the Richter
magnitude of an earthquake: the amplitude of the largest waves
recorded on a seismogram of the earthquake, and the distance to the
epicenter of the earthquake.
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Moment magnitude scale

The moment magnitude scale is broadly similar to the Richter scale, but it
takes more factors into account, including the total area of the fault that
moves during the earthquake, and how much it moves. This produces a
magnitude number that is a better indicator of the total amount of energy
released by the earthquake. Because the moment magnitude scale has
replaced the Richter scale, we will assume from here on that we are referring
to moment magnitude, not Richter magnitude, when we speak of
earthquake magnitude.

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Earthquake Intensity
Earthquake intensity is very different from earthquake magnitude.
Earthquake intensity is a ranking based on the observed effects of an
earthquake in each particular place. Therefore, each earthquake
produces a range of intensity values, ranging from highest in the
epicenter area to zero at a distance from the epicenter. The most
commonly used earthquake intensity scale is the Modified Mercalli
earthquake intensity scale.
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Modified Mercalli
Magnitude number per Description
0 – 1.9 >1 million — micro – not felt

2.0 – 2.9 >1 million I minor – rarely felt

3.0 – 3.9 about 100,000 II – III minor – noticed by a few people

4.0 – 4.9 about 10,000 IV – V light – felt by many people, minor damage possible

moderate – felt by most people, possible broken

5.0 – 5.9 about 1,000 VI – VII plaster and chimneys
strong – damage variable depending on building
6.0 – 6.9 about 130 VII – IX construction and substrate
7.0 – 7.9 about 15 IX – X major – extensive damage, some buildings destroyed
great – extensive damage over broad areas, many
8.0 – 8.9 about 1 X – XII buildings destroyed
great – extensive damage over broad areas, most
9.0 and above <1 XI – XII buildings destroyed
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Seismic zoning map of India

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