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Trace Element Deficiencies and Fertility in Ruminants:

A Review I

Animal Research Institute,
Research Branch
Agriculture Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K 1A 0C6

Various minerals (copper, cobalt, Trace elements may function as cofactors, as
selenium, manganese, iodine, zinc, and activators of enzymes, or stabilizers of secondary
iron) can influence reproductive perform- molecular structure (103). Their study has
ance of ruminants. Reproductive failure evolved from a recognition of their essential
may be induced by deficiencies of single function in cell metabolism. There has been
or combined trace elements and by special interest in effects of dietary trace
imbalances. This review is focused on element deficiencies on physiological functions
maladjustments of trace elements leading in general and in reproduction in particular
to impaired breeding performance. (56). Ruminants frequently are subject to
Opinion is diverse as to the existence of severe dietary deficiencies of trace elements
various reproductive disturbances from such as copper, cobalt, selenium, iodine,
either a severe copper depletion or a manganese, and zinc. Concomitant infertility in
marginal dietary copper deficiency. Field cattle is believed to be associated with enzymatic
experience suggests that administration of dysfunctions resulting from these deficiencies.
cobalt to ruminants on cobalt-deficient Despite the accumulation of data suggesting
diets improves their impaired breeding that reproductive performance in ruminants
performance. Selenium infertility in ewes depends upon adequate trace element nutrition,
is more prevalent in some areas and in there has been no comprehensive review of this
some seasons, but the actual cause of this information.
malady and the continuing role of addi- Mineral deficiency usually involves several
tional factors are unknown. Manganese is minerals as well as other conditioning factors;
necessary for normal fertility in rumi- however, the deficiency symptoms of one
nants, and feeding low-manganese rations mineral may predominate and affect the
depresses conception rates. Lack of performance of the ruminant. The effects of
iodine impairs thyroid activity and also the lack of a single element may include repro-
ovarian function. Reproductive failure in ductive failure. In this respect effects of
the female and in spermatogenesis are copper, cobalt, selenium, manganese, iodine,
manifestations of zinc deficiency. Despite zinc, and iron malnutrition on reproduction
forages rich in iron, low availability in will be reviewed.
certain instances could affect adversely
ruminant reproduction. Copper
Knowledge of biochemical dysfunc-
tions from trace element deficiencies is A variety of clinical symptoms have been
essential to determine the role which associated with copper deficiency. Hypocuprosis
trace elements play in fertility of ruminant in cattle is associated with female reproductive
animals. disorders. Where such disorders have been
attributed to copper deficiency, the most
common symptom has been prenatal mortality,
particularly early embryonic loss. Most of the
relevant studies have been with sheep or goats.
Received February 26, 1979. A low copper content in the diet of the ewe
t Contribution No. 827. either prevented implantation or induced

