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1."Tell Me About Yourself..."

i was born in a little town near cartagena i decided to come to medellin because i started my
studies in international business i love this career, i am currently in the sixth semester, i have
only had one job that lasted four months, i recently resigned, i worked as a service advisor
customer in a call center in the area of international trade.

2."Why Should We Hire You?"

In different kind of situations at war i could demostrate my habilities likeassertive communication,

empathy with the customers and always my respect in and of my wook position

3."What Is Your Greatest Strength?"

I think that one of my greatest strengths is the ability to adapt quickly, active listening, team
worker, undertanding puntuality, proactive, positive attitude, planning skills, personable, learning
quickly, it skills, hardworking, atentive, y I have a experience in customer service.

4."What Is Your Greatest Weakness?"

My biggest weakness has always been that I tend to stress a lot about anything, and that affects
my health, I usually have a lot of migraines, but with my last job I learned a lot to cope with stress,
to take things easy and not worry about little things.

5."Why Do You Want toWork forUs?"

I see it as a way to progress in my professional career, because I have been following this company
closely for a long time, and I am excited to contribute to its growth, and thus continue to grow
professionally and personally, it is a wellknown company, they adapt to the needs of any client,
with a very good work environment, its processes are innovative, and it is one of the best
international cargo agencies.

6.“Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?"

I worked in a call center in the area of foreign trade, I studied and worked, I quit because I was no
longer giving myself time to do university work, and the salary was not good enough to continue
sacrificing myself for working there.

7.“What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?"

Mai greitest work achivment guas guen ai guas on a col guit a customer, ju was so angri. It guas
reiteratif. Dey jad querried aut a bat proces and ad

My greatest work achievement was when I was on a call with a client who was very angry, it was
reiterative, they had carried out a bad process and the advisors who attended him previously did
not give him a solution and made the process more complicated, I had to solve the problem, since
the client was going to file a complaint which would affect me a lot, at one point I was very
overwhelme and I cried because he was treating me very badly, but then I calmed down and he
can investigate and solve his problem.

8.“Where Do You See Yourself in5 Years?"

In five years I hope to have finished my career, with a stable job I hope to have met the objectives,
goals that were assigned to my position and also made important and innovative progress in the
processes at the hands of my colleagues for the company you are with.

9.“Do You Have Any Questions forMe?"

Is it important to be happy at work?

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