1979 J Dairy Sci 62:1195-1206 1195


embryonic loss and fetal death (61, 62). Of untreated cows; treated cows required 1.00 and
nine ewes fed a severely copper-deficient diet untreated 1.15 services per conception (47).
and then bred, five did not become pregnant Dietary supplement of copper has improved
and died between the 23rd and 34th wk of the the reproductive performance of cattle (96). A
experiment; of the remaining four ewes, two high incidence of infertility in cattle in Australia
aborted and two produced stillborn lambs. (11) was associated with cases of "falling
Feeding female goats a semipurified diet low in disease", anemia, and retarded growth in
copper content lowered conception rates (4); areas where pasture copper was less than 3
of the pregnant goats affected by copper ppm. This was overcome by parenteral adminis-
deficiency, 50% aborted. Fetal death occurred tration of copper. In Canada an increase in the
between the 2nd and 5th mo of pregnancy. The copper:molybdenum ratio was associated with
fetuses were mummified, and at abortion an improvement of fertility in cows fed si-
placenta had degenerated with hemorrhagic or lage (72), and in other studies infertile cows
necrotic lesions. showed marked improvement in their concep-
Contrary to expectations, concentration of tion rate when treated parenterally with copper
copper in blood does not appear to be related glycinate (13, 80).
directly to reproductive performance. Repro- In bulls, the administration of copper
ductive performance of rams and their plasma improved semen quality (48). The improvement
copper were unassociated (106). In the ewe, was associated with increased sperm mobility
low copper in blood did not reduce the size of and fewer dead spermatozoa. However, situa-
the lamb crop (45). tions have been described in which copper
Copper deficiency may affect reproductive deficiency in young livestock was severe, but
behavior as well as performance; for example, effects on breeding performance were not
older female goats kept on a low copper diet adverse (96).
for an extended period showed nymphomania The pituitary gland and ovaries of cows
(5). In these clinical field studies possible asso- contained 9.5 and 4.8 /ag copper/g dry weight
ciated changes in gonadal steroid metabolism (93). The average zinc and copper concentra-
were not investigated. tions in the fluid of normal and cystic follicles
Reliable information is limited for the of cows and heifers in (73) were 3 mg/liter Zn
influence of absolute or conditional copper and 2.1 rag/liter Cu. No differences between
deficiencies (such as results from a low copper cows and heifers in the follicular fluid content
diet with excess m o l y b d e n u m and/or sulphur) of either element were detected, nor were there
on the fertility of cattle. One of the earliest significant correlations between liver and
signs of copper deficiency in cows is a decline follicular fluid copper and zinc. Zinc and
in fertility. Marked improvement results from copper concentrations in fluid of follicular
copper administration, provided there are no cysts from anestrus cows decrease as the
other deficiencies (42, 43). Opinions from volume of the fluid increases, indicating that
casual observations in the field usually have content per follicle is constant and suggesting
been contradictory with few well planned that these elements are intracellular in the
studies yielding unequivocal data. follicle. The uterine fluid of cows with cystic
Generally, there is no clear relation between endometrial hyperplasia contained 13 mg/liter
copper in the blood and liver of cattle and their zinc and 12 mg/liter copper. Again there was
fertility (54, 85). In some herds of cattle with an inverse relation between volume of fluid and
low blood copper, female fertility has been copper and zinc concentrations (73).
impaired; yet in others conception rate has Metabolism of copper appears to be altered
been high (78). Administration of copper orally during pregnancy. Copper in blood plasma of
or b y injection has led to a rapid and dramatic ewes fails during pregnancy and rises after
improvement in breeding performance (58). In parturition (20). In pregnant cows, however,
New Zealand in herds in which blood copper ceruloplasmin and plasma copper have increased,
was marginally subnormal, a single administra- the highest attained in the 5th mo of pregnancy
tion of 400 mg of copper glycinate improved (22). Parturition also may be influenced by cop-
fertility. The conception rate for the copper per deficiency. Cows with retained placentas had
treated cows was 72% versus 53% for the lower serum copper than normal cows' (105),

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 8, 1979


There seems to be an interaction between absorption (101). In addition, complex forma-

estrogen and copper. Diethylstilbestrol adminis- tion between copper, molybdenum, and sulfur
tration increased copper in the rat serum (98). may occur in the rumen which also will affect
In humans receiving diethylstilbestrol therapy, the availability of copper (100, 1 0 2 ) a n d
ceruloplasmin or copper, increased in plasma produce a deficiency despite apparently normal
apparently in proportion to the dose of the copper intake.
estrogen administered (15). Changes in plasma
copper in rats parallel changes in plasma estrogen Cobalt
during the estrous cycle, after ovariectomy, and Field experience suggests that cobalt defici-
during administration of exogenous estrogen ency impairs breeding performance in both
(81). The relevance of these findings to similar cattle and sheep.
interactions in ruminants, however, is not clear. The most common manifestation of cobalt
The administration of estrogen to wethers and deficiency is a marked reduction in conception
ewes for 3 mo did not affect copper in their rate. In tropical areas such as Central Africa
blood or liver (69). Although the dosage of (Zaire) or the northern part of South America
estrogen was physiological, the lack of any (Northern Brazil, French Guyana) in which
effect does not eliminate the possibility of cobalt deficiency is endemic, the calving
nonphysiological interactions having pharmaco- interval encountered is often greater than 24
logic interest. mo instead of the usual 14 mo (Hidiroglou,
unpublished). The reason for this is not yet
known. However, several studies appear relevant.
Findings regarding the effect of copper Involution of the uterus is completed within 3
deficiency on the fertility of ruminants conflict. wk after calving in cows treated with cobalt but
It is difficult to ascertain whether reproductive requires as much as 6 to 9 wk in cobalt-deficient
function is affected directly by the lack of cows. Moreover, the cobalt treated cows have
dietary copper or by some general dysfunction stronger manifestations of estrus as well as a
produced by copper deficiency. That otherwise lower incidence of irregular estrous cycles and a
normal cattle with a history of reproductive higher conception rate (56). A Shorthorn herd
failure can be cured by copper administration grazing a cobalt deficient pasture had a concep-
suggests that the effect is specific. However, tion rate at first service of 53% compared with
when cattle are affected by severe hypocuprosis, 67% in a similar herd grazing in the same
characterized by gross deficiency symptoms, area but given copper therapy and 93% in a
copper therapy alleviates the physical conditions herd given cobalt as well as copper therapy
including infertility, thus suggesting that the (79).
effect is general. Nevertheless, there are reports In studies with sheep, cobalt deficiency was
of hypocupremic cows which appear normal associated with a reduction in estrus during the
and are also fertile. One might compare these normal breeding season. Dietary cobalt supple-
differences in fertility to the variance in the mentation increased the incidence of estrous
clinical manifestations of copper deficiency. activity (110) and increased sperm counts
For example, there is a form of copper defici- of males (7).
ency which is clinically silent and results in
only marginally suboptimal fertility in cattle. Conclusions
This differs from the "persistent scouring" Cobalt is required to ensure fertility in
symptom common in Holland and from the ruminants. In cobalt deficiency conception rate
"fibrosis of myocardium" which occurs in of cattle declines while in the ovine lack of
Australia. estrus is one of the features of low dietary
Further study is needed to clarify xhe
cobalt intake.
mechanism by which copper is involved in
reproductive processes. Response to copper
deficiency must take into consideration inter- Selenium
actions with other dietary factors such as the There are conflicting opinions of the effect
availability of copper which may be influenced of selenium deficiency on reproductive perform-
by proteins which, in turn, affect copper ance in the ruminant. In those studies of

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 8, 1979


impairment of fertility associated with selenium workers who have indicated the difficulties of
deficiency, the locus of the impairment generally interpreting observations based on situations in
has been embryonic or fetal loss. In several which one of these factors is controlled. It is
cases of selenium deficiency, administration of possible that the onset o f infertility and its
selenium prevented certain reproductive prob- severity under field conditions are associated
lems. Lambing percentages have increased in with seasonal changes in selenium and/or
controlled trials with ewes when selenium was vitamin E in forages. Such fluctuations may
administered orally in monthly doses beginning account for some of the conflicting observations
1 mo before mating and continuing through regarding the influence of selenium on fertility.
pregnancy (33, 34, 35). Reduced fertility in the Studies with purified diets have shown no
untreated animals was attributable to embryonic differences in the fertility of selenium-depleted
mortality at 20 to 30 days of pregnancy (3). and of selenium-sufficient ewes, provided that
Ewes grazing on pasture of low selenium and adequate amounts of vitamin E are supplied
high estrogen content were given selenium 4 to (18, 19). In cattle, administration of vitamin E
g wk before breeding. Their conception rate and/or potassium selenate 1 mo before calv-
increased from 49% to 76% (30). Significant ing greatly reduced the incidence of retained
improvement in lambing rate and incidence of placenta in a herd of dairy cows fed little
twinning in ewes has been reported when the selenium during the precalving period (97).
diet was supplemented with selenium and Effects of selenium and vitamin E, alone or
copper (46); the twinning rate was depressed by in combination, on fertilization of ova have
a selenium deficiency with fewer lambs born to been studied in beef cows on either a low or an
the control ewes. adequate plane of nutrition (86); the fertilization
In contrast, studies on the effect of selenium rate was 100% for females on an adequate
given to ewes in another selenium-deficient area plane of nutrition given a supplement of
in Australia revealed no significant influence on selenium and vitamin E. However, rates of
conception rate (23). Similarly, in areas where fertilization were lower when the diet was
white muscle disease in sheep had been diag- deficient in either selenium or vitamin E or was
nosed, selenium supplementation showed little below maintenance requirement for protein and
or no effect on sheep fertility (29). Nine trials energy (86).
with ewes on low selenium pastures in Western Little information is available concerning the
Australia failed to show an improvement in influence of selenium on fertility in the male.
reproductive performance when up to 50 Only one study deals with ruminants, and this
mg of supplementary selenium was administered indicates that selenium does not appear to
prior to breeding (60). influence testosterone secretion in rams (18).
In other studies, there were no significant In rate, sperm mobility was poor in selenium-
differences in rates of ovulation or embryonic deficient males. The spermatozoa showed
loss between ewes fed selenium-deficient hay breakage near the mid-piece in most cases.
and those fed hay plus a selenium supplement. Vitamin E supplementation, even high, did not
Overall fertility in selenium-deficient ewes was alleviate these symptoms (108). The only
not lower than that of selenium treated ewes studies o f interactions of selenium with en-
(67). docrine secretion, other than that just cited,
In cattle also, there are contradictory reports concerns the rat in which selenium of blood fell
of a selenium requirement for the maintenance between days 10 and 15 of gestation (9).
of fertility. Low selenium (less than .05 ppm)
appears to account, at least in part, for infertility
of dairy herds in some areas in Uganda (55). In Conclusions
other studies, however, prebreeding selenium Reduced fertility sometimes is associated
treatment of beef cows in areas deficient in with selenium-deficiency in sheep and cattle.
selenium did not improve subnormal pregnancy However, there are indications that other
rates (83, 91). conditioning factors are involved. Low
Interactions between selenium intake and tocopherol in the roughage or the presence in
the availability of vitamin E have become the feed of certain antagonists of vitamin E and
apparent through the research of a number of selenium may reduce fertility in animals raised

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 8, 1979


or maintained in selenium-deficient areas. The increased the number of lambs born to a flock
problem o f selenium-related infertility appears o f Dorset-Horn ewes in which reproductive
to be more prominent in sheep than in other performance previously has declined (27); this
domestic ruminants. further indicates the necessity for continued
awareness of the possible need for providing the
small grazing ruminant with manganese supple-
Manganese ments.
Although manganese occurs in most b o d y A study on the effect o f a dietary manganese
tissues in low concentrations, only in extremely deficiency (less than 2 ppm) on the male
low dietary and tissue concentrations does reproductive system of goats showed no effect
deficiency result in manifestations of disturbed on the libido of adult males. However, there
or depressed reproductive function (24, 101). were decreases in the motility of the sperma-
The actual expression appears to depend on a tozoa as well as reduced sperm numbers in the
variety of factors such as degree and duration ejaculate from both old and young male goats.
of the deficiency. Although there was also a high proportion of
While the most detailed and extensive abnormal spermatozoa, fertility was not im-
investigation of the consequences of manganese paired. The ejaculate of the manganese-deficient
deficiency have been with laboratory animals, a goats contained less ash, zinc, and copper than
number of studies in cattle have yielded essen- that of controls, but manganese was normal
tially similar results (5, 50). Principal among (31).
these are suppression of estrus, reduction in Abortions and cystic ovaries are prevalent on
conception rates, increased incidence of abor- the farms using feeds relatively rich in manga-
tions, and small birth weights. The main clinical nese while incidence of anestrus is relatively
sign of dairy cattle infertility caused by a low high in dairy herds with a manganese deficiency
manganese intake is anestrus or irregular return (28). Manganese content o f corpora lutea
to estrus, sometimes with extended periods of from cows without ovarian cysts was generally
anestrus (14, 107). Follicular development is higher than in luteal tissue from cows with
often poor, delayed ovulation is not infrequent, cystic ovaries although the difference was not
and signs of estrus when it does occur are less statistically significant (40). In the cortical
obvious. Conception rates of only 35 to 40% stroma, which contains ovarian follicles in
are not unusual (14, 107). Dairy cattle with a various stages of development and regression,
manganese intake of less than 40 ppm in the the manganese concentration was significantly
feed maintained high fertility when the calcium higher in cows without ovarian cysts than in
and phosphorus content of the diet were those with cysts. The reason for the lower
adequate and well balanced (43, 44), but manganese content in cystic ovaries may be in-
when the calcium t o phosphorus ratio was high creased degeneration of granulosa cells since
and dietary manganese low (tess than 40 ppm), these are rich in mitochondria in which manga-
fertility was depressed (45). However, when nese is concentrated (40).
manganese content of the diet exceeded 100 While the precise loci of specific manganese
ppm, the best breeding performances were with involvement in reproductive processes remain
high calcium to phosphorus ratios. In Scandi- unknown, some evidence suggests that manga-
navia, prophylactic administration of .25 g nese plays a role in the activity of certain
manganese per day to dairy cattle increased endocrine organs. The pituitary and ovary are
fertility (Sanstedt, cited by Kolb (50)). relatively rich in manganese (5.9 and 5.2/ag/g).
Related reproductive observations have been Ovarian content in particular is sensitive to
in sheep and goats as well. More services per dietary deficiencies of manganese. Manganese
conception (2.5 vs. 1.5) were required for ewes dropped by one-third of normal during a 6-mo
fed a low manganese diet (less than 8 ppm) imposition of a deficient diet (93). Large
than w e r e required for ewes fed a manganese ovarian follicles and corpora lutea of ewes have
supplemented diet (39). In female goats manga- taken up radioactively labeled manganese to a
nese deficiency resulted in a poor conception greater extent than other ovarian or extraovarian
rate and increased embryonic mortality (5). reproductive tissues (36). Uptakes also have
In South Australia manganese supplements differed in relation to the estrus cycle. Maximal

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 8, 1979


uptake occurred in the corpora lutea and this feed (63). In Finland the administration of
was greatest between days 4 and 11 of the iodine to cattle by sublimation resulted in
estrus cycle when luteal progesterone production higher conception rate and lower incidence of
was greatest. This suggests that manganese is retained placentas than in controls (68).
involved specifically in luteal metabolism The beneficial effect of iodine is believed to
and/or activity (36, 37). involve stimulation of the anterior pituitary
Although manganese is well known as an gonodotrophic secretion mediated through the
activator of enzyme systems in many metabolic thyroid gland. Intrauterine injections of iodine
pathways and as a constituent of certain to cows caused distinct lengthening of the
metalloenzymes (103), it also has been impli- estrous cycle, but it was not ascertained whether
cated explicitly in the synthesis of sterols, and, this was physiologic, pharmacologic, or toxic
hence, of gonadal hormones (10). Gonado- (32). Rat uterus bound inorganic iodine specifi-
tropins such as HCG may influence manganese cally (101). Another phenomenon which may
transport and modify its availablility to differ- be involved in the lengthening of the estrous
ent tissues of organs (38). cycle is the effect of iodine on secretion of
thyrotropin-releasing factor which in turn
Conclusions stimulates prolactin secretion (16). Infertility
associated with iodine deficiency has been in
Manganese is necessary for normal fertility sheep as well as in cattle. In areas in which a
in ruminants, and a manganese deficiency high incidence of goiter occurs among lambs,
depresses conception. Because of the generally infertility problems in ewes have been alleviated
low manganese content of corn silage there is a by provided salt supplements containing .07%
need for constant alertness to the possibility of
iodine (6).
reproductive failure caused by manganese Subnormal protein-bound iodine (PBI) in
deficiency in farm animals whose diets contain cows has been associated with infertility (2). In
high proportions of corn silage, as well as in chronic repeat breeders, the average PBI was 37
animals kept on land manganese-deficient. /lg/liter, significantly below the average of 46
/ag/liter in normal cows. There was a signifi-
cant inverse relation between serum PBI and
interval between first breeding and conception
The need for iodine for the prevention of as well as number of services per conception
goiter in lambs long has been recognized. Its (53).
involvement in thyroid function and homeo- Improved reproductive performance was
stosis through its incorporation with the associated with higher PBI; for every 10/~g[liter
thyroid hormones, thyroxine and tri- increase in PBI, there was a decrease in the
iodothronine, is understood reasonably well. It service interval of 7.4 days and a decrease of .2
generally has not been recognized, however, services per conception. Low serum PBI also
that iodine-deficiency in ruminants has reper- have been associated with abortion in cows
cussions in reproduction. (52).
Iodine deficiency during pregnancy impairs During the estrous cycle in cattle, iodine and
fetal thyroid functions, and abortions are PBI in blood do not change (87). Blood iodine
common in the iodine-deficient pregnant cow. is depressed significantly by pregnant mare
Normal development of the reproductive organs serum gonadotropin therapy but is not affected
and their proper functioning is dependent by administration of estrogens (82). In preg-
on thyroid status. Thyroidectomized dairy nant cows PBI was as high as 128/~g/liter (1).
heifers cease to exhibit estrus at regular intervals Iodine and PBI concentration of the thyroid
(66, 92). An iodine-deficient diet fed to dairy are reduced in cows with cystic ovaries and also
cows resulted in anovulatory estrus caused by a in cows in estrus as compared with pre-estrus
disturbance of the thyroid and pituitary func- (1). Other observations have suggested influence
tions. This was corrected by the addition of of estrogen on thyroid function; it is probable
iodine to the diet (88). For "repeat breeder" that the same pituitary factors (gonadotropin)
cows on iodine-deficient pasture, conception which stimulate estrogen secretion have some
rate was improved by adding iodine to their direct action on the thyroid gland.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 8, 1979


Conclusions cycle were little changed (25). Zinc in plasma

Iodine influences reproductive functions decreased during parturition and was of greater
because of its vital role in thyroid function. magnitude in cows suffering from dystocia (25,
Thus, reproductive failure in cases of iodine 76). Although large transitory depressions of
deficiency are likely to be secondary manifesta- zinc have been recorded in some ewes with
tions of thyroid dysfunctions resulting in dystocia, fall in the zinc concentration has not
anestrus of irregular estrus, retained placenta, been comparable to that in cattle (64). Possibly
abortion, and stillbirth. these changes in zinc are secondary to the
dramatic increases in prostaglandin associated
with parturition, inasmuch as prostaglandins
bind zinc and facilitate its transport (90).
Zinc has been recognized for several decades The highest zinc concentration in animals is
as indispensable for normal growth and health in human semen and spermatozoa. The concen-
in animals. Its lack causes various malformations tration of zinc in the semen of domestic animals
and has deleterious effects on sexual functions, is considerably less and variable among animals
particularly in the male animal. within species (26, 59). Considerable attention
Although naturally occurring zinc deficiency has been given to zinc in the accessory glands
is rare in livestock, there are numerous reports and in the semen of livestock in relation to
of improvements in the reproductive perform- fertility. In a study of seminal plasma of bulls
ance of animals given dietary zinc supplements. of high and low fertility, the total zinc content
In general, information as to the roles zinc may was related inversely to fertility; zinc was
play in reproductive processes has been obtained lowest in the semen of highly fertile bulls and
primarily from studies on experimentally rose as fertility decreased (94). It is difficult to
induced zinc deficiencies. determine from available data whether high
In South Australia ewes given 140 mg of concentrations of zinc have an adverse effect on
zinc weekly produced significantly more Iambs the fertilizing capacity of the semen or are
than did untreated ewes. It is not clear whether themselves the consequence of other deleterious
this effect represents a remedy of a zinc defici- influences.
ency. The zinc content of the pasture on Zinc deficiency influences spermatogenesis
which the flock had grazed varied between a in the ram. In rams fed a zinc deficient diet (2.4
subnormal 12 ppm dry grass and a normal or ppm) atrophy of the seminiferous tubules
optimal 45 ppm over 2 yr (27). Some workers accompanied complete cessation of spermato-
(84) have questioned an effect of zinc deficiency genesis (99).
on fertility in ruminants although they have In lambs, a diet with 17 ppm of zinz sup-
reported an apparent influence on the sex ratios ported satisfactory somatic growth but was
of offspring in zinc-deficient animals. insufficient for normal testicular growth and
Fertility of sheep has been improved when spermatogenesis compared with lambs fed a
both rams and ewes received zinc supplementa- similar diet containing 32 ppm zinc.
tion (12, 51). Among the various factors Zinc-deficient calves had considerably smaller
responsible for the poor fertility of ewes on a testes than normal calves (74), and zinc-deficient
low zinc ration was early embryonic mortality. goats had seminiferous tubules which were
The fertilized ovum of ewes fed low zinc diets smaller than those of controls and contained an
does not implant in the uterine muscosa (8, immature germinal epithelium (65). Other
89). Feeding goats semipurified diets low in workers have found zinc-deficient goats had
zinc caused low conception rate and reduced testicular atrophy and lacked libido (70).
the number of kids per goat (5). It appears that male accessory sex gland is
Cows given a zinc supplement had a 23% also dependent on zinc for normal function.
higher conception rate than controls. The The prostate, in particular, contains a relatively
ovarian zinc content of the treated cows was high concentration of zinc, and its uptake by
higher than that of controls. Discontinuation of this gland is stimulated by testosterone (41)
the supplementation lowered fertility (71). which regulates prostate activity.
Zinc concentrations in plasma of nonpreg- While zinc has been recognized as a cofactor
nant heifers at various stages of the estrous or constituent of certain enzymes, for example

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 8, 1979


carbonic amhydrase, activity of zinc-dependent seminal vesicular fluid and seminal plasma it
enzymes in reproductive processes is unknown was .38 and .35 mg/ml. However, no compari-
(17, 75). It has been postulated (77) that a sons have been made to allow deductions as to
possible role of zinc in ram seminal fluid might differences related to altered reproductive
be to prevent destruction of spermatozoal DNA function.
by inhibiting the DNase activity. Zinc is required
for spermatogenesis during the final stage of Conclusions
maturation and also for maintenance of the Dietary iron is an essential element in
germinal epithelium (99). Although some of ruminants although its deficiency rarely has
these involvements may be mediated by influ- been observed in grazing cattle or ovine. Iron is
ences on pituitary gonadotropin production abundant in all feeds, and a deficiency in adult
(109), follicle stimulating and luteinizing ruminant seems improbable. However, in
hormones in serum of zinc-deficient cows are certain instances because of low availability of
not altered by zinc supplementation (49). iron in some roughages, ruminant reproduction
could be affected adversely by iron deficiency.
Zinc deficiency in ruminants, as in other G E N E R A L REMARKS
species, causes a more pronounced impairment
of fertility in the male than in the female. The Deficiencies of single trace elements rarely
effect is severe and appears to be specific to the occur in the field; combinations of mineral
final stages of spermatozoa maturation. Testicu- deficiencies are much more common. The
lar size and concentration of zinc in semen may problem is complicated further by close inter-
be useful indicators of zinc deficiency as one of relations between functions o f many trace
the possible causes of reproductive dysfunction elements and various metabolic processes so
in ruminants. that an imbalance in the intake o f one element
may change the requirement for others. For
example, excess calcium added to nonlegume
rations without added trace elements has
In view of the relatively large requirements caused interference with the estrous cycle and
for iron and its occurrence in major quantities with ovulation in cattle; when alfalfa hay or
in blood and muscle as well as in numerous trace elements were added to the diet, fertility
enzymes, it is arguable whether iron properly is was improved (95). A general elevation of the
considered a trace element. Nevertheless, mineral content of the diet appears to have
iron traditionally has been included among the beneficial effects on fertility. By analysis of
essential trace minerals. feedstuffs fed to cows and blood samples
While there is no evidence of iron deficiency periodically over several months, trace elements
ever in grazing sheep or cattle except as a result of the feed were reflected in the blood content,
of disease or infestation, a number of investiga- and this in turn was paralleled with fertility
tors have drawn attention to correlations (104).
between the iron content of body fluids and This review emphasizes the need for ade-
fertility. quately controlled experiments to determine
Iron, manganese, copper, and zinc were whether trace-element malnutrition, in itself,
significantly higher in the sera of regular impairs fertility. Little is known about the way
breeders than in repeat breeders (57). Correla- in which malnutrition of trace elements affects
tions were high between iron and zinc content the complex function of the reproductive
of blood and number of inseminations required system. All metals in this review are involved in
per conception (51). enzymatic functions, and some hormonal
In a study of iron and copper in the accessory activities appear to be correlated with trace
gland fluids and semen of bulls, concentration elements. In future studies, therefore, it may
of iron was much greater in the spermatozoa prove useful to examine the hormonal status of
than in the seminal plasma (21). The average cattle and sheep in the light of possible defici-
concentration of iron in ampullary fluid and encies in reproductive dysfunction. Improved
in semen was 1.08 and .61 mg/ml, whereas in assay techniques for hormones and minerals

Journal of Dairy Science Vot. 62, No. 8, 1979


c o u l d lead to a b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e The pathogenesis of "falling disease". Australian

interrelationships between reproductive abnor- Vet. J. 24:237.
12 Berezin, Y. M. 1961. Trace elements in livestock.
malities and deficiencies o f specific trace
Rica, USSR.
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 8, 1979

